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Science debate

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Sorry for the earlier blank email .


How we all get caught in the semantics . Science means a branch of

knowledge requiring systematic study and method . We keep mixing it up

with physical sciences only and make it a position rather than a

delineation . Then we keep putting up our own interpretations above

which others base their interpretations. In several institutions there

are even positions called scientist or scientific officer . How can

scientist , senior scientist etc can possibly be positions really

beats me .


Some people say that in maths or physics one plus one always equals

two , that is not so in Jyotish so Jyotish is not science . But dear

even in matsh or physics one plus one does not always make two other

than by definition .


Astrology is something akin to economics . No principle of economic

scan be proved in practice other than by putting severe boundary

conditions . No principle of economics is repeatedly applicable . For

the same situation economists come up with diametrically opposite or

tangentially opposite solutions . And many of these succeed in

practice . Now because they have succeeded once or twice or thrice

does not guarantee their success the fourth time . Sounds very

familiar ?


That is why it is better not to call astrology a science and invite

endless debate . Let us rather practice astrology and inculcate it in

daily life and leave the others in peace.


Regards ,


Anand K. Ghurye

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Please go through the article if you have time, and then you can debate even if

Brihat Samhita or Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra is a fake too, LOL.




Anyways, E.O.D (end of discussion).


As such, we can never changes other's beliefs, so lets us please carry on with

our individual beliefs. Why force them upon others? If time comes, the truth

will come out and everyone will get the right answers.



--- On Fri, 2/13/09, anand.ghurye <anand.ghurye wrote:


anand.ghurye <anand.ghurye

[vedic astrology] Science debate

vedic astrology

Friday, February 13, 2009, 9:55 AM







Sorry for the earlier blank email .


How we all get caught in the semantics . Science means a branch of

knowledge requiring systematic study and method . We keep mixing it up

with physical sciences only and make it a position rather than a

delineation . Then we keep putting up our own interpretations above

which others base their interpretations. In several institutions there

are even positions called scientist or scientific officer . How can

scientist , senior scientist etc can possibly be positions really

beats me .


Some people say that in maths or physics one plus one always equals

two , that is not so in Jyotish so Jyotish is not science . But dear

even in matsh or physics one plus one does not always make two other

than by definition .


Astrology is something akin to economics . No principle of economic

scan be proved in practice other than by putting severe boundary

conditions . No principle of economics is repeatedly applicable . For

the same situation economists come up with diametrically opposite or

tangentially opposite solutions . And many of these succeed in

practice . Now because they have succeeded once or twice or thrice

does not guarantee their success the fourth time . Sounds very

familiar ?


That is why it is better not to call astrology a science and invite

endless debate . Let us rather practice astrology and inculcate it in

daily life and leave the others in peace.


Regards ,


Anand K. Ghurye




















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A very wise western astrologer (western of origin and practicing

western tropical astrology) has always called Astrology as a craft.

One needs the know-how and constant practical, hands-on practice to

stay in touch and perhaps such must be seriously considered. One has

to do it to know it.





vedic astrology , " anand.ghurye "

<anand.ghurye wrote:


> Sorry for the earlier blank email .


> How we all get caught in the semantics . Science means a branch of

> knowledge requiring systematic study and method . We keep mixing it


> with physical sciences only and make it a position rather than a

> delineation . Then we keep putting up our own interpretations above

> which others base their interpretations. In several institutions


> are even positions called scientist or scientific officer . How can

> scientist , senior scientist etc can possibly be positions really

> beats me .


> Some people say that in maths or physics one plus one always equals

> two , that is not so in Jyotish so Jyotish is not science . But dear

> even in matsh or physics one plus one does not always make two other

> than by definition .


> Astrology is something akin to economics . No principle of economic

> scan be proved in practice other than by putting severe boundary

> conditions . No principle of economics is repeatedly applicable .


> the same situation economists come up with diametrically opposite or

> tangentially opposite solutions . And many of these succeed in

> practice . Now because they have succeeded once or twice or thrice

> does not guarantee their success the fourth time . Sounds very

> familiar ?


> That is why it is better not to call astrology a science and invite

> endless debate . Let us rather practice astrology and inculcate it


> daily life and leave the others in peace.


> Regards ,


> Anand K. Ghurye


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The following is an extract from the book " The kabala of Numbers " by

SEPHARIAL. Will this be sufficient to call astrology a science


" " " -------------------------

WHEN we speak of a chance event, we really express our ignorance. of

the law

governing the occurrence. We do not seriously assume to mean that

Nature has not

provided for such event, or that it had no natural causation. We

speak of

coincidences, as when an astrologer makes a singularly pointed

prediction which

afterward proves to be in line with the facts. But we must not think

that ,in

the use of that word we have disposed of the scientific possibility of

prediction. We may take comfort in it as did the old lady in the

blessed word

" Mesopotamia " , but that is all that it can do for us. The use of the


" coincidence " is a scientific statement of a fact, we assert thereby

that the

time. and circumstance prescribed in the prophecy coincide with the

event in

fulfilment-that the prediction;, in short, is true to time and nature

of event.

But many coincidences make a law. If some appples fell off thc trees

into space,

some obliquely into our neighbour's garden, and others directly to

the earth,

the law of gravity would never have been discovered.. Ages ago things


supposed to fall because they were heavier than air, and a good deal


suffering would have been spared the pioneer's of scientific thought

had this

belief been maintained. The fact, however, that all the apples fell

in lines

perpendicular to the tangent of the earth's circumference, i.e. in a


line towards the earth's centre, and. that one of them coincided with


thinking-box of a. scientific man, set the whole world wondering. The


of gravitation had been discovered. Modern science has said much

which is

contrary to the Principia of Newton. Today it has stumbled up against


phenomena which seem to indicate that, after all, it may not be the


of gravitation that does these things. The facts do not answer to the

theory of

attraction. When it is seen that inter­molecular ether is negative to


ether it may be found convenient to look at the obverse side of the

door, and,

instead of reading " pull " , the scientist may find " push " as an answer

to his

question. In other words, bodies rnay be impelled towards the earth

by the

" push " of spatial ether, instead of being drawn to the earth by

the " pull " of

the earth's mass. So much, then, for the argu­ment from coincidence.


that, instead of relegating everything we do not understand to the

domain of

chance, we endeavour to seek a law which shall not only include the

facts but

render the prediction of others of a similar nature possible. .1 will

hazard a

suggestion which may form a work­ing basis for an intelligible theory




We have already viewed the universe as the personality or embodiment

of a

Creative Power. We have seen that it is a symbol, and that it answers

to a

system of physiognomy by which we have learned something concerning


character of the Creator whose forces eusoul it. Let us, then, regard


universe as man. The Rosicrucians so regarded it, and called it Adam


Swedenborg called it the Grand Man, the Macroprosopus.




The astrologers have for many ages related the encircling zodiac

to the zones or divisions of the human body. Aries they found to

correspond to

the head, Taurus to the neck, Gemini to the arms, and so down to the

feet, which

correspond to. Pisces. " As above, so below " the great is reflected in

the small.

The circle of the zodiac has its mundane relations. An empiricism


through many centuries determined the signs corresponding to various

areas of

the earth, to territories, kingdoms, cities, and towns.


The method employed was that of the scientific experimentalist. Here

is a toxine

; let us see what effect it will have when injected. The experiment


certain results, and research is made for an antidote, something that


n_utralize the action of the poison. Or, a bacteriologist makes a

culture of

germs and studies their effects upon animal­bodies. He also

experiments on the

culture itself to & scertain what medium favours the develop­ment of

the germs,

and what tends to sterilize the medium and render it fatal to the

development of

the germs. Then, by empirical means, he has two great facts before

him: (a) that

certain germ cultures produce certain morbid conditions in animal

bodies, and

(b) that certain media neutralize the action of these germs.


The astrologers followed the same method. They observed the effects


immediately upon the ingress of the various planets into the signs of


zodiac, and what happened during the stay of the planet in each sign.


deter­mined the specific natures of the planets and their

modifications by a

careful and patient empiricism. Then the deductive method was more


employed, and, from like causes, like effects were anticipated. A


calculation gave them the means of ascertaining the past effects of


..positions, while a prospective calcula­tion enabled them to predict

what might

reasonably be expected from identical causes in the future.


When two clouds are electrified, one becomes


negative to the other, they rush together, and their


impact produces thunder; while the discharge of


electricity produces lightning, as if the terminals


of a battery were brought together. The lightning


flash is only a big spark.


Now, the astrologers had already discovered that Mars was a positive

planet and a heat producer, while Saturn was a negative planet and a


producer. They were naturally curious to observe what effects would


when these planets were in conjunction, i.e. in the same part of the

heavens as

seen from the Earth's centre.


There were two means open to them, one being


to " wait and see " , the other retrospection. By a combination of the


orbital motions of the two bodies, they were able to construct a

table of the

past conjunctions of these planets through the


entire circle of the zodiac. Astronomy, chronology,


and history conspired to the result, and the effects of the

conjunctions of Mars

and Saturn in the successive signs of the zodiac were predicable in a


manner for all time. Needless to say they were of an adverse, and most

frequently, of a violent, nature. .


There is a conjunction of these planets every alternate year, the


falling in the next sign on each occasion; so that in 265 years it

performs nine

revolutions, and comes nearly to the same place in the zodiac.


If we trace the ,conjunction through recent years,


we find a singular uniformity of ill effects attending


upon the countries ruled by the sign of conjunction.




Sagittarius rules Spain and Italy, the opposition Gemini ruling the


States; Capricorn rules India, Aquarius rules Russia, Pisces rules


Aries rules England, Taurus rules Ireland, Cancer rules Scotland and


Leo rules France, according to ancient observations. Let us trace

some recent







1897. Ndvember, Mars and Saturn conjoined in




Hispano-American War, 1898.


1899. December, conjunction in the same sign.


King Humbert. of Italy assassinated_




1901. December, conjunctioti in Capricorn.


Bande-Mataram Agitation, 1902.


1903. December, conjunction in Aquarius.


Russo-Japanese War, 1904.


1905. December, again in Aquarius.


Russian Revolt, 1906.


" Red Sunday " , 1906.


1907. December, conjunction in Pisces.


Assassination of King and Crown Prince


of Portugal, 1908,; Followed by Re­volution.


1909. December, conjunction in Aries.


Death of King Edward VII, 1910.


Democratic Ascendancy, 1910.


1911. August, conjunction in Taurus.


1913. August, conjunction in Gemini.




What we may expect to follow will best be defined by reference to

the past effects of similar positions. The last conjunction in Taurus

was 1881.

This was the year of the Agrarian outrage in Ireland, and the murder

of Burke

and Cavendish in Phoenix Park.


Using our greater period of 265 years, we find


the following parallel:


1644. Saturn and Mars in Aries.


+265 Marston Moor. Overthrow of the Royal­ists, 1644.




1909. Democratic Ascendancy, 1910.


Death of King Edward, 1910.


1646. Saturn and Mars in Taurus.


+265 The Irish Rebellion, 1646.


1911. The Irish Protest, 1911.




1648. Saturn and Mars in Gemini.


+265 London invested by Cromwell, 1648


King Charles. in flight.


The House of Lords abolished, 1648


King Charles beheaded, 1649.








1650. Saturn and Mars in Cancer.


+265 Great Floods in Holland, 1650.


Scotland invaded and reduced by












The question now arises, what connection have


planetary periods with numerology? In a general


sense they tend to establish the physiognomy of Nature as . a


study. If the powers that be elect to signal us . by means of


phenomena,why not by numerical figures? If by planetary periods we,

may trace

the periodicity of events, why not by numerical sequences?


What we have to remember is that there is no such thing as chance in

a universe

controlled by law. We have to reduce all our observations to a

statement which,

if not conformable to any known law, is at least not in conflict with

such laws

as we know. A law should include all the facts. A theory should be


elastic to admit new observations. An intelligent theory of the

universe leaves

room for variety of interpretation.------------- " "








vedic astrology , " Rohiniranjan "

<jyotish_vani wrote:


> A very wise western astrologer (western of origin and practicing

> western tropical astrology) has always called Astrology as a craft.

> One needs the know-how and constant practical, hands-on practice to

> stay in touch and perhaps such must be seriously considered. One


> to do it to know it.


> RR



> vedic astrology , " anand.ghurye "

> <anand.ghurye@> wrote:

> >

> > Sorry for the earlier blank email .

> >

> > How we all get caught in the semantics . Science means a branch of

> > knowledge requiring systematic study and method . We keep mixing


> up

> > with physical sciences only and make it a position rather than a

> > delineation . Then we keep putting up our own interpretations


> > which others base their interpretations. In several institutions

> there

> > are even positions called scientist or scientific officer . How


> > scientist , senior scientist etc can possibly be positions really

> > beats me .

> >

> > Some people say that in maths or physics one plus one always


> > two , that is not so in Jyotish so Jyotish is not science . But


> > even in matsh or physics one plus one does not always make two


> > than by definition .

> >

> > Astrology is something akin to economics . No principle of


> > scan be proved in practice other than by putting severe boundary

> > conditions . No principle of economics is repeatedly applicable .

> For

> > the same situation economists come up with diametrically opposite


> > tangentially opposite solutions . And many of these succeed in

> > practice . Now because they have succeeded once or twice or thrice

> > does not guarantee their success the fourth time . Sounds very

> > familiar ?

> >

> > That is why it is better not to call astrology a science and


> > endless debate . Let us rather practice astrology and inculcate


> in

> > daily life and leave the others in peace.

> >

> > Regards ,

> >

> > Anand K. Ghurye

> >


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