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Yoga and results

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Yoga and results



                     By A.V.Pathi


I will present below some of ‘collections’ to interest you all.

How is ‘YOGA’ found in a birth chart?

Example. 1: “When all benefics in their regular order occupy the 5th, 6th, and

the 7th houses from the house of Lagna in the birth chart is termed as

‘Subhamal’ Yoga  - Part of Sloka 21: Ady 6: “PHALA DEEPIKA†(PD).

Example. 2: “When the lord of the Lagna, the Sun, and the Moon, occupy an

angle or trine in their exaltation, own or friendly sign results ‘Srikanta’

Yoga. – Sl : 28 (PD).

Like above, ever so many combinations formed by aspect, angle and trine

positions and also special positions of occupation of Planets in birth chart are

termed as ‘Yoga’.

One is more concerned when such ‘Yoga’ really gives results to the native.

One such ‘Yoga’ may exist in a birth chart to infer, “the person born in

the ‘Masula’ Yoga owns hard earned wealth, and suffers humiliations and his

wealth steadily liquidating though he spends only for legitimate purposes. In

the end he goes to heaven. His flaw is that he is foolish and fickle mindedâ€

– Sl:56 (PD).

The combination of Planets under specified conditions exists in the Birth Chat

for all his life, and the facets interpreted could also not change.

In above, distinctly gives three (3) basic data in that Yoga:

1. “Hard earned wealth’; 2. Suffers humiliations; 3. His health is steadily


“Hard earned wealthâ€: This is a continuous process in the Birth Chart –

space, period and time - for its gradual increase in ‘wealth’ as result of

‘hard earned’ collection, by the native. 

1.     So the Desha periods should be controlled by Planets favorably placed

in the birth chart, and be powerful to give accumulation of wealth in that Desha

Period resulted by his ‘hard earning’ collection.

2.     He ‘suffers humiliation’. This will be a continuous ‘shadow’

from birth to death – a permanent eventuality – a perpetual pointer to

endure. for this person.

3.     ‘His wealth steadily liquidates.’  This again takes some time

for the ‘diminishing processes’ for the accumulated wealth – however, this

could not happen in a short period.


While analyzing his birth chart we find that he has ‘Masula Yoga’. The only

permanent pointer we have is that this yoga will bring him to ‘suffer

humiliation’, all his life. But, ‘the accumulation of earning diminishes’

to happen pwhen the combination of ‘concerned’ Planets for its valid

contributions in his life time.  Then the other set of combinations will

diminish his wealth.  Either these could simultaneously or separately happen as

related to the power of Desha Nathan.


Conclusion:  This clearly helps to understand that the existence of any

‘yoga’ in a birth chart will not ‘exercise’ evenly to the entire

‘distance’ of a life, and it is related to the Desha in which this period

for favor or disfavor could possibly be available in that segment of life.


‘Yoga’ suggests the basic ‘quality’ of life and not a decisive

‘pattern’ of life. Yoga Karaka  combination to form a yoga may not be in

full ‘force’ when other Planetary positions, not in that  Yoga, may be more

powerful in positive/negative, to pull the effects of Yoga Karaka and/ or the

person must be passing through ‘unfavorable’ Desha periods.


The ‘quality’ assigned to a ‘Yoga’, will have to satisfy many hidden

conditions, and the very name of ‘such and such’ yoga in a birth chart, will

not culminate ‘to result’ to best/ bad effects as expected for all time of

one’s life.



Pathi (21 December 2009)













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