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Vocation - 10th House

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Qn:  A question prevails that could Hindu Astrology could predict the type of

job one would involve for his/her livelihood? And could that be related to

modern opportunities of work fields?


Yes.  It is possible.


The 10th House from Lagna in a birth chart of an individual indicates one’s

livelihood and professional prospects in his life. The 2nd, 6th and 10th house

forms the triangle, with 10th house as ‘pivot’ of the triangle.


While 10th house indicates, the type of service/business/avocation for

professional standing and a earning position in a society, the 6th house

provides indication of wealth, comfort and subordinates, and the 2nd house

confirms his wealth, comfort , pursuits and its results in form of wealth

returns, individual’s identity related to his talents into capacity of earning

defining the word ‘honor’ in his life, directly related to opportunity,

expectations, qualifications resulting in satisfaction.


In fact, the number of avocations today is so vast and varied that it is nearly

impossible to ascertain with any degree accuracy the exact nature of

profession.  However, with an expert, specially trained in Hindu Astrology, in

carefully involving with his expertise for judicious investigation into all

relevant factors (which are many) could reveal which vocation and the degree of

success one could achieve in the length of his life.


The study centers in analyzing the 10th house from Lagna, centers on strength of

(a) the house which is 10th house to Lagna; (2) its Lord; (3) its occupants; (4)

the Planet marked for the Natural signification (Karaka) of the tenth House. For

correct assessment, the Navamsa chart has also to be taken into account.


In “Jeevanam†(Profession/Livelihood) in Chapter XV in ‘Jathaka

Parijatha’, a detailed method to trace the path of livelihood is well



“Find the Planets occupying 10th House reckoned from Lagna, as well as from

the Moon… The planets in Mid-heavan or aspiring to mid-heavan (Dasama

bilashinaha) are to be treated for this purpose in great care, for its quality,

power, and performance, inter relationship etc. Secondly, find out the rulers of

the 10th House counted from Lagna, the Sun and the Moon. Take the strongest of

them. Find out in what Navamsa that Planet is positioned. The rule of that

Navamsa will influence the profession…..â€

This is fully agreed in ‘Saravalli’.


However, according to Bhattotpala, it is not correct to predict the profession

by considering the strongest alone of the Planets, (1) deposited in the 10th

house from Lagna and the Moon; (2) the power of the Planet owning the 10th

House, in that birth chart. Every one of these should be considered and assessed

to find the source of income and related prosperity of the Native.  Saint Gargi

is also of the same view.  In his view, the income-flow of the Native, will

have to be determined, in addition to above, with reference to the Planets

Jupiter, the Lord of Navamsa Rasi occupied by Saturn to relate to the ‘toil’

he has to put in his profession), and the Sun, the Lord of Navamsa occupied by

Venus (to relate the ‘pressure’ and related to achieve ‘desired



Further, to determine the ways in which a person will earn money, the Planets

which are in the 1st (Lagna), 2nd and the 5th House (opposite to the 11th

house), in a friend’s house or in an enemy’s house, or in his own house,

will indicate the source.  If the planets are badly related, there will be

maximum labor for minimum income; if they be good and well related mutually, he

will earn more in excess with prosperity with minimum exertion


It is also said, that ‘the profession or occupation in one’s life is

generally judged from the Planet or Planets occupying the tenth house, and if

there should be none there, from those in the 1st (Lagna) and also from those

aspecting the Sun and The Moon

(Here, The Sun is related to the ‘toil’ and the Moon is related to ‘status

of mind and its application’ in the profession)


While it will be a long list, which could be irrelevant to the question put to

me as now, I will confine to give an example: The Sun will be related directly

under above conditions in evaluating the strength, to lead to ‘some honorable

employment either under the State or under public body of men/women as kings,

queens, princes, earls and all titled appointments (in modern term: CEO;

Executive Directors etc), Jewelers, Gold Product traders, etc.  To give another

example as in Sloka 59, of Adyaya XV of

‘ Jathaka Parijatha’: “If Venus and Saturn occupy the 10th Placefrom the

Moon theperson born will manufacture a fragrant black powder and similar

cosmetic substance (in modern times – hair dye), will practice medicine and

engage in tradeâ€.


Some interesting interpretations on Tenth House:


(i)                 Livelihood, work, employer, master in

business, boss, appointment, promotion, occupation, vocation, kingdom,

government, aristocracy, rank, status, position of authority, public esteem,

ruling powers, respect, honor, and command.

(ii)              Living abroad, commerce, trade, business, doctor,

wealth and success.

(iii)            Good conduct, Deeds in life (Karma), integrity,

pilgrimage, sacrifice, funerary rites (srardha), wisdom, credit, renunciation of

worldly life, and taking to asceticism.

(iv)             Sky, Quality and clothes.

(v)                Backbone, Knees, Left Part of the nose, left

armpit, and left thigh.

(vi)           Mother’ relations, partners in business, etc


Let us see some of the selected effects related to 10th House:


 (1)    We had gone through above, the method of assessment on the strength

of Planets in a birth chart and Navamsa. The most powerful of ‘three’, tenth

houses (from Lagna and the Sun and the Moon) should be examined to see whether

it contains a Planet/s and that Planet will indicate the vocation or source of

income as well as the status.

(2)    If the three tenth houses determined above, all or two of them are

similar strength and contain planets, the combination of all of them to

indicate, will be the vocation or vocations, or the native will change his/her

vocation to ones indicated by each planet, in the major or sub-periods of the

planets that are located in each of the ‘tenth’ houses.


Some methods to be perused as follows (this is not exhaustive):


(1)      When several Planets are placed in a sign anywhere in the

horoscope, the vocation indicated by the sign or the house may be pursued.  (It

is a big list which could not be covered here, covering 27 stars 4 Padas, 12

houses, 9 Planets and its permutation and combination along with various degrees

they occupy in a chart)

(2)      The most powerful Planet among them may also force the Native to

pursue vocation indicated by it at least during its major or sub periods.

(3)      There is evidence in scripts, that the most powerful among Planets

that are placed close to the Sun (in a birth chart) – but not  in combust –

as well as those to aspect the Sun  in that chart can also point the vocation

in which the native will ultimately take up.


The next point of discussion will be what combination of Planets as above could

indicate which type of vocation for a native.










Astrologer, (consultation fees payable for direct detailed studies)

'Oxton House', 6, Hawthorn Road,

Cherry Willingham,  0044+01522+595996,

Lincoln LN3 4JT, United Kingdom.   Pl. contact 'kountinya29'

" ........When there is uncertainty, He gave us hope;

When there was indecision,He gave us clarity.... "






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