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~~ The Fine Line With Being Spiritual ~~

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~~ The Fine Line With Being Spiritual ~~


Hiya all,


Well I dont do a lot of posting on the group but thats all going to

change :D


I now have a little more time on my hands and I will be using the

time to post on here.....


So, The Fine Line....


Well this is going to be a bit of a ramble but I will try my hardest

to explain what I mean and I would love to hear your views on this



When I say the fine line I am refering to the fine line between

being too spiritual and not spiritual enough...


I would consider myself quiet balanced as far as being both

spiritual and fitting in with my surrounding without being judged /

frounded upon with regards to what I belive, as im sure most of you

have encounted on your path...


I did used to find it difficult to share what I belive in, talk

about healing and infact any of the topics we cover here at OBC.

I would find some people laff at me if I mentioned mediumship or

healing energy etc, others would frown at me and allmost at the same

time catigorise me as a fruitcake and thus never taking me seriously



Im sure I could continue on this bit alone for a while about the

different responced received but Im sure you allready get the



So if you live in a community that does not share similar beleifs as

yourself and its not that you fear being singled out but on the

whole it would make your life for you and your family easyer if

people didnt know your beleifs, and you blend in.....


Right I will side track a little now, I will share some of my

beleifs now without going into too much detail...


OK I belive we create our own realities in every way shape and form,

but this also means that everyone else also creates theres...


Everyone knows what they know at there own level... this I think

means many things....


Being unconditional...


What other people think is none of your business...


There is more but I would like to continue with these for the



So going back to what do we do, how do we deal with this? you could

say that if you fear the respoces of what others with do say and

think within your community, then you would be manifesting that


So you are like an underground spiritual person who has to keep all

the valuble information, beleifs to your self and obviously your

closest friends and OBC lol.....


You could think, fuck it, I am who I am, I dont care what others

think, dress your house with crystals, wear light coloured clothing

al the time and walk round with a crystal ball under your arm....

But it is probable that you will be know to your neighbours /

community as the local nutter for generations to come and be

generally made a specticle of.......


Or maybe your poticulally good at manifesting and you manifest

harmany within your community even tho you have different beleifs,

and you are allways teated the same both respected and taken

seriously... This would be ideal indeed...

And yes its possible I hear some of you think, well I did say we

create our own realities, and we do, and we could.... BUT do we

forget that all the others in the community create there own reality

and in there reality they dont like nutters, freaks, medium.. and

they dnt belive in energy or spirits and they fear you because you

know stuff that they dont.... and in turn they may not want there

kids, family to mix with you because your a nutter??


your getting the idea... I didnt just think this up lol


So is it then that with being spiritual, and being mostly love and

light, crystals, healing and chatting with spirits etc sounds all

very perfect and harmonious .. yes... maybe in the olden days many

thousends of years ago when it would have been more accepted, but

with the world we live in today I feel there is perhaps no 20th

century spiritual survivle guide handbook avalable hehe


Then there is the other side, where perhaps people would like to be

more spiritual but are so in fear of what others think, they hide

there crystals, there books, go on OBC late at night when nobodys

home etc etc

where they dont have the surroundings to be as spiritual as they

would like to be.....


And there is allways going to be there people who go the whole hog

and live eat and breath spiritualisum with everyone they meet etc

etc etc.....


So the Question now is where is the line???


Is there a line???


I would love to hear some responces before I personally answer



Love and light






I have also started this thred on OBC, found here

http://onebigcircle.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19 & t=368

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