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4th house - I

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Qn: Sir, I am sure the fourth Bhava is related to Mother. However, I believe,

there are other matters are related to this Bhava. Also, there are many

interpretations by various authors on 4th Bhava, and Planets related to this

House, and its contributions. I will be grateful, if you kindly explain in

detail about analyzing this house. Thank you :: Arun, Fer……


Dear Mr. Arun:


In short, 4th house in a birth chart is very important and gives lot of details

of the person, and to whom he is born, from birth to end of life. I may not be

able to list all in a message. However, I will give you some of the details

required by you.




CHATHURTHABHAVA PRABHAVAANNI THAJJAA: || 59 ||a. The growth and possibility of

learning; b. The welfare of Mother; c. Sweet Smelling substances, d. Cows

(Kine), e. Relations, f. Mental Attributes,

g. Luxury Vehicles, h. Lands and houses ( Immovable Properties).

Similar explanations are found in ‘Jathaka Rathna’ also.

Sukam Gruham ……..Vahanamththra samjam ||Now I will give you a few of selected

Planetary influences referred to this FOURTH House:


1. The Fourth Bhava, if occupied by its LORD, (you have to measure the quality

gained by Planet when occupying this house) or if that 4th Bhava occupant is in

aspect of a benefic Planet, or that occupant is associated with a benefic Planet

- the person born is amiable for his learning and humility.

2. The educational achievement will be very high, if Mercury is the lord of that

4th Bhava, and strongest among all Planets in that birth chart.

3. When Lord of the 4th Bhava, occupies a dusthana in that chart, or in aspect

or associated with a malefic Planet, he will be void of rational

intelligence/education. (This rule is very important in judging a child/person

being autistic)

If the Lord of 4th Bhava is in a Malefic Rasi, the same result could be


If Jupiter and Mercury, along with Lord of 4th Bhava, positioned in a chart in

3rd,6th, 8th, or 12th house from Lagna, or if they are in a inimical signs, or

any of them in a depression sign, will indicate that the person will be devoid

of education, taste for learning, intelligent and /or could judge with reason in

his life.

4. If Jupiter and Mercury along with 4th lord (or of their own) be in the bhava

of exaltation, or in their own houses, or in a Trikonas or Kendra positions the

person born will have fortune, learning, education, and will be revered in the

company of similar intelligent and qualified persons to attain high standard of





1. When Venus has more power occupying in it’s own or exalted or on other

counts, with Moon occupying a benefic portion in a sign in Kendra to Lagna, and

in aspect of a benefic Planet, while 4th Bhava is recognized to be strong, the

natives mother will have a long life.

2. The mother will be lost by the native, if the lord of the 4th Bhava is in 6th

or 12th Bhava from lagna in a birth chart, and in aspect of a malefic Planet, in

the related period in his life. ( When this is noted the appropriate period as

per ‘Gochara’ to form this combination with above listed Planets should be

accounted before coming to conclusion)

3. Similarly, as in the above, if the Waning Moon in a birth chart is associated

with a malefic Planet and placed in 5th, 8th or 12th House as also a Malefic

Planet occupied in 4th Bhava of a birth chart ( ‘Gochara’ movement to be taken

to find this), there will be loss of Mother at that time.

4. The loss of Mother is also indicated, when Saturn in 4th Bhava of a birth

chart, is in aspect of a Malefic Planet, and Lord of 8th Bhava occupies a Bhava

of its inimical house or depression, then loss of Mother could happen in the

period arrived at similar to above.

5. Mother’s ailment: When a malefic planet is in 3rd or 5th bhava, and the Moon

is associated with Malefic Planet or Planets, and the Lord of 4th Bhava is in

depression or in an inimical sign, the mother’s ailment is seen.




1.Father of the Natal is subjected to excessive bodily enjoyment or luxury, a

sensualist - voluptuary - , when the Lord of 4th bhava is in occupation of 9th

bhava in the birth chart, and is in conjunction with the lord of 6th bhava.

Similar deductions could be arrived, if the Lord of 4th bhava, occupying 4th

bhava in conjunction with the lord of 9th bhava for the same effect.

2. If the 9th bhava is occupied in the birth chart of one, with Lord of 4th

bhava and 6th bhava, will produce the result that his father will be one

recklessly extravagant or wasteful, abandoned to vice, dissolute or prodigal.


Wrong relations:





If the moon be associated with as well as in aspect by a malefic Planet or if

the Sun occupy a Kendra, AND the 4th bhava be either malefic or in aspect of a

malefic in his birth chart, the person so born will cause sexual intercourse

with the prohibited degrees with his mother.

2. If the Moon is in conjunction with Mars occupying in the 4th bhava and with

the lord of the 6th bhava (the Moon + Mars + lord of the 6th bhava), the mother

of the person born will have had intrigues with another. The Sun and Rahu in the

forth Bhava will make the mother not restraining the passions or appetite -

unchaste (incontinent)

To be continued …..

Pathi (10th February 2009)

Sri Vaidhyanatha Dikshita’s Jathaka Parijatha - Adhyaya 12.



103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,                                    

North Carolina, 27514, USA







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