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Rahu - Ketu Transit

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As we all know that Rahu and Ketu will transit during November 2009 and I give

below the dates of its transit as per NASA Swiss ephemeris, to the

‘Greenwich’ meridian time = + 5.1/2 hours IST.


 ENTRY OF RAHU:: 17th November 2009@ 8:22 AM-  GMT Uthrashada 1st Pada (Star

Zone – SZ - Sagittaris -4), in Sagittarius- Dhanush =13.52 IST


Entry of Ketu :: Punarvasu 3rd Pada (SZ..Sagittaris -4), in Gemini – Mithuna.


ENTRY OF RAHU ::  06th June 2011@ 11.34 AM GMT Mula 1st Pada  (Scorpionis -6),

to Jyeshta 4th Pada ( SZ..Antaras -3), in Scorpio – Vruchika. = 17.06 IST


Entry of Ketu :: Mirgasheera 3rd Pada (SZ:..Orionis -3)-in  Taurus (Rishaba)


The Movement of Rahu in Thula will be for 567 days.

The Movement of Ketu in Mithuna will be for 567 days – same as above.



Description of Rahu and Ketu (in Astrology books – not visual):: Rahu has

smoky appearance with a blue mix physique.

 He resides in forests and is horrible. He is windy in temperament and is


 Ketu is akin to Rahu. – as in Parasara’s.


Rahu and Ketu give very bad results EXCEPT when transiting in 3rd, 6th and 11th

places from position of Moon placed in a birth chart. In balance 9 houses, both

Rahu and Ketu give maximum bad effects cum results when they are in transit in

the 9th house from Janma Rasi (Moon position)


Rahu owns Aquarius (Kumbha) and Virgo (Kanya) as in BPHS.

Ketu owns Scorpio (Vruchika) and Pisces (Meena) as in BPHS,


The malefic results while in transit in other Rasis need not be feared much.


Some important points to be considered before the transit effects are accounted,

related to NatalBirth Chart:


1.  There will be considerable progress in life when Rahu transfers in the

house deposited with NatalSun.

2.  When Rahu transits in the house of your Natal Moon, you have to bare new


3.  Transiting Rahu in the house where NatalMars deposited will bring delight

and success in sports involved.  Sensual instincts will be more. Gain through

opposite sex will be considerably attractive. Gain in money and trade will be

convincing and satisfactory. Assets of immovable properties will be added for

some with ease.

4.  Transiting Rahu in the house of NatalMercury will enhance your writing

ability.  Those involved in literature will have bright days and acclamations

for their work.  Some will get good progress and prosperity in the work

connected with accounts, art, intellectual involvements, administrative success,

and will add strength to their abilities in work places.

5.  Rahu transiting in the house of Jupiter will bring good fortune to many, if

they have favorable Desha during this period.  Some lawyers will have a very

successful period. Financial for many will be extremely satisfactory. Some

politicians will achieve status they never dreamt of.

6. Rahu crossing your NatalVenus will bring to that person more passionate and

compassionate relationship spontaneously unasked for. The person will get good

reputation. Some could marry waiting for long to be blessed.

7.  The NatalSaturn may bring more responsibilities to the person during the

period Rahu transits in that house. A good Saturn and Saturn Desha with Rahu

Bukti could shoulder prosperity, wealth and assets during this period,

positively.  Most unexpected benefits will arrive.

8    When Rahu transiting in NatalKetu, the results given under Mars will be





More on Nodes Rahu & Ketu :

1. They give the results of the planets they are conjoined with.

2. Then the results of the lord of the stars they are placed in.

3. The results are based on the aspect from other Planets

4. Lastly the results of the lord of the sign they are placed in.


If the ascendant is in a Movable Sign then 11th house is the Badhaksthan.

If the ascendant is in a Fixed Sign then 9th house is the Badhaksthan.

If the ascendant is in a Common Sign then 7th house is the Badhaksthan.








1.  I will list below the transit effect of Rahu from Capricorn (Makara) to

Sagittaris (Dhanush)



Danush – Sagitterius( placement of Moon in Birth chart)

Birth Stars:: Moolam; Poorvashada - Puradum; Uthrashada - Uthiradam 1st qr.


Not healthy. There will be loss of money for unexpected causes. Parents could

suffer in health. During waxing Moon, there will be happiness through children.

One will have constant worries for some reason or other. Those having Rahu Desha

may have frequent health problems during this period – 567 days. Probable

health problems will be (based on other related unfavorable position and

strength of other planets in the chart) Rheumatism; Veins; Diabetes; Eyes.

Rivalry is to be met in work place. Some could face uninvited quarrels. One will

have to bare new responsibilities for success. During 15th December 2009 and

13th January 2010 and similar period in 2010 and 2012, husband will be away from

wife for some reason, creating separation between them (That will be the time

Rahu will be transiting in the house where Sun also will be transiting during a

period of one month)


          Mithunam – Gemini:

There may be miseries and unexpected troubles. For ladies some may experience

abortion. No pleasure in sexual life. Some may fall in love in unconventional

way and have result during this period to marry the same person and in result to

have admonition from all who are near and dear. A person belong to the spouse

side may pass away. Under compulsion, time will be wasted by visiting many

places for unreasonable causes incurring ill-repute and money loss. One could

become lazy to do any work and fail in desired achievements. Sun will be

transiting in Mithuna during 15th June to 14thJuly in 2010 and similar period in

2011.  During this period one will have to work hard without recognition, lose

in gambling, gain failure complex and develop dislike on many who he/she liked





Moon in Scorpio:: Birth Star: Kettai – Jyesta; Anusham – Anuradha; Visakam

4th Qtr:;


Hard earned money will be spent without any control.  There should be short of

income to cover the expenditures and such events would come unexpected.

Indigestion will ruin health. There could be confusion and quarrel in the

family. Some relatives could play foul play. Wicked minded could bring problems

to native. Scandal through opposite sex could not be avoided. Proper thinking is

necessary before commitments to avoid legal problems. Caution in work place is






Bad results will happen for entire period of 567 days. There will be

irresolvable problems and difficulties will be experienced.   Careful genital

care is a must. Some will have fear complex. Some may lose jewels for want of

finance or due to theft. There could be reasons for not keeping discipline of

religious behavior.  Mind for all will be in state of confusion. Insect bite

could cause sickness to suffer for long period. Some will have severe eye

trouble. The spouse will be supportive contrary normal reactions, and give good

pleasure. Some could suffer bite by reptiles, and insects to cause constant and

continued medical care. Those who have Mercury with Ketu in their birth chart

will suffer from septic throat, face jealousy in work place/ family, and

ungrateful friends







Moon in Libra: Visakam 1,2 & 3 Qtrs; Swathi; Chittra – Chitta 3 & 4 Qtrs:


The period will be extremely good. In these 567 days lot of recoveries and

pleasant happenings in the family will certainly help one to recover from all

loses. The virility of the native will increase. The native will feel courageous

to face any problems.  In the field of education, success will be achieved and

merits will be recorded. Any suffering from ill health will recover completely.

Mounting expenses will be easily met as income will flow in during this period.

The native will enjoy tasty food. Pleasure with opposite sex outside marital

life could cause ill repute to some. Those in business will recover losses.



The results during this period will be average.  At all stages the native will

be humiliated and confront unexpected troubles. The native should avoid any type

of gambling, big or small, to avoid huge money loss. Due to short temper and

hasty decisions, one could have problems. One could fail to win a law suit.

Expenses on relatives of spouse could not be avoided. One will gain spiritual

introspection. It is best to be advised to stay within limits, and be strict in

executing powers in work place to avoid constant legal problems.





Moon in Virgo – Kanya: Birth Star:: Uthirm - Uthrapalguni 2, 3rd and 4th Qtr.

Hastam, Chithrai – Chitta 1 & 2 qtr.::


There will be failure of health in this transit period of 1 year 6 months 20

days. One could suffer hardship in work place by known enemies. Driving vehicles

could cause hazard. There could be sleepless nights. One member or other in

family could suffer some sickness will need medical attentions. There could be

legal battle resulting in loss of properties for some. Rahu will bring

disappointments in any attempt.  Unnecessarily the native will develop enmity

with others. One has to be cautious, for vehicular accidents could happen.

Family environment could not be helpful. Some could lose their assets.  During

this time, no gambling of any kind, including stock trading, should be

attempted. Nervous debility, cough due to gas, carelessness in diet could bring

health hazards.




According to texts it is bad result when Ketu transits in 10th house from the

NatalMoon position. Of course some good results during this period will happen.

There will be receipt of money as well as expected gain. But one has to

completely avoid gambling and speculation as money loss will certainly be its

result. One will become a deceptive ‘sanyasi’ with bad temptations and in

bad company. Many yagas will one conduct to gain trust of devotees. However,

many good could result when referring to the favorable positional occupation of

Ketu in Birth chart. One should be careful to avoid possibilities of fire

accidents, electrical shocks or fall from heights to become defective in skin

and limbs. Those involved in sports are to take extra care on their health and






Moon in Leo – Simham :: Birth Stars : Makam, Pooram - Poorvapalguni, Utthiram

– Uthirapulguni: 1 Qtr ::


Here in 5th house, during transit Rahu gives bad results. There could be

unexpected over expenses than income, as also disturbances in recovering dues to

cause anxiety and despair. Generally problems could surmount in meeting the

needs of children. This could be on expenses to celebrate marriage, child birth

or medication to elderly in the family, or ritual needs of those in the family.

(The malefic effects of Saturn transiting to the moon position in a birth chart

will be same for the transit of Rahu in the 5th house) Depending on various

positions and transits of other Planets, the effects could differ for this

transit of Rahu from Bad to worse. Financial conditions will alarm any for

stable decisions. For many, due to improper thinking in all activates will be

carried out quite opposite to the methods they should be carried out.

Temptations with opposite sex will bring in lot of troubles and also litigations

to cause loss of asset.




Excellent results could be expected by persons when Ketu transits the 11th house

from natal position of Moon. The person will succeed and become exemplary in his

commitments to experience all-round success. All essentials and luxuries will

arrive in least efforts. In business, it is time to flourish. If

Desha-Bukti-Anthara in birth chart is favorable to this person, this will be

biggest turning-point in life for consolidation, success and fulfillment of

achievements for that person. Those in some form connected to Government of the

day, will get high recognition, responsibility, monetary assignments,

meritorious awards, and luxurious life.  They will breed envious and cunning

surroundings, at home and in work place. He/She will win them.





Moonin Cancer – Kataka:: Birth stars : Punarpusam 4th Qtr, Pushyam, Aslesha::


Excellent results are to be felt for those who are having Moon in Kataka, as

Rahu will be transiting in 6th house. One will have more income from many

sources other than known income for his work and expectations. He will have

excellent health and will be free from identifies sickness he/she was

experiencing hitherto One will get pleasure and profit from Partner in work and

in life. One will befriend a person from other than land and language of the

native, to gain desired wishes. One will command respect and honor at his place.

His maternal uncle suddenly comes to favor and give all help unsolicited.

Natives will gain upper hand in all their involvements and commitments. Earning

capacity will improve. He will improve profitably in career commitments. One can

expect gains in small investments and gambling.





One can expect in the transit of Ketu in 12th house from natal Moon position to

experience mixed results with tilt of balance on the malefic side. The native

incurs losses in many ways. There will be uncontrolled expenses for good and bad

reasons. One could suffer from sickness also. Some could cause to leave bodily

marks of distinct visibility. It is time for many to turn to spiritual side of

life and take pilgrimage and journeys to full fill commitments of prayers. 

Expenses will surmount in performing ritual ceremonies. Some will face

conflicts, money loss and confusion in the family created by friends and

relatives. Many will be committed to charities – exit of money against wishes,

desire or justification. One will be compelled to realize the spiritual sanctity

for turning one’s belief in his religion. Under some conditions in

NatalChart’s planetary positions, this transit could turn beneficial.






Moon in Mithuna – Gemini; Birth Stars:: Mirgasirisha 3rd & 4th Padams,

Thiruvathirai - Anuradha, Punarpusam - Punarvasu 1st, 2nd & 3rd Padas

The native will argue for insignificant causes and gain unpopularity, loss of

respect, and seat of honor. His reputations will fall. Through wicked woman, one

could be trapped in scandal. Native’s spouse  could fall ill. One may be

forcefully moved out of place of residence and live in isolated new surroundings

with loss of money and comfort.  Related to  birth char,t it is possible for

woman native to  fall pray to wily schemes of opposite sex, younger to her for

sexual connections, bringing ill repute to near and dear. Admonishing acts and

disrepute could cause a male to suffer during this period.  One could invite

never ending problems in involving unethical sexual relationship. Health of one

also fails. Frequent quarrels and heated arguments could erupt between, hitherto

loved, couples, on flimsy grounds. Compatibility between them could be in low




Moon in Mithuna – Gemini; Birth Stars:: Mirgasirisha 3rd & 4th Padams,

Thiruvathirai - Anuradha, Punarpusam - Punarvasu 1st, 2nd & 3rd Padas


Here Ketu gives bad results only. There will be mental worries and agony with

anger and disappointment. The native will invite inadvertently enmity and

disputes of major consequences with brothers, sisters, near and close-knit

relatives.  Fire precautions are a must when cooking .There is possibility for

some to have skin in different color during this period. Some could evince

interest in spirituality. One could suddenly become offensive and start to

oppose anything.  The native could enter into heavy debts.  One should avoid

new investments of any nature, and should avoid conflicts with partner.





Moon in Taurus – Rishabha:: Karthigai 2,3, & 4 Qtrs, Rohini, Mirgasheera 1 & 2

Qtrs. ::


The native suffers in all aspects of life.  Results of ‘Sade sati’ based on

Transit of Saturn, could aggravate situations for mental and physical despair

and anguish. If judged life span as per birth chart, is coinciding with

‘maraka’ period, this period can cause sudden health deterioration. There

could be fear complex on simple matters. Due others scheming, some could lose

properties or assets. Some could have health problems related to private parts.

Loss could also be experienced in business and earnings without any reason. Some

will have health hazards, which could result in a dilemma to attending doctors.

Impediments will have to be confronted. Impediments befall on one endeavor.

Profession and business will be in low key and unsatisfactory with health

hazards. Theft of jewels at home is a possibility.




In 2nd house transit, Ketu gives bad results only. For flimsy reasons one

develops conflict and enmity with others completing life to face irreparable

loss. Many would not have timely food, and to compromise taste for quality. A

cause could be found for ailments in mouth and tongue. One could be suffering

with mental worry, lack of funds for essentials and could live a horrid life at

home.  This could only be moderated by a good and favorable Desha during this

period in NatalChart analysis. One may be forced to move to new

house/place/environment or transferred to a place with less comfort and

inexperienced surroundings. Fear theft for some wills not be ruled out. There

will be conflict with the spouse to mind busting nature to cause miserable mind

status, allowing others not considered as directly related, to enter into

mediate. In short it is a miserable family atmosphere.





Moon in Aries – Mesha : Birth Stars :: Aswini, Bharani, Karthikai 1st qr.


The results through this transit of Rahu in 9th house from Janma nakshathra will

not be encouraging in many aspects. Saved money will be spent in unwanted heads

of expenses. Many of efforts will not succeed. Some bad and wicked minded

friends could land the native in constant troubles. One will face loss of money.

One could slip out of his own religion. He will try to find short-cuts to solve

problems, which would end in disappointments. Some may not practice righteous

acts and will have to land in legal problems. This time will not be good to near

relatives also.




Ketu gives good results for this transit period. One wins over enemies and

succeeds over them. Extreme caution is necessary to avoid ailments in genitals

and skin problems. Some will get name and fame and a successful career. A person

will show extra-ordinary brevity in solving complicated matters, to gain

appreciation from unexpected quarters, paving for better days of prosperity. 

One will live a life of comfort. Mathematical knowledge will increase during

this period. Some could sail to foreign lands to gain mental happiness. Medical

expenses could mount. Some need extreme health care to avoid prolonged sickness.




Moon in Pisces (Meena): Birth Stars: Revati, Uthrattathi - Uthrapathrapadha,

Pooratattathi - Poorvapathrapada 4th Qtr.::


Along with bad results, extra ordinary good results can happen. Possibility of

peaceful and happy family life could be expected. Some may lose support from

government, from which they were getting till now. If Maraka Desha coincide this

transit of Rahu, the death could result. Post funeral rites for near relative to

be performed by one -- if such planetary positions are seen in the birth chart

– as result of ‘karma Desha’. There should be confusion on future around

most of them. Some will not have capacity to take clear decision. Memory

strength for some could fail. There will be confusion from all fronts. The

native could pick quarrel for flimsy reasons leading to adverse decision with

partner. If anyone gets support from Government they may lose that. Utmost

caution can save results of adverse nature during this period.




There will be fear in mind without reason. Probability is seen for loses in

gambling and speculations. Immovable assets could slip away. Caution in driving

is absolute for avoiding accidents and hospitalization. One could suffer from

stomach pain and heart problems according to the six house results from

individual birth chart. The native could suffer from some ailments Causing

looking for medical cure for long time. Living in despair, one may decide to be

a ‘sanyasin’ and end family life for all time. In all this transit is not

good for finance and health.





Moon in Aquarius (Kumbha): Birth Stars Poorattathi - Poorvapathra 1,2, and 3rd

qtrs, Sathayam- Sathabisha, Avittam – Dhanishta:  3,4, qtrs.

Very good results can be expected during this period.  If favorable Saturn is

positioned in birth chart and Saturn Desha is on during this period (

irrespective of ‘Sade Sati’, if in process at present), as also Rahu Bukti

is on, the person should reach skies in his gain of rewards, fulfilling his

lifelong ambitions and reach the pinnacle of prosperity during this period. The

native will command respect and will be crowned with fabulous responsibilities.

The native will involve in spiritual devotion and will be happy to lead many in

sacred path. One could take foreign assignments.  Those connected to work in

jobs related to water ways, ship, irrigation and allied lines, will prosper

holding high standards of command. In many ways Rahu transiting the 11 th House

from Janma Rasi Moon position results in extreme good results.





Ketu gives bad results when passing through this house.  One suffers many

difficulties and continues to add new ones, without reasons. Ketu is a ‘gjana

karaka’ one is seen as a sharp intellect, clear mind and discriminations, yet

ent4r into uninvited conflicts.  However, the functional skill improves.  The

probable sickness could be ulcer in stomach, skin eruption, bruises etc., to

have regular medical attention. One could always be melancholy and in grief.

Children may give anxious hours.



Moon in Moon in Capricorn (Makaram) Avittam-Dhanishta 1,2, qrs, Sravanam -

Thiruvonam, Uttiradam- Uthirashada 2,3, & 4 Pada:

Loss of money will cause worries. There will be many difficulties sorrows and

miseries.  Many could lose family life and could starve sex life during this

period due to separation from partner. A few could be suffering from

un-diagnosable sickness. Enmity with brothers, sisters or in undivided family

will cause loss of affection and respect among all. Life cannot be led by many

in planned pattern. Landed and house properties could slip from hands.. He/she

develops enmity with brothers, sisters, etc., to cause long standing separation.

One could slip and fall to damage bone for hospitalization. One could loss

courage and confidence. One will unwillingly deviate from a plan to land in

perennial trouble and unpopularity.




Ketu brings gain of money during this entire period.  If the person is  having

Ketu ( Vimshotri Desha) Maha Desha of 7 years, it will be an excellent period to

have financial gains. Some shine as scholar/ speaker, and could gain political

mileage in fame.  Chances are plenty that one could be mis-understood by others

and he could mis-understand and bring in fresh conflicts. Opposite sex will

involve to invite commitments, and it is a possibility that one judiciously

wades through to gain fresh lease of life. All loans will be cleared. Diseases,

if any, will certainly be cured. Enemies will disappear.










Astrologer, specialising in family problems,

Child birth, Education, Health, Finance, and Litigation.

(consultations are chargeable - Pl. ask rates)

'Oxton House', 6, Hawthorn Road, Cherry Willingham,

Lincoln LN3 4JT, United Kingdom .  






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