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Fw: [Ind. & West. Astrology] Re:aryabhatta.net/Varahamihira

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Atleast think that why some Temples of Tamilnadu have started celebrating

festivals according to the seasons.

dear Mr. Prashant pandey,

Ur abovementioned statement is totally absurd. I am from chennai. it is our

wonderful Chief minister who is well known for his hatred towards Hindu

religion though he himself a hindu by birth  has changed the Tamil new year

to Pongal Harvest day. ie every body shud celeberate tamil new years day on

Pongal day and not on April 14th (this year tamil newyears day falls on 14h


His hatred towards sanskrit, vedas,puranas and towards Hindu gods made him

to shift the celebration of the new year to Jan 14th. It is nothing to do with


or sayana or nirayana zodiac. He is a corrupt person amazed wealth thro corrupt

means, having 3 wives and a dozen concubines. Now he has become old otherwise


appetite to lead a highly immoral life would have been on the increasing trend.

chek before u make such statements. Tamilnadu is the only state where u

have large scale atheism targetting Brahmins, vedas, and mother of languages ie


Most of the brahmins have migrated outside the country because of perputual

suppression by the so called political parties DMK,PMK MDMK etc.

today other castes are fighting amongst themselves to share the cake .

this is for ur information.






--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Astrolearner Brazil <astrolearner_brazil wrote:


Astrolearner Brazil <astrolearner_brazil

[vedic astrology] Fw: [ind. & West. Astrology]


vedic astrology

Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 11:42 PM











--- On Tue, 21/4/09, Prashant Pandey <praspandey (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


Prashant Pandey <praspandey (AT) (DOT) co.in>

[ind. & West. Astrology] Re:aryabhatta. net/Varahamihira

Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com

Tuesday, 21 April, 2009, 5:27 PM


Dear Respected Goelji,


Cool Down!


Please before replying to his mails consider that instead of Mr A K Kaul some

other person has written it than you would be able to do justice without being

prejudiced to any side.


Sir you have not shown any proof in following written mail,, you have not

substantiated any argument by any quote from VEDAS and Purans.


For your kind information even on internet there are proofs(from our Purans and

VEDAS) that our calendar was Tropical.


Sir i am talking of Vedic Calendar.


Atleast think that why some Temples of Tamilnadu have started celebrating

festivals according to the seasons.



Prashant Pandey


Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, Gopal Goel

<gkgoel1937@ ...> wrote:


> Dear?Mr. Kaul,

> You are grossly wrong ,when you say that zodiac signs were not known to sages

in ancient past.

> 1. There is a concrete evidence that they were following sidereal? zodiac of

27 ?nakshatras .This is the back

> bone of Indian vedic -cum puranic astrology.

> 2. Out of nakshatras , 12 sidereal signs were created and named against fixed

configuration of stars.

> ? It is baseless to call tropical signs after the names of fixed stars.

> 3. Ayanamsa - This is the angular arc between two points namely V.E.Point of

the day and

> ? initial point of sidereal Aries ( Nakshatra Acvini),which is 180 degrees

away? from Star chitra.

> 4. Samvat sar calender is in continuous use since2066 years . This is sidereal


> calender .?Now 90% Panchang makers in India and abroad are obtaining basic

astronomical data?

> ?from 'POSITIONAL ASTRONOMICAL CENTRES ' and are in complete harmony with


> ?Astronomy.More over , this calender is based on the traditions and dictum

which were given by ancient sages before 2000B.C.There is no doubt about it.

> 5. There is absolutely ,I repeat absolutely no necessity to discard this

unique Samvat-sar calender as this meets all our requirements according to Vedas

and Puranas.

> 6. For civil purposes , Govt. of India has already given a Rashtrya panchag ,

alas no body including Govt.

> follows it in preference to the Gregorian calender.

> 7. In the name of calender reform , you people wish to destroy samvat-sar

calender.Kindly do not do it.

> ?? You are bound to fail.

> Regards,


> Ph: 09350311433

> Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR

> NEW DELHI-110 076






> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@. ..>

> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com

> Tuesday, 21 April, 2009 5:52:46 PM

> [ind. & West. Astrology] Re:aryabhatta. net/Varahamihira






> Shri Gopal Goel ji,

> Namaskar!

> It is a pleasure to see your erudite article.


> GKG: " Since ancient Vedic days , there were 18 sages of outstanding merit ,

who tried to improve the science of Astronomy " .


> AKK: Prior to the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha, we do not find any

mention of Mesha etc. rashis in any of the astronomical works. As such, all that

can be said about astronomical development in India prior to that alien

influence is that the Hindus were more interested in the Vedic lore sans

predictive gimmicks based on Mangal, Shani etc. planets vis-a-vis Mesha etc.



> Judging from the Atharva-Veda- Parishishita etc., there is a possibility that

some nakshatra-soochis, whom all the shastras have disparaged as

brahmana-chandalas, did roam around in about fifth/sixth century BCE, but they

were really nakshatra-soochis i.e. making a fool of a common man on the basis of

planets vis-a-vis nakshatras (and not rashis!). How those nakshatra-soochis

calculated the position of various planets vis-a-vis nakshatras is also a moot

point, since we do not have any works like that of Hipparchus' catalogues etc.

that could tell anything about the position of various stars in that age! If

some " Vedic astrologers " claim that those nakshatra-soochis were " naked eyed

jyotishis " , they must get their heads examined, since it is impossible to

calculate planetary position of every nativity vis-a-vis nakshatras by just

observing them with naked eyes!


> GKG: Aryabhatta and Varamihira tried to further enhance the level

> of accuracy in observation and ascertaining the position of planets and other

astral bodies in the sky.


> AKK: Varahamihira was a phalita-jyotishi ( pl. see his Brihat Jatakam etc..)

who also dabbled in mundane astrology (pl. see his Brihat-Samhita) ! He did not

know even ABC of astronomy since the only astronomical work attributed to him is

Pancha-sidhantika. That is actually a compilation of five sidhantas, Surya

Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha being one of them, and the only astronomical work

that has given planetary longitudes vis-a-vis Mesha etc. rashis till then.

> As is common knowledge by now, Surya Sidhanta is really a monstrous

astronomical work, irrespective of fulosme praise by " Vedic astrologers " to that

alien work. The fundamental arguments of that work are not correct for any epoch

either in the past or future! They are just imagination run riot! The more the

Hindus cling to that work, the more we will be making a laughing stock of

ourselves either directly or indirectly, since clinging to that work is

tantamount to attributing lack of knowledg to the real Vamadevas and Parasharas!

As such, the earlier we admit that the Surya Sidhanta is an alien work, the

better for the Hindu culture as a whole which will thus get rid of the stigma of

having spawned wrong fundamental arguments and then clung to them in their



> Varahamihira called that very monstrous astronomical work as " spashta-tarah

savitrah " i.e. " The Surya Sidhanta is the most accurate astronomical work " . That

in itself proves that Varahamihira did not know even ABC of astronomy!

> And, as is claimed by " Vedic astrologers " of today, Varahamihra is supposed to

have made correct predictions from that very fundamentally incorrect data! Such

a feat can be attributed to either a yogi or a charlatan! Varahamihira was no

yogi since he would have realized then that Maya the mlechha was palming of some

Greek work as the one revealed by Surya Bhagwan! Varahamihira would not have

been taken in by such ploys of Maya the mlechha if he had been a yogi! But since

he fell hook, line and sinker for the ploy of Maya, and claimed to make correct

predictions from that very fundamentally incorrect data, he certainly was a



> Regarding Aryabhatti, that is more or less a ditto copy of the fundamental

arguments of the Surya Sidhanta of Pancha-Sidhantika! As such, the planetary

fundamental arguments in that work too are of an alien origin! Neither Aryabhata

nor Maya the mlechha have indicated indebtedness to any purvacharya! That again

proves their comlicity in plagiarising some alien arguments!


> GKG: The discovery of telescope had increased the accuracy in observational

astronomy many fold. Now a days planets are observed and traced by nuclear

telescopes with help of computers and sputniks

> all the 24 hours.A important breakthrough came in astronomy in the form of

Kepler's three laws of planetary motion.


> AKK: I am very glad to see your boldness in admitting that till the time of

Kepler i.e. sixteenth century A.D., the inhabitants of the planet called earth

did not know how to calculate planetary longitudes correctly, in spite of the

Surya Sidhanta and other sidhantas or even Ptolmey!

> You are thus yourself conveying to everybody the unpleasant fact that prior to

at least sixteenth century AD, no Western or Eastern---especiall y the latter,

which includes Hindu astrologers --- could have made correct horoscopes, which

means there could never have been correct predictions! Thus, all the claims by

" Vedic astrologers " ---whether " Sayana-Vedic " or " Nirayana-Vedic " that their

ancestors made correct predictions is nothing but a blatant lie! Or is it that

all the " Vedic astrologers " want to prove that their ancestors also were

charlatans, who could make corect predictions from wrong fundamental arguments?


> GKG: Inspite of this , during the maned Apollo flight , the star could not

guide the movement of Apollo Vehicle on account of displaced position of stars

(calculated from all known siddantas including Surya siddhant and modern


> A thorough study was undertaken by a body of international Astro-scientists

under the overall guidance of IAU.All constant were revised and the Sixth

Fundamental Catalogue (FK6) was prepared.. This gives much accurate position of

astral bodies in the sky.


> AKK: That paragraph is really a master-piece and must serve as a warning to

every astrologer for claiming to have made correct predictions in the past! It

is evident that if because of a minor flaw in calculations, Apollo Vehicle could

not land at the desired spot, how can astrologers, whether " Sayana-Vedic " or

" nirayana-Vedic " peep into the uncharted terrains of a human being---his past

deeds, his present activities and his future success or failures, with the help

of limited knowledge at their disposal, especially since that limited knowledge

itself is emanating from JPL/NASA and not the Vedas or Puranas!

> GKG: All Siddhanta(S) are of immense value to understand the development of



> AKK: Actually the knowledge of sidhantic astronomy is of immense value to

understand not the development but retardation of Hindu astronomy in the past,

since all our efforts circumnavigated around the so called mythical ayanamsha of

Surya Sidhanta by Maya the mlechha! And Lahiri Ayanamsha is one of the hundreds

of resurrections of the imaginary Ayanamsha of that very sidhanta! So I wonder

whether the Vedic Hinuds are really progressing or going " retrograde " ---thanks

to " Vedic astrologers " and their " Vedic astrology "

> GKG: but we have no alternative but to follow modern astronomy.

> AKK: Exactly! And since astronomically, the Ayanamsha curse does not exist at

all, the earlier we get rid of it the better, if we want to really gain some

astronomical knowledge!

> GKG: All abuses to each other do not have any meaning .

> AKK: U are right! Instead of abusing one another, we must abuse those aliens

who tried to make a slave of us by palming of wrong fundamental arguments on the

shoulders of Surya Bhagwan!

> GKG: We can not resign ourselves from truth.

> AKK: Very correct! And the truth is that there are no Mesha, Vrisha etc.

rashis either as per the Vedas or modern astronomy since the zodiac itself is an

imaginary belt!

> We must, therefore, go back to Madhu, Madhava etc. Vedic months and Udagayana

etc. astronomical phenomena, instead of clinging to making " correct predictions

from incorrect data " . In other words, we must say " good bye " to predictive

gimmicks in the interest of the doctrines of real Vamadevas and Parasharas!

> With kind regards,

> A K Kaul


> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, Gopal Goel

<gkgoel1937@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Friends,

> > Since ancient Vedic days , there were 18 sages of outstanding merit , who

tried to

> > improve and the science of Astronomy. Aryabhatta and Varamihira tried to

further enhance the level

> > of accuracy in observation and ascertaining the?position of planets and

other astral bodies in the sky.

> >

> > The discovery of telescope had increased the accuracy in observational

astronomy many fold.

> > Now a days planets are observed and traced by nuclear telescopes with help

of computers and sputniks

> > all the 24 hours.

> > A important breakthrough came in astronomy in the form of? Kepler's three?

laws of planetary motion.

> > Inspite of this , during the maned Apollo flight , the star could not guide

the movement of Apollo Vehicle

> > on account of displaced position of stars (calculated from all known

siddantas including Surya siddhant

> > and modern astronomy)

> > A thorough study was undertaken by a body of international Astro-scientists

under the overall guidance

> > of IAU.All constant were revised and the Sixth Fundamental Catalogue (FK6)

was prepared.. This gives much accurate position of astral bodies in the sky.

> > All?Siddhanta( S) are of immense value to understand the development of

Astronomy , but we have no

> > ?alternative but to follow modern astronomy.

> > All abuses to each other do not have any meaning . We can not resign

ourselves from truth.

> > Regards,

> > ?G.K.GOEL

> > Ph: 09350311433

> > Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR

> > NEW DELHI-110 076


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@ ..>

> > hinducalendar

> > Sunday, 19 April, 2009 6:57:34 PM

> > [ind. & West. Astrology] Fwd: Re: [Vedic Astrology- Hyderabad]

varaha mihira - http://www.aryabhat ta.net/Varahamih ira.html

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Vedic Astrology- Hyderabad, " Chandrashekhar "

<chandrashekhar46@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Kishore,

> >

> > Avanti is the ancient name of Ujjain. Magadha means the Magadha desha or

present day Bihar and Dvija means Brahmin.

> >

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> > -

> > kishore patnaik

> > ; indiaarchaeology ; ancient_indian_ astrology@

. com ; Vedic Astrology- Hyderabad

> > Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:34 PM

> > [Vedic Astrology- Hyderabad] varaha mihira - http://www.aryabhat

ta.net/Varahamih ira.html

> >

> > Varahamihira

> >

> > Aryabhatta is said to have discovered the diurnal motion of the earth' which

he thought to be spherical. I leave the explanation of these scientific matters

to those who are making scientific investigations of Hindu Astronomy. But one

thing is certain that it was about this time that the old Krttika series of

asterisms was discarded and the new series commencing from the 1st point of

Asvini was adopted. The first point of ASvini recedes one degree or by one day

in 73 years and it has receded twenty days now giving a total of twenty into

seventy-three (20 X 73) that is, 1460 years. The point was on the equinoctial

circle on the first day of Vaisakha and now it is on the 10th of Ohaitra. So the

point was seen there 1460 years ago, that is, 1921-1460 that is 461 A.D. This is

only an approximate calculation. If accurate calculation is made it will fall

within the active period of Aryabhata's life.

> >

> > Aryabhatta had many students and his next successor Lalla was one of his

pupils and some say Varahamihira, too, was his pupil.

> >

> > Aryabhatta had another celebrated astronomer as his contemporary. This was

Varahamihira. In his Vrhajja- taka in the 26th chapter, he says that he was son

of Adityadasa, that he was an Avantaka, that he received his knowledge from his

father and that he obtained a book from the Sun-God at Kampillaka or Kapitthaka.

Bhattotpala tells us that he was a Migadha dvija. Some say that he was a

Magadvija, i.e., one of the Magii long settled in India. From all this the late

Pandit Sudhakara Dvivedi in his Ganakatarangiui infers that it is not impossible

that Varaha was a Magadha Brahmin. He might have gone to Ujjain for livelihood

He studied with his father at his own house in Magadha and also studied the

works of Aryabhatta there, he travelled to make himself known, he worshipped

Sun-God at Kampillaka (Kalpi) and obtained a book from him. I acquired a

manuscript of his son's work Prthuyasah-Sastra at Samkhu the northernmost part

of the Nepal valley, the


> > verse of which says that the son Varahamihira asked his father some

questions while he was residing at the beautiful city of Kanyakubja on the


> >

> > Varaha might have retired to Kanyakubja in his old age to be on the Ganges

and there imparted his knowledge to his son Prthuyasah. Amaraja, the commentator

of Khandanakhandakhady a says that Varahamihira died in the Saka year 509 that

is 587 A.D. Some people think that Varaha wrote his Panca-Siddhantika in 505

A.D. that is Saka 4:27. But this is impossible if we are to believe Amaraja.

Varaha would then be only 18. Therefore Dr Thibaut after carefully considering

all the facts of the case thinks that 427 Saka was the date when Lalla revised

the Romaka-Siddhanta and that the Panca-SiddhSnta was composed about 550 A.D. So

Varahamihira was a later contemporary and perhaps a student of Aryabhata.

> >

> > The Ganakatarangiui has given a list of Varaha's works and thinks that the

Vrhat-Saipbita is his last work. It is an Eucyclopoedic work. It treats not only

of Astronomy and Astrology but of such subjects as gardening, agriculture,

sculpture, strilak^ana, purusalakgana and so on. This great work is the

Pafica-Sidhantta in which he gives a summary of all the Sidhantas current in his

time. They are five in number Paulisa, Romaka. VaSi^tha, Paitamaha and

Sur.yyasiddhaata. Varaha says that of these five PmiliSa and Roraaka have been

explained by Latadeva.

> >

> > The Siddhanta made by PauliSa is accurate. Near to it stands the Siddhanta

proclaimed by Romaka, more accurate is the Savitra (Saura) and the two remaining

are far from the truth.

> >

> > Kern says that the third Skandha of Jyotisa " 'namely, its Jataka section has

been borrowed from the Yavanas or Greeks. This is a fact. The Yavana-Jataka of

Yavan & caryya is still regarded as an authoritative work on the subject and there

are other works like Miuaraja Jataka also taken from the Yavanas. I found in

Nepal a manuscript of a Yavana-Jataka written in the character of the tenth

century oa palm-leaf which contains the following statement at the end.

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to http://messenger.

/ invite/

> Now surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Edition

http://downloads. / in/firefox/



Now surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Edition

http://downloads. / in/firefox/



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--- On Wed, 22/4/09, Prashant <praspandey wrote:



Prashant <praspandey

Re: Fw: [ind. & West. Astrology] Re:aryabhatta.net/Varahamihira


Wednesday, 22 April, 2009, 12:00 PM





















Dear Respected Shri Gopuji,


Please read mail of

Mr Robert E. Wilkinson (Great Yogi and Tapasvi) :-



Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 10:35 AM

An Important Matter



I am from Uttar Pradesh even i don’t know what is happening in my state so you

would also not be aware what is happening in your state itself means in all

Temples of Tamilnadu. Now Sir, please don’t make your overzealous comment that

you know everything.


Sir i also find myself in frustration like your's (frustration in drafted

mail),, when i see that Politicians and Celebrities are having more than one

wife( ek se jyada ghodi) and sweet sweet concubines. Sir it is matter of luck.


We should not be envious by seeing other persons sizzling Gal Friends and their

quality of dot dot dot.....


Sir we are here to talk of Vedic Calendar, Temples and Astrology. So we should

not make absurd and irrelevant comments like you have talked.


Sir your name is very beautiful ie Gopu, in the name of God.


My name is Prashant means person who always remain peaceful like deep blue sea.


Sir I am always in your service to give answers of your mails. Sir , now I hope

that you would be quite satisfied my above replies.


Gopuji I have already read same mail with same content from Hindu Calendar forum

(# 3665).I have also witnessed from your mails that you are the most

knowledgable person on forums so everybody should put alot weight on your mails.


Namastay Sir.









Prashant Pandey






--- On Wed, 22/4/09, K Gopu <kgopu_24 (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:



K Gopu <kgopu_24 (AT) (DOT) co.uk>

Re: [vedic astrology] Fw: [ind. & West. Astrology] Re:aryabhatta.


vedic astrology

Wednesday, 22 April, 2009, 2:03 AM





Atleast think that why some Temples of Tamilnadu have started celebrating

festivals according to the seasons.

dear Mr. Prashant pandey,

Ur abovementioned statement is totally absurd. I am from chennai. it is our

wonderful Chief minister who is well known for his hatred towards Hindu

religion though he himself a hindu by birth  has changed the Tamil new year

to Pongal Harvest day. ie every body shud celeberate tamil new years day on

Pongal day and not on April 14th (this year tamil newyears day falls on 14h


His hatred towards sanskrit, vedas,puranas and towards Hindu gods made him

to shift the celebration of the new year to Jan 14th. It is nothing to do with


or sayana or nirayana zodiac. He is a corrupt person amazed wealth thro corrupt

means, having 3 wives and a dozen concubines. Now he has become old otherwise


appetite to lead a highly immoral life would have been on the increasing trend.

chek before u make such statements. Tamilnadu is the only state where u

have large scale atheism targetting Brahmins, vedas, and mother of languages ie


Most of the brahmins have migrated outside the country because of perputual

suppression by the so called political parties DMK,PMK MDMK etc.

today other castes are fighting amongst themselves to share the cake .

this is for ur information.




--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Astrolearner Brazil <astrolearner_ brazil (AT) ymail (DOT) com>



Astrolearner Brazil <astrolearner_ brazil (AT) ymail (DOT) com>

[vedic astrology] Fw: [ind. & West. Astrology] Re:aryabhatta.


vedic astrology

Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 11:42 PM


--- On Tue, 21/4/09, Prashant Pandey <praspandey@ . co.in> wrote:


Prashant Pandey <praspandey@ . co.in>

[ind. & West. Astrology] Re:aryabhatta. net/Varahamihira

Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com

Tuesday, 21 April, 2009, 5:27 PM


Dear Respected Goelji,


Cool Down!


Please before replying to his mails consider that instead of Mr A K Kaul some

other person has written it than you would be able to do justice without being

prejudiced to any side.


Sir you have not shown any proof in following written mail,, you have not

substantiated any argument by any quote from VEDAS and Purans..


For your kind information even on internet there are proofs(from our Purans and

VEDAS) that our calendar was Tropical.


Sir i am talking of Vedic Calendar.


Atleast think that why some Temples of Tamilnadu have started celebrating

festivals according to the seasons.



Prashant Pandey


Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, Gopal Goel

<gkgoel1937@ ...> wrote:


> Dear?Mr. Kaul,

> You are grossly wrong ,when you say that zodiac signs were not known to sages

in ancient past.

> 1. There is a concrete evidence that they were following sidereal? zodiac of

27 ?nakshatras .This is the back

> bone of Indian vedic -cum puranic astrology.

> 2. Out of nakshatras , 12 sidereal signs were created and named against fixed

configuration of stars.

> ? It is baseless to call tropical signs after the names of fixed stars.

> 3. Ayanamsa - This is the angular arc between two points namely V.E.Point of

the day and

> ? initial point of sidereal Aries ( Nakshatra Acvini),which is 180 degrees

away? from Star chitra.

> 4. Samvat sar calender is in continuous use since2066 years . This is sidereal


> calender .?Now 90% Panchang makers in India and abroad are obtaining basic

astronomical data?

> ?from 'POSITIONAL ASTRONOMICAL CENTRES ' and are in complete harmony with


> ?Astronomy.More over , this calender is based on the traditions and dictum

which were given by ancient sages before 2000B.C.There is no doubt about it.

> 5. There is absolutely ,I repeat absolutely no necessity to discard this

unique Samvat-sar calender as this meets all our requirements according to Vedas

and Puranas.

> 6. For civil purposes , Govt. of India has already given a Rashtrya panchag ,

alas no body including Govt.

> follows it in preference to the Gregorian calender.

> 7. In the name of calender reform , you people wish to destroy samvat-sar

calender.Kindly do not do it.

> ?? You are bound to fail.

> Regards,


> Ph: 09350311433

> Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR

> NEW DELHI-110 076






> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@. ..>

> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com

> Tuesday, 21 April, 2009 5:52:46 PM

> [ind. & West. Astrology] Re:aryabhatta. net/Varahamihira






> Shri Gopal Goel ji,

> Namaskar!

> It is a pleasure to see your erudite article.


> GKG: " Since ancient Vedic days , there were 18 sages of outstanding merit ,

who tried to improve the science of Astronomy " .


> AKK: Prior to the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha, we do not find any

mention of Mesha etc. rashis in any of the astronomical works. As such, all that

can be said about astronomical development in India prior to that alien

influence is that the Hindus were more interested in the Vedic lore sans

predictive gimmicks based on Mangal, Shani etc.. planets vis-a-vis Mesha etc.



> Judging from the Atharva-Veda- Parishishita etc., there is a possibility that

some nakshatra-soochis, whom all the shastras have disparaged as

brahmana-chandalas, did roam around in about fifth/sixth century BCE, but they

were really nakshatra-soochis i.e. making a fool of a common man on the basis of

planets vis-a-vis nakshatras (and not rashis!). How those nakshatra-soochis

calculated the position of various planets vis-a-vis nakshatras is also a moot

point, since we do not have any works like that of Hipparchus' catalogues etc.

that could tell anything about the position of various stars in that age! If

some " Vedic astrologers " claim that those nakshatra-soochis were " naked eyed

jyotishis " , they must get their heads examined, since it is impossible to

calculate planetary position of every nativity vis-a-vis nakshatras by just

observing them with naked eyes!


> GKG: Aryabhatta and Varamihira tried to further enhance the level

> of accuracy in observation and ascertaining the position of planets and other

astral bodies in the sky.


> AKK: Varahamihira was a phalita-jyotishi ( pl. see his Brihat Jatakam etc...)

who also dabbled in mundane astrology (pl. see his Brihat-Samhita) ! He did not

know even ABC of astronomy since the only astronomical work attributed to him is

Pancha-sidhantika. That is actually a compilation of five sidhantas, Surya

Sidhanta of Maya the mlechha being one of them, and the only astronomical work

that has given planetary longitudes vis-a-vis Mesha etc. rashis till then.

> As is common knowledge by now, Surya Sidhanta is really a monstrous

astronomical work, irrespective of fulosme praise by " Vedic astrologers " to that

alien work. The fundamental arguments of that work are not correct for any epoch

either in the past or future! They are just imagination run riot! The more the

Hindus cling to that work, the more we will be making a laughing stock of

ourselves either directly or indirectly, since clinging to that work is

tantamount to attributing lack of knowledg to the real Vamadevas and Parasharas!

As such, the earlier we admit that the Surya Sidhanta is an alien work, the

better for the Hindu culture as a whole which will thus get rid of the stigma of

having spawned wrong fundamental arguments and then clung to them in their



> Varahamihira called that very monstrous astronomical work as " spashta-tarah

savitrah " i.e. " The Surya Sidhanta is the most accurate astronomical work " . That

in itself proves that Varahamihira did not know even ABC of astronomy!

> And, as is claimed by " Vedic astrologers " of today, Varahamihra is supposed to

have made correct predictions from that very fundamentally incorrect data! Such

a feat can be attributed to either a yogi or a charlatan! Varahamihira was no

yogi since he would have realized then that Maya the mlechha was palming of some

Greek work as the one revealed by Surya Bhagwan! Varahamihira would not have

been taken in by such ploys of Maya the mlechha if he had been a yogi! But since

he fell hook, line and sinker for the ploy of Maya, and claimed to make correct

predictions from that very fundamentally incorrect data, he certainly was a



> Regarding Aryabhatti, that is more or less a ditto copy of the fundamental

arguments of the Surya Sidhanta of Pancha-Sidhantika! As such, the planetary

fundamental arguments in that work too are of an alien origin! Neither Aryabhata

nor Maya the mlechha have indicated indebtedness to any purvacharya! That again

proves their comlicity in plagiarising some alien arguments!


> GKG: The discovery of telescope had increased the accuracy in observational

astronomy many fold. Now a days planets are observed and traced by nuclear

telescopes with help of computers and sputniks

> all the 24 hours.A important breakthrough came in astronomy in the form of

Kepler's three laws of planetary motion.


> AKK: I am very glad to see your boldness in admitting that till the time of

Kepler i.e. sixteenth century A.D., the inhabitants of the planet called earth

did not know how to calculate planetary longitudes correctly, in spite of the

Surya Sidhanta and other sidhantas or even Ptolmey!

> You are thus yourself conveying to everybody the unpleasant fact that prior to

at least sixteenth century AD, no Western or Eastern---especiall y the latter,

which includes Hindu astrologers --- could have made correct horoscopes, which

means there could never have been correct predictions! Thus, all the claims by

" Vedic astrologers " ---whether " Sayana-Vedic " or " Nirayana-Vedic " that their

ancestors made correct predictions is nothing but a blatant lie! Or is it that

all the " Vedic astrologers " want to prove that their ancestors also were

charlatans, who could make corect predictions from wrong fundamental arguments?


> GKG: Inspite of this , during the maned Apollo flight , the star could not

guide the movement of Apollo Vehicle on account of displaced position of stars

(calculated from all known siddantas including Surya siddhant and modern


> A thorough study was undertaken by a body of international Astro-scientists

under the overall guidance of IAU.All constant were revised and the Sixth

Fundamental Catalogue (FK6) was prepared.. This gives much accurate position of

astral bodies in the sky.


> AKK: That paragraph is really a master-piece and must serve as a warning to

every astrologer for claiming to have made correct predictions in the past! It

is evident that if because of a minor flaw in calculations, Apollo Vehicle could

not land at the desired spot, how can astrologers, whether " Sayana-Vedic " or

" nirayana-Vedic " peep into the uncharted terrains of a human being---his past

deeds, his present activities and his future success or failures, with the help

of limited knowledge at their disposal, especially since that limited knowledge

itself is emanating from JPL/NASA and not the Vedas or Puranas!

> GKG: All Siddhanta(S) are of immense value to understand the development of



> AKK: Actually the knowledge of sidhantic astronomy is of immense value to

understand not the development but retardation of Hindu astronomy in the past,

since all our efforts circumnavigated around the so called mythical ayanamsha of

Surya Sidhanta by Maya the mlechha! And Lahiri Ayanamsha is one of the hundreds

of resurrections of the imaginary Ayanamsha of that very sidhanta! So I wonder

whether the Vedic Hinuds are really progressing or going " retrograde " ---thanks

to " Vedic astrologers " and their " Vedic astrology "

> GKG: but we have no alternative but to follow modern astronomy.

> AKK: Exactly! And since astronomically, the Ayanamsha curse does not exist at

all, the earlier we get rid of it the better, if we want to really gain some

astronomical knowledge!

> GKG: All abuses to each other do not have any meaning .

> AKK: U are right! Instead of abusing one another, we must abuse those aliens

who tried to make a slave of us by palming of wrong fundamental arguments on the

shoulders of Surya Bhagwan!

> GKG: We can not resign ourselves from truth.

> AKK: Very correct! And the truth is that there are no Mesha, Vrisha etc.

rashis either as per the Vedas or modern astronomy since the zodiac itself is an

imaginary belt!

> We must, therefore, go back to Madhu, Madhava etc. Vedic months and Udagayana

etc. astronomical phenomena, instead of clinging to making " correct predictions

from incorrect data " . In other words, we must say " good bye " to predictive

gimmicks in the interest of the doctrines of real Vamadevas and Parasharas!

> With kind regards,

> A K Kaul


> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, Gopal Goel

<gkgoel1937@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Friends,

> > Since ancient Vedic days , there were 18 sages of outstanding merit , who

tried to

> > improve and the science of Astronomy. Aryabhatta and Varamihira tried to

further enhance the level

> > of accuracy in observation and ascertaining the?position of planets and

other astral bodies in the sky.

> >

> > The discovery of telescope had increased the accuracy in observational

astronomy many fold.

> > Now a days planets are observed and traced by nuclear telescopes with help

of computers and sputniks

> > all the 24 hours.

> > A important breakthrough came in astronomy in the form of? Kepler's three?

laws of planetary motion.

> > Inspite of this , during the maned Apollo flight , the star could not guide

the movement of Apollo Vehicle

> > on account of displaced position of stars (calculated from all known

siddantas including Surya siddhant

> > and modern astronomy)

> > A thorough study was undertaken by a body of international Astro-scientists

under the overall guidance

> > of IAU.All constant were revised and the Sixth Fundamental Catalogue (FK6)

was prepared.. This gives much accurate position of astral bodies in the sky.

> > All?Siddhanta( S) are of immense value to understand the development of

Astronomy , but we have no

> > ?alternative but to follow modern astronomy.

> > All abuses to each other do not have any meaning .. We can not resign

ourselves from truth.

> > Regards,

> > ?G.K.GOEL

> > Ph: 09350311433

> > Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR

> > NEW DELHI-110 076


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@ ..>

> > hinducalendar

> > Sunday, 19 April, 2009 6:57:34 PM

> > [ind. & West. Astrology] Fwd: Re: [Vedic Astrology- Hyderabad]

varaha mihira - http://www.aryabhat ta.net/Varahamih ira.html

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Vedic Astrology- Hyderabad, " Chandrashekhar "

<chandrashekhar46@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Kishore,

> >

> > Avanti is the ancient name of Ujjain. Magadha means the Magadha desha or

present day Bihar and Dvija means Brahmin.

> >

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> > -

> > kishore patnaik

> > ; indiaarchaeology ; ancient_indian_ astrology@

. com ; Vedic Astrology- Hyderabad

> > Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:34 PM

> > [Vedic Astrology- Hyderabad] varaha mihira - http://www.aryabhat

ta.net/Varahamih ira.html

> >

> > Varahamihira

> >

> > Aryabhatta is said to have discovered the diurnal motion of the earth' which

he thought to be spherical. I leave the explanation of these scientific matters

to those who are making scientific investigations of Hindu Astronomy. But one

thing is certain that it was about this time that the old Krttika series of

asterisms was discarded and the new series commencing from the 1st point of

Asvini was adopted. The first point of ASvini recedes one degree or by one day

in 73 years and it has receded twenty days now giving a total of twenty into

seventy-three (20 X 73) that is, 1460 years. The point was on the equinoctial

circle on the first day of Vaisakha and now it is on the 10th of Ohaitra. So the

point was seen there 1460 years ago, that is, 1921-1460 that is 461 A.D. This is

only an approximate calculation. If accurate calculation is made it will fall

within the active period of Aryabhata's life.

> >

> > Aryabhatta had many students and his next successor Lalla was one of his

pupils and some say Varahamihira, too, was his pupil.

> >

> > Aryabhatta had another celebrated astronomer as his contemporary. This was

Varahamihira. In his Vrhajja- taka in the 26th chapter, he says that he was son

of Adityadasa, that he was an Avantaka, that he received his knowledge from his

father and that he obtained a book from the Sun-God at Kampillaka or Kapitthaka.

Bhattotpala tells us that he was a Migadha dvija. Some say that he was a

Magadvija, i..e., one of the Magii long settled in India. From all this the late

Pandit Sudhakara Dvivedi in his Ganakatarangiui infers that it is not impossible

that Varaha was a Magadha Brahmin. He might have gone to Ujjain for livelihood

He studied with his father at his own house in Magadha and also studied the

works of Aryabhatta there, he travelled to make himself known, he worshipped

Sun-God at Kampillaka (Kalpi) and obtained a book from him. I acquired a

manuscript of his son's work Prthuyasah-Sastra at Samkhu the northernmost part

of the Nepal valley, the


> > verse of which says that the son Varahamihira asked his father some

questions while he was residing at the beautiful city of Kanyakubja on the


> >

> > Varaha might have retired to Kanyakubja in his old age to be on the Ganges

and there imparted his knowledge to his son Prthuyasah. Amaraja, the commentator

of Khandanakhandakhady a says that Varahamihira died in the Saka year 509 that

is 587 A.D. Some people think that Varaha wrote his Panca-Siddhantika in 505

A.D. that is Saka 4:27. But this is impossible if we are to believe Amaraja.

Varaha would then be only 18. Therefore Dr Thibaut after carefully considering

all the facts of the case thinks that 427 Saka was the date when Lalla revised

the Romaka-Siddhanta and that the Panca-SiddhSnta was composed about 550 A.D. So

Varahamihira was a later contemporary and perhaps a student of Aryabhata.

> >

> > The Ganakatarangiui has given a list of Varaha's works and thinks that the

Vrhat-Saipbita is his last work. It is an Eucyclopoedic work.. It treats not

only of Astronomy and Astrology but of such subjects as gardening, agriculture,

sculpture, strilak^ana, purusalakgana and so on. This great work is the

Pafica-Sidhantta in which he gives a summary of all the Sidhantas current in his

time. They are five in number Paulisa, Romaka. VaSi^tha, Paitamaha and

Sur.yyasiddhaata. Varaha says that of these five PmiliSa and Roraaka have been

explained by Latadeva.

> >

> > The Siddhanta made by PauliSa is accurate. Near to it stands the Siddhanta

proclaimed by Romaka, more accurate is the Savitra (Saura) and the two remaining

are far from the truth.

> >

> > Kern says that the third Skandha of Jyotisa " 'namely, its Jataka section has

been borrowed from the Yavanas or Greeks. This is a fact. The Yavana-Jataka of

Yavan & caryya is still regarded as an authoritative work on the subject and there

are other works like Miuaraja Jataka also taken from the Yavanas.. I found in

Nepal a manuscript of a Yavana-Jataka written in the character of the tenth

century oa palm-leaf which contains the following statement at the end.

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to http://messenger.

/ invite/

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