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Crack that job interview! Some Good Tips to face the Interview...

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Crack that job interview!


Some Good Tips to face the Interview...




interview is a harrowing experience in any job-seeker's life, but in

this day of cost-cutting, it can be even more of an ordeal. Sweaty

palms, nervous fidgeting and urgent prayers are all just part of the



interviews are not the inquisition they are made out to be, and if you

play your cards right, chances are you'll return with the job in your

bag. Here are some tips that will help you gain that extra edge and

bring you closer to cracking that interview.


interview process starts even before you go to meet your prospective

employer. Start by preparing for the big day. Research the company/

organisation as well as you possibly can. Check their website, read

whatever published literature you can find about the company, and if

you know anyone who works there, talk to them. This will give you a

better insight into the company and their work. It will also show

initiative on your part.



you are very nervous about the interview, ask a friend to go through a

dry run with you. Practice a mock interview at home, ask for feedback

and try to iron out all wrinkles in your responses before you go for

the interview.

Carry all your documents:


always carry at least two or three copies of your resume, and all other

documents that might be relevant to the job and/ or the interview.

Arriving without relevant materials says that you are unprepared and

not serious about the job.

Know your skill set:


you great at developing processes but don't know how to use the latest

software? Are you good at design but hate conceptualizing? Know what

your strengths and weaknesses are, so that you can play up your

strengths at the interview table. A common interview question often is:

" What are your three greatest strengths? " Try to come up with an answer

that can be backed with examples, numbers or concrete results.

Don't  back-bite:


will almost certainly be asked why you left your previous company. Be

sure to give a professional reply and refrain from bad-mouthing your

previous employer, no matter how bad the terms you left on were.

Back-biting will only make you appear petulant and vengeful.

Watch your attitude:


be cocky and overconfident, but don't be subservient and passive

either. The organisation is most likely looking for someone who is

confident, eager to learn, and a good worker.

Communicate well:


skills aren't a bonus in today's job market, they are a pre-requisite.

Greet the interviewer with a firm handshake, make eye contact, and

speak clearly and concisely. Don't ramble but make sure you get your

point across. This will demonstrate your level of confidence and

clarity of thought.


It's a two- way street:


an interview is an interaction to determine how well you fit into the

organisation's needs as well as how the company fits into your career

plan. Ask questions, be involved and make suggestions. Your prospective

employer will be pleased that you showed interest and were willing to

learn more.

Highlight other achievements:


what takes you that extra mile need not be professional experience. It

could be something you did on your own time that shows you in a better

light to a prospective employer. For instance, if you have volunteer

work on your resume, play it up. This shows a socially responsible bent

of mind. If you are well-travelled, mention it. Not only does it say

that you have had various kinds of exposure, it also implies you are

adaptable to different cultures -- this might be useful if the job

requires you to travel.

Say thank you


day after the interview, send out a crisp thank you e-mail. However, be

careful you don't make it a long saga, brevity is key when it comes to

thank you notes.

With inputs from Sunder Ramachandran, HR trainer and consultant, WCH Solutions.

Never take some one for granted,

Hold every person

Close to your Heart

because you might wake up one day

and realize

that you have lost a diamond

while you were too busy collecting stones. "



 Remember this always in life.















Syed Hassan Ali

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Hum-Our-Tum Inspirational Group


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Hyderabad India








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