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Do Not cite Scriptures Falsely, Mr Sunil Bhattacharjya!

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To All :


Mr Sunil Bhattacharjya said repeatedly that one divya varsha was equal

to one solar year according to Mahabharata and Puranas, and refuses to

accept documentary evidences. Two months ago, I sent him verses from all

those texts which he was falsely quoting. Thereafter, he hibernated for

two months, and came up with same falsehoods again, mixed with new lies

and new abuses for me !! Then, I had to spend some time, and I sent

references from a lot of Puranas to expose this abusive liar, after

which will come again after some time with same falsehoods, feigning to

forget all evidences provided so far by me. And he calls me " an

incorrigible liar " . Here are the proofs which will convince everyone

that he does not know Sanskrit and cites scriptures wrongly, and is too

haughty to admit his errors.


Two months ago, I sent him reference from Vishnu Purana, which says :


" maasair-dvaadashabhir-varsham-ahoraatram tu tat divi


tribhir-varsha-shatair-varsham shashtyaa chaiva-asuradvishaam " (Amsha-vi,

chapter-3, verse 10)


It means : " 12 (human) months are (equal to) one divya day-night / (and)

360 (human) years are (equal to) one varsha of gods (=asuraodvishaam). "

Next verse says : " such 12000 yesrs are equal to one chaturyuga... "


Two months ago, I had explained this verse word by word because Mr Sunil

does not know Sanskrit, but he refused to accept such clear verdict and

called the yuga calculation of ancient sages as " my " invention !




Two months ago, I also sent the following prrof from Mahabharata (khanda

5-chapter 231-verse15) :


" ahoraatre vibhajate Suryau maanushalaukike " , which means days and

nights of manushya loka is made/divided by Surya. Verse 17 says " Daive

raatryahanee varsham pravibhaagastayoh punah , ahastatrodagayanam

raatrih syad dakshinaayanam " : in which " Daive raatryahanee varsham "

means " (human) varsha is equal to day+night of gods " . Here varsha is

varsha of maanushalaukike which is to be taken from preceding two

verses. Rest of verse 17 means " this daiva day+night is divided thus :

uttara (ayana) is divine day and dakshinaayana is divine night " . MBh

clearly says that the maanushalaukika year is solar year : see verse 15

above which says that Sun divides/makes day and night in maanushalaukika

(but not in devaloka). "




Two months ago, I also sent evidences from all major ancient Jyotisha

Siddhantas :


Ancient siddhantic texts invariably speak of 4320000 solar years for a

mahayuga. For instance, in the first verse of Dashageetikaa of

Aryabhatiya, Sun's bhagana number per (maha)yuga is 4320000 and Earth's

rotations are given to be 1582237500 (1582237828 in Suryasiddhanta,

this minor difference being due to Sunrise system of day count in

Aryabhatiya in contrast to midnight system of Suryasiddhanta).

Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta(BSS) repeats the mathematics of Mahabharata

(MBh-v-231) in its first chapter verses 4-7, in which 4320000 normal

solar years of humans are said to make one mahayuga (see verses 5-6) and

1000 such mahayugas are said to make one Kalpa (BSS, ch-i, verse 10).

Hence, Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta all

clearly say one mahayuga to be equal to 4320000 years and not 43200000

days as Mr Sunil wrongly tried to prove by misquoting texts. His stand

is refuted by all these ancient texts : Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and

Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta, Mahabharata, Narada Purana, Vishnu Dharmottara

Purana, etc, all of which unanimously say that one mahayuga is of

4320000 years or 1582237828 days which is equal to 12000 divine years.

How can he put " 1582237828 sunrises " in only 12000 " solar " years ?




Not only this, Mr Sunil reads Hindu scriptures in reverse direction like

Urdu (from my message two months ago) :


Vishnu Purana (Amsha-vi, chapter-3, verses 6-11) clearly say that 360

" human " ( " maanusha " , see verse 6) years are equal to one divya year and

12000 " divya " years constitute one Chaturyuga (ie, Mahayuga). Exactly

same thing is repeated in Vishnu Purana (Amsha-i, chapter-3, verses

8-14), with clarification that four yugas of a Chaturyuga have lengths

of 4800, 3600, 2400 and 1200 divya years. The sequence of yugas is

Satyuga, Treta, Dvaapara and Kaliyuga, which means duration of Satyuga

is 4800, Treta 3600, Dvaapara 2400 and Kaliyuga 1200 " divya " years

according to Vishnu Purana. Why Mr Sunil inverts the sequence of four

yugas of a Chaturyuga and read Kaliyuga as 4800 ? Even schoolboys do not

commit such blunders ! It is certainly a result of excessive drinking,

although he says that only two tolas of wine should be taken daily.




Here is his statement about Rgveda :


<<< " I said that that the Rig Veda says that we are all brothers. Then

to disprove what I said Vinay Jha did research and quoted several

verses from the Rig Veda to show that nowhere in the Rig Veda it is said

that we are all brothers. Then I had to quote the exact verse where it

is said that we are all brothers and this shows that he missed the most

relevant verse. Such is his false scholarship. " >>>


I answered : The verses he quoted from Rgveda said that " all 49 Marutas

are equal bhraatara " . If anyone imagines 49 Maruts to be humans, born

simultaneously, it must be due to genetic cloning in Rgvedic times,

because no mortal woman can beget 49 sons at a time ! Why Sunil

Bhattacharjya reduces deities like Maruts to mortals ? Rgveda never said

" we are all brothers " . Sunil Bhattacharjya is lying. He should cite

texts honestly and properly, and should read scriptures without a goblet

in hand. A person incapable of understanding simple Puranic Sanskrit and

simple english and Hindi translations of the same should keep away from

difficult language of Rgveda. Pandits say that 12 years are needed by

Sanskrit scholars to master one Veda !! Now-a-days every fool may pose

as a Vedic expert, citing verses from internet out of context.




All above exchanges took place over two months ago, after which he went

into hibernation because he could not refute the evidences, but after

two months came up again, repeating his old lies, believing that members

must have forgotten exchanges of two months ago. In this connection,

another scholar Shri Venkata Krishnan in his own forum also cited verses

from Matsya Purana :




Matsya Purana, chapter-142, Slokas 11-15


Meaning: " Thirty yearsof men is one month for the Gods. A century of men

is three months and a few days of the Gods. 360 Human years make one

year of the Devas ( Gods). ... 3,60,000 Human years make One Thousand

Divine years. " ( This verse-12 is exactly repeated in Verses18-19 of

Linga Purana cited below)




But Mr Sunil answered : " Thank you for the trouble takien. Let us agree

to disagree. I shall prefer to go by the definition of Vayu purana

(57.17) " .


Mr Sunil told me in this group : " Vayu purana says that Divyavarsha is

Solar year and Manushya varsha is the Sidereal Lunar year. "


I said : " Vayu Purana or no ancient text ever said that. Ask him to

quote the verse verbatim. " In reply, I got abuses.




Hence, I had to send new evidences from a lot of Puranas as shown below,

and as expected he again refuses to accept his faults :


Proof of length of Divya Varsha, this time from Narada Purana, which

presents Ganita and Phalita portions of Jyotisha in more details than

any other Purana (Sage Sanaka says ) :


" Rturmaasadvayena syaattatrayenaayanam smritam


tatdvyena bhavedabdah sa devaanaam dinam bhavet " (verse-24, ch-5)


" uttaram divasam praahoo raatrirvai dakshinaayanam " (forst half of

verse-25, ch-5)


Verse 24 defines ayana in first half, and then says two ayanas

(uttaraayana and dakshinaayana) make one year (of humans) which is one

" din " of the gods. Next line says that uttaraayana is " divasa " while

dakshinnayana is night (of gods).


Same thing is said in Bhagavata Purana (and in Vishnu Purana,

Suryasiddhanta, Brahmasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya, etc) , but SKB says it is

vague !!! SKB does not know Sanskrit which is " vague " to him, hence

it is impossible to convince him what the Puranas & c say.




Chapter-5 of Koorma Purana says same thing :


Verse-5 defines " maanusha " measure, and then " maasa' is defined in same

verse. Then, verse-6 says :


" taih shadbhir-ayanam varsham dve-ayane dakshinottare


ayanam dakshinam ratrir-devaanaam uttaram dinam "


" six (maanusha maasas) make up one ayana, two ayanas uttara and dakshina

make one year


dakshina ayana is night and uttara (ayana) is day of gods. "




Chapter-1 of Linga Purana (verse 9-10) differentiates various types of

Varshas, and enumerates Divya and Maanusha, among others, as different

typres. It is clarified in chapter-3, verse 15-16 which say one human

year is equal to one divya day-night. In next verse, it is said that " 30

years (of humans) constitute one divya month " , the language is copy of

Matsya Purana's definition of the same sent by me earlier

( " trinshadyaani tu varshaani divyo maasastu sa smritah " ).


Verse-18-19 of Linga Purana repeats verse of Matsya Purana :


" Treeni varsha-shataat anyeva shashti-varshaani yaani tu


divyah samvatsaro hyesha maanushena prakeertitah "


It means " 360 years of humans are equal to one divya samvatsara " .


Later verses in Linga Purana repeat the verses of matsya Purana about

the length of Saptarshi Year, Dhruva Year, etc.




Now see Brahmaanda Purana which SKB needs so much (poorva-bhaaga said by

Vaayu) :


Ch-6, verse 44-45 says Krityuga measures 4800 divya varshas, verse 61-62

repeats same thing in changed words. but actual details are in

chapter-28 od second Anushamga of Poorvabhaaga said by Vayu :


Like other Puranas, verse -5 says Maanusha varsha is defined on the

basis of laukika pramaana, ie, solar year, which is the measure of year

in this world. verse-7 clarifies it by saing that Sun divides day and

night in maanusha-loka, and other measures like month and year are

measured in terms of this solar measure.


Verses 13-16 define divya dina and then divya varsha exactly in the

manner of Matsya and Linga Puranas, clearly saying a divya varsha to be

equal to 360 maanusha varshas in verse-16, which is an exact replica of

Matsya Purana.




Now see Padma Purana , chapter-3, in the words of Sage Pulastya :


Verse-7 says :


" dakshina ayana is night of gods and uttara (ayana) is day (of gods) "


Next verses say such 12000 divya varshas make one chaturyuga. Verses 15-

say that " one manvantara is equal to 852000 divya (suraadinaam) varshas

which are equal to 306720000 human (paarthiva) years " : the ratio is

360 maanusha varshas in one divya varsha :


852000 divya varshas =

" ashtau-shat-sahasraani-divyayaa-samkhyayaa-snritah /

dvi-panchaashat-tathaa-anyaani-sahasraani-adhikaanicha " (verse 15-16) ;

which are equal to 306720000 paarthiva varshas

" trint-koti-astu-sampoornaah samkhyaataah samkgyayaanrpa /

sapta-shashtih-tathaa-anyaani-niyutaani-mahaamate /

vimshatishch-sahasraani-kaaloyamadhikamvinaa /

manvantarasya-samkhyaeyam-maanushairiha-vatsareh / "




Now see Vishnudharma Purana , ch-105 , in which Sage Shaunaka says

(about the kaalamaana he got by worshipping Keshava) :


Verse-14 defines dakshina ayana as night and uttara ayana as day of

gods, and says one samvatsara (of humans) is one ahoraatra of gods.

Then, Verse-15 says :


" Shatatrayena varshaanaam shashtyaa cha Prithivipate


Manushya-samkhyayaa varsham devaanaam-api ganyate "


= " O Prithvipati (King Shataaneeka) ! 360 years of humans are one

Varsha of Gods "


Next line says " iti divyena maanena chaturyuga-vikalpanaam " , ie,

chaturyuga (of 12000 divya years) is measured in this very divya year

(of 360 human years) "




Bhagavata purana (3.11.18 - 20) says in verse 12 : " ayane chaahanee

praahur-vatsaro dvaadasha smritah, samvatsarshatam nrrnaam

paramaayur-nirupitam " , ie, the ayanas (uttaraayana and dakshinaayana

described in preceding verse) are one day (of gods) but are called

" varsha " or " dvaasha " (12 months) in the loka of nrrnaam



Mr Sunil Bhattacharya rejected all proofs and intensified his abusive

attack on me. I cannot prevent him from going from one falsehood to

another. But ancient texts must be cited correctly. There are some

scholars who believe that one divya varsha should be equal to one solar

year, but they do not cite scriptures falsely like Mr Sunil

Bhattacharjya to make their idea more acceptable. Mr Sunil makes a mess

of Saamkhya, Gita, Upanishada, Vedas, Puranas and Epics due to his lack

of knowledge of Sanskrit and lack of proper traning in indological

studies, but instead of studying texts properly he starts posing as an

expert in everything, from Veda to liquor.





-Vinay Jha


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