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Windfall sudden gains and lotteries

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|| Hare Krsna||


Respected Gurujans and astrologers,


Following Narasimhaguruji's words below, what are the exact indications in

the chart for lotteries and windfalls.


Answers and debate from respected forum astrologers would be enlightening.


Kind regards,



||Sarvam Shree Krishaarpanamatsu||


On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvrwrote:


> Namaste,


> In the lottery example, birthdate is not February 12. I made a typo. It is

> February 2.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------

> Do a Short Homam Yourself:


> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself:


> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows):


> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:


> -------------------------


> -

> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

> Kasim Khan ; sohamsa <sohamsa%40> ;

> vedic astrology <vedic astrology%40> ;

> <%40> ;

> sjcboston <sjcboston%40>

> Sunday, February 15, 2009 11:57 PM

> Re: Planetary Special Lagna Research (HL and Ju2)


> Dear Kasim,


> > I find it wonderful how you remain calm

> > despite apparently negative comments


> I no longer take these things personally, even when comments appear to be

> personal. What others say, do and think of me matters very little to me, as

> long as it is not interfering with or blocking my dharma. If I take on

> someone, it is, in my mind, to the extent needed in order to fulfil my own

> dharma. I engage in actions that fulfil what I see as my dharma in this

> world and try to avoid distractions to the best of my ability.


> When one acts in a stage drama, another actor may say bad things to one.

> But it is just a drama and there is no need to take it personally. Just play

> *your* role and be done with the drama. The same actor may have said good

> things about you in a previous scene or in a previous drama or may say good

> things a few scenes later or in a future drama. This life is just a big

> stage drama and people we interact with are characters in the drama.


> * * *


> > I wonder if you can give an example how

> > you use HL in the approach below.


> HL is based on Sun and a factor of 2 (2nd house). Sun is the giver of life

> and vitality in general, but not specifically for money. Thus, I do not

> consider HL to be so important for money. In fact, classics specifically

> mention HL in the context of longevity and death, but not really money.


> I consider planetary special lagna Ju2 (based on Jupiter's rise and a

> factor of 2) to be more relevant to finances than HL.


> * * *


> In Bill Gates' rasi chart, Ju2 is in Ar. The 2nd lord Venus and 11th lord

> Saturn are strong and together in the 7th house of business. Venus has half

> aspect on lagna within a degree and he connects the 2nd, 7th and 11th from

> Ju2 with lagna. His dasa ran from 1982 to 2002. This dasa brought him

> financial success.


> Of course, I mentioned Me10 earlier. Me10 is in Ge. The 5th and 9th lords

> from Me10 are Venus and Saturn and they are together in 5th from Me10. Venus

> has half aspect on lagna as mentioned. So Venus dasa made him well-known for

> his work too.


> * * *


> I will give one more example. A person born on 1957 Feb 12 at 7:54:30 pm

> (IST) at Thiruchirapalli, India (78e41, 10n49) won a lottery on 2002 June

> 20.


> Lagna is in vargottama. So Sataabdika dasa applies. Saturn-Saturn antardasa

> brought the financial windfall in lottery. Ju2 is in Cn. From Ju2, Saturn is

> the 8th lord of windfall in the 5th house of poorva punya. He aspects lagna

> by 10th aspect and also has 3/4th aspect on lagna lord Moon within half a

> degree. So he brings poorva punya and windfall to the person.


> In the annual TP chart of 2002-03, Ju2 is in Sc. Jupiter is the 2nd and 5th

> lord in 8th. Note that the 5th and 8th houses are involved again. He is with

> lagna lord Rahu and aspects lagna with 9th aspect. Jupiter's annual TA dasa

> was running at the time of lottery win.


> In the Tajaka solar return chart also, Ju2 is in Sc. Jupiter is 2nd and 5th

> lord in 8th again. He owns lagna too. Jupiter's annual Patyayini dasa was

> running.


> * * *


> I need to re-emphasize this. This planetary special lagna thing is just

> research. Do not jump to any conclusions hastily.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------

> Do a Short Homam Yourself:


> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself:


> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows):


> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:


> -------------------------


> -

> Kasim Khan

> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> ;

> vedic astrology <vedic astrology%40> ;

> <%40> ;

> sjcboston <sjcboston%40> ; Narasimha P.V.R.

> Rao

> Sunday, February 15, 2009 5:32 PM

> RE: Planetary Special Lagna Research


> Dear Narasimha,


> Hare Rama Krsna


> Your thoughts and research are very interesting and very lucidly written. I

> find it wonderful how you remain calm despite apparently negative comments

> from your dear Guru Sanjay Rath.


> I wonder if you can give an example how you use HL in the approach below.

> You can give examples perhaps using Bill Gates or Richard Branson's charts.


> Best wishes


> Kasim



> -------------------------


> vedic astrology <vedic astrology%40>;

> <%40>;

> sohamsa <sohamsa%40>;

> sjcBoston <sjcBoston%40>

> pvr <pvr%40charter.net>

> Sat, 14 Feb 2009 00:05:35 -0500

> Planetary Special Lagna Research




> Namaste,


> > You have mentioned some exciting aspects of special lagna and

> > specifically mentioned by Ve7. You may kindly give the information

> > as to which book I have to refer to know these concepts in detail

> > I am 63 years oldman who enjoys your contribution on Astrology.

> > I will be grateful if you would kindly enlighten me on this.


> This is just research. It is not from a classic or a parampara. So it is

> not covered by any classic or modern book.


> Inspired by Parasara's teachings on special lagnas, I just generalized it

> and followed up on the result of my intuition with some practical testing.

> In my limited research, I found these special planetary lagnas to be

> interesting.


> I can give some examples using Ve7. If this makes no sense to you, please

> ignore the research. If it makes sense to you, please feel free to use the

> knowledge, develop it further and also spread it freely.


> * * *


> Definition of Ve7: Ve7 is a special lagna like hora lagna, ghati lagna etc.

> We can perhaps call it " Sukra Dara Lagna " . At the time Venus rises (i.e.

> lagna and Venus are conjunct), Ve7 is at the same longitude as Venus. It

> will complete 7 revolutions around the zodiac and reach the longitude of

> Venus at the time of next day's rise of Venus. It moves at a uniform speed.

> So it moves by 7x360 deg in about 24 hours, i.e. 105 deg every hour. JHora's

> " special lagna research " feature can be used to show it in charts.


> If you use Sun instead of Venus and 5 instead of 7 as the speed factor, you

> get Ghati Lagna. Ghati lagna has to do with power and authority, while Ve7

> has to do with marriage.


> Use of Ve7: Parasara said that BL, HL, GL etc can be used as references and

> houses can be found from them just like lagna. In my experience, I found

> that Ve7 and 7th from it are important for marriage. Usually, antardasa of

> marriage (based on nakshatra dasa) is related to a planet linking the 7th

> from Ve7 with lagna in some manner. In the annual Tithi Pravesha chart of

> the year of marriage also, you will find a strong link between the 7th from

> Ve7 and lagna.


> * * *


> Example 1: Birthdata is 1970 April 4, 5:47:13 pm (IST), 81e12, 16n15. In

> the natal rasi chart, Ve7 is in Ge. The 7th lord from Ve7 is Jupiter. He and

> lagna lord Mercury aspect each other. Saturn-Jupiter antardasa gave

> marriage.


> Look at 1993-94 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Cancer. Lord of Ve7 is Moon and

> 7th lord from Ve7 is Saturn. Both join lagna lord Mercury in the 9th house

> of dharma from lagna. In Moon's annual TA dasa, the native got married.


> Example 2: Birthdata is 1970 October 5, 12:34 pm (IST), 80e21, 15n49. Ve7

> is in Sc. The 7th lord from Ve7 is Venus and he joins lagna lord Jupiter.

> Venus-Venus antardasa as per Chaturaseeti sama dasa (10th lord is in 10th

> and hence use this dasa) gave marriage.


> Look at 1998-99 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Ge. The 7th lord from Ve7 is

> Jupiter. He is in samasaptaka from lagna lord Venus. Marriage happened in

> Venus-Jupiter antardasa as per annual TP chart.


> Example 3: Birthdata is 1973 July 26, 9:45:30 pm (IST), 80e28, 16n13. Ve7

> is in Cn. The 7th lord from Ve7 is Saturn. He has 10th aspect on lagna.

> Lagna lord Jupiter occupies 7th from Ve7. Jupiter-Saturn antardasa gave

> marriage.


> Look at 1998-99 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Pi. The 7th lord from Ve7 is

> Mercury and he joins lagna lord Sun. The 7th lord Rahu is in lagna and he

> aspects the 7th from Ve7. So he too connects the 7th from Ve7 with lagna.

> His annual TA dasa gave marriage.


> Example 4: Birthdata is 1971 September 12, 8:25 am (IST), 80e23, 16n13. Ve7

> is in Ar. The 7th from Ve7 and lagna are both in Li. Its lord is Venus. He

> is with Sun and Mercury and Mars aspects him by 8th aspect. Using Sataabdika

> dasa started from lagna, Mercury-Mars antardasa gave marriage.


> Look at 1992-93 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Le. The 7th house from Ve7 is

> aspected by Jupiter and he joins lagna lord Venus. Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa

> as per annual TA dasa brought marriage.


> Example 5: Birthdata is 1975 July 13, 4:04 pm (IST), 81e06, 16n42. Ve7 is

> in Vi. The 7th house is Pi and Rahu in lagna aspects it. Rahu-Rahu antardasa

> brought marriage.


> Look at the 2000-01 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Ar. The 7th lord from Ve7 is

> Venus. He is in lagna with lagna lord Mercury. Marriage happened in

> Mercury-Venus antardasa as per annual TA chart.


> Example 6 (Rajiv Gandhi): Birthdata is 1944 August 20, 7:12:45 am (IST),

> 72e49, 18n58. Ve7 is in Cn. The 7th lord from it is Saturn and he is

> aspecting lagna by 3rd aspect. Rahu has 7th aspect on the 7th from Ve7 and

> 2nd aspect on lagna. He too connects them. Saturn-Rahu antardasa as per

> Shashtihayani dasa brought marriage.


> Look at 1967-68 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Vi. The 7th lord from Ve7 is

> Jupiter. He aspects lagna. Jupiter's annual TA dasa brought marriage.


> Example 7: Birthdata is 1972 June 1, 4:16 am (IST), 81e12, 16n15. Ve7 is in

> Cn. The 7th from Ve7 is Cp. Lagna lord Mars aspects it by 8th aspect. The

> 7th lord from Ve7 is Saturn. He joins the dispositor of lagna lord, Mercury,

> and Sun also joins them. She got married in Mars-Sun antardasa.


> Look at 1993-94 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Vi. The 7th lord from Ve7 is

> Jupiter and he is in lagna. The 7th from Ve7 has exalted Venus and he

> aspects lagna. Jupiter-Venus antardasa as per annual TA dasa brought

> marriage.


> Example 8 (George Bush): Birthdata is 1946 July 6, 7:30 am (4 hrs west of

> GMT), New Haven, CT, USA (72w55'43 " , 41n18'29 " ). Ve7 is in Pi. The 7th from

> Ve7 has Jupiter and lagna lord Moon. Dwisaptati sama dasa applies as 7th

> lord Saturn is in lagna. As per that dasa, he got married in Moon-Jupiter

> antardasa.


> In the annual TP chart of 1977-78, Ve7 is in Vi. The 7th from Ve7 is

> aspected by Moon and Rahu, who are in lagna. He got married in Moon-Rahu

> antardasa as per annual TA dasa.


> * * *


> Ve7 is only one example. Several other planetary special lagnas based on

> other planets and other houses can be defined. They can also be used. This

> is an area for research.


> For example, find Ke12 by starting at Ketu's longitude when Ketu rises,

> progress *anti-zodiacally* at a uniform speed to go around the zodiac (in

> reverse) 12 times in the next 24 hours. That is how Ke12 is found. It

> changes sign in every 10 min. Count the 12th house anti-zodiacally from

> Ke12. When dasas activate links between that and lagna, important events

> relating to spiritual detachment happen. Interestingly, Ramakrishna

> Paramahamsa, Ramana Maharshi, Aurobindo Ghose and Swami Chandrasekhara

> Saraswati all have lagna in the 12th house from Ke12 when counted

> anti-zodiacally. It is a very interesting coincidence.


> * * *


> GL defined by Parasara is nothing but Su5 in the special planetary lagna

> notation of JHora. Planets linking the 5th from GL to lagna can bring

> political power based on my research.


> Let us revisit example 8. The 5th lord from GL is Jupiter. He joins lagna

> lord Jupiter. As per Dwisaptati sama dasa dasa, Jupiter dasa during April

> 2000-April 2009 pretty much coincides with his presidency (political power).

> Mercury is the 8th lord from GL and he is in lagna. In his antardasa, his

> second term ended.


> Let us see one more example.


> Example 9 (Dr Murli Manohar Joshi): Birthdata is 1934 January 5, 10:17 am

> (IST), 77e13, 28n40. GL is in Le. The 5th lord from GL is Jupiter and he

> aspects lagna lord by 5th aspect. His dasa started in 1997 and he became a

> central minister in India in 1998. Ketu is in 12th from GL and has rasi

> drishti on lagna (he has no graha drishti and hence we see rasi drishti

> only). His antardasa in 2004-2005 brought loss of political power. Moon

> antardasa in Jupiter dasa is running now. Moon has half aspect on the 5th

> from GL and aspects lagna. He can give political power again.


> In the 1998-99 annual TP chart, GL is in Le. The 5th lord from GL is

> Jupiter. He is with lagna lord Mars. He became a central minister in

> Jupiter's annual TA dasa.


> Example 10 (JFK): Birthdata is 1917 May 29, 4 pm (4 hours west of GMT),

> Brookline, MA, USA (71e7'18 " , 42n19'54 " ). Lagna is in vargottama and

> Sataabdika dasa started from lagna applies. He became a congressman in

> Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa and president in Jupiter-Moon antardasa. Jupiter

> is the 5th lord from GL and aspects lagna. Moon is in GL and has half aspect

> on 5th from GL and lagna lord.


> In the 1960-61 annual TP chart, GL is in Li. The 5th lord from GL is

> Saturn. He is in Sg and aspects Ge lagna and lagna lord Mercury in Ge.

> Saturn's annual TA dasa gave him victory in presidential elections.


> * * *


> Links between lagna and houses from planetary special lagnas seem to be

> important for important events in both natal charts (using the most

> appropriate nakshatra dasa) and annual Tithi Pravesha charts (using Tithi

> Ashtottari dasa).


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------

> Do a Short Homam Yourself:


> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself:


> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows):


> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:


> -------------------------

> -

> Balasubramaniam Ramachandran

> jhora <jhora%40>

> Sunday, February 08, 2009 11:43 AM

> jhora re: special lagna clarification given by Sri

> Narasimharaogaru


> Sri Narasimharao garu,


> Namaste. You have mentioned some exciting aspects of special lagna and

> specifically mentioned by Ve7. You may kindly give the information as to

> which book I have to refer to know these concepts in detail I am 63 years

> oldman who enjoys your contribution on Astrology. I will be grateful if you

> would kindly enlighten me on this.


> with regards,




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9th lord in 8th house.

11th lord in lagna,lagna lord in 2nd and 2nd lord in 11th house.

The above are few examples.

--- On Tue, 2/17/09, Nitin Sahadevan <nsdevan wrote:

Nitin Sahadevan <nsdevan

[vedic astrology] Windfall sudden gains and lotteries

vedic astrology

Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 2:58 AM













|| Hare Krsna||




Respected Gurujans and astrologers,




Following Narasimhaguruji' s words below, what are the exact indications in


the chart for lotteries and windfalls.




Answers and debate from respected forum astrologers would be enlightening.




Kind regards,






||Sarvam Shree Krishaarpanamatsu| |




On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>wrote:




> Namaste,




> In the lottery example, birthdate is not February 12. I made a typo. It is


> February 2.




> Best regards,


> Narasimha


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/

homam<http://www.vedicast rologer.org/ homam>


> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/

tarpana<http://www.vedicast rologer.org/ tarpana>


> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom


> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net


> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst

rologer.org<http://www.vedicast rologer.org/>


> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan

nath.org<http://www.srijagan nath.org/>


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -




> -


> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao


> Kasim Khan ; sohamsa@ .com <sohamsa%40gro ups.com> ;


> vedic astrology <vedic astrology% 40. com> ;


> <% 40. com> ;


> sjcboston@grou ps.com <sjcboston%40g roups.com>


> Sunday, February 15, 2009 11:57 PM


> Re: Planetary Special Lagna Research (HL and Ju2)




> Dear Kasim,




> > I find it wonderful how you remain calm


> > despite apparently negative comments




> I no longer take these things personally, even when comments appear to be


> personal. What others say, do and think of me matters very little to me, as


> long as it is not interfering with or blocking my dharma. If I take on


> someone, it is, in my mind, to the extent needed in order to fulfil my own


> dharma. I engage in actions that fulfil what I see as my dharma in this


> world and try to avoid distractions to the best of my ability.




> When one acts in a stage drama, another actor may say bad things to one.


> But it is just a drama and there is no need to take it personally. Just play


> *your* role and be done with the drama. The same actor may have said good


> things about you in a previous scene or in a previous drama or may say good


> things a few scenes later or in a future drama. This life is just a big


> stage drama and people we interact with are characters in the drama.




> * * *




> > I wonder if you can give an example how


> > you use HL in the approach below.




> HL is based on Sun and a factor of 2 (2nd house). Sun is the giver of life


> and vitality in general, but not specifically for money. Thus, I do not


> consider HL to be so important for money. In fact, classics specifically


> mention HL in the context of longevity and death, but not really money.




> I consider planetary special lagna Ju2 (based on Jupiter's rise and a


> factor of 2) to be more relevant to finances than HL.




> * * *




> In Bill Gates' rasi chart, Ju2 is in Ar. The 2nd lord Venus and 11th lord


> Saturn are strong and together in the 7th house of business. Venus has half


> aspect on lagna within a degree and he connects the 2nd, 7th and 11th from


> Ju2 with lagna. His dasa ran from 1982 to 2002. This dasa brought him


> financial success.




> Of course, I mentioned Me10 earlier. Me10 is in Ge. The 5th and 9th lords


> from Me10 are Venus and Saturn and they are together in 5th from Me10. Venus


> has half aspect on lagna as mentioned. So Venus dasa made him well-known for


> his work too.




> * * *




> I will give one more example. A person born on 1957 Feb 12 at 7:54:30 pm


> (IST) at Thiruchirapalli, India (78e41, 10n49) won a lottery on 2002 June


> 20.




> Lagna is in vargottama. So Sataabdika dasa applies. Saturn-Saturn antardasa


> brought the financial windfall in lottery. Ju2 is in Cn. From Ju2, Saturn is


> the 8th lord of windfall in the 5th house of poorva punya. He aspects lagna


> by 10th aspect and also has 3/4th aspect on lagna lord Moon within half a


> degree. So he brings poorva punya and windfall to the person.




> In the annual TP chart of 2002-03, Ju2 is in Sc. Jupiter is the 2nd and 5th


> lord in 8th. Note that the 5th and 8th houses are involved again. He is with


> lagna lord Rahu and aspects lagna with 9th aspect. Jupiter's annual TA dasa


> was running at the time of lottery win.




> In the Tajaka solar return chart also, Ju2 is in Sc. Jupiter is 2nd and 5th


> lord in 8th again. He owns lagna too. Jupiter's annual Patyayini dasa was


> running.




> * * *




> I need to re-emphasize this. This planetary special lagna thing is just


> research. Do not jump to any conclusions hastily.




> Best regards,


> Narasimha


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/

homam<http://www.vedicast rologer.org/ homam>


> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/

tarpana<http://www.vedicast rologer.org/ tarpana>


> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom


> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net


> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst

rologer.org<http://www.vedicast rologer.org/>


> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan

nath.org<http://www.srijagan nath.org/>


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -




> -


> Kasim Khan


> sohamsa@ .com <sohamsa%40gro ups.com> ;


> vedic astrology <vedic astrology% 40. com> ;


> <% 40. com> ;


> sjcboston@grou ps.com <sjcboston%40g roups.com> ; Narasimha P.V.R.


> Rao


> Sunday, February 15, 2009 5:32 PM


> RE: Planetary Special Lagna Research




> Dear Narasimha,




> Hare Rama Krsna




> Your thoughts and research are very interesting and very lucidly written. I


> find it wonderful how you remain calm despite apparently negative comments


> from your dear Guru Sanjay Rath.




> I wonder if you can give an example how you use HL in the approach below.


> You can give examples perhaps using Bill Gates or Richard Branson's charts.




> Best wishes




> Kasim






> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -




> vedic astrology <vedic astrology% 40. com>;


> <% 40. com>;


> sohamsa@ .com <sohamsa%40gro ups.com>;


> sjcBoston@grou ps.com <sjcBoston%40g roups.com>


> pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net <pvr%40charter. net>


> Sat, 14 Feb 2009 00:05:35 -0500


> Planetary Special Lagna Research








> Namaste,




> > You have mentioned some exciting aspects of special lagna and


> > specifically mentioned by Ve7. You may kindly give the information


> > as to which book I have to refer to know these concepts in detail


> > I am 63 years oldman who enjoys your contribution on Astrology.


> > I will be grateful if you would kindly enlighten me on this.




> This is just research. It is not from a classic or a parampara. So it is


> not covered by any classic or modern book.




> Inspired by Parasara's teachings on special lagnas, I just generalized it


> and followed up on the result of my intuition with some practical testing.


> In my limited research, I found these special planetary lagnas to be


> interesting.




> I can give some examples using Ve7. If this makes no sense to you, please


> ignore the research. If it makes sense to you, please feel free to use the


> knowledge, develop it further and also spread it freely.




> * * *




> Definition of Ve7: Ve7 is a special lagna like hora lagna, ghati lagna etc.


> We can perhaps call it " Sukra Dara Lagna " . At the time Venus rises (i.e.


> lagna and Venus are conjunct), Ve7 is at the same longitude as Venus. It


> will complete 7 revolutions around the zodiac and reach the longitude of


> Venus at the time of next day's rise of Venus. It moves at a uniform speed.


> So it moves by 7x360 deg in about 24 hours, i.e. 105 deg every hour. JHora's


> " special lagna research " feature can be used to show it in charts.




> If you use Sun instead of Venus and 5 instead of 7 as the speed factor, you


> get Ghati Lagna. Ghati lagna has to do with power and authority, while Ve7


> has to do with marriage.




> Use of Ve7: Parasara said that BL, HL, GL etc can be used as references and


> houses can be found from them just like lagna. In my experience, I found


> that Ve7 and 7th from it are important for marriage. Usually, antardasa of


> marriage (based on nakshatra dasa) is related to a planet linking the 7th


> from Ve7 with lagna in some manner. In the annual Tithi Pravesha chart of


> the year of marriage also, you will find a strong link between the 7th from


> Ve7 and lagna.




> * * *




> Example 1: Birthdata is 1970 April 4, 5:47:13 pm (IST), 81e12, 16n15. In


> the natal rasi chart, Ve7 is in Ge. The 7th lord from Ve7 is Jupiter. He and


> lagna lord Mercury aspect each other. Saturn-Jupiter antardasa gave


> marriage.




> Look at 1993-94 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Cancer. Lord of Ve7 is Moon and


> 7th lord from Ve7 is Saturn. Both join lagna lord Mercury in the 9th house


> of dharma from lagna. In Moon's annual TA dasa, the native got married.




> Example 2: Birthdata is 1970 October 5, 12:34 pm (IST), 80e21, 15n49. Ve7


> is in Sc. The 7th lord from Ve7 is Venus and he joins lagna lord Jupiter.


> Venus-Venus antardasa as per Chaturaseeti sama dasa (10th lord is in 10th


> and hence use this dasa) gave marriage.




> Look at 1998-99 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Ge. The 7th lord from Ve7 is


> Jupiter. He is in samasaptaka from lagna lord Venus. Marriage happened in


> Venus-Jupiter antardasa as per annual TP chart.




> Example 3: Birthdata is 1973 July 26, 9:45:30 pm (IST), 80e28, 16n13. Ve7


> is in Cn. The 7th lord from Ve7 is Saturn. He has 10th aspect on lagna.


> Lagna lord Jupiter occupies 7th from Ve7. Jupiter-Saturn antardasa gave


> marriage.




> Look at 1998-99 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Pi. The 7th lord from Ve7 is


> Mercury and he joins lagna lord Sun. The 7th lord Rahu is in lagna and he


> aspects the 7th from Ve7. So he too connects the 7th from Ve7 with lagna.


> His annual TA dasa gave marriage.




> Example 4: Birthdata is 1971 September 12, 8:25 am (IST), 80e23, 16n13. Ve7


> is in Ar. The 7th from Ve7 and lagna are both in Li. Its lord is Venus. He


> is with Sun and Mercury and Mars aspects him by 8th aspect. Using Sataabdika


> dasa started from lagna, Mercury-Mars antardasa gave marriage.




> Look at 1992-93 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Le. The 7th house from Ve7 is


> aspected by Jupiter and he joins lagna lord Venus. Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa


> as per annual TA dasa brought marriage.




> Example 5: Birthdata is 1975 July 13, 4:04 pm (IST), 81e06, 16n42. Ve7 is


> in Vi. The 7th house is Pi and Rahu in lagna aspects it. Rahu-Rahu antardasa


> brought marriage.




> Look at the 2000-01 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Ar. The 7th lord from Ve7 is


> Venus. He is in lagna with lagna lord Mercury. Marriage happened in


> Mercury-Venus antardasa as per annual TA chart.




> Example 6 (Rajiv Gandhi): Birthdata is 1944 August 20, 7:12:45 am (IST),


> 72e49, 18n58. Ve7 is in Cn. The 7th lord from it is Saturn and he is


> aspecting lagna by 3rd aspect. Rahu has 7th aspect on the 7th from Ve7 and


> 2nd aspect on lagna. He too connects them. Saturn-Rahu antardasa as per


> Shashtihayani dasa brought marriage.




> Look at 1967-68 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Vi. The 7th lord from Ve7 is


> Jupiter. He aspects lagna. Jupiter's annual TA dasa brought marriage.




> Example 7: Birthdata is 1972 June 1, 4:16 am (IST), 81e12, 16n15. Ve7 is in


> Cn. The 7th from Ve7 is Cp. Lagna lord Mars aspects it by 8th aspect. The


> 7th lord from Ve7 is Saturn. He joins the dispositor of lagna lord, Mercury,


> and Sun also joins them. She got married in Mars-Sun antardasa.




> Look at 1993-94 annual TP chart. Ve7 is in Vi. The 7th lord from Ve7 is


> Jupiter and he is in lagna. The 7th from Ve7 has exalted Venus and he


> aspects lagna. Jupiter-Venus antardasa as per annual TA dasa brought


> marriage.




> Example 8 (George Bush): Birthdata is 1946 July 6, 7:30 am (4 hrs west of


> GMT), New Haven, CT, USA (72w55'43 " , 41n18'29 " ). Ve7 is in Pi. The 7th from


> Ve7 has Jupiter and lagna lord Moon. Dwisaptati sama dasa applies as 7th


> lord Saturn is in lagna. As per that dasa, he got married in Moon-Jupiter


> antardasa.




> In the annual TP chart of 1977-78, Ve7 is in Vi. The 7th from Ve7 is


> aspected by Moon and Rahu, who are in lagna. He got married in Moon-Rahu


> antardasa as per annual TA dasa.




> * * *




> Ve7 is only one example. Several other planetary special lagnas based on


> other planets and other houses can be defined. They can also be used. This


> is an area for research.




> For example, find Ke12 by starting at Ketu's longitude when Ketu rises,


> progress *anti-zodiacally* at a uniform speed to go around the zodiac (in


> reverse) 12 times in the next 24 hours. That is how Ke12 is found. It


> changes sign in every 10 min. Count the 12th house anti-zodiacally from


> Ke12. When dasas activate links between that and lagna, important events


> relating to spiritual detachment happen. Interestingly, Ramakrishna


> Paramahamsa, Ramana Maharshi, Aurobindo Ghose and Swami Chandrasekhara


> Saraswati all have lagna in the 12th house from Ke12 when counted


> anti-zodiacally. It is a very interesting coincidence.




> * * *




> GL defined by Parasara is nothing but Su5 in the special planetary lagna


> notation of JHora. Planets linking the 5th from GL to lagna can bring


> political power based on my research.




> Let us revisit example 8. The 5th lord from GL is Jupiter. He joins lagna


> lord Jupiter. As per Dwisaptati sama dasa dasa, Jupiter dasa during April


> 2000-April 2009 pretty much coincides with his presidency (political power).


> Mercury is the 8th lord from GL and he is in lagna. In his antardasa, his


> second term ended.




> Let us see one more example.




> Example 9 (Dr Murli Manohar Joshi): Birthdata is 1934 January 5, 10:17 am


> (IST), 77e13, 28n40. GL is in Le. The 5th lord from GL is Jupiter and he


> aspects lagna lord by 5th aspect. His dasa started in 1997 and he became a


> central minister in India in 1998. Ketu is in 12th from GL and has rasi


> drishti on lagna (he has no graha drishti and hence we see rasi drishti


> only). His antardasa in 2004-2005 brought loss of political power. Moon


> antardasa in Jupiter dasa is running now. Moon has half aspect on the 5th


> from GL and aspects lagna. He can give political power again.




> In the 1998-99 annual TP chart, GL is in Le. The 5th lord from GL is


> Jupiter. He is with lagna lord Mars. He became a central minister in


> Jupiter's annual TA dasa.




> Example 10 (JFK): Birthdata is 1917 May 29, 4 pm (4 hours west of GMT),


> Brookline, MA, USA (71e7'18 " , 42n19'54 " ). Lagna is in vargottama and


> Sataabdika dasa started from lagna applies. He became a congressman in


> Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa and president in Jupiter-Moon antardasa. Jupiter


> is the 5th lord from GL and aspects lagna. Moon is in GL and has half aspect


> on 5th from GL and lagna lord.




> In the 1960-61 annual TP chart, GL is in Li. The 5th lord from GL is


> Saturn. He is in Sg and aspects Ge lagna and lagna lord Mercury in Ge.


> Saturn's annual TA dasa gave him victory in presidential elections.




> * * *




> Links between lagna and houses from planetary special lagnas seem to be


> important for important events in both natal charts (using the most


> appropriate nakshatra dasa) and annual Tithi Pravesha charts (using Tithi


> Ashtottari dasa).




> Best regards,


> Narasimha


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


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> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan

nath.org<http://www.srijagan nath.org/>


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> -


> Balasubramaniam Ramachandran


> jhora <jhora%40 s.com>


> Sunday, February 08, 2009 11:43 AM


> jhora re: special lagna clarification given by Sri


> Narasimharaogaru




> Sri Narasimharao garu,




> Namaste. You have mentioned some exciting aspects of special lagna and


> specifically mentioned by Ve7. You may kindly give the information as to


> which book I have to refer to know these concepts in detail I am 63 years


> oldman who enjoys your contribution on Astrology. I will be grateful if you


> would kindly enlighten me on this.




> with regards,







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