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Fw: [Ind. & West. Astrology] Do we celebrate our festivals on correct days? No. absolutely not!

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Dear friends,


Here is a copy of BVB6.doc that was sent to all the branches of Bharatiya Vidya

Bhavan besides all the leading Jyotishis and jyotisha teaching shops, apart from

all the venerable jagadgurus etc. etc. way back in 2004.  Kindly go through it

and let me have your views!





****                               ***

 Tel. 27516483; E-mail: jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com





      H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A, Sector-2



    Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085 (India)




                     July 17, 2004

Dear Friends,


     A humble request that we should not mourn on the day of “festival of

lightsâ€Â  i.e. we should not celebrate Pitramavasya on the day of actual

Dipavali (Gujarati New Year!) on October 13, 04.


Every festival has a criterion.  We celebrate Independence Day on August 15

every year. Why? Because India gained independence on that day. It is immaterial

whether August 15 is a Sunday or a Monday or Shravana or Bhadra.. Similarly, for

celebrating religious festivals, our shastras have fixed certain criteria. 

And as we know, fasts and festivals are celebrated for the peace and welfare of

ourselves and our kith and kin.  Consequently, if we do not adhere to the

criteria/tenets fixed by the shastras, those very fasts and festivals will do us

more harm than good.  Same is the case with Muhurtas. We must therefore know

the criteria.

E.g. for Vasanti Navaratra, viz. the lunar New Year, the criterion is

“Chaitra Shukla Pratipat†and for Rama Navmi it is " Chaitra Shukla Navmi " . 

We must therefore know as to when Chaitra Shukla Paksha starts.  This

information has to be based on the Vedas, Puranas and other shastras as well as

astronomy/geography , both ancient i.e. sidhantic and modern.  Let us see these

criteria one by one:

1.         The Vedas:   All the four Vedas, Brahmanas and Upanasihadas

etc. state that the year comprises six seasons of two months each. 

Shishira-ritu viz. winter and the month of Tapah start simultaneously with

Uttarayana viz. Winter Solstice i.e. the shortest day of the year. That very

month is also known as Magha. It is followed by other months viz. Tapasya

(Phalguna) and (Vasanta ritu comprising) Madhu (Chaitra) and Madhav

(Vaishakha).  Thus solar Chaitra is the third month from the date of Winter

Solstice.  Therefore, it should start these days three months after December 21

i.e. around February 20.  In fact, it started on February 19 in 2004. 

2.         Vedanga Jyotisha: The earliest recorded work on Vedic

astronomy is Vedanga Jyotisha also known as Rik/Yajur Jyotisha by Lagadha.  It

was compiled around thirteenth century BCE i.e. about 3300 years back, most

probably in Kashmir.  The fifth and the sixth verses of the same


swarakramete Somarkau yada sakam savasavav,

syat-tadadiyugam maghas-tapah shuklo dinam-tyajah

            “When the sun and the moon while moving in the sky,

come to Vasava (Dhanishtha) star together, then the Yuga, the Magha (month) the

Tapas (season), the light half of the month, and the winter solstice

(Uttarayana) , all commence togetherâ€

                        prapadyate shavishshthadav

suryachandramsav- udak

                        sarparde dakshinarkastu Magha

shravanayoh sada

“The sun and the moon turn towards North in the beginning of Dhanishtha and

towards South in the middle of Ashlesha.  The sun always does this (turn north)

in the month of Magha and (turn south) in Shravana respectivelyâ€

            Vedanga Jyotisha has made it clear in its seventh mantra

that by Uttaryana it means really the shortest day of the year instead of some

imaginary Uttarayana like January 14 of some Panchangakars of these days:

dharma vridhir apam prasthah kshapa hras


  dakshine-tau viparyastav shanmuhurtyaynen tu

“During the sun’s northward journey (six months of Uttarayana) the day

increases by one Prastha measure of water and the night becomes short.  During

the southward journey (six months of Dakshinayana) , the conditions reverse. 

The increase (of time) during an ayana is equal to six muhurtasâ€. (S. B.

Dikshit’s translation for all the three mantras)

            Further, as everybody knows, and as every Panchanga

indicates, Vasanta (Spring) starts exactly on the day of Madhu i.e. February

19/20.  It is a geographical phenomenon and cannot be wished away or altered.

How could then Vasanti Navratra start on March 21, 2004 after one month after

the start of the month of Madhu i.e. the real Vasanta (Spring)?

            Thus there is absolutely no doubt that the Vasanti

Navratras which we are celebrating these days are not on the correct days as per

either the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha or the phenomenon of seasons. But then

why are we celebrating them on wrong days? Because our panchangakars, including

the Rashtriya Panchanga do not tell us the correct days! Is it that they do not

know the correct criteria/days of these phenomena themselves?

Madhava cannot be equal to Chaitra if it is equal to Mesha and Vasanti

Navratraas cannot wait for more than a month after the start of Vasanta Ritu!: 

If you look at any Panchanga, including the Rashtriya Panchanga, in any

language, you will find that they have mentioned the start of the month of Madhu

and Vasanta Ritu on that date viz. February 19, 2004.  Rashtriya Panchanga

lists the month starting with February 19 as the Vedic Mina. The first New Moon

(Shukla Pratipat) after the solar Chaitra i.e. Madhu (Vedic Mina as per the

Rashtriya Panchanga) is thus Chaitra Shukla Pratipat. It was on February 21 in

2004.  As such, the real Vasanti Navratras started on February 21, 2004. It is

known as Navreh in Kashmir, Gudi Padva in Maharashtra and Ugadi in Andhra etc.

That would have satisfied the criterion of the Vedas that madhuscha madhavashcha

vasantikav ritu (Yajurveda Samhita 4/4/11/1) i.e.  Madhu (Chaitra) and Madhava

(Vaishakha) are the months of

Vasanta i.e. Spring Season.  Obviously, Chaitra Shukla Paksha is the start of

the first lunar month of Vasanta as per all the Vedas also.

Naturally, since as per all the Panchangas, Vasanta Ritu started on February 19,

2004, the solar Chaitra also should have started on that date of Madhu i.e.

February 19 but ironically it was made to start on March 14 and the Rashtriya

Panchanga starts it (Chaitra) on March 21 every year, when Madhava i.e.

Vaishakha is supposed to start as per all the Vedas and Puranas. Surprisingly, 

Rashtriya Panchanga itself calls this month (March 21) as Vedic Mesha and

Madhava!  How they can call Mesha and Madhava as Chaitra, they only can say!

Accordingly, the Lunar Chaitra was made to start on March 21 (which should have

been actually Vaishakha Shukla paksha!) instead of February 21!  When Vasanta

Ritu started on February 19, 2004, according to all the Panchangas,  the first

shukla pratipat after that, which was on February 21, 2004, should naturally

have been Vasanti Navratra! Thus the solar Chaitra and the Navratras, both, were

“postponed†exactly by one

month against the injunctions of all the Vedas. Why?  Because either our

panchangakars  themselves have no knowledge about the criteria of festivals or

they are making a fool of us deliberately!

Vasanta Panchami in mid-winter:   Then again, do you know when we were asked

to celebrate Vasanta Panchami by these very panchangakars according to whom

Vasanti navratras started on March 21?  January 26, 2004! That means Vasanta

Panchami was celebrated two months before even their own Vasanta Shukla

Pratipat! Only the insane and dimwitted can celebrate Spring in mid-Winter! 

Evidently, either our panchangakars are either themselves insane and dimwitted

or they treat us like that!

Ramanavmi:                        Goswami Tulsidas says

in his immortal Ramacharitamanasa:

 navmi tithi Madhumas punita, sukalpachha abhijit hariprita

“Shri Ram was born on navmi tithi of shukla paksha in the month of Madhu, in

Abhijit muhurtaâ€. 

We have seen that Madhu or Chaitra and Spring (Vasanta) both commence

simultaneously around February 19 every year as per the Vedas and Vedanga

Jyotisha. In fact they are synonyms of one another. Let us now see other

authorities in this regard:

3.         Vishnu-dharmortarap urana: As per “Alberuni’s Indiaâ€,

in 11th century-India all the festivals were decided as per the criteria of

Vishnu-dharmotarapu rana. It  says in  3/9/4-5

                        …chaitro madhur-iti smritah,


 vaishakho madhavah proktah, shuchir jyeshthah udahritah

 shuklah proktastatha ashado nabhah shravan ishyete,           

 praushthapado nabhasyashcha ishashch ashvayujah smritah

            urjakhyah kartikah prokto margshirshah sahastatha

            sahasya paush ityukto maghah syat tap eva


            phalgunashcha tapasyakhyo maso…

“(i) Chaitra is known as Madhu (or Madhu is known as Chaitra)! (ii) Vaishakha

as Madhava; (iii) Jyeshtha as Shuchih; (iv) Ashadha as Shuklah (or Shukrah); (v)

Nabhah as Shravana; (vi) Praushthapada (Bhadrapada) as Nabhasya; (vii) Ashvayuja

(Ashvina) as Ishah; (viii) Urja as Kartika; (ix) Margashirsha as Saha; (x)

Sahasya as Pausha; (xi) Magha as Tapah and (xii) Phalguna as Tapasya.â€

            As we have seen above, Madhu started on February 19 and

Chaitra Shukla Pratipad started on Februrary 21 which means Ramanavmi should

have been on February 29, 2004. Our panchangakars (including, of course, the

Rashtriya Panfhanga!) made us celebrate Ramanavmi on March 30, 2004, whereas

Madhu ended on March 20 and the real Chaitra Shuklapaksha on March 7!   Why

did they compel us to celebrate it on a wrong day—nay, even in a wrong

month?  Because they know fully well that in spite of claiming to be educated

and intelligent people, we are not going to ask any inconvenient questions! 

But then, are we really intelligent and educated if we do not know anything

about the criteria of our festivals?  Or is it  that our panchangakars also

are lacking in education and intelligence and they do not know even ABC of our

dharmashastras?   Well, they alone can answer that question for themselves!

4.         Sidhantas: The earliest “most accurate (?!)â€

(spashta-taro savitrah) astronomical treatise of Indian astronomy is supposed to

be the Surya Sidhanta of 5th century AD.  In Mana-adhyaya, verses 9-10, it

says:   bhanor-makar Sankranteh shanmasa Uttarayanam


              karkyadestu tathaiv syat shanmasa dakshinayanam


              dwirashi natha ritavas tatoapi shishiradayah

meshadav dwadashaite masaistaireva vatsarah

“From Makar Sankranti start the six months of Uttarayana and from Karkata

Sankranti the six months of Dakshinayana.  Each season starting with Shishira

(and Makara Sankranti) comprises  two rashis (and) six seasons make one


      Lest there be any doubt as to what type of  Rashis the Surya

Sidhanta is talking about, it

makes it clear in Bhugoladhyaya, verses 57 to 62:

                         meshadav to sada vridhir

udaguttarto adhika

                  devamshe cha kshapa hanir vipareetam tatha


                  tuladav dyunishorvamam kshyay vridhav


                  deshkranti vashan nitem tadvigyanam puroditam

                  ayanante vilomena devasur vibhagayoh

                  nadi shashtya sakrid ahar nishapi asmin


                  tadantare api shashtyante kshayvridhav


                  parto vipareeto  ayam bhagolah parivartate..

“During the half revolution beginning with Mesha, there is always an excess of

day to the north, in the hemisphere of the gods i.e. Uttarayana-- -greater

according to distance north---and a corresponding deficiency of the night.  In

the hemisphere of the demons (Dakshinayana) , the reverse.  In the half

revolution beginning with Libra (Tula) both the deficiency and excess of day and

night in the two hemispheres are the opposite of this. The method of determining

them, which is always dependent upon situation (desha) and declination (kranti),

has been before explained.

            “There occurs once, at the end of the sun’s half

revolution from solstice to solstice---( Uttarayana to Dakshinayana) a day of

sixty nadis and a night of the same length mutually opposed to one another, in

the two hemispheres of the gods and of the demons.  In the intermediate region,

the deficiency and excess of day and night are within the limit of sixty nadis

beyond this sphere of asterisms (bha) revolves perverselyâ€. (Burgess’

translation) .

            Two things are clear from the above to even a layman with

a bit of knowledge of geography of primary school level about the phenomenon of

seasons: i) It is only around March 21 (Spring Equinox) Mesha Sankranti every

year that  day and night are equal and the length of day in the northern

hemisphere starts increasing as compared to the length of night.

ii)         Then around September 23 (Autumn Equinox) Tula Sankranti,

when the day and night are again equal, the length of nights starts increasing

as compared to the length of days. And in the same order the day is the shortest

around December 21 (winter solstice) and longest around June 21 (Summer

Solstice).  These very Equinoxes and solstices are known as Mesha, Karkata,

Tula and Makar Sankranti respectively as per all the sidhantas and shastras. 

There are no other such sankrantis either in the sidhantas or modern astronomy.

5.         Puranas:       I have already quoted hundreds of proofs

with chapter and verse in my Panchangas and other articles.  It is no use to

repeat them here again.  Suffice to quote a few only from a couple of

Puranas.  First the Vishnupurana: 2/8/28-31 and 67-68

                  ayanasyotarasyadav makaram yati bhaskarah

            tatah kumbham cha menam cha rashe rashyantaram

dvija     (28)   

trishu eteshu atha bhukteshu tato vaishuvatim gatim

prayati savita kurvan ahoratram tatah samam


                        tato ratrih kshayam yati vardhate

anudinam dinam                   (30)

                        tatashcha mithunasyante param

kashtham upagatah

                        rashim karkatam prapya kurute

dakshinayanam                        (31)

            “In the beginning of  Uttarayana, the sun enters

Capricorn (Makara Rashi) there from going to Kumbha and them Mina. After having

passed through these three signs, it just gains vishuvati (equinoctial) speed

resulting in the day and night being equal on Mesha.  After that, nights start

decreasing and the days increasing correspondingly daily. Then when the sun is

in the end of Mithuna Rashi, i.e. when it is just at the verge of entering

Cancer, the day is the longest then and Dakshnayana starts on that dateâ€. 

                        Sharad vsantyor Madhye vishuvam

to vibhavyete

                        Tula mesh gate bhanav samratri

divam tu tat                             (67)

                        Karkatavasthite bhanav


                        Uttarayanam  api uktam

makarasthe divakare                           (88)

“In the midst of sharat ritu and vasanta ritu, vishuvas (equinoxes) take place

with the entry of the sun into Tula (Libra) and Mesha (Aries) respectively and

days and nights become equal on those two sankrantis.  The entry of sun into

Cancer (Karkata) is known as dakshinayana whereas its entry into Maraka is known

as Uttarayanaâ€

            Now Shrimadbhagavata, 5/21/4-6

yada mesh tulyor vartate tada ahoratrani samanani bhavanti yada vrishadishu

panchasu cha rashishu charati tada ahani eva vardhante hrasati cha masi masi

ekaika ghatika ratrishu (4)              yada vrishchikadishu

panchasu vartate tada ahoratrani viparyayani bhavanti (5)    yavad

dakshinayanam ahani vardhante yavad uttarayanam ratrayah (6)

“When the sun enters Mesha and Tula days and nights are equal on those dates

and the day starts getting longer as compared to nights when the sun passes

through Vrisha etc. five rashis then days keep on increasing and the nights

decreasing by one ghati every month.  (After the day and night have become

equal on Tula Sankranti) the nights keep on increasing during the sojourn of

five rashis of Vrishchika etc.  In short, during Uttarayana days keep on

increasing till Dakshinayana and after that nights keep on increasingâ€.

Vishnurhdarmotarapu rana 3/8/6-8 says

                        tula meshagate bhanav vishuvad

dinam uchete,

dhanvato mithunantashcha ayane soasya dakshine,

“When the sun is in Mesha and Tula, they are the days of Vishuva i.e. days and

nights are equal then.  From the end of Dhanu (start of Makara) Uttarayana

starts and from the end of Mithuna (start of Karkata) Dakshniyana startsâ€

Any discussion on such topics is incomplete without appropriate references from

Shivamahapurana:  We just quote one 5/51/54 from this Purana below:

madhavasya site pakshe tritiya ya akshayabida

tasyam yo jagadambayah vratam kuryad atandritah…

“The tritiya of Shukla paksha of Madhava (!) is know as akshayaya tritiya. 

One who observes a fast for Jagadamba on that date (gets immortal and thousand

fold results)â€

            It is to be noted here that Akshaya tritiya is to be

observed in (lunar) Madhava that means according to Shiva-Mahapurana also

Vaishakha does not have any other existence besides Madhava!  Thus the akshyaya

tritiya that we observed in 2003  on May 4, was against all the shastras since

solar Madhava had ended on April 20 and lunar Madhava on April 30! A similar

situation is going to crop up in 2005.  We will be asked to celebrate Akshaya

tritiya on May 12, when solar Madhava will have ended on April 20 and lunar

Madhava shukla paksha will start on April 8, 2005 which means it should be

celebrated actually on April 11, 2005!

Now obviously, if as per all the Vedas, Vedanga Jyotisha, Surya Sidhanta,

Bhagavata, Vishnupurana, Vishnudharmotarapur ana and Shiva Mahapurana etc. etc.

solar Shravana is another name of Dakshinayana viz sun in Karkata, it starts on

June 21 in 2004.  The first shukla pratipat after that is on July 18. 

Therefore, that is the day when the Lunar Shravana starts in 2004 as per all the

Vedas and Puranas etc.  As such, Shravana Purnima viz Raksha Bandhan and

Amarnath Yatra etc. should be celebrated on July 31 in 2004.  Why are our

panchangakars asking us to celebrate it on August 29 instead? Only because they

treat the entire Hindu society as ignorant fools who have no idea about the

criteria of any festivals!  Or is it that the panchangakars do not know

anything themselves but are just copying from others like blind following blind?

            Similarly, Janmashtami should be celebrated on the

Krishna-paksha Ashtami following that Shravana Purnima i.e. on  August 7 in

2004.  But we are asked to celebrate it on September 6!  Why? For God’s sake

do ask your “Panditji†and let me know what he says!

6.         To clinch the issue on the basis of Agama i.e. yogashastras,

I will quote the master-yogi i.e. Acharya Abhinavgupta’s Tantraloka: 6/114-116

                        shatsu shatsu anguleshu arko

hridayat makaradishu

                        tishthan maghadikam shatkam

kuryat tat-chotarayanam

                        sankranti tritaye vrite bhukte


                        mesham prapte ravav punyam

vishuvat par laukikam

                        praveshe tu tulasthe arke tadev

vishuvad bhavet

                        Ih sidhi pradam chaitat

dakshinayan- gam tatah

The translation of these mantras, as per the commentary of Jayaratha is,

(Linking yogic kriyas to seasons, it says, “After every six ungalas from the

hirdaya (the pranas go to) Makara etc. and make Magha etc. six such months from

Uttarayana starting with sun’s transit into Makara.  From Makra to Mithuna is

Uttarayana and in Magha sun transits Makara Rashi so till Ashada when the sun

transits Mithuna, Uttarayana lasts,  After having crossed three sankrantis (of

Uttarayana)–eighteen unglas of Prana --= vishuvat Sankranti arrives.  Because

on that day of Mesha sankranti the days and nights are equal throughout the

world that is why it is known as vishuvat.  When the sun enters Tula it is

vishuva againâ€.

            I do not think that there should be any doubt now in

anybody’s mind as to how we are being taken for a ride by these

panchanga-makers.   Or is it that those panchangakars themselves are being

taken for a ride by someone else either knowingly or unbeknown to them?  In

either case, it is literally killing our dharma.

As we have seen that Shravana Shukla Paksha starts from July 18, 2004,

therefore, Bhadra Shukla paksha will start from  August 17.  Naturally, the

first Krishna Pratipat after that i.e. Ashvina Krishna Paksha is the start of

Pitrapaksha, which means it starts from August 31, 2004.  As such, the Purnima

shradha of Pitrapaksha falls on August 29, 2004, whereas the Pitramavasya is

actually on September 14, 2004.  And by the same logic and criterion Sharadiya

Navaratras start from September 15 and Kartika Amavasya falls exactly after

about one month i.e.  on October 13, 2004. And that is the world famous

festival of lights viz Dipavali! But tragically, our panchanga-makers advise us

to mourn on that day i.e. we are advised to celebrate Pitraamavasa then!  Why?

Because they know that we have become immune to all such things and are worried

only about financial gains or losses but not about our dharma! But we must know

that by “mourning†on the day

of actual Dipavali we will be losers not only financially but in every worldly

and spiritual sphere like that of the erstwhile ruling party!  So whether we

mourn or burst crackers on the actual Dipavali (October 13), it is up to us now!

7.         Primary School level Geography:          Let us see

the situation in the light of modern astronomy/geography .  Initially, I was

myself peeved as to why the ayana and vishuva (Makara, Mesha, Karkata and Tula)

sankrantis had been praised to the skies by our Rishis, so much so that they say

that it is difficult even for yogis to catch the actual moment of such

sankrantis and any charities or fasts on such occasions yield thousand-fold


Let me explain it in a manner that is as non-technical as possible:

We know that the earth hurtles around the sun at about 30 kilometres per second.

(2)  It also rotates on its axis, causing days and nights (3) The equator is

“precessing†at tremendous speeds.  (4) Because the ecliptic is inclined to

the equator (obliquity of ecliptic) the earth/sun reaches the minimum/maximum

declination i.e. it is at the minimum/maximum distance from the equator during

its revolution of the sun at particular points of time.  The maximum obliquity

of the ecliptic has remained around 23°28’ over the last couple of

centuries.  Therefore that is the maximum north/south declination that the

sun/earth can attain these days during its journey via the ecliptic.  On that

declination depends the phenomenon of seasons, which is also directly

responsible for increase/decrease in day/night durations.  The sun attains the

maximum northern declination of about 23° 27’ on June 21.  That means it is

at a maximum northern distance from

the equator on that date. That is thus the last day of the summer season when

the day is the longest and varsha ritu starts. The sun (actually the earth) has

then to stop for a fleeting moment---less than a nanosecond-- - before climbing

down from that “high pedestal†of North declination!  That fleeting moment

is the real crucial moment and we can only “calculate†it correctly to some

extent with our computers with microprocessor speeds in GHz that also only with

the data from NASA and other overseas observatories and not from our

panchanga-makers including the Rashtriya Panchanga!  This very moment of

“U-turn†in the declination of the sun is the real dakshinayana as the earth

has reached the maximum declination of south or the sun the maximum declination

of north viz. 23° 27’ and has to turn back from there. This is also known as

Karkata Sankranti of the sun as the sun lies directly over the tropic of Cancer

(Karka-Rekha) on that

date.  I am sure everybody has read that much of geography in his primary

school days!  There cannot be any other Karkata Sankranti as per any shastra or

sidhanta or modern astronomy/geography since there is no other Karka Rekha

(Tropic of Cancer) or any other longest day of the year!

Similar is the case on December 21, when the sun reaches the maximum south

declination (of around 23° 27’) i.e. when the sun is at a maximum southern

distance from the equator. It has to stop then for a fleeting moment---less than

a nanosecond again--- before “turning†back (U-turn!) from that high

pedestal.  That fleeting moment is the real Uttarayana of the sun known as

Makara Sankranti since the sun is directly on the tropic of Capricorn---

Makara-Rekha- --on that date.  There is absolutely no other Makara Sankranti

either as per the shastras or sidhantas or modern astronomy/geography since

there is no other Makara-Rekha nor any other shortest day of the year!  That 

also is primary school level geography!

Similarly, during its sojourn around the sun; the earth, the equator and the

ecliptic join together for a fleeting moment---here also less than a

nanosecond-- when the longitude, latitude, declination and right ascension of

the sun/earth are zero! The sun (actually the earth) is in exact

“conjunction†with the ecliptic and the equator! It is thus a “Triveniâ€

and that is the moment of Spring Equinox.  With the declination of the sun

being zero degrees South it has to start moving away (cross the equator) again

from that “conjunction of the equator†from that moment of zero degrees

longitude-cum- latitude- cum-declination- cum-right ascension!  That fleeting

moment is Vishuva – Mesha Sankranti of the sun (Tula Sankranti of the earth)!

It is Vishuva because the earth is conjunct with the Vishuvat Rekha i.e. the

Equator. That is the moment when days and nights are really equal throughout the

globe.. That is the zero “moment/point†for all

the calculations of longitude, Right Ascension, Declination etc. and it is

known as Vernal Equinox.  Vishuva also means, as per Jayaratha, the commentator

of Tantraloka, the days when “days and nights are equalâ€.  Spring Equinox

also means the same thing i.e Equi-nox: day is equal to night in the midst of

the spring season! This is the real Vaishakhi and the sun enters Uttara Gola

then i.e. it starts gaining in northern declination!  There is no other

Vishuvat Rekha (Equator) with which the earth can be “conjunct†during

Spring and therefore there cannot be any other Vishuva or Mesha Sankranti since

day and night are not equal during Spring on any other day.  All the

panchangakars list Uttara-gola on that date but then why do they want us to

celebrate Vaishakhi/Vaishakha di/Meshadi i.e. solar New Year on April 14/15!

  Because they know that we do not know ABC of geography!  Or is it that they

do not know it themselves?

Then again after six months of that phenomenon, a similar situation comes again,

when the longitude and Right ascension of the sun are 180 degrees (earth zero

degrees).  The longitude of the sun also can be taken as zero degrees on that

date if we measure it from Autumn Equinox instead of from Vernal Equinox! The

equator, the earth and the ecliptic have a confluence for a fleeting

moment---less than a nanosecond-- -again!  As the earth is conjunct the equator

i.e. Vishuvat Rekha again, it is also known as Vishuva----Autumn Equinox (Jala

Vishuva or Tula Sankranti) around September 23. It is the midpoint (second

month) of the Sharat-ritu. (That is why Sharadiya Navaratras should start with

the first Shukla Pratipat after Sharat Ritu starts---on September 15 in

2004—and not when Sharat-kala is almost over—October 14, 2004----as is being

done by our panchangamakers) .

The declination of the sun is zero degrees at that particular moment.  Again,

all the panchangakars list it as “the sun enters dakshina gola†as the sun

(after crossing the Equator) starts gaining southern declination from that

moment.  There cannot be any other Tula Sankranti/Jala Vishuva as the earth is

not conjunct Equator---and thus the day and night are not equal---on any other

day in Autumn! But then these panchangakars make us celebrate Tula Sankranti on

October 14/15!  Why?  Only because they will lose their sinful crumbs if the

tell us the facts!  Or is it that they do not know the facts themselves? A sad

state of affairs, in either case!

Naturally, in ancient times, it was almost impossible for ordinary mortals to

calculate accurately to the nearest minute, leave alone the nearest second, such

phenomena as lasted hardly for nanoseconds!  Really, hats off to our Rishis! 

Obviously, our present “Vamadevas†and “Parasharas†who advocate such

Mesha etc. sankrantis as do not exist at all, are a slur on the real Rishis and

such fakes must be banished without delay from this land of real Rishis.

8.         Day-to-day experience:    In fact, we do not need to brush

up even our primary school level geography since our day to day experience also

tells us that the sun does not rise daily from the same place.  It is exactly

above the equator (bhumadhya-rekha) on March 20/21 dividing the day into two

“equal halves†of 12 hours each! That is why it is known as Vasanta-Sampat

or Vishuva or Mesha Sankranti or Madhava! It does not rise on any other day from

that point till its revolution around the sun is complete.  (That is why there

cannot be two Spring Equinoxes or two Mesha Sankrantis in a year!).  After that

date, we observe it  rising in further north (Uttara-gola! ) till June 21. 

And that is what is known as Dakshinayana Day or Karkata Sankranti or Nabhah

(start of Varsha Ritu) and there cannot be any other Karka Sankranti as there

cannot be another longest day at all for the next 365 days!  From that moment

onwards the sun 

stops rising towards north but turns back from there towards dakshina (south)

till it is exactly above the equator again on September 22/23, dividing the day

once again into two “equal halves†of 12 hours each. That day is known as

Sharat Sampat (Autumn Equinox) or Tula Sankranti or Vishuva or Urja and the day

and night are again equal on that date.  Obviously, there cannot be another

Tula Sankranti for at least next 365 days! From that date onwards it moves i.e.

keeps on rising towards south (Dakshina Gola) rising in extreme southern

direction on December 21.  That is the Uttarayana day since from that date the

sun stops moving further south and starts turning towards north. It is this very

day that is known as world famous Makara Sankranti or Pongal or Udagayana or

Tapah!  That was the day for which Bhishma was waiting to shed off his mortal

coil!  There cannot be another Makara Sankranti as there cannot be another

shortest day for the next

365 days from that date onwards!

9. We have made a laughing stock of ourselves:      Now we can see for

ourselves as to how artificial, illogical, unscientific and irrational and,

above all, anti-Vedic our Makara, Mesha, Karkata and Tula Sankrantis are these

days which are celebrated on January 14, April 14, July 14 and October 14

instead of December 21, March 21, June 21 and Sept. 23 respectively!  All the

world is laughing at us that we do not know even the actual days of solstices

and equinoxes!      When these very four cardinal points are such

topsy-turvy how can the other sankrantis (solar ingresses) be correct!  As

these panchangakars do not let the solar months start from proper days, lunar

months also are made to lag behind by at least one month!

And we can rest assured that what is illogical, unscientific and irrational

could never have been advised by our dharmashastras, as seen above. It is only

our panchangakars who are prescribing such farcical festivals and fairs! 

Why?  Because they are worse than Duryodhana.  Why?  Because Duryodhana had

the courage to admit that though he could differentiate between Dharma and

Adharma yet he was in no mood to follow Dharma and desist from Adharma!  But

these panchangakars do not have the courage to admit that they have been

fleecing the entire Hindu society for the last several centuries just for some

crumbs and should stop now from spreading that adharma further.  Or is it that

they are so insensitive to even the natural phenomena like sunrise and sunset or

winter and summer that they cannot differentiate between a natural Mesha

Sankranti and an artificial one?   But then it is equally our fault as we

never questioned them about the criteria

they adopted for such festivals/phenomena!

10.       Muhurtas:       When the dates of sankrantis and lunar

months are wrong how can the muhurtas fixed on such basis be correct?  No

wonder we are celebrating marriages during the actual shradha-paksha and

“enjoying†shradhas during the period actually auspicious for marriages!

CRC Report: It must be put on record that even the  Saha Calendar Reform

Committee had warned in no uncertain terms about the situation these

panchangamakers have created for us, and I quote, “In continuing to follow the

nirayana system, the Hindu calendar makers are under delusion that they are

following the path of dharma.  They are actually committing the whole Hindu

society to adharma†(Page 260 of the Report of the Calendar Reform Committee,


            Earlier these Panchanga-makers used to boast (wrongly

though) that as they made correct predictions on the basis of such (imaginary)

rashis that is why they were following them for festivals also. But now even

that “gas-ball†has been deflated since they have met their Waterloo with

the failure of their predictions about NDA forming the Government under Atalji

with the result that these Panchanga makers themselves are in mourning these

days! (Please see the attachment proving that there are no rashis, much less

astrology in the Vedas!)

            In view of the above, I am listing below some of the most

important festivals from June 1 till December 31, 2004, as per all the Vedas,

shastras, sidhantas and modern astronomy.  Just celebrate them accordingly and

do confront your panchangamaker/ panditji with these unpleasant facts because

unless and until we revolt against this anyay (injustice), they will continue to

hurtle us towards the abyss of adharma by making us mourn on Dipavali!

There is a saying that you can take a horse to the river but you cannot make it

drink water!  I have done my job by pointing out all the glaring anomalies.  I

have substantiated my arguments with all the proofs in a nutshell which even a

layman can understand.  It is up to the readers whether they want to be like

vegetables being tossed by panchangamakers (including the Rashtriya Panchanga)

or they want to really have some zest for real dharma!

Please feel free to email or post this letter-cum-request to anybody you like

since everybody must join this dharmayudha for streamlining our calendar..

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Avtar Krishen Kaul


All India Calendar Reform Committee

H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A, Sector-2

Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085               

(Email: jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com     Tel: 27516483)

















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Astrolearner Brazil <astrolearner_brazil

vedic astrology

Friday, 22 May, 2009 5:56:23 PM

[vedic astrology] Fw: [ind. & West. Astrology] Do we celebrate our

festivals on correct days? No. absolutely not!








Dear friends,


Here is a copy of BVB6.doc that was sent to all the branches of Bharatiya Vidya

Bhavan besides all the leading Jyotishis and jyotisha teaching shops, apart from

all the venerable jagadgurus etc. etc. way back in 2004. Kindly go through it

and let me have your views!



*** *** ****


Tel. 27516483; E-mail: jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com


H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A,



Rohini, Delhi-110085 (India)

July 17, 2004

Dear Friends,


A humble request that we should not mourn on the day of “festival of

lights†i.e. we should not celebrate Pitramavasya on the day of actual

Dipavali (Gujarati New Year!) on October 13, 04.


Every festival has a criterion. We celebrate Independence Day on August 15

every year. Why? Because India gained independence on that day. It is immaterial

whether August 15 is a Sunday or a Monday or Shravana or Bhadra.. Similarly, for

celebrating religious festivals, our shastras have fixed certain criteria. And

as we know, fasts and festivals are celebrated for the peace and welfare of

ourselves and our kith and kin. Consequently, if we do not adhere to the

criteria/tenets fixed by the shastras, those very fasts and festivals will do us

more harm than good. Same is the case with Muhurtas. We must therefore know the


E.g. for Vasanti Navaratra, viz. the lunar New Year, the criterion is “Chaitra

Shukla Pratipat†and for Rama Navmi it is " Chaitra Shukla Navmi " . We must

therefore know as to when Chaitra Shukla Paksha starts. This information has to

be based on the Vedas, Puranas and other shastras as well as astronomy/geography

, both ancient i.e. sidhantic and modern. Let us see these criteria one by one:

1. The Vedas: All the four Vedas, Brahmanas and Upanasihadas etc.

state that the year comprises six seasons of two months each. Shishira-ritu

viz. winter and the month of Tapah start simultaneously with Uttarayana viz.

Winter Solstice i.e. the shortest day of the year. That very month is also known

as Magha. It is followed by other months viz. Tapasya (Phalguna) and (Vasanta

ritu comprising) Madhu (Chaitra) and Madhav (Vaishakha). Thus solar Chaitra is

the third month from the date of Winter Solstice. Therefore, it should start

these days three months after December 21 i.e. around February 20. In fact, it

started on February 19 in 2004.

2. Vedanga Jyotisha: The earliest recorded work on Vedic astronomy is

Vedanga Jyotisha also known as Rik/Yajur Jyotisha by Lagadha. It was compiled

around thirteenth century BCE i.e. about 3300 years back, most probably in

Kashmir. The fifth and the sixth verses of the same are:

swarakramete Somarkau yada sakam savasavav,

syat-tadadiyugam maghas-tapah shuklo dinam-tyajah

“When the sun and the moon while moving in the sky, come to Vasava

(Dhanishtha) star together, then the Yuga, the Magha (month) the Tapas (season),

the light half of the month, and the winter solstice (Uttarayana) , all commence


prapadyate shavishshthadav suryachandramsav- udak

sarparde dakshinarkastu Magha shravanayoh sada

“The sun and the moon turn towards North in the beginning of Dhanishtha and

towards South in the middle of Ashlesha. The sun always does this (turn north)

in the month of Magha and (turn south) in Shravana respectivelyâ€

Vedanga Jyotisha has made it clear in its seventh mantra that by

Uttaryana it means really the shortest day of the year instead of some imaginary

Uttarayana like January 14 of some Panchangakars of these days:

dharma vridhir apam prasthah kshapa hras udag-gatav

dakshine-tau viparyastav shanmuhurtyaynen tu

“During the sun’s northward journey (six months of Uttarayana) the day

increases by one Prastha measure of water and the night becomes short. During

the southward journey (six months of Dakshinayana) , the conditions reverse.

The increase (of time) during an ayana is equal to six muhurtasâ€. (S. B.

Dikshit’s translation for all the three mantras)

Further, as everybody knows, and as every Panchanga indicates,

Vasanta (Spring) starts exactly on the day of Madhu i.e. February 19/20. It is

a geographical phenomenon and cannot be wished away or altered. How could then

Vasanti Navratra start on March 21, 2004 after one month after the start of the

month of Madhu i.e. the real Vasanta (Spring)?

Thus there is absolutely no doubt that the Vasanti Navratras which

we are celebrating these days are not on the correct days as per either the

Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha or the phenomenon of seasons. But then why are we

celebrating them on wrong days? Because our panchangakars, including the

Rashtriya Panchanga do not tell us the correct days! Is it that they do not know

the correct criteria/days of these phenomena themselves?

Madhava cannot be equal to Chaitra if it is equal to Mesha and Vasanti

Navratraas cannot wait for more than a month after the start of Vasanta Ritu!:

If you look at any Panchanga, including the Rashtriya Panchanga, in any

language, you will find that they have mentioned the start of the month of Madhu

and Vasanta Ritu on that date viz. February 19, 2004. Rashtriya Panchanga lists

the month starting with February 19 as the Vedic Mina. The first New Moon

(Shukla Pratipat) after the solar Chaitra i.e. Madhu (Vedic Mina as per the

Rashtriya Panchanga) is thus Chaitra Shukla Pratipat. It was on February 21 in

2004. As such, the real Vasanti Navratras started on February 21, 2004. It is

known as Navreh in Kashmir, Gudi Padva in Maharashtra and Ugadi in Andhra etc.

That would have satisfied the criterion of the Vedas that madhuscha madhavashcha

vasantikav ritu (Yajurveda Samhita 4/4/11/1) i.e. Madhu (Chaitra) and Madhava

(Vaishakha) are the months of

Vasanta i.e. Spring Season. Obviously, Chaitra Shukla Paksha is the start of

the first lunar month of Vasanta as per all the Vedas also.

Naturally, since as per all the Panchangas, Vasanta Ritu started on February 19,

2004, the solar Chaitra also should have started on that date of Madhu i.e.

February 19 but ironically it was made to start on March 14 and the Rashtriya

Panchanga starts it (Chaitra) on March 21 every year, when Madhava i.e.

Vaishakha is supposed to start as per all the Vedas and Puranas.. Surprisingly,

Rashtriya Panchanga itself calls this month (March 21) as Vedic Mesha and

Madhava! How they can call Mesha and Madhava as Chaitra, they only can say!

Accordingly, the Lunar Chaitra was made to start on March 21 (which should have

been actually Vaishakha Shukla paksha!) instead of February 21! When Vasanta

Ritu started on February 19, 2004, according to all the Panchangas, the first

shukla pratipat after that, which was on February 21, 2004, should naturally

have been Vasanti Navratra! Thus the solar Chaitra and the Navratras, both, were

“postponed†exactly by one

month against the injunctions of all the Vedas. Why? Because either our

panchangakars themselves have no knowledge about the criteria of festivals or

they are making a fool of us deliberately!

Vasanta Panchami in mid-winter: Then again, do you know when we were asked to

celebrate Vasanta Panchami by these very panchangakars according to whom Vasanti

navratras started on March 21? January 26, 2004! That means Vasanta Panchami

was celebrated two months before even their own Vasanta Shukla Pratipat! Only

the insane and dimwitted can celebrate Spring in mid-Winter! Evidently, either

our panchangakars are either themselves insane and dimwitted or they treat us

like that!

Ramanavmi: Goswami Tulsidas says in his immortal


navmi tithi Madhumas punita, sukalpachha abhijit hariprita

“Shri Ram was born on navmi tithi of shukla paksha in the month of Madhu, in

Abhijit muhurtaâ€.

We have seen that Madhu or Chaitra and Spring (Vasanta) both commence

simultaneously around February 19 every year as per the Vedas and Vedanga

Jyotisha. In fact they are synonyms of one another. Let us now see other

authorities in this regard:

3. Vishnu-dharmortarap urana: As per “Alberuni’s Indiaâ€, in 11th

century-India all the festivals were decided as per the criteria of

Vishnu-dharmotarapu rana. It says in 3/9/4-5

…chaitro madhur-iti smritah,

vaishakho madhavah proktah, shuchir jyeshthah udahritah

shuklah proktastatha ashado nabhah shravan ishyete,

praushthapado nabhasyashcha ishashch ashvayujah smritah

urjakhyah kartikah prokto margshirshah sahastatha

sahasya paush ityukto maghah syat tap eva cha

phalgunashcha tapasyakhyo maso…

“(i) Chaitra is known as Madhu (or Madhu is known as Chaitra)! (ii) Vaishakha

as Madhava; (iii) Jyeshtha as Shuchih; (iv) Ashadha as Shuklah (or Shukrah); (v)

Nabhah as Shravana; (vi) Praushthapada (Bhadrapada) as Nabhasya; (vii) Ashvayuja

(Ashvina) as Ishah; (viii) Urja as Kartika; (ix) Margashirsha as Saha; (x)

Sahasya as Pausha; (xi) Magha as Tapah and (xii) Phalguna as Tapasya.â€

As we have seen above, Madhu started on February 19 and Chaitra

Shukla Pratipad started on Februrary 21 which means Ramanavmi should have been

on February 29, 2004. Our panchangakars (including, of course, the Rashtriya

Panfhanga!) made us celebrate Ramanavmi on March 30, 2004, whereas Madhu ended

on March 20 and the real Chaitra Shuklapaksha on March 7! Why did they compel

us to celebrate it on a wrong day—nay, even in a wrong month? Because they

know fully well that in spite of claiming to be educated and intelligent people,

we are not going to ask any inconvenient questions! But then, are we really

intelligent and educated if we do not know anything about the criteria of our

festivals? Or is it that our panchangakars also are lacking in education and

intelligence and they do not know even ABC of our dharmashastras? Well, they

alone can answer that question for themselves!

4. Sidhantas: The earliest “most accurate (?!)†(spashta-taro

savitrah) astronomical treatise of Indian astronomy is supposed to be the Surya

Sidhanta of 5th century AD. In Mana-adhyaya, verses 9-10, it says:

bhanor-makar Sankranteh shanmasa Uttarayanam

karkyadestu tathaiv syat

shanmasa dakshinayanam

dwirashi natha ritavas

tatoapi shishiradayah

meshadav dwadashaite masaistaireva vatsarah

“From Makar Sankranti start the six months of Uttarayana and from Karkata

Sankranti the six months of Dakshinayana. Each season starting with Shishira

(and Makara Sankranti) comprises two rashis (and) six seasons make one yearâ€.

Lest there be any doubt as to what type of Rashis the Surya Sidhanta is

talking about, it

makes it clear in Bhugoladhyaya, verses 57 to 62:

meshadav to sada vridhir udaguttarto adhika

devamshe cha kshapa hanir vipareetam tatha asure

tuladav dyunishorvamam kshyay vridhav tayorubhe

deshkranti vashan nitem tadvigyanam puroditam

ayanante vilomena devasur vibhagayoh

nadi shashtya sakrid ahar nishapi asmin sakrit

tadantare api shashtyante kshayvridhav ahar-nishoh

parto vipareeto ayam bhagolah parivartate. .

“During the half revolution beginning with Mesha, there is always an excess of

day to the north, in the hemisphere of the gods i.e. Uttarayana-- -greater

according to distance north---and a corresponding deficiency of the night. In

the hemisphere of the demons (Dakshinayana) , the reverse. In the half

revolution beginning with Libra (Tula) both the deficiency and excess of day and

night in the two hemispheres are the opposite of this. The method of determining

them, which is always dependent upon situation (desha) and declination (kranti),

has been before explained.

“There occurs once, at the end of the sun’s half revolution from

solstice to solstice---( Uttarayana to Dakshinayana) a day of sixty nadis and a

night of the same length mutually opposed to one another, in the two hemispheres

of the gods and of the demons. In the intermediate region, the deficiency and

excess of day and night are within the limit of sixty nadis beyond this sphere

of asterisms (bha) revolves perverselyâ€. (Burgess’ translation) .

Two things are clear from the above to even a layman with a bit of

knowledge of geography of primary school level about the phenomenon of seasons:

i) It is only around March 21 (Spring Equinox) Mesha Sankranti every year that

day and night are equal and the length of day in the northern hemisphere starts

increasing as compared to the length of night.

ii) Then around September 23 (Autumn Equinox) Tula Sankranti, when the

day and night are again equal, the length of nights starts increasing as

compared to the length of days.. And in the same order the day is the shortest

around December 21 (winter solstice) and longest around June 21 (Summer

Solstice). These very Equinoxes and solstices are known as Mesha, Karkata, Tula

and Makar Sankranti respectively as per all the sidhantas and shastras. There

are no other such sankrantis either in the sidhantas or modern astronomy.

5. Puranas: I have already quoted hundreds of proofs with chapter

and verse in my Panchangas and other articles. It is no use to repeat them here

again. Suffice to quote a few only from a couple of Puranas. First the

Vishnupurana: 2/8/28-31 and 67-68

ayanasyotarasyadav makaram yati bhaskarah

tatah kumbham cha menam cha rashe rashyantaram dvija (28)

trishu eteshu atha bhukteshu tato vaishuvatim gatim

prayati savita kurvan ahoratram tatah samam (29)

tato ratrih kshayam yati vardhate anudinam dinam


tatashcha mithunasyante param kashtham upagatah

rashim karkatam prapya kurute dakshinayanam


“In the beginning of Uttarayana, the sun enters Capricorn (Makara

Rashi) there from going to Kumbha and them Mina. After having passed through

these three signs, it just gains vishuvati (equinoctial) speed resulting in the

day and night being equal on Mesha. After that, nights start decreasing and the

days increasing correspondingly daily. Then when the sun is in the end of

Mithuna Rashi, i.e. when it is just at the verge of entering Cancer, the day is

the longest then and Dakshnayana starts on that dateâ€.

Sharad vsantyor Madhye vishuvam to vibhavyete

Tula mesh gate bhanav samratri divam tu tat


Karkatavasthite bhanav dakshiyanamuchete

Uttarayanam api uktam makarasthe divakare


“In the midst of sharat ritu and vasanta ritu, vishuvas (equinoxes) take place

with the entry of the sun into Tula (Libra) and Mesha (Aries) respectively and

days and nights become equal on those two sankrantis. The entry of sun into

Cancer (Karkata) is known as dakshinayana whereas its entry into Maraka is known

as Uttarayanaâ€

Now Shrimadbhagavata, 5/21/4-6

yada mesh tulyor vartate tada ahoratrani samanani bhavanti yada vrishadishu

panchasu cha rashishu charati tada ahani eva vardhante hrasati cha masi masi

ekaika ghatika ratrishu (4) yada vrishchikadishu panchasu vartate

tada ahoratrani viparyayani bhavanti (5) yavad dakshinayanam ahani vardhante

yavad uttarayanam ratrayah (6)

“When the sun enters Mesha and Tula days and nights are equal on those dates

and the day starts getting longer as compared to nights when the sun passes

through Vrisha etc. five rashis then days keep on increasing and the nights

decreasing by one ghati every month. (After the day and night have become equal

on Tula Sankranti) the nights keep on increasing during the sojourn of five

rashis of Vrishchika etc. In short, during Uttarayana days keep on increasing

till Dakshinayana and after that nights keep on increasingâ€.

Vishnurhdarmotarapu rana 3/8/6-8 says

tula meshagate bhanav vishuvad dinam uchete,

dhanvato mithunantashcha ayane soasya dakshine,

“When the sun is in Mesha and Tula, they are the days of Vishuva i.e. days and

nights are equal then. From the end of Dhanu (start of Makara) Uttarayana

starts and from the end of Mithuna (start of Karkata) Dakshniyana startsâ€

Any discussion on such topics is incomplete without appropriate references from

Shivamahapurana: We just quote one 5/51/54 from this Purana below:

madhavasya site pakshe tritiya ya akshayabida

tasyam yo jagadambayah vratam kuryad atandritah…

“The tritiya of Shukla paksha of Madhava (!) is know as akshayaya tritiya.

One who observes a fast for Jagadamba on that date (gets immortal and thousand

fold results)â€

It is to be noted here that Akshaya tritiya is to be observed in

(lunar) Madhava that means according to Shiva-Mahapurana also Vaishakha does not

have any other existence besides Madhava! Thus the akshyaya tritiya that we

observed in 2003 on May 4, was against all the shastras since solar Madhava had

ended on April 20 and lunar Madhava on April 30! A similar situation is going to

crop up in 2005. We will be asked to celebrate Akshaya tritiya on May 12, when

solar Madhava will have ended on April 20 and lunar Madhava shukla paksha will

start on April 8, 2005 which means it should be celebrated actually on April 11,


Now obviously, if as per all the Vedas, Vedanga Jyotisha, Surya Sidhanta,

Bhagavata, Vishnupurana, Vishnudharmotarapur ana and Shiva Mahapurana etc. etc.

solar Shravana is another name of Dakshinayana viz sun in Karkata, it starts on

June 21 in 2004. The first shukla pratipat after that is on July 18.

Therefore, that is the day when the Lunar Shravana starts in 2004 as per all the

Vedas and Puranas etc.. As such, Shravana Purnima viz Raksha Bandhan and

Amarnath Yatra etc. should be celebrated on July 31 in 2004. Why are our

panchangakars asking us to celebrate it on August 29 instead? Only because they

treat the entire Hindu society as ignorant fools who have no idea about the

criteria of any festivals! Or is it that the panchangakars do not know anything

themselves but are just copying from others like blind following blind?

Similarly, Janmashtami should be celebrated on the Krishna-paksha

Ashtami following that Shravana Purnima i.e. on August 7 in 2004. But we are

asked to celebrate it on September 6! Why? For God’s sake do ask your

“Panditji†and let me know what he says!

6. To clinch the issue on the basis of Agama i.e. yogashastras, I will

quote the master-yogi i.e. Acharya Abhinavgupta’s Tantraloka: 6/114-116

shatsu shatsu anguleshu arko hridayat makaradishu

tishthan maghadikam shatkam kuryat tat-chotarayanam

sankranti tritaye vrite bhukte chashtadashangule

mesham prapte ravav punyam vishuvat par laukikam

praveshe tu tulasthe arke tadev vishuvad bhavet

Ih sidhi pradam chaitat dakshinayan- gam tatah

The translation of these mantras, as per the commentary of Jayaratha is,

(Linking yogic kriyas to seasons, it says, “After every six ungalas from the

hirdaya (the pranas go to) Makara etc. and make Magha etc. six such months from

Uttarayana starting with sun’s transit into Makara. From Makra to Mithuna is

Uttarayana and in Magha sun transits Makara Rashi so till Ashada when the sun

transits Mithuna, Uttarayana lasts, After having crossed three sankrantis (of

Uttarayana)–eighteen unglas of Prana --= vishuvat Sankranti arrives. Because

on that day of Mesha sankranti the days and nights are equal throughout the

world that is why it is known as vishuvat. When the sun enters Tula it is

vishuva againâ€.

I do not think that there should be any doubt now in anybody’s

mind as to how we are being taken for a ride by these panchanga-makers. Or is

it that those panchangakars themselves are being taken for a ride by someone

else either knowingly or unbeknown to them? In either case, it is literally

killing our dharma.

As we have seen that Shravana Shukla Paksha starts from July 18, 2004,

therefore, Bhadra Shukla paksha will start from August 17. Naturally, the

first Krishna Pratipat after that i.e. Ashvina Krishna Paksha is the start of

Pitrapaksha, which means it starts from August 31, 2004. As such, the Purnima

shradha of Pitrapaksha falls on August 29, 2004, whereas the Pitramavasya is

actually on September 14, 2004. And by the same logic and criterion Sharadiya

Navaratras start from September 15 and Kartika Amavasya falls exactly after

about one month i.e. on October 13, 2004. And that is the world famous festival

of lights viz Dipavali! But tragically, our panchanga-makers advise us to mourn

on that day i.e. we are advised to celebrate Pitraamavasa then! Why? Because

they know that we have become immune to all such things and are worried only

about financial gains or losses but not about our dharma! But we must know that

by “mourning†on the day

of actual Dipavali we will be losers not only financially but in every worldly

and spiritual sphere like that of the erstwhile ruling party! So whether we

mourn or burst crackers on the actual Dipavali (October 13), it is up to us now!

7. Primary School level Geography: Let us see the situation in

the light of modern astronomy/geography . Initially, I was myself peeved as to

why the ayana and vishuva (Makara, Mesha, Karkata and Tula) sankrantis had been

praised to the skies by our Rishis, so much so that they say that it is

difficult even for yogis to catch the actual moment of such sankrantis and any

charities or fasts on such occasions yield thousand-fold results!

Let me explain it in a manner that is as non-technical as possible:

We know that the earth hurtles around the sun at about 30 kilometres per second.

(2) It also rotates on its axis, causing days and nights (3) The equator is

“precessing†at tremendous speeds. (4) Because the ecliptic is inclined to

the equator (obliquity of ecliptic) the earth/sun reaches the minimum/maximum

declination i.e. it is at the minimum/maximum distance from the equator during

its revolution of the sun at particular points of time. The maximum obliquity

of the ecliptic has remained around 23°28’ over the last couple of centuries.

Therefore that is the maximum north/south declination that the sun/earth can

attain these days during its journey via the ecliptic. On that declination

depends the phenomenon of seasons, which is also directly responsible for

increase/decrease in day/night durations. The sun attains the maximum northern

declination of about 23° 27’ on June 21. That means it is at a maximum

northern distance from

the equator on that date. That is thus the last day of the summer season when

the day is the longest and varsha ritu starts. The sun (actually the earth) has

then to stop for a fleeting moment---less than a nanosecond-- - before climbing

down from that “high pedestal†of North declination! That fleeting moment

is the real crucial moment and we can only “calculate†it correctly to some

extent with our computers with microprocessor speeds in GHz that also only with

the data from NASA and other overseas observatories and not from our

panchanga-makers including the Rashtriya Panchanga! This very moment of

“U-turn†in the declination of the sun is the real dakshinayana as the earth

has reached the maximum declination of south or the sun the maximum declination

of north viz.. 23° 27’ and has to turn back from there. This is also known as

Karkata Sankranti of the sun as the sun lies directly over the tropic of Cancer

(Karka-Rekha) on that

date. I am sure everybody has read that much of geography in his primary school

days! There cannot be any other Karkata Sankranti as per any shastra or

sidhanta or modern astronomy/geography since there is no other Karka Rekha

(Tropic of Cancer) or any other longest day of the year!

Similar is the case on December 21, when the sun reaches the maximum south

declination (of around 23° 27’) i.e. when the sun is at a maximum southern

distance from the equator. It has to stop then for a fleeting moment---less than

a nanosecond again--- before “turning†back (U-turn!) from that high

pedestal. That fleeting moment is the real Uttarayana of the sun known as

Makara Sankranti since the sun is directly on the tropic of Capricorn---

Makara-Rekha- --on that date. There is absolutely no other Makara Sankranti

either as per the shastras or sidhantas or modern astronomy/geography since

there is no other Makara-Rekha nor any other shortest day of the year! That

also is primary school level geography!

Similarly, during its sojourn around the sun; the earth, the equator and the

ecliptic join together for a fleeting moment---here also less than a

nanosecond-- when the longitude, latitude, declination and right ascension of

the sun/earth are zero! The sun (actually the earth) is in exact

“conjunction†with the ecliptic and the equator! It is thus a “Triveniâ€

and that is the moment of Spring Equinox. With the declination of the sun being

zero degrees South it has to start moving away (cross the equator) again from

that “conjunction of the equator†from that moment of zero degrees

longitude-cum- latitude- cum-declination- cum-right ascension! That fleeting

moment is Vishuva – Mesha Sankranti of the sun (Tula Sankranti of the earth)!

It is Vishuva because the earth is conjunct with the Vishuvat Rekha i.e. the

Equator. That is the moment when days and nights are really equal throughout the

globe.. That is the zero “moment/point†for all

the calculations of longitude, Right Ascension, Declination etc. and it is known

as Vernal Equinox. Vishuva also means, as per Jayaratha, the commentator of

Tantraloka, the days when “days and nights are equalâ€. Spring Equinox also

means the same thing i.e Equi-nox: day is equal to night in the midst of the

spring season! This is the real Vaishakhi and the sun enters Uttara Gola then

i.e. it starts gaining in northern declination! There is no other Vishuvat

Rekha (Equator) with which the earth can be “conjunct†during Spring and

therefore there cannot be any other Vishuva or Mesha Sankranti since day and

night are not equal during Spring on any other day. All the panchangakars list

Uttara-gola on that date but then why do they want us to celebrate

Vaishakhi/Vaishakha di/Meshadi i.e. solar New Year on April 14/15! Because

they know that we do not know ABC of geography! Or is it that they do not know

it themselves?

Then again after six months of that phenomenon, a similar situation comes again,

when the longitude and Right ascension of the sun are 180 degrees (earth zero

degrees). The longitude of the sun also can be taken as zero degrees on that

date if we measure it from Autumn Equinox instead of from Vernal Equinox! The

equator, the earth and the ecliptic have a confluence for a fleeting

moment---less than a nanosecond-- -again! As the earth is conjunct the equator

i.e. Vishuvat Rekha again, it is also known as Vishuva----Autumn Equinox (Jala

Vishuva or Tula Sankranti) around September 23. It is the midpoint (second

month) of the Sharat-ritu. (That is why Sharadiya Navaratras should start with

the first Shukla Pratipat after Sharat Ritu starts---on September 15 in

2004—and not when Sharat-kala is almost over—October 14, 2004----as is being

done by our panchangamakers) .

The declination of the sun is zero degrees at that particular moment. Again,

all the panchangakars list it as “the sun enters dakshina gola†as the sun

(after crossing the Equator) starts gaining southern declination from that

moment. There cannot be any other Tula Sankranti/Jala Vishuva as the earth is

not conjunct Equator---and thus the day and night are not equal---on any other

day in Autumn! But then these panchangakars make us celebrate Tula Sankranti on

October 14/15! Why? Only because they will lose their sinful crumbs if the

tell us the facts! Or is it that they do not know the facts themselves? A sad

state of affairs, in either case!

Naturally, in ancient times, it was almost impossible for ordinary mortals to

calculate accurately to the nearest minute, leave alone the nearest second, such

phenomena as lasted hardly for nanoseconds! Really, hats off to our Rishis!

Obviously, our present “Vamadevas†and “Parasharas†who advocate such

Mesha etc. sankrantis as do not exist at all, are a slur on the real Rishis and

such fakes must be banished without delay from this land of real Rishis.

8. Day-to-day experience: In fact, we do not need to brush up even

our primary school level geography since our day to day experience also tells us

that the sun does not rise daily from the same place. It is exactly above the

equator (bhumadhya-rekha) on March 20/21 dividing the day into two “equal

halves†of 12 hours each! That is why it is known as Vasanta-Sampat or Vishuva

or Mesha Sankranti or Madhava! It does not rise on any other day from that point

till its revolution around the sun is complete. (That is why there cannot be

two Spring Equinoxes or two Mesha Sankrantis in a year!). After that date, we

observe it rising in further north (Uttara-gola! ) till June 21. And that is

what is known as Dakshinayana Day or Karkata Sankranti or Nabhah (start of

Varsha Ritu) and there cannot be any other Karka Sankranti as there cannot be

another longest day at all for the next 365 days! From that moment onwards the


stops rising towards north but turns back from there towards dakshina (south)

till it is exactly above the equator again on September 22/23, dividing the day

once again into two “equal halves†of 12 hours each. That day is known as

Sharat Sampat (Autumn Equinox) or Tula Sankranti or Vishuva or Urja and the day

and night are again equal on that date. Obviously, there cannot be another Tula

Sankranti for at least next 365 days! From that date onwards it moves i.e. keeps

on rising towards south (Dakshina Gola) rising in extreme southern direction on

December 21. That is the Uttarayana day since from that date the sun stops

moving further south and starts turning towards north. It is this very day that

is known as world famous Makara Sankranti or Pongal or Udagayana or Tapah! That

was the day for which Bhishma was waiting to shed off his mortal coil! There

cannot be another Makara Sankranti as there cannot be another shortest day for

the next

365 days from that date onwards!

9. We have made a laughing stock of ourselves: Now we can see for ourselves

as to how artificial, illogical, unscientific and irrational and, above all,

anti-Vedic our Makara, Mesha, Karkata and Tula Sankrantis are these days which

are celebrated on January 14, April 14, July 14 and October 14 instead of

December 21, March 21, June 21 and Sept. 23 respectively! All the world is

laughing at us that we do not know even the actual days of solstices and

equinoxes! When these very four cardinal points are such topsy-turvy how

can the other sankrantis (solar ingresses) be correct! As these panchangakars

do not let the solar months start from proper days, lunar months also are made

to lag behind by at least one month!

And we can rest assured that what is illogical, unscientific and irrational

could never have been advised by our dharmashastras, as seen above. It is only

our panchangakars who are prescribing such farcical festivals and fairs! Why?

Because they are worse than Duryodhana. Why? Because Duryodhana had the

courage to admit that though he could differentiate between Dharma and Adharma

yet he was in no mood to follow Dharma and desist from Adharma! But these

panchangakars do not have the courage to admit that they have been fleecing the

entire Hindu society for the last several centuries just for some crumbs and

should stop now from spreading that adharma further. Or is it that they are so

insensitive to even the natural phenomena like sunrise and sunset or winter and

summer that they cannot differentiate between a natural Mesha Sankranti and an

artificial one? But then it is equally our fault as we never questioned them

about the criteria

they adopted for such festivals/phenomena !

10. Muhurtas: When the dates of sankrantis and lunar months are

wrong how can the muhurtas fixed on such basis be correct? No wonder we are

celebrating marriages during the actual shradha-paksha and “enjoyingâ€

shradhas during the period actually auspicious for marriages!

CRC Report: It must be put on record that even the Saha Calendar Reform

Committee had warned in no uncertain terms about the situation these

panchangamakers have created for us, and I quote, “In continuing to follow the

nirayana system, the Hindu calendar makers are under delusion that they are

following the path of dharma. They are actually committing the whole Hindu

society to adharma†(Page 260 of the Report of the Calendar Reform Committee,


Earlier these Panchanga-makers used to boast (wrongly though) that

as they made correct predictions on the basis of such (imaginary) rashis that is

why they were following them for festivals also. But now even that

“gas-ball†has been deflated since they have met their Waterloo with the

failure of their predictions about NDA forming the Government under Atalji with

the result that these Panchanga makers themselves are in mourning these days!

(Please see the attachment proving that there are no rashis, much less astrology

in the Vedas!)

In view of the above, I am listing below some of the most important

festivals from June 1 till December 31, 2004, as per all the Vedas, shastras,

sidhantas and modern astronomy. Just celebrate them accordingly and do confront

your panchangamaker/ panditji with these unpleasant facts because unless and

until we revolt against this anyay (injustice), they will continue to hurtle us

towards the abyss of adharma by making us mourn on Dipavali!

There is a saying that you can take a horse to the river but you cannot make it

drink water! I have done my job by pointing out all the glaring anomalies. I

have substantiated my arguments with all the proofs in a nutshell which even a

layman can understand. It is up to the readers whether they want to be like

vegetables being tossed by panchangamakers (including the Rashtriya Panchanga)

or they want to really have some zest for real dharma!

Please feel free to email or post this letter-cum-request to anybody you like

since everybody must join this dharmayudha for streamlining our calendar..

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Avtar Krishen Kaul


All India Calendar Reform Committee

H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A, Sector-2

Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085

(Email: jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com Tel: 27516483)



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To All,


Mr AK Kaul ji has not devoted time to check the basic premises he uses for

launching his campaign. He took the opinions of mlechchhas without cross

checking, and abuses our Vedaangaas under a wrong impression that Maya was a

mlechchha. Maya was a reformed Asura, not a mlechchha. Kamsa was an Asura, while

his kins who supported Shri Krishna (incl. Shri Krishna who was a close relative

of Kamsa) were not Asuras. AKK is wrongly taking asuraws to be equivalent to

mlechchhas. Suryasiddhanta has never been opposed by any ancient authority, and

to abuse it is tantamount to abuse all ancient scholars who supported it.


AKK's flaws are galore. He puts Mahatma Lagadha's Vedaanga Jyotisha around 1300

BCE, following the false views of Colebrooke. Whether one uses physical

astronomy or Suryasiddhanta, there is no way through which the conditions

mentioned in Mahatma Lagadha's Vedaanga Jyotisha can be put even remotely around

1300 BCE. AKK does not even mention all conditions mentioned in Mahatma

Lagadha's Vedaanga Jyotisha, which suggests he quoted some other book. Please

ask him to take a calculator or computer and try tp prove that Mahatma Lagadha's

Vedaanga Jyotisha described conditions around 1300 BCE : he will fail. There are

many softwares now which were not available to Colebrooke.Please ask Mr AKK and

his entire team to prove that Mahatma Lagadha's Vedaanga Jyotisha belonged to a

period around 1300-1400 BCE ! It is a challenge he will not accept.


What he calls the imaginary Uttarayana of panchanga makers was the New Year of

Christians who took it from Romans and the latter took it from Egyptians : since

4713 BC that calendar had a New Year on nirayana Makara Samkraanti which was

advanced by 13 days after Gregorian reforms in 1582 (first by 10 days, later by

3 days more), to make it tropical. Earlier, it was based upon a Dcomplex system

which I think useless to describe here, because those who cannot compute things

of 1400 BC will not like to go further back.


Let these calendar reformers first start with doing some actual computations (no

offence intended, I once caught AKK giving a highly inaccurate computation of

ayanamsha, arriving at a figure of ~47 degrees for the present time !, after

which he stopped correspondence with me). These persons start abusing me when

they lack arguments and facts.


-Vinay Jha

======================= ====






Manoj r.c <r.cmanoj_12

vedic astrology

Friday, May 22, 2009 6:51:50 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Fw: [ind. & West. Astrology] Do we celebrate our

festivals on correct days? No. absolutely not!






be happy don't worry


____________ _________ _________ __

Astrolearner Brazil <astrolearner_ brazil (AT) ymail (DOT) com>

vedic astrology

Friday, 22 May, 2009 5:56:23 PM

[vedic astrology] Fw: [ind. & West. Astrology] Do we celebrate our

festivals on correct days? No. absolutely not!


Dear friends,


Here is a copy of BVB6.doc that was sent to all the branches of Bharatiya Vidya

Bhavan besides all the leading Jyotishis and jyotisha teaching shops, apart from

all the venerable jagadgurus etc. etc. way back in 2004. Kindly go through it

and let me have your views!



*** *** ****


Tel. 27516483; E-mail: jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com


H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A, Sector-2

Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085 (India)

July 17, 2004

Dear Friends,


A humble request that we should not mourn on the day of “festival of lightsâ€

i.e. we should not celebrate Pitramavasya on the day of actual Dipavali

(Gujarati New Year!) on October 13, 04.


Every festival has a criterion. We celebrate Independence Day on August 15

every year. Why? Because India gained independence on that day. It is immaterial

whether August 15 is a Sunday or a Monday or Shravana or Bhadra.. Similarly, for

celebrating religious festivals, our shastras have fixed certain criteria. And

as we know, fasts and festivals are celebrated for the peace and welfare of

ourselves and our kith and kin. Consequently, if we do not adhere to the

criteria/tenets fixed by the shastras, those very fasts and festivals will do us

more harm than good. Same is the case with Muhurtas. We must therefore know the


E.g. for Vasanti Navaratra, viz. the lunar New Year, the criterion is “Chaitra

Shukla Pratipat†and for Rama Navmi it is " Chaitra Shukla Navmi " . We must

therefore know as to when Chaitra Shukla Paksha starts. This information has to

be based on the Vedas, Puranas and other shastras as well as astronomy/geography

, both ancient i.e. sidhantic and modern. Let us see these criteria one by one:

1. The Vedas: All the four Vedas, Brahmanas and Upanasihadas etc.

state that the year comprises six seasons of two months each. Shishira-ritu

viz. winter and the month of Tapah start simultaneously with Uttarayana viz.

Winter Solstice i.e. the shortest day of the year. That very month is also known

as Magha. It is followed by other months viz. Tapasya (Phalguna) and (Vasanta

ritu comprising) Madhu (Chaitra) and Madhav (Vaishakha). Thus solar Chaitra is

the third month from the date of Winter Solstice. Therefore, it should start

these days three months after December 21 i.e. around February 20. In fact, it

started on February 19 in 2004.

2. Vedanga Jyotisha: The earliest recorded work on Vedic astronomy is

Vedanga Jyotisha also known as Rik/Yajur Jyotisha by Lagadha. It was compiled

around thirteenth century BCE i..e. about 3300 years back, most probably in

Kashmir. The fifth and the sixth verses of the same are:

swarakramete Somarkau yada sakam savasavav,

syat-tadadiyugam maghas-tapah shuklo dinam-tyajah

“When the sun and the moon while moving in the sky, come to Vasava

(Dhanishtha) star together, then the Yuga, the Magha (month) the Tapas (season),

the light half of the month, and the winter solstice (Uttarayana) , all commence


prapadyate shavishshthadav suryachandramsav- udak

sarparde dakshinarkastu Magha shravanayoh sada

“The sun and the moon turn towards North in the beginning of Dhanishtha and

towards South in the middle of Ashlesha. The sun always does this (turn north)

in the month of Magha and (turn south) in Shravana respectivelyâ€

Vedanga Jyotisha has made it clear in its seventh mantra that by Uttaryana it

means really the shortest day of the year instead of some imaginary Uttarayana

like January 14 of some Panchangakars of these days:

dharma vridhir apam prasthah kshapa hras udag-gatav

dakshine-tau viparyastav shanmuhurtyaynen tu

“During the sun’s northward journey (six months of Uttarayana) the day

increases by one Prastha measure of water and the night becomes short. During

the southward journey (six months of Dakshinayana) , the conditions reverse.

The increase (of time) during an ayana is equal to six muhurtasâ€. (S. B.

Dikshit’s translation for all the three mantras)

Further, as everybody knows, and as every Panchanga indicates, Vasanta (Spring)

starts exactly on the day of Madhu i.e. February 19/20. It is a geographical

phenomenon and cannot be wished away or altered. How could then Vasanti Navratra

start on March 21, 2004 after one month after the start of the month of Madhu

i.e. the real Vasanta (Spring)?

Thus there is absolutely no doubt that the Vasanti Navratras which we are

celebrating these days are not on the correct days as per either the Vedas or

the Vedanga Jyotisha or the phenomenon of seasons. But then why are we

celebrating them on wrong days? Because our panchangakars, including the

Rashtriya Panchanga do not tell us the correct days! Is it that they do not know

the correct criteria/days of these phenomena themselves?

Madhava cannot be equal to Chaitra if it is equal to Mesha and Vasanti

Navratraas cannot wait for more than a month after the start of Vasanta Ritu!:

If you look at any Panchanga, including the Rashtriya Panchanga, in any

language, you will find that they have mentioned the start of the month of Madhu

and Vasanta Ritu on that date viz. February 19, 2004. Rashtriya Panchanga lists

the month starting with February 19 as the Vedic Mina. The first New Moon

(Shukla Pratipat) after the solar Chaitra i.e. Madhu (Vedic Mina as per the

Rashtriya Panchanga) is thus Chaitra Shukla Pratipat. It was on February 21 in

2004. As such, the real Vasanti Navratras started on February 21, 2004. It is

known as Navreh in Kashmir, Gudi Padva in Maharashtra and Ugadi in Andhra etc.

That would have satisfied the criterion of the Vedas that madhuscha madhavashcha

vasantikav ritu (Yajurveda Samhita 4/4/11/1) i.e. Madhu (Chaitra) and Madhava

(Vaishakha) are the months of

Vasanta i.e. Spring Season. Obviously, Chaitra Shukla Paksha is the start of

the first lunar month of Vasanta as per all the Vedas also.

Naturally, since as per all the Panchangas, Vasanta Ritu started on February 19,

2004, the solar Chaitra also should have started on that date of Madhu i.e.

February 19 but ironically it was made to start on March 14 and the Rashtriya

Panchanga starts it (Chaitra) on March 21 every year, when Madhava i.e.

Vaishakha is supposed to start as per all the Vedas and Puranas.. Surprisingly,

Rashtriya Panchanga itself calls this month (March 21) as Vedic Mesha and

Madhava! How they can call Mesha and Madhava as Chaitra, they only can say!

Accordingly, the Lunar Chaitra was made to start on March 21 (which should have

been actually Vaishakha Shukla paksha!) instead of February 21! When Vasanta

Ritu started on February 19, 2004, according to all the Panchangas, the first

shukla pratipat after that, which was on February 21, 2004, should naturally

have been Vasanti Navratra! Thus the solar Chaitra and the Navratras, both, were

“postponed†exactly by one

month against the injunctions of all the Vedas. Why? Because either our

panchangakars themselves have no knowledge about the criteria of festivals or

they are making a fool of us deliberately!

Vasanta Panchami in mid-winter: Then again, do you know when we were asked to

celebrate Vasanta Panchami by these very panchangakars according to whom Vasanti

navratras started on March 21? January 26, 2004! That means Vasanta Panchami

was celebrated two months before even their own Vasanta Shukla Pratipat! Only

the insane and dimwitted can celebrate Spring in mid-Winter! Evidently, either

our panchangakars are either themselves insane and dimwitted or they treat us

like that!

Ramanavmi: Goswami Tulsidas says in his immortal


navmi tithi Madhumas punita, sukalpachha abhijit hariprita

“Shri Ram was born on navmi tithi of shukla paksha in the month of Madhu, in

Abhijit muhurtaâ€.

We have seen that Madhu or Chaitra and Spring (Vasanta) both commence

simultaneously around February 19 every year as per the Vedas and Vedanga

Jyotisha. In fact they are synonyms of one another. Let us now see other

authorities in this regard:

3. Vishnu-dharmortarap urana: As per “Alberuni’s Indiaâ€, in 11th

century-India all the festivals were decided as per the criteria of

Vishnu-dharmotarapu rana. It says in 3/9/4-5

…chaitro madhur-iti smritah,

vaishakho madhavah proktah, shuchir jyeshthah udahritah

shuklah proktastatha ashado nabhah shravan ishyete,

praushthapado nabhasyashcha ishashch ashvayujah smritah

urjakhyah kartikah prokto margshirshah sahastatha

sahasya paush ityukto maghah syat tap eva cha

phalgunashcha tapasyakhyo maso…

“(i) Chaitra is known as Madhu (or Madhu is known as Chaitra)! (ii) Vaishakha

as Madhava; (iii) Jyeshtha as Shuchih; (iv) Ashadha as Shuklah (or Shukrah); (v)

Nabhah as Shravana; (vi) Praushthapada (Bhadrapada) as Nabhasya; (vii) Ashvayuja

(Ashvina) as Ishah; (viii) Urja as Kartika; (ix) Margashirsha as Saha; (x)

Sahasya as Pausha; (xi) Magha as Tapah and (xii) Phalguna as Tapasya.â€

As we have seen above, Madhu started on February 19 and Chaitra Shukla Pratipad

started on Februrary 21 which means Ramanavmi should have been on February 29,

2004. Our panchangakars (including, of course, the Rashtriya Panfhanga!) made us

celebrate Ramanavmi on March 30, 2004, whereas Madhu ended on March 20 and the

real Chaitra Shuklapaksha on March 7! Why did they compel us to celebrate it

on a wrong day—nay, even in a wrong month? Because they know fully well that

in spite of claiming to be educated and intelligent people, we are not going to

ask any inconvenient questions! But then, are we really intelligent and

educated if we do not know anything about the criteria of our festivals? Or is

it that our panchangakars also are lacking in education and intelligence and

they do not know even ABC of our dharmashastras? Well, they alone can answer

that question for themselves!

4. Sidhantas: The earliest “most accurate (?!)†(spashta-taro

savitrah) astronomical treatise of Indian astronomy is supposed to be the Surya

Sidhanta of 5th century AD. In Mana-adhyaya, verses 9-10, it says:

bhanor-makar Sankranteh shanmasa Uttarayanam

karkyadestu tathaiv syat shanmasa dakshinayanam

dwirashi natha ritavas tatoapi shishiradayah

meshadav dwadashaite masaistaireva vatsarah

“From Makar Sankranti start the six months of Uttarayana and from Karkata

Sankranti the six months of Dakshinayana. Each season starting with Shishira

(and Makara Sankranti) comprises two rashis (and) six seasons make one yearâ€.

Lest there be any doubt as to what type of Rashis the Surya Sidhanta is talking

about, it

makes it clear in Bhugoladhyaya, verses 57 to 62:

meshadav to sada vridhir udaguttarto adhika

devamshe cha kshapa hanir vipareetam tatha asure

tuladav dyunishorvamam kshyay vridhav tayorubhe

deshkranti vashan nitem tadvigyanam puroditam

ayanante vilomena devasur vibhagayoh

nadi shashtya sakrid ahar nishapi asmin sakrit

tadantare api shashtyante kshayvridhav ahar-nishoh

parto vipareeto ayam bhagolah parivartate. .

“During the half revolution beginning with Mesha, there is always an excess of

day to the north, in the hemisphere of the gods i.e. Uttarayana-- -greater

according to distance north---and a corresponding deficiency of the night.. In

the hemisphere of the demons (Dakshinayana) , the reverse. In the half

revolution beginning with Libra (Tula) both the deficiency and excess of day and

night in the two hemispheres are the opposite of this. The method of determining

them, which is always dependent upon situation (desha) and declination (kranti),

has been before explained.

“There occurs once, at the end of the sun’s half revolution from solstice to

solstice---( Uttarayana to Dakshinayana) a day of sixty nadis and a night of the

same length mutually opposed to one another, in the two hemispheres of the gods

and of the demons. In the intermediate region, the deficiency and excess of day

and night are within the limit of sixty nadis beyond this sphere of asterisms

(bha) revolves perverselyâ€. (Burgess’ translation) .

Two things are clear from the above to even a layman with a bit of knowledge of

geography of primary school level about the phenomenon of seasons: i) It is only

around March 21 (Spring Equinox) Mesha Sankranti every year that day and night

are equal and the length of day in the northern hemisphere starts increasing as

compared to the length of night.

ii) Then around September 23 (Autumn Equinox) Tula Sankranti, when the

day and night are again equal, the length of nights starts increasing as

compared to the length of days.. And in the same order the day is the shortest

around December 21 (winter solstice) and longest around June 21 (Summer

Solstice). These very Equinoxes and solstices are known as Mesha, Karkata, Tula

and Makar Sankranti respectively as per all the sidhantas and shastras. There

are no other such sankrantis either in the sidhantas or modern astronomy.

5. Puranas: I have already quoted hundreds of proofs with chapter

and verse in my Panchangas and other articles. It is no use to repeat them here

again. Suffice to quote a few only from a couple of Puranas. First the

Vishnupurana: 2/8/28-31 and 67-68

ayanasyotarasyadav makaram yati bhaskarah

tatah kumbham cha menam cha rashe rashyantaram dvija (28)

trishu eteshu atha bhukteshu tato vaishuvatim gatim

prayati savita kurvan ahoratram tatah samam (29)

tato ratrih kshayam yati vardhate anudinam dinam (30)

tatashcha mithunasyante param kashtham upagatah

rashim karkatam prapya kurute dakshinayanam (31)

“In the beginning of Uttarayana, the sun enters Capricorn (Makara Rashi)

there from going to Kumbha and them Mina. After having passed through these

three signs, it just gains vishuvati (equinoctial) speed resulting in the day

and night being equal on Mesha. After that, nights start decreasing and the

days increasing correspondingly daily. Then when the sun is in the end of

Mithuna Rashi, i.e. when it is just at the verge of entering Cancer, the day is

the longest then and Dakshnayana starts on that dateâ€.

Sharad vsantyor Madhye vishuvam to vibhavyete

Tula mesh gate bhanav samratri divam tu tat (67)

Karkatavasthite bhanav dakshiyanamuchete

Uttarayanam api uktam makarasthe divakare (88)

“In the midst of sharat ritu and vasanta ritu, vishuvas (equinoxes) take place

with the entry of the sun into Tula (Libra) and Mesha (Aries) respectively and

days and nights become equal on those two sankrantis. The entry of sun into

Cancer (Karkata) is known as dakshinayana whereas its entry into Maraka is known

as Uttarayanaâ€

Now Shrimadbhagavata, 5/21/4-6

yada mesh tulyor vartate tada ahoratrani samanani bhavanti yada vrishadishu

panchasu cha rashishu charati tada ahani eva vardhante hrasati cha masi masi

ekaika ghatika ratrishu (4) yada vrishchikadishu panchasu vartate

tada ahoratrani viparyayani bhavanti (5) yavad dakshinayanam ahani vardhante

yavad uttarayanam ratrayah (6)

“When the sun enters Mesha and Tula days and nights are equal on those dates

and the day starts getting longer as compared to nights when the sun passes

through Vrisha etc. five rashis then days keep on increasing and the nights

decreasing by one ghati every month. (After the day and night have become equal

on Tula Sankranti) the nights keep on increasing during the sojourn of five

rashis of Vrishchika etc. In short, during Uttarayana days keep on increasing

till Dakshinayana and after that nights keep on increasingâ€.

Vishnurhdarmotarapu rana 3/8/6-8 says

tula meshagate bhanav vishuvad dinam uchete,

dhanvato mithunantashcha ayane soasya dakshine,

“When the sun is in Mesha and Tula, they are the days of Vishuva i.e. days and

nights are equal then. From the end of Dhanu (start of Makara) Uttarayana

starts and from the end of Mithuna (start of Karkata) Dakshniyana startsâ€

Any discussion on such topics is incomplete without appropriate references from

Shivamahapurana: We just quote one 5/51/54 from this Purana below:

madhavasya site pakshe tritiya ya akshayabida

tasyam yo jagadambayah vratam kuryad atandritah…

“The tritiya of Shukla paksha of Madhava (!) is know as akshayaya tritiya.

One who observes a fast for Jagadamba on that date (gets immortal and thousand

fold results)â€

It is to be noted here that Akshaya tritiya is to be observed in (lunar) Madhava

that means according to Shiva-Mahapurana also Vaishakha does not have any other

existence besides Madhava! Thus the akshyaya tritiya that we observed in 2003

on May 4, was against all the shastras since solar Madhava had ended on April 20

and lunar Madhava on April 30! A similar situation is going to crop up in 2005.

We will be asked to celebrate Akshaya tritiya on May 12, when solar Madhava will

have ended on April 20 and lunar Madhava shukla paksha will start on April 8,

2005 which means it should be celebrated actually on April 11, 2005!

Now obviously, if as per all the Vedas, Vedanga Jyotisha, Surya Sidhanta,

Bhagavata, Vishnupurana, Vishnudharmotarapur ana and Shiva Mahapurana etc. etc.

solar Shravana is another name of Dakshinayana viz sun in Karkata, it starts on

June 21 in 2004. The first shukla pratipat after that is on July 18.

Therefore, that is the day when the Lunar Shravana starts in 2004 as per all the

Vedas and Puranas etc.. As such, Shravana Purnima viz Raksha Bandhan and

Amarnath Yatra etc. should be celebrated on July 31 in 2004. Why are our

panchangakars asking us to celebrate it on August 29 instead? Only because they

treat the entire Hindu society as ignorant fools who have no idea about the

criteria of any festivals! Or is it that the panchangakars do not know anything

themselves but are just copying from others like blind following blind?

Similarly, Janmashtami should be celebrated on the Krishna-paksha Ashtami

following that Shravana Purnima i.e. on August 7 in 2004. But we are asked to

celebrate it on September 6! Why? For God’s sake do ask your “Panditjiâ€

and let me know what he says!

6. To clinch the issue on the basis of Agama i.e. yogashastras, I will

quote the master-yogi i.e. Acharya Abhinavgupta’s Tantraloka: 6/114-116

shatsu shatsu anguleshu arko hridayat makaradishu

tishthan maghadikam shatkam kuryat tat-chotarayanam

sankranti tritaye vrite bhukte chashtadashangule

mesham prapte ravav punyam vishuvat par laukikam

praveshe tu tulasthe arke tadev vishuvad bhavet

Ih sidhi pradam chaitat dakshinayan- gam tatah

The translation of these mantras, as per the commentary of Jayaratha is,

(Linking yogic kriyas to seasons, it says, “After every six ungalas from the

hirdaya (the pranas go to) Makara etc. and make Magha etc. six such months from

Uttarayana starting with sun’s transit into Makara. From Makra to Mithuna is

Uttarayana and in Magha sun transits Makara Rashi so till Ashada when the sun

transits Mithuna, Uttarayana lasts, After having crossed three sankrantis (of

Uttarayana)–eighteen unglas of Prana --= vishuvat Sankranti arrives. Because

on that day of Mesha sankranti the days and nights are equal throughout the

world that is why it is known as vishuvat. When the sun enters Tula it is

vishuva againâ€.

I do not think that there should be any doubt now in anybody’s mind as to how

we are being taken for a ride by these panchanga-makers. Or is it that those

panchangakars themselves are being taken for a ride by someone else either

knowingly or unbeknown to them? In either case, it is literally killing our


As we have seen that Shravana Shukla Paksha starts from July 18, 2004,

therefore, Bhadra Shukla paksha will start from August 17. Naturally, the

first Krishna Pratipat after that i.e. Ashvina Krishna Paksha is the start of

Pitrapaksha, which means it starts from August 31, 2004. As such, the Purnima

shradha of Pitrapaksha falls on August 29, 2004, whereas the Pitramavasya is

actually on September 14, 2004. And by the same logic and criterion Sharadiya

Navaratras start from September 15 and Kartika Amavasya falls exactly after

about one month i.e. on October 13, 2004. And that is the world famous festival

of lights viz Dipavali! But tragically, our panchanga-makers advise us to mourn

on that day i.e. we are advised to celebrate Pitraamavasa then! Why? Because

they know that we have become immune to all such things and are worried only

about financial gains or losses but not about our dharma! But we must know that

by “mourning†on the day

of actual Dipavali we will be losers not only financially but in every worldly

and spiritual sphere like that of the erstwhile ruling party! So whether we

mourn or burst crackers on the actual Dipavali (October 13), it is up to us now!

7. Primary School level Geography: Let us see the situation in

the light of modern astronomy/geography . Initially, I was myself peeved as to

why the ayana and vishuva (Makara, Mesha, Karkata and Tula) sankrantis had been

praised to the skies by our Rishis, so much so that they say that it is

difficult even for yogis to catch the actual moment of such sankrantis and any

charities or fasts on such occasions yield thousand-fold results!

Let me explain it in a manner that is as non-technical as possible:

We know that the earth hurtles around the sun at about 30 kilometres per second.

(2) It also rotates on its axis, causing days and nights (3) The equator is

“precessing†at tremendous speeds. (4) Because the ecliptic is inclined to

the equator (obliquity of ecliptic) the earth/sun reaches the minimum/maximum

declination i.e. it is at the minimum/maximum distance from the equator during

its revolution of the sun at particular points of time. The maximum obliquity

of the ecliptic has remained around 23°28’ over the last couple of centuries.

Therefore that is the maximum north/south declination that the sun/earth can

attain these days during its journey via the ecliptic. On that declination

depends the phenomenon of seasons, which is also directly responsible for

increase/decrease in day/night durations. The sun attains the maximum northern

declination of about 23° 27’ on June 21. That means it is at a maximum

northern distance from

the equator on that date. That is thus the last day of the summer season when

the day is the longest and varsha ritu starts. The sun (actually the earth) has

then to stop for a fleeting moment---less than a nanosecond-- - before climbing

down from that “high pedestal†of North declination! That fleeting moment

is the real crucial moment and we can only “calculate†it correctly to some

extent with our computers with microprocessor speeds in GHz that also only with

the data from NASA and other overseas observatories and not from our

panchanga-makers including the Rashtriya Panchanga! This very moment of

“U-turn†in the declination of the sun is the real dakshinayana as the earth

has reached the maximum declination of south or the sun the maximum declination

of north viz.. 23° 27’ and has to turn back from there. This is also known as

Karkata Sankranti of the sun as the sun lies directly over the tropic of Cancer

(Karka-Rekha) on that

date. I am sure everybody has read that much of geography in his primary school

days! There cannot be any other Karkata Sankranti as per any shastra or

sidhanta or modern astronomy/geography since there is no other Karka Rekha

(Tropic of Cancer) or any other longest day of the year!

Similar is the case on December 21, when the sun reaches the maximum south

declination (of around 23° 27’) i.e. when the sun is at a maximum southern

distance from the equator. It has to stop then for a fleeting moment---less than

a nanosecond again--- before “turning†back (U-turn!) from that high

pedestal. That fleeting moment is the real Uttarayana of the sun known as

Makara Sankranti since the sun is directly on the tropic of Capricorn---

Makara-Rekha- --on that date. There is absolutely no other Makara Sankranti

either as per the shastras or sidhantas or modern astronomy/geography since

there is no other Makara-Rekha nor any other shortest day of the year! That

also is primary school level geography!

Similarly, during its sojourn around the sun; the earth, the equator and the

ecliptic join together for a fleeting moment---here also less than a

nanosecond-- when the longitude, latitude, declination and right ascension of

the sun/earth are zero! The sun (actually the earth) is in exact

“conjunction†with the ecliptic and the equator! It is thus a “Triveniâ€

and that is the moment of Spring Equinox. With the declination of the sun being

zero degrees South it has to start moving away (cross the equator) again from

that “conjunction of the equator†from that moment of zero degrees

longitude-cum- latitude- cum-declination- cum-right ascension! That fleeting

moment is Vishuva – Mesha Sankranti of the sun (Tula Sankranti of the earth)!

It is Vishuva because the earth is conjunct with the Vishuvat Rekha i.e. the

Equator. That is the moment when days and nights are really equal throughout the

globe.. That is the zero “moment/point†for all

the calculations of longitude, Right Ascension, Declination etc. and it is known

as Vernal Equinox. Vishuva also means, as per Jayaratha, the commentator of

Tantraloka, the days when “days and nights are equalâ€. Spring Equinox also

means the same thing i.e Equi-nox: day is equal to night in the midst of the

spring season! This is the real Vaishakhi and the sun enters Uttara Gola then

i.e. it starts gaining in northern declination! There is no other Vishuvat

Rekha (Equator) with which the earth can be “conjunct†during Spring and

therefore there cannot be any other Vishuva or Mesha Sankranti since day and

night are not equal during Spring on any other day. All the panchangakars list

Uttara-gola on that date but then why do they want us to celebrate

Vaishakhi/Vaishakha di/Meshadi i.e. solar New Year on April 14/15! Because

they know that we do not know ABC of geography! Or is it that they do not know

it themselves?

Then again after six months of that phenomenon, a similar situation comes again,

when the longitude and Right ascension of the sun are 180 degrees (earth zero

degrees). The longitude of the sun also can be taken as zero degrees on that

date if we measure it from Autumn Equinox instead of from Vernal Equinox! The

equator, the earth and the ecliptic have a confluence for a fleeting

moment---less than a nanosecond-- -again! As the earth is conjunct the equator

i.e. Vishuvat Rekha again, it is also known as Vishuva----Autumn Equinox (Jala

Vishuva or Tula Sankranti) around September 23. It is the midpoint (second

month) of the Sharat-ritu. (That is why Sharadiya Navaratras should start with

the first Shukla Pratipat after Sharat Ritu starts---on September 15 in

2004—and not when Sharat-kala is almost over—October 14, 2004----as is being

done by our panchangamakers) .

The declination of the sun is zero degrees at that particular moment. Again,

all the panchangakars list it as “the sun enters dakshina gola†as the sun

(after crossing the Equator) starts gaining southern declination from that

moment. There cannot be any other Tula Sankranti/Jala Vishuva as the earth is

not conjunct Equator---and thus the day and night are not equal---on any other

day in Autumn! But then these panchangakars make us celebrate Tula Sankranti on

October 14/15! Why? Only because they will lose their sinful crumbs if the

tell us the facts! Or is it that they do not know the facts themselves? A sad

state of affairs, in either case!

Naturally, in ancient times, it was almost impossible for ordinary mortals to

calculate accurately to the nearest minute, leave alone the nearest second, such

phenomena as lasted hardly for nanoseconds! Really, hats off to our Rishis!

Obviously, our present “Vamadevas†and “Parasharas†who advocate such

Mesha etc. sankrantis as do not exist at all, are a slur on the real Rishis and

such fakes must be banished without delay from this land of real Rishis.

8. Day-to-day experience: In fact, we do not need to brush up even

our primary school level geography since our day to day experience also tells us

that the sun does not rise daily from the same place. It is exactly above the

equator (bhumadhya-rekha) on March 20/21 dividing the day into two “equal

halves†of 12 hours each! That is why it is known as Vasanta-Sampat or Vishuva

or Mesha Sankranti or Madhava! It does not rise on any other day from that point

till its revolution around the sun is complete. (That is why there cannot be

two Spring Equinoxes or two Mesha Sankrantis in a year!). After that date, we

observe it rising in further north (Uttara-gola! ) till June 21. And that is

what is known as Dakshinayana Day or Karkata Sankranti or Nabhah (start of

Varsha Ritu) and there cannot be any other Karka Sankranti as there cannot be

another longest day at all for the next 365 days! From that moment onwards the


stops rising towards north but turns back from there towards dakshina (south)

till it is exactly above the equator again on September 22/23, dividing the day

once again into two “equal halves†of 12 hours each. That day is known as

Sharat Sampat (Autumn Equinox) or Tula Sankranti or Vishuva or Urja and the day

and night are again equal on that date. Obviously, there cannot be another Tula

Sankranti for at least next 365 days! From that date onwards it moves i.e. keeps

on rising towards south (Dakshina Gola) rising in extreme southern direction on

December 21. That is the Uttarayana day since from that date the sun stops

moving further south and starts turning towards north. It is this very day that

is known as world famous Makara Sankranti or Pongal or Udagayana or Tapah! That

was the day for which Bhishma was waiting to shed off his mortal coil! There

cannot be another Makara Sankranti as there cannot be another shortest day for

the next

365 days from that date onwards!

9. We have made a laughing stock of ourselves: Now we can see for ourselves

as to how artificial, illogical, unscientific and irrational and, above all,

anti-Vedic our Makara, Mesha, Karkata and Tula Sankrantis are these days which

are celebrated on January 14, April 14, July 14 and October 14 instead of

December 21, March 21, June 21 and Sept. 23 respectively! All the world is

laughing at us that we do not know even the actual days of solstices and

equinoxes! When these very four cardinal points are such topsy-turvy how

can the other sankrantis (solar ingresses) be correct! As these panchangakars

do not let the solar months start from proper days, lunar months also are made

to lag behind by at least one month!

And we can rest assured that what is illogical, unscientific and irrational

could never have been advised by our dharmashastras, as seen above. It is only

our panchangakars who are prescribing such farcical festivals and fairs! Why?

Because they are worse than Duryodhana. Why? Because Duryodhana had the

courage to admit that though he could differentiate between Dharma and Adharma

yet he was in no mood to follow Dharma and desist from Adharma! But these

panchangakars do not have the courage to admit that they have been fleecing the

entire Hindu society for the last several centuries just for some crumbs and

should stop now from spreading that adharma further. Or is it that they are so

insensitive to even the natural phenomena like sunrise and sunset or winter and

summer that they cannot differentiate between a natural Mesha Sankranti and an

artificial one? But then it is equally our fault as we never questioned them

about the criteria

they adopted for such festivals/phenomena !

10. Muhurtas: When the dates of sankrantis and lunar months are

wrong how can the muhurtas fixed on such basis be correct? No wonder we are

celebrating marriages during the actual shradha-paksha and “enjoyingâ€

shradhas during the period actually auspicious for marriages!

CRC Report: It must be put on record that even the Saha Calendar Reform

Committee had warned in no uncertain terms about the situation these

panchangamakers have created for us, and I quote, “In continuing to follow the

nirayana system, the Hindu calendar makers are under delusion that they are

following the path of dharma. They are actually committing the whole Hindu

society to adharma†(Page 260 of the Report of the Calendar Reform Committee,


Earlier these Panchanga-makers used to boast (wrongly though) that as they made

correct predictions on the basis of such (imaginary) rashis that is why they

were following them for festivals also. But now even that “gas-ball†has

been deflated since they have met their Waterloo with the failure of their

predictions about NDA forming the Government under Atalji with the result that

these Panchanga makers themselves are in mourning these days! (Please see the

attachment proving that there are no rashis, much less astrology in the Vedas!)

In view of the above, I am listing below some of the most important festivals

from June 1 till December 31, 2004, as per all the Vedas, shastras, sidhantas

and modern astronomy. Just celebrate them accordingly and do confront your

panchangamaker/ panditji with these unpleasant facts because unless and until we

revolt against this anyay (injustice), they will continue to hurtle us towards

the abyss of adharma by making us mourn on Dipavali!

There is a saying that you can take a horse to the river but you cannot make it

drink water! I have done my job by pointing out all the glaring anomalies. I

have substantiated my arguments with all the proofs in a nutshell which even a

layman can understand. It is up to the readers whether they want to be like

vegetables being tossed by panchangamakers (including the Rashtriya Panchanga)

or they want to really have some zest for real dharma!

Please feel free to email or post this letter-cum-request to anybody you like

since everybody must join this dharmayudha for streamlining our calendar..

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Avtar Krishen Kaul


All India Calendar Reform Committee

H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A, Sector-2

Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085

(Email: jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com Tel: 27516483)



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Guest guest

Dear Friends,


Read the forwarded mail 10 times which contains verses from VEDAS and PURANS, i

will also come with more verses from PURANS and VEDAS need some free time and

good energy.


See, our calendar was most beautifull and most complex,even i was/am surprised

how our Rishis(authors of VEDAS) imagined and conceptualized our calendar.Our

VEDIC Calendar is based on 4 cardinals.I am advocating just to align our VEDIC



TRYTH CAN'T BE BURIED, whoever will try to flush our VEDAS and PURANS will go to



I have blessing of Ju so i am talking of VEDAS and PURANS.






vedic astrology , Astrolearner Brazil

<astrolearner_brazil wrote:





Dear friends,

> Namaskar! 

> Here is a copy of BVB6.doc that was sent to all the branches of Bharatiya

Vidya Bhavan besides all the leading Jyotishis and jyotisha teaching shops,

apart from all the venerable jagadgurus etc. etc. way back in 2004.  Kindly go

through it and let me have your views!

> Regards,


> ***                      


****                               ***

>  Tel. 27516483; E-mail: jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com

>                                     ALL 




      H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A, Sector-2



    Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085 (India)




                     July 17, 2004

> Dear Friends,

> Namaskar!

>      A humble request that we should not mourn on the day of “festival

of lightsâ€Â  i.e. we should not celebrate Pitramavasya on the day of actual

Dipavali (Gujarati New Year!) on October 13, 04.


> Every festival has a criterion.  We celebrate Independence Day on August 15

every year. Why? Because India gained independence on that day. It is immaterial

whether August 15 is a Sunday or a Monday or Shravana or Bhadra.. Similarly, for

celebrating religious festivals, our shastras have fixed certain criteria. 

And as we know, fasts and festivals are celebrated for the peace and welfare of

ourselves and our kith and kin.  Consequently, if we do not adhere to the

criteria/tenets fixed by the shastras, those very fasts and festivals will do us

more harm than good.  Same is the case with Muhurtas. We must therefore know

the criteria.

> E.g. for Vasanti Navaratra, viz. the lunar New Year, the criterion is

“Chaitra Shukla Pratipat†and for Rama Navmi it is " Chaitra Shukla Navmi " . 

We must therefore know as to when Chaitra Shukla Paksha starts.  This

information has to be based on the Vedas, Puranas and other shastras as well as

astronomy/geography , both ancient i.e. sidhantic and modern.  Let us see these

criteria one by one:

> 1.         The Vedas:   All the four Vedas, Brahmanas and

Upanasihadas etc. state that the year comprises six seasons of two months

each.  Shishira-ritu viz. winter and the month of Tapah start simultaneously

with Uttarayana viz. Winter Solstice i.e. the shortest day of the year. That

very month is also known as Magha. It is followed by other months viz. Tapasya

(Phalguna) and (Vasanta ritu comprising) Madhu (Chaitra) and Madhav

(Vaishakha).  Thus solar Chaitra is the third month from the date of Winter

Solstice.  Therefore, it should start these days three months after December 21

i.e. around February 20.  In fact, it started on February 19 in 2004. 

> 2.         Vedanga Jyotisha: The earliest recorded work on Vedic

astronomy is Vedanga Jyotisha also known as Rik/Yajur Jyotisha by Lagadha.  It

was compiled around thirteenth century BCE i.e. about 3300 years back, most

probably in Kashmir.  The fifth and the sixth verses of the same


> swarakramete Somarkau yada sakam savasavav,

> syat-tadadiyugam maghas-tapah shuklo dinam-tyajah

>             “When the sun and the moon while moving in the sky,

come to Vasava (Dhanishtha) star together, then the Yuga, the Magha (month) the

Tapas (season), the light half of the month, and the winter solstice

(Uttarayana) , all commence togetherâ€

>                         prapadyate shavishshthadav

suryachandramsav- udak

>                         sarparde dakshinarkastu Magha

shravanayoh sada

> “The sun and the moon turn towards North in the beginning of Dhanishtha and

towards South in the middle of Ashlesha.  The sun always does this (turn north)

in the month of Magha and (turn south) in Shravana respectivelyâ€

>             Vedanga Jyotisha has made it clear in its seventh

mantra that by Uttaryana it means really the shortest day of the year instead of

some imaginary Uttarayana like January 14 of some Panchangakars of these days:

> dharma vridhir apam prasthah kshapa hras


  dakshine-tau viparyastav shanmuhurtyaynen tu

> “During the sun’s northward journey (six months of Uttarayana) the day

increases by one Prastha measure of water and the night becomes short.  During

the southward journey (six months of Dakshinayana) , the conditions reverse. 

The increase (of time) during an ayana is equal to six muhurtasâ€. (S. B.

Dikshit’s translation for all the three mantras)

>             Further, as everybody knows, and as every Panchanga

indicates, Vasanta (Spring) starts exactly on the day of Madhu i.e. February

19/20.  It is a geographical phenomenon and cannot be wished away or altered.

How could then Vasanti Navratra start on March 21, 2004 after one month after

the start of the month of Madhu i.e. the real Vasanta (Spring)?

>             Thus there is absolutely no doubt that the Vasanti

Navratras which we are celebrating these days are not on the correct days as per

either the Vedas or the Vedanga Jyotisha or the phenomenon of seasons. But then

why are we celebrating them on wrong days? Because our panchangakars, including

the Rashtriya Panchanga do not tell us the correct days! Is it that they do not

know the correct criteria/days of these phenomena themselves?

> Madhava cannot be equal to Chaitra if it is equal to Mesha and Vasanti

Navratraas cannot wait for more than a month after the start of Vasanta Ritu!: 

If you look at any Panchanga, including the Rashtriya Panchanga, in any

language, you will find that they have mentioned the start of the month of Madhu

and Vasanta Ritu on that date viz. February 19, 2004.  Rashtriya Panchanga

lists the month starting with February 19 as the Vedic Mina. The first New Moon

(Shukla Pratipat) after the solar Chaitra i.e. Madhu (Vedic Mina as per the

Rashtriya Panchanga) is thus Chaitra Shukla Pratipat. It was on February 21 in

2004.  As such, the real Vasanti Navratras started on February 21, 2004. It is

known as Navreh in Kashmir, Gudi Padva in Maharashtra and Ugadi in Andhra etc.

That would have satisfied the criterion of the Vedas that madhuscha madhavashcha

vasantikav ritu (Yajurveda Samhita 4/4/11/1) i.e.  Madhu (Chaitra) and Madhava

(Vaishakha) are the months of

> Vasanta i.e. Spring Season.  Obviously, Chaitra Shukla Paksha is the start

of the first lunar month of Vasanta as per all the Vedas also.

> Naturally, since as per all the Panchangas, Vasanta Ritu started on February

19, 2004, the solar Chaitra also should have started on that date of Madhu i.e.

February 19 but ironically it was made to start on March 14 and the Rashtriya

Panchanga starts it (Chaitra) on March 21 every year, when Madhava i.e.

Vaishakha is supposed to start as per all the Vedas and Puranas. Surprisingly, 

Rashtriya Panchanga itself calls this month (March 21) as Vedic Mesha and

Madhava!  How they can call Mesha and Madhava as Chaitra, they only can say!

Accordingly, the Lunar Chaitra was made to start on March 21 (which should have

been actually Vaishakha Shukla paksha!) instead of February 21!  When Vasanta

Ritu started on February 19, 2004, according to all the Panchangas,  the first

shukla pratipat after that, which was on February 21, 2004, should naturally

have been Vasanti Navratra! Thus the solar Chaitra and the Navratras, both, were

“postponed†exactly by one

> month against the injunctions of all the Vedas. Why?  Because either our

panchangakars  themselves have no knowledge about the criteria of festivals or

they are making a fool of us deliberately!

> Vasanta Panchami in mid-winter:   Then again, do you know when we were asked

to celebrate Vasanta Panchami by these very panchangakars according to whom

Vasanti navratras started on March 21?  January 26, 2004! That means Vasanta

Panchami was celebrated two months before even their own Vasanta Shukla

Pratipat! Only the insane and dimwitted can celebrate Spring in mid-Winter! 

Evidently, either our panchangakars are either themselves insane and dimwitted

or they treat us like that!

> Ramanavmi:                        Goswami Tulsidas says

in his immortal Ramacharitamanasa:

>  navmi tithi Madhumas punita, sukalpachha abhijit hariprita

> “Shri Ram was born on navmi tithi of shukla paksha in the month of Madhu, in

Abhijit muhurtaâ€. 

> We have seen that Madhu or Chaitra and Spring (Vasanta) both commence

simultaneously around February 19 every year as per the Vedas and Vedanga

Jyotisha. In fact they are synonyms of one another. Let us now see other

authorities in this regard:

> 3.         Vishnu-dharmortarap urana: As per “Alberuni’s Indiaâ€,

in 11th century-India all the festivals were decided as per the criteria of

Vishnu-dharmotarapu rana. It  says in  3/9/4-5

>                         …chaitro madhur-iti smritah,


>  vaishakho madhavah proktah, shuchir jyeshthah udahritah

>  shuklah proktastatha ashado nabhah shravan ishyete,           

>  praushthapado nabhasyashcha ishashch ashvayujah smritah

>             urjakhyah kartikah prokto margshirshah sahastatha

>             sahasya paush ityukto maghah syat tap eva


>             phalgunashcha tapasyakhyo maso…

> “(i) Chaitra is known as Madhu (or Madhu is known as Chaitra)! (ii)

Vaishakha as Madhava; (iii) Jyeshtha as Shuchih; (iv) Ashadha as Shuklah (or

Shukrah); (v) Nabhah as Shravana; (vi) Praushthapada (Bhadrapada) as Nabhasya;

(vii) Ashvayuja (Ashvina) as Ishah; (viii) Urja as Kartika; (ix) Margashirsha as

Saha; (x) Sahasya as Pausha; (xi) Magha as Tapah and (xii) Phalguna as


>             As we have seen above, Madhu started on February 19 and

Chaitra Shukla Pratipad started on Februrary 21 which means Ramanavmi should

have been on February 29, 2004. Our panchangakars (including, of course, the

Rashtriya Panfhanga!) made us celebrate Ramanavmi on March 30, 2004, whereas

Madhu ended on March 20 and the real Chaitra Shuklapaksha on March 7!   Why

did they compel us to celebrate it on a wrong day†" nay, even in a wrong

month?  Because they know fully well that in spite of claiming to be educated

and intelligent people, we are not going to ask any inconvenient questions! 

But then, are we really intelligent and educated if we do not know anything

about the criteria of our festivals?  Or is it  that our panchangakars also

are lacking in education and intelligence and they do not know even ABC of our

dharmashastras?   Well, they alone can answer that question for themselves!

> 4.         Sidhantas: The earliest “most accurate (?!)â€

(spashta-taro savitrah) astronomical treatise of Indian astronomy is supposed to

be the Surya Sidhanta of 5th century AD.  In Mana-adhyaya, verses 9-10, it

says:   bhanor-makar Sankranteh shanmasa Uttarayanam



              karkyadestu tathaiv syat shanmasa dakshinayanam



              dwirashi natha ritavas tatoapi shishiradayah

> meshadav dwadashaite masaistaireva vatsarah

> “From Makar Sankranti start the six months of Uttarayana and from Karkata

Sankranti the six months of Dakshinayana.  Each season starting with Shishira

(and Makara Sankranti) comprises  two rashis (and) six seasons make one


>       Lest there be any doubt as to what type of  Rashis the Surya

Sidhanta is talking about, it

> makes it clear in Bhugoladhyaya, verses 57 to 62:

>                          meshadav to sada vridhir

udaguttarto adhika

>                   devamshe cha kshapa hanir vipareetam tatha


>                   tuladav dyunishorvamam kshyay vridhav


>                   deshkranti vashan nitem tadvigyanam


>                   ayanante vilomena devasur vibhagayoh

>                   nadi shashtya sakrid ahar nishapi asmin


>                   tadantare api shashtyante kshayvridhav


>                   parto vipareeto  ayam bhagolah


> “During the half revolution beginning with Mesha, there is always an excess

of day to the north, in the hemisphere of the gods i.e. Uttarayana-- -greater

according to distance north---and a corresponding deficiency of the night.  In

the hemisphere of the demons (Dakshinayana) , the reverse.  In the half

revolution beginning with Libra (Tula) both the deficiency and excess of day and

night in the two hemispheres are the opposite of this. The method of determining

them, which is always dependent upon situation (desha) and declination (kranti),

has been before explained.

>             “There occurs once, at the end of the sun’s half

revolution from solstice to solstice---( Uttarayana to Dakshinayana) a day of

sixty nadis and a night of the same length mutually opposed to one another, in

the two hemispheres of the gods and of the demons.  In the intermediate region,

the deficiency and excess of day and night are within the limit of sixty nadis

beyond this sphere of asterisms (bha) revolves perverselyâ€. (Burgess’

translation) .

>             Two things are clear from the above to even a layman

with a bit of knowledge of geography of primary school level about the

phenomenon of seasons: i) It is only around March 21 (Spring Equinox) Mesha

Sankranti every year that  day and night are equal and the length of day in the

northern hemisphere starts increasing as compared to the length of night.

> ii)         Then around September 23 (Autumn Equinox) Tula Sankranti,

when the day and night are again equal, the length of nights starts increasing

as compared to the length of days. And in the same order the day is the shortest

around December 21 (winter solstice) and longest around June 21 (Summer

Solstice).  These very Equinoxes and solstices are known as Mesha, Karkata,

Tula and Makar Sankranti respectively as per all the sidhantas and shastras. 

There are no other such sankrantis either in the sidhantas or modern astronomy.

> 5.         Puranas:       I have already quoted hundreds of

proofs with chapter and verse in my Panchangas and other articles.  It is no

use to repeat them here again.  Suffice to quote a few only from a couple of

Puranas.  First the Vishnupurana: 2/8/28-31 and 67-68

>                   ayanasyotarasyadav makaram yati bhaskarah

>             tatah kumbham cha menam cha rashe rashyantaram

dvija     (28)   

> trishu eteshu atha bhukteshu tato vaishuvatim gatim

> prayati savita kurvan ahoratram tatah samam


>                         tato ratrih kshayam yati

vardhate anudinam dinam                   (30)

>                         tatashcha mithunasyante param

kashtham upagatah

>                         rashim karkatam prapya kurute

dakshinayanam                        (31)

>             “In the beginning of  Uttarayana, the sun enters

Capricorn (Makara Rashi) there from going to Kumbha and them Mina. After having

passed through these three signs, it just gains vishuvati (equinoctial) speed

resulting in the day and night being equal on Mesha.  After that, nights start

decreasing and the days increasing correspondingly daily. Then when the sun is

in the end of Mithuna Rashi, i.e. when it is just at the verge of entering

Cancer, the day is the longest then and Dakshnayana starts on that dateâ€. 

>                         Sharad vsantyor Madhye vishuvam

to vibhavyete

>                         Tula mesh gate bhanav samratri

divam tu tat                             (67)

>                         Karkatavasthite bhanav


>                         Uttarayanam  api uktam

makarasthe divakare                           (88)

> “In the midst of sharat ritu and vasanta ritu, vishuvas (equinoxes) take

place with the entry of the sun into Tula (Libra) and Mesha (Aries) respectively

and days and nights become equal on those two sankrantis.  The entry of sun

into Cancer (Karkata) is known as dakshinayana whereas its entry into Maraka is

known as Uttarayanaâ€

>             Now Shrimadbhagavata, 5/21/4-6

> yada mesh tulyor vartate tada ahoratrani samanani bhavanti yada vrishadishu

panchasu cha rashishu charati tada ahani eva vardhante hrasati cha masi masi

ekaika ghatika ratrishu (4)              yada vrishchikadishu

panchasu vartate tada ahoratrani viparyayani bhavanti (5)    yavad

dakshinayanam ahani vardhante yavad uttarayanam ratrayah (6)

> “When the sun enters Mesha and Tula days and nights are equal on those dates

and the day starts getting longer as compared to nights when the sun passes

through Vrisha etc. five rashis then days keep on increasing and the nights

decreasing by one ghati every month.  (After the day and night have become

equal on Tula Sankranti) the nights keep on increasing during the sojourn of

five rashis of Vrishchika etc.  In short, during Uttarayana days keep on

increasing till Dakshinayana and after that nights keep on increasingâ€.

> Vishnurhdarmotarapu rana 3/8/6-8 says

>                         tula meshagate bhanav vishuvad

dinam uchete,

> dhanvato mithunantashcha ayane soasya dakshine,

> “When the sun is in Mesha and Tula, they are the days of Vishuva i.e. days

and nights are equal then.  From the end of Dhanu (start of Makara) Uttarayana

starts and from the end of Mithuna (start of Karkata) Dakshniyana startsâ€

> Any discussion on such topics is incomplete without appropriate references

from Shivamahapurana:  We just quote one 5/51/54 from this Purana below:

> madhavasya site pakshe tritiya ya akshayabida

> tasyam yo jagadambayah vratam kuryad atandritah…

> “The tritiya of Shukla paksha of Madhava (!) is know as akshayaya tritiya. 

One who observes a fast for Jagadamba on that date (gets immortal and thousand

fold results)â€

>             It is to be noted here that Akshaya tritiya is to be

observed in (lunar) Madhava that means according to Shiva-Mahapurana also

Vaishakha does not have any other existence besides Madhava!  Thus the akshyaya

tritiya that we observed in 2003  on May 4, was against all the shastras since

solar Madhava had ended on April 20 and lunar Madhava on April 30! A similar

situation is going to crop up in 2005.  We will be asked to celebrate Akshaya

tritiya on May 12, when solar Madhava will have ended on April 20 and lunar

Madhava shukla paksha will start on April 8, 2005 which means it should be

celebrated actually on April 11, 2005!

> Now obviously, if as per all the Vedas, Vedanga Jyotisha, Surya Sidhanta,

Bhagavata, Vishnupurana, Vishnudharmotarapur ana and Shiva Mahapurana etc. etc.

solar Shravana is another name of Dakshinayana viz sun in Karkata, it starts on

June 21 in 2004.  The first shukla pratipat after that is on July 18. 

Therefore, that is the day when the Lunar Shravana starts in 2004 as per all the

Vedas and Puranas etc.  As such, Shravana Purnima viz Raksha Bandhan and

Amarnath Yatra etc. should be celebrated on July 31 in 2004.  Why are our

panchangakars asking us to celebrate it on August 29 instead? Only because they

treat the entire Hindu society as ignorant fools who have no idea about the

criteria of any festivals!  Or is it that the panchangakars do not know

anything themselves but are just copying from others like blind following blind?

>             Similarly, Janmashtami should be celebrated on the

Krishna-paksha Ashtami following that Shravana Purnima i.e. on  August 7 in

2004.  But we are asked to celebrate it on September 6!  Why? For God’s sake

do ask your “Panditji†and let me know what he says!

> 6.         To clinch the issue on the basis of Agama i.e.

yogashastras, I will quote the master-yogi i.e. Acharya Abhinavgupta’s

Tantraloka: 6/114-116

>                         shatsu shatsu anguleshu arko

hridayat makaradishu

>                         tishthan maghadikam shatkam

kuryat tat-chotarayanam

>                         sankranti tritaye vrite bhukte


>                         mesham prapte ravav punyam

vishuvat par laukikam

>                         praveshe tu tulasthe arke tadev

vishuvad bhavet

>                         Ih sidhi pradam chaitat

dakshinayan- gam tatah

> The translation of these mantras, as per the commentary of Jayaratha is,

(Linking yogic kriyas to seasons, it says, “After every six ungalas from the

hirdaya (the pranas go to) Makara etc. and make Magha etc. six such months from

Uttarayana starting with sun’s transit into Makara.  From Makra to Mithuna is

Uttarayana and in Magha sun transits Makara Rashi so till Ashada when the sun

transits Mithuna, Uttarayana lasts,  After having crossed three sankrantis (of

Uttarayana)†" eighteen unglas of Prana --= vishuvat Sankranti arrives.  Because

on that day of Mesha sankranti the days and nights are equal throughout the

world that is why it is known as vishuvat.  When the sun enters Tula it is

vishuva againâ€.

>             I do not think that there should be any doubt now in

anybody’s mind as to how we are being taken for a ride by these

panchanga-makers.   Or is it that those panchangakars themselves are being

taken for a ride by someone else either knowingly or unbeknown to them?  In

either case, it is literally killing our dharma.

> As we have seen that Shravana Shukla Paksha starts from July 18, 2004,

therefore, Bhadra Shukla paksha will start from  August 17.  Naturally, the

first Krishna Pratipat after that i.e. Ashvina Krishna Paksha is the start of

Pitrapaksha, which means it starts from August 31, 2004.  As such, the Purnima

shradha of Pitrapaksha falls on August 29, 2004, whereas the Pitramavasya is

actually on September 14, 2004.  And by the same logic and criterion Sharadiya

Navaratras start from September 15 and Kartika Amavasya falls exactly after

about one month i.e.  on October 13, 2004. And that is the world famous

festival of lights viz Dipavali! But tragically, our panchanga-makers advise us

to mourn on that day i.e. we are advised to celebrate Pitraamavasa then!  Why?

Because they know that we have become immune to all such things and are worried

only about financial gains or losses but not about our dharma! But we must know

that by “mourning†on the day

> of actual Dipavali we will be losers not only financially but in every

worldly and spiritual sphere like that of the erstwhile ruling party!  So

whether we mourn or burst crackers on the actual Dipavali (October 13), it is up

to us now!

> 7.         Primary School level Geography:          Let us

see the situation in the light of modern astronomy/geography .  Initially, I

was myself peeved as to why the ayana and vishuva (Makara, Mesha, Karkata and

Tula) sankrantis had been praised to the skies by our Rishis, so much so that

they say that it is difficult even for yogis to catch the actual moment of such

sankrantis and any charities or fasts on such occasions yield thousand-fold


> Let me explain it in a manner that is as non-technical as possible:

> We know that the earth hurtles around the sun at about 30 kilometres per

second. (2)  It also rotates on its axis, causing days and nights (3) The

equator is “precessing†at tremendous speeds.  (4) Because the ecliptic is

inclined to the equator (obliquity of ecliptic) the earth/sun reaches the

minimum/maximum declination i.e. it is at the minimum/maximum distance from the

equator during its revolution of the sun at particular points of time.  The

maximum obliquity of the ecliptic has remained around 23°28’ over the last

couple of centuries.  Therefore that is the maximum north/south declination

that the sun/earth can attain these days during its journey via the ecliptic. 

On that declination depends the phenomenon of seasons, which is also directly

responsible for increase/decrease in day/night durations.  The sun attains the

maximum northern declination of about 23° 27’ on June 21.  That means it is

at a maximum northern distance from

> the equator on that date. That is thus the last day of the summer season when

the day is the longest and varsha ritu starts. The sun (actually the earth) has

then to stop for a fleeting moment---less than a nanosecond-- - before climbing

down from that “high pedestal†of North declination!  That fleeting moment

is the real crucial moment and we can only “calculate†it correctly to some

extent with our computers with microprocessor speeds in GHz that also only with

the data from NASA and other overseas observatories and not from our

panchanga-makers including the Rashtriya Panchanga!  This very moment of

“U-turn†in the declination of the sun is the real dakshinayana as the earth

has reached the maximum declination of south or the sun the maximum declination

of north viz. 23° 27’ and has to turn back from there. This is also known as

Karkata Sankranti of the sun as the sun lies directly over the tropic of Cancer

(Karka-Rekha) on that

> date.  I am sure everybody has read that much of geography in his primary

school days!  There cannot be any other Karkata Sankranti as per any shastra or

sidhanta or modern astronomy/geography since there is no other Karka Rekha

(Tropic of Cancer) or any other longest day of the year!

> Similar is the case on December 21, when the sun reaches the maximum south

declination (of around 23° 27’) i.e. when the sun is at a maximum southern

distance from the equator. It has to stop then for a fleeting moment---less than

a nanosecond again--- before “turning†back (U-turn!) from that high

pedestal.  That fleeting moment is the real Uttarayana of the sun known as

Makara Sankranti since the sun is directly on the tropic of Capricorn---

Makara-Rekha- --on that date.  There is absolutely no other Makara Sankranti

either as per the shastras or sidhantas or modern astronomy/geography since

there is no other Makara-Rekha nor any other shortest day of the year!  That 

also is primary school level geography!

> Similarly, during its sojourn around the sun; the earth, the equator and the

ecliptic join together for a fleeting moment---here also less than a

nanosecond-- when the longitude, latitude, declination and right ascension of

the sun/earth are zero! The sun (actually the earth) is in exact

“conjunction†with the ecliptic and the equator! It is thus a “Triveniâ€

and that is the moment of Spring Equinox.  With the declination of the sun

being zero degrees South it has to start moving away (cross the equator) again

from that “conjunction of the equator†from that moment of zero degrees

longitude-cum- latitude- cum-declination- cum-right ascension!  That fleeting

moment is Vishuva †" Mesha Sankranti of the sun (Tula Sankranti of the earth)!

It is Vishuva because the earth is conjunct with the Vishuvat Rekha i.e. the

Equator. That is the moment when days and nights are really equal throughout the

globe.. That is the zero “moment/point†for all

> the calculations of longitude, Right Ascension, Declination etc. and it is

known as Vernal Equinox.  Vishuva also means, as per Jayaratha, the commentator

of Tantraloka, the days when “days and nights are equalâ€.  Spring Equinox

also means the same thing i.e Equi-nox: day is equal to night in the midst of

the spring season! This is the real Vaishakhi and the sun enters Uttara Gola

then i.e. it starts gaining in northern declination!  There is no other

Vishuvat Rekha (Equator) with which the earth can be “conjunct†during

Spring and therefore there cannot be any other Vishuva or Mesha Sankranti since

day and night are not equal during Spring on any other day.  All the

panchangakars list Uttara-gola on that date but then why do they want us to

celebrate Vaishakhi/Vaishakha di/Meshadi i.e. solar New Year on April 14/15!

  Because they know that we do not know ABC of geography!  Or is it that they

do not know it themselves?

> Then again after six months of that phenomenon, a similar situation comes

again, when the longitude and Right ascension of the sun are 180 degrees (earth

zero degrees).  The longitude of the sun also can be taken as zero degrees on

that date if we measure it from Autumn Equinox instead of from Vernal Equinox!

The equator, the earth and the ecliptic have a confluence for a fleeting

moment---less than a nanosecond-- -again!  As the earth is conjunct the equator

i.e. Vishuvat Rekha again, it is also known as Vishuva----Autumn Equinox (Jala

Vishuva or Tula Sankranti) around September 23. It is the midpoint (second

month) of the Sharat-ritu. (That is why Sharadiya Navaratras should start with

the first Shukla Pratipat after Sharat Ritu starts---on September 15 in

2004†" and not when Sharat-kala is almost over†" October 14, 2004----as is being

done by our panchangamakers) .

> The declination of the sun is zero degrees at that particular moment.  Again,

all the panchangakars list it as “the sun enters dakshina gola†as the sun

(after crossing the Equator) starts gaining southern declination from that

moment.  There cannot be any other Tula Sankranti/Jala Vishuva as the earth is

not conjunct Equator---and thus the day and night are not equal---on any other

day in Autumn! But then these panchangakars make us celebrate Tula Sankranti on

October 14/15!  Why?  Only because they will lose their sinful crumbs if the

tell us the facts!  Or is it that they do not know the facts themselves? A sad

state of affairs, in either case!

> Naturally, in ancient times, it was almost impossible for ordinary mortals to

calculate accurately to the nearest minute, leave alone the nearest second, such

phenomena as lasted hardly for nanoseconds!  Really, hats off to our Rishis! 

Obviously, our present “Vamadevas†and “Parasharas†who advocate such

Mesha etc. sankrantis as do not exist at all, are a slur on the real Rishis and

such fakes must be banished without delay from this land of real Rishis.

> 8.         Day-to-day experience:    In fact, we do not need to

brush up even our primary school level geography since our day to day experience

also tells us that the sun does not rise daily from the same place.  It is

exactly above the equator (bhumadhya-rekha) on March 20/21 dividing the day into

two “equal halves†of 12 hours each! That is why it is known as

Vasanta-Sampat or Vishuva or Mesha Sankranti or Madhava! It does not rise on any

other day from that point till its revolution around the sun is complete. 

(That is why there cannot be two Spring Equinoxes or two Mesha Sankrantis in a

year!).  After that date, we observe it  rising in further north (Uttara-gola!

) till June 21.  And that is what is known as Dakshinayana Day or Karkata

Sankranti or Nabhah (start of Varsha Ritu) and there cannot be any other Karka

Sankranti as there cannot be another longest day at all for the next 365 days! 

From that moment onwards the sun 

> stops rising towards north but turns back from there towards dakshina (south)

till it is exactly above the equator again on September 22/23, dividing the day

once again into two “equal halves†of 12 hours each. That day is known as

Sharat Sampat (Autumn Equinox) or Tula Sankranti or Vishuva or Urja and the day

and night are again equal on that date.  Obviously, there cannot be another

Tula Sankranti for at least next 365 days! From that date onwards it moves i.e.

keeps on rising towards south (Dakshina Gola) rising in extreme southern

direction on December 21.  That is the Uttarayana day since from that date the

sun stops moving further south and starts turning towards north. It is this very

day that is known as world famous Makara Sankranti or Pongal or Udagayana or

Tapah!  That was the day for which Bhishma was waiting to shed off his mortal

coil!  There cannot be another Makara Sankranti as there cannot be another

shortest day for the next

> 365 days from that date onwards!

> 9. We have made a laughing stock of ourselves:      Now we can see for

ourselves as to how artificial, illogical, unscientific and irrational and,

above all, anti-Vedic our Makara, Mesha, Karkata and Tula Sankrantis are these

days which are celebrated on January 14, April 14, July 14 and October 14

instead of December 21, March 21, June 21 and Sept. 23 respectively!  All the

world is laughing at us that we do not know even the actual days of solstices

and equinoxes!      When these very four cardinal points are such

topsy-turvy how can the other sankrantis (solar ingresses) be correct!  As

these panchangakars do not let the solar months start from proper days, lunar

months also are made to lag behind by at least one month!

> And we can rest assured that what is illogical, unscientific and irrational

could never have been advised by our dharmashastras, as seen above. It is only

our panchangakars who are prescribing such farcical festivals and fairs! 

Why?  Because they are worse than Duryodhana.  Why?  Because Duryodhana had

the courage to admit that though he could differentiate between Dharma and

Adharma yet he was in no mood to follow Dharma and desist from Adharma!  But

these panchangakars do not have the courage to admit that they have been

fleecing the entire Hindu society for the last several centuries just for some

crumbs and should stop now from spreading that adharma further.  Or is it that

they are so insensitive to even the natural phenomena like sunrise and sunset or

winter and summer that they cannot differentiate between a natural Mesha

Sankranti and an artificial one?   But then it is equally our fault as we

never questioned them about the criteria

> they adopted for such festivals/phenomena!

> 10.       Muhurtas:       When the dates of sankrantis and lunar

months are wrong how can the muhurtas fixed on such basis be correct?  No

wonder we are celebrating marriages during the actual shradha-paksha and

“enjoying†shradhas during the period actually auspicious for marriages!

> CRC Report: It must be put on record that even the  Saha Calendar Reform

Committee had warned in no uncertain terms about the situation these

panchangamakers have created for us, and I quote, “In continuing to follow the

nirayana system, the Hindu calendar makers are under delusion that they are

following the path of dharma.  They are actually committing the whole Hindu

society to adharma†(Page 260 of the Report of the Calendar Reform Committee,


>             Earlier these Panchanga-makers used to boast (wrongly

though) that as they made correct predictions on the basis of such (imaginary)

rashis that is why they were following them for festivals also. But now even

that “gas-ball†has been deflated since they have met their Waterloo with

the failure of their predictions about NDA forming the Government under Atalji

with the result that these Panchanga makers themselves are in mourning these

days! (Please see the attachment proving that there are no rashis, much less

astrology in the Vedas!)

>             In view of the above, I am listing below some of the

most important festivals from June 1 till December 31, 2004, as per all the

Vedas, shastras, sidhantas and modern astronomy.  Just celebrate them

accordingly and do confront your panchangamaker/ panditji with these unpleasant

facts because unless and until we revolt against this anyay (injustice), they

will continue to hurtle us towards the abyss of adharma by making us mourn on


> There is a saying that you can take a horse to the river but you cannot make

it drink water!  I have done my job by pointing out all the glaring

anomalies.  I have substantiated my arguments with all the proofs in a nutshell

which even a layman can understand.  It is up to the readers whether they want

to be like vegetables being tossed by panchangamakers (including the Rashtriya

Panchanga) or they want to really have some zest for real dharma!

> Please feel free to email or post this letter-cum-request to anybody you like

since everybody must join this dharmayudha for streamlining our calendar..

> With best regards,

> Yours sincerely,

> Avtar Krishen Kaul

> President

> All India Calendar Reform Committee

> H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A, Sector-2

> Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085               

> (Email: jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com     Tel: 27516483)











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