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Ashok ji; why study astrology?

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Dear Friends,

Every person is free to hold his own opinion. Tolerance to all

views are the prime teaching since ancient vadic period in India.


Astrology is one of the Limb of Vadas'( out of six limbs).This

clearly shows that sages of ancient Vadic era simultaneously

nourished and developed the science of Astrology.

Puranic  literature was always very vast (even now half a million

shlokas of various Puranas' are available in print).This is a fact

that they had undergone in some additions as well some vital

parts were extinguished with time.

In Gupta period - 2nd century AD to about 7th century AD - a big effort was

made to revive this litrature.On account of these Herculean efforts a vast


of literature is at the door steps of present generation.

After the era of Mahabharata , a new effort was made to introduce revolutionary

changes in

Mahurta and predictive ( jataka) astrology :


!.Mahurta :

 The Panchang was introduced -  The persons who are not well versed in Indian


  only depend on Jatak Shastra .-They needed precise longitudes of planets and

sunrise and sun set

  to know the panchaga of the moment..

  They have taken following steps:

  a. they used Char -khand and Belantar to know Sunrise, AND introduced week


 b.They adopted zodiac in 27 Nakshatras' based on Moon which was developed in

ancient vadic era -A unique development in India alone.

 c. This  basis of division of zodiac paved the way of 12 zodiac sidereal signs

.. The initial point of

   Nakshatra Acvini (which was opposite to star Chita - the yogtata of Nakshata

Chitra) was defined

   as initial point of sidereal zodiac.( As every savant of astrology is well

aware that tropical signs were

   named after sidereal sign , though later signs have no permanent connection

with stars and constellations).

d. Panchang is an unique tool of Mahurta astrology and is in use in India only.

e. Various types of chakras based on Nakshatras were used to now auspicious time

or quality of time on any specific moment.


2,Jatak Literate- A unique system of constructing Birth Horoscope was devolved

bases on Planets

  ( even now in west , they are learning the use of nodes) ,27 Nakshatras' ,

12 Sidereal signs , and 12 bhavas.

 They have devolved Dasa system based on NAKSHATRAS' ,SIGNS, BHAVAS AND


  a,BPHS is an monumental document which introduces all these systems and also

Varga charts,

    These charts paved the way to Nadi shastra where each sign is divided in 150


   b. BPHS in chapter 3 ,  had clearly stated that effects of planets in

Nakshatras' (and by implication in

      bhavas ) may be referred in vast general literature available in that era.

BPHS promised to amplify the results   on   account of interaction among

sidereal signs and planets.

  c . Lalkitab is the part of that vast literature which was refereed to in BPHS


      BC). I do not know how that knowledge came to us through  sage Pt.

Roopchand ji. He has revealed this     unique document to us but never claimed

its authorship. He had passed these books to his disciples

free of cost .

  d. Bhattotpal was fully aware about the existence of  BPHS.but could not lay

hand on it . It was the common  habit in     India not to reveal such unique

documents and consider it  as family secret. Why go too far , Mr. Bhatt

    is not publishing vast Bhirgu literature of ancient origin available with

him. One needs the stature of our    pt.Rupchand ji to reveal such unique





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lalkitabee <lalkitabee


Tuesday, 7 July, 2009 4:49:20 PM

Re: Ashok ji; why study astrology?






Res Mr.Wandahl

Yes u r absolutly right -we can at least agree to disagree.

In my mail I tried to clarify that if we will go only for written evidences then

nobody will believe about Lalkitab as a creation of Pt.Roop Chand Ji,bcoz

Lalkitab was published with the name of Pt.Girdhari Lal, nowhere mentioned name

of Pt.Roop Chand Ji. But it is not true, It was a regard by Pt. Roopchand Ji for

Sh. Girdhari Lal Ji. That is why Pt.Roopchand JI didnt mentioned himself as

auther of this book.

This truth was unveiled by some predecessors of that age of society & all of us

bow our head to this truth & agree with it, even most of them unveiled another

truth that this knowledge of Lalkitab was spoken by some super divine powers to

Pt.Roop Chand Ji. This truth or fact also accepted by each devotee of Lalkitab

including me also. Pt.Roopchand ji left whole credit for Pt.Girdhari Lal ji as

honour & finally the Lalkitab published at the name of Girdhari Lal Ji.

I mean to explain that evidences of original written materials of Lalkitab do

not certify Pt. Roopchand ji as real author of Lalkitab, but it is universal

truth that only Pt. Roopchand Ji were real author & this truth is beleivable

bcoz our predecessors were live witness about this fact & some of those

predecessors are today also with us , like Sh. Rajinder Bhatia ji and some more.

Same thoughts are in the case of vedas & Astro shastra of mine.So i ended my

previous mail with the words of sum up this issue without any discussion.I think

- now im succeeded to explain my views.

Best wishes of Guru Purnima

With Regards




, " Finn Wandahl " <finn.wandahl@ ...>



> Dear Mr. Vipin Shukla,


> This is not the first time we disagree, but perhaps this time, on this

> particular issue, we can at least agree to disagree, now when the

> members of this group has been able to see both our arguments.


> What I have stated about Parasara Hora is based on my own personal

> findings and research in cooperation with a certain sanskrit-scholar

> from Kerala, whom I am sure wish to remain unknown in this present

> discussion, for obvious reasons.


> I very much believe this to be the truth about Parasara Hora, but taking

> your very religious position on this matter into consideration (and

> respecting it) it clearly appears that further discussion on this topic

> will be futile, leading to nowhere.


> However, being a foreigner I can speak my opinion on this matter freely,

> and I like to say very frankly that being discontented by nearly 30

> years of studying and practicing Parasari astrology is what actually

> made me seek refuge into the great Lal Kitab.


> Your position regarding who originated or wrote the great Lal Kitab is a

> little unclear in your last message. What do you mean? Do you have doubt

> that it was the late Pt. Roop Chand Joshi who wrote the five books of

> Lal Kitab? Please elaborate on this?


> Best wishes,

> Finn Wandahl




> , " lalkitabee " <lalkitabee@ >

> wrote:

> >

> > Res Mr. Wandahl,

> > Ur views are really very illustrative & u also indicated about the

> history of astro-shastra, but the person like me do not depends on the

> sources,which were provided by any persian,chinese or christian scholar

> only.Beside explaining more in words,I want to inform u that Bhartiya

> Gyaan Peeth is an authentic publication by Indian govt for researchers

> ,so the book named " BHARTIYA JYOTISH " written by DR.NEMICHAND SHASTRI,

> PUBLISHED BY BHARTIYA GYAAN PEETH is more authentic for the history of

> this Bhartiya Jyotish.Ur reading says that it is not older that 500

> years & my reading says ,it is 28000 years old in india.U can get

> references regarding this in that book..I found it at page no. 8 of that

> book according RIGVED & SHATPATH BRAHMAN. U also agree with SHATPATH

> BRAHMAN, bcoz as per ur website " Brahman is real,

> > the Universe is unreal,

> > Brahman is the Universe.( It can be raised as a topic that u

> might not accept SHATPATH BRAHMAN also so much old)

> > I do not want to fall in this controversy bcoz this will lead us

> nowhere.It is the bad luck of India that invaders were attracted to this

> country & tried to ruin treasure of our sages.So leave this controversy

> please, because it will be the topic of our Identity & devotion to our

> sages, for which we will depend on our revered forefathers at all.We

> cant depend like Maxmooler, Keeth,Peterson or Vallentine etc..only, even

> they were the best scholars of Sanskrit & Vedas.

> > We are discussing at lalkitab & if each of this group follow as per

> ur evidencial way ,the name of Pt.Roopchand Joshi ji also will be futile

> with Lalkitab,bcoz it was published with the name of Pt.Girdhari Lal Ji

> & Pandit Roop Chand Ji is not present phisically to claim on it.No-one

> of this group accept this fact,bcoz the truth has been established by

> some revered members. In the same way our revered forfathers also

> established about Maharishis & spirituality in Vedas as wel as astrology

> shastra also. Though u want to continue discussion,then no doubt I &

> many like me will consider ur views as blasphemy.U can understand that

> no discussion can go ahead at the sake of our forefathers & their

> verdicts.

> > With Regards

> > Pt.Lalkitabee

> > V.Shukla

> > , " Finn Wandahl " finn.wandahl@

> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Mr. V. Shukla,

> > >

> > > Unfortunately there are many illusions connected to Hindu astrology,

> and

> > > many of these illusions have emerged because of a mix-up between

> > > astrology and religion. This have given rise to all sorts of

> > > misunderstandings regarding the chronology and the origin of the

> > > different astrological texts of Hindu astrology.

> > >

> > > The mere fact that a certain text-book has been named after some

> Vedic

> > > Sage, does not necessarily mean that this Sage was actually the

> author

> > > of that text.

> > >

> > > Even though many people believe a text like

> Brihat-Parasara- Hora-Shastra

> > > to be more than 4,000 years old, a critical analysis of the

> > > sanskrit-text and the content itself for anachronism, etc.

> indicate it

> > > to be hardly more than some 500 years old.

> > >

> > > The Persian astronomer/astrolog er Al Biruni was a great

> sanskrit-scholar

> > > and he visited India around the year 1,000AD. In his book India he

> has

> > > carefully mentioned all the astrological text know at that time,

> there

> > > was Saravali, Brihat Jataka and many other famous texts. However, he

> did

> > > not mention BPHS, which is supposed to be the most important of all

> the

> > > text. Had it been in exixtance he would undoubtedly have mentioned

> it.

> > >

> > > Obviously BPHS is a compendium consisting of all kinds of

> disconnected

> > > astrological material that was indiscriminately collected and

> written

> > > together somewhere around the 16th century AD, probably in two parts

> > > over a period of around 100 years.

> > >

> > > It is possible BPHS was supposed to have been included as a part of

> > > Vishnu Purana. This is actually very possible since VP had been

> changed

> > > so many times already and both VP and BPHS are framed as a

> conversation

> > > between Sage Parasara and his disciple Maitriya. There are so many

> > > textual similarities between the two works.

> > >

> > > I do not share the general admiration about BPHS. I find it to be

> full

> > > of disconnected fragments of astrological methods and full of

> > > contradictions. I think perhaps its similarity with Vishnu Purana is

> was

> > > has made it so famous, and made so many believe it was written by

> the

> > > great Vedic sage Parasara himself 4,000 years ago.

> > >

> > > I have publicly advocated against these illusions and many Hindu

> > > astrologers considered these opinions of mine like blasphemy. I

> however

> > > believe it is wise of us to keep an open, critical mind and not

> become

> > > to " religious " about these things.

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > > Finn Wandahl

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , lalkitabee <lalkitabee@ >

> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Res Mr. Wandahl & Yograj ji

> > > > It is not fare at all.Both of u completely vanished the

> spirituality

> > > not only of Lalkitab but the whole of astrology also.Even lalkitab

> is

> > > also a astrological script but which book itself indicates about- 9





> > > JHAGDAA ROOH AUR MAAYA KA , etc. How u can neglect these lines from

> > > spiritual touch of this book.Astro Shastra itself is a 2nd mandatory

> > > part of the system to understand the VEDAS. & what are VEDAS

> ,needn't to

> > > explain.Lalkitab is also a chain of ASTROSHASTRA.

> > > > The views of u seem the result of the thought of Western vs

> > > Indian.The spirituality is the base of the whole Indian culture as

> wel

> > > as it reflects in Lalkitab also.No-one bothers in India that

> spiritual

> > > words can be announced only in Mandir or Church or Masjid etc.Indian

> > > culture has spirituality in whole livings & non-livings & at each

> > > step.The thorough knowledge base of Indian culture inspires to

> achieve

> > > CHATURVARG-PHAL- PRAPTI & its peak level has adviced to get MOKSHA.So

> all

> > > of our knowledge base is to get rid from " LAKH-CHAURASI " & in this

> > > process materialistic world is in between. So,If someone wants to

> study

> > > Indian vedic astrology then it has to be in the context of Indian

> ethos

> > > which is basically spiritual in character.

> > > > Res Wandahl Ji u have also knowledge of vedic & jaimini

> astrology.I

> > > want to say that these also were written by MAHARISHI PARASHAR,

> > > MAHARISHI PINGAL, MAHARISHI JAIMINI etc. No-one has called as Doctor

> > > Parashar, Dr. PINGAL or Dr. Jaimini. Which data of knowledge as such

> > > originated by Maharishis, that how can be only a normal scripture,

> It is

> > > itself is a proof to proove this, as spiritual.

> > > > Res yograj Ji, aap is kitaab ko sirf ek novil ka naam de

> rahey

> > > hain. Yah baat aur hai ki ise bataur noval baar baar padhne ke liye

> bola

> > > gayaa hai ,lekin iska gyaan ek Novil ki kahani ke barabar kabhi bhi

> nahi

> > > kahaa ja saktaa. Jis kitab main Pitri Rin,Matri Rin jaise topics ko

> liya

> > > gayaa hai, jis kitab main antar alop ki leharon ka jikra hai, jis

> kitab

> > > main dono bhavon ke beech Guru-sthan ya gurudwar ka jikra kiya gaya

> hai,

> > > jise aam taur par Brahm-sthan bhi kahaa jataa hai ,uske adhyatmik

> pehloo

> > > ko kisi bhi tarah se nakaaraa nahi ja saktaa.

> > > > Aur to aur jis kitab main shuru main hee likhaa ho " RASHI 12


> > > 7 GRAH SE NARAK CHAURASI KAT-TA HAI " is se badaa saboot aur kyaa

> hogaa

> > > iske spiritual hone ka ? Agar meri baat buri lagi ho to muafi ki arz

> hai

> > > aapse.

> > > > With Regards

> > > > Pt.Lalkitabee

> > > > V.Shukla

> > > >

> > >

> >







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