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Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

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Namaste Sanjay and friends,


In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's



" In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have never come

across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect incarnation of

Lord Shiva. "


Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of " Shiva " shown by the



* * *


However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and

religious authorities at his time opined.


When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda) once

thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he declares his divinity

*now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As if he detected the thought,

Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have doubts? He who was Rama and

Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not mean it in your vedantic

sense! "


By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and referring

to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly revealed that he was an

incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a lie and valued

truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question himself must be

more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological principles.


Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed

to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an

incarnation of Vishnu.


Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.


Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called

Ramakrishna's visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the

mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect

and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with

purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with

raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas

that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.


* * *


As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is supposed

to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be tempted to

theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva tattva to

guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not just

Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the greatest

gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad Gita, the

greatest spiritual teaching ever.


Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few

millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda

Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.


If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva (Jupiter)

because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha of Vishnu

(Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all! Shiva

himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.


Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi



* * *



Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle



You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per Vimsottari

dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high level soul having

incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and a

questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.


However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not

satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls having

incarnated " .


Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on

" vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for one specific

dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of Vimsottari

lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of chara

karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is mixing up

two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in many

examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable data).

Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which was

made based on just 2-3 charts.


Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable charts.


* * *


I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works

in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in

some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very

high caliber spiritual people.


After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam and

prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra that

works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was given to

me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned from chara

aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from a planet

that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma kaaraka in D-20

chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If chara aatma kaaraka

is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as counting of the 12th house

in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "


The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in it shows

the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually. Similarly, SBC

is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th) nakshatra from AK in

it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet having an influence

on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th and 9th from lagna

show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences all the three

factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting from Rahu is

because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara asked to

reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu in

anti-zodiacal order.


Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and bhagya

(5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation (12th

house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane (SBC) and

the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).


Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships. It uses

nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.


* * *


When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.


Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from him is

Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and the

12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.


Ramakrishna's AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him counted

anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In D-20, Rahu

is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn owns it. In

rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.


Vivekananda's AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from him is

Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is in

Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.


Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from him is

Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20,

Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies the 5th



Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The 28th star

from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from Jupiter in

SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu and Ketu

aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.


Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from him is

Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu is in Sg.

The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it. In rasi,

Sun is the 9th lord.


Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star from him is

Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects it. In D-20,

Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and Moon aspects

it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.


* * *


Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum when living

here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those of you who do

any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to Parasara and get some

blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis (oblations) of ghee at

the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the following:


daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM

na mama.




om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org


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