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This yr for u 2010

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This year for you from 01.01.10 to 31.12.10




All prediction is based on respective Janma lagna's.




Share market in this year will be good, positive and steady. But the scrip

which has a steady record and growth will give positive results. Unsteady

scrip will not give the required growth. Market players will be choosy and

careful. The share market will also scale new highs this year. There will

not be any freak or sudden rise or fall. Patience and proper selection of

scrip's will give good results.




Sectors such as banking, PSU, infra-structure, housing, lending institutes,

education institutes, paper, food & agriculture, real estate, sugar, metals

such as bronze, copper will do well. Hotels & IT, electronics, housing will

see volatile growth. Iron, Steel, Aluminum will also be stable.






The economy will also progress and a steady targeted growth will be

achieved. Inflation will not be steady. Political stability will be there.

But terrorism will rise. Cross border terrorism will rise. Accidents will

also increase. Air & water related accidents will be on the rise. There

could be increase in air tragedies. Rupee will get stronger.




People involved in illegal trades, havalas, smuggling will have a tough





In the commodity market, gold will be the leader. Gold will increase by 60

to 70% from the current market price. It will be a most dear and valuable

commodity. Any investments in gold as on today will certainly give excellent

returns. Silver will more or less is stable, it will also correct from its

current value.






Aries Health will not be good. You will feel low & nervous. Energy level &

confidence level will also be below par till May 2010. Some health

improvement will be experienced in April/May period, but otherwise health

throughout the year will be indifferent. Health problems like piles, blood

pressure, and kidney failure is a possibility. Injury to right shoulder/hand

can lead to surgery.


* Finances will improve & be smooth, loans and funds will be



* Career/Business will see you involved in hard work. Natives involved

in desk work need to work hard. Promotion, increase in wages will happen.

Sudden promotion with increased salary is a strong possibility. Natives in

foreign trade will see increased earnings and also signing of new

contacts/contracts. Foreign travel will increase. Natives aspiring for

foreign job placement will see success. This year is also favourable for

foreign travel/journey for pleasure/holiday/meeting relatives & friends.

* Romance & marital life will not be stable but extra relationships

will take some shape. Frequent quarrels, difference of opinion will dominate

throughout the year.

* Miscellaneous relationship with friends, relatives and young

siblings will not be stable. Mind will be very aggressive and till May 10

some kind of fear & speculation will prevail. This will affect your

intelligence which will make you take some wrong decisions. Your enemies

will dominate you. Court case, litigation, visit to hospitals can happen.

You need to be careful near any water shore till May 10; else minor accident

can be a disaster. Fortunes will be favourable. By good luck your gains

will multiply. Conflicts with office colleagues, business associates can

happen till May 10. Your inclination for visit to places of worship will

increase. Wedding bells for Single eligible natives. You will also give

charity to any spiritual organization.




Taurus Health in general will be stable & good. But problems related to

stomach, kidney, sex organs can disturb your well balance. Impotency

problems can also disturb your sexual life. Pregnant women need to be

careful; else miscarriage/abortion can likely happen. Dental problems will

also prevail. Right eye can give some issues. Surgery to jaws, right eye can

also happen.


* Finances will be good, money will keep coming, but consistent

expenses will also reduce your savings. Loans & funds will be available but

at a premium price.

* Career/Business will be good & stable. Promotion & increased

earnings for the eligible. Overseas posting, transfer will be the mantra.

Business will be good and stable. Natives in foreign trade will do well.

Foreign exposure will increase. Frequent foreign travels are foretold.

Natives aspiring for foreign job will get positive news.

* Romance will be disturbed. Frequent quarrels can result in

separation. Desire to have extra marital affairs will have an increased

effect till May 10.

* Miscellaneous your energy & level of confidence will be low till May

10. Relationships with office colleagues, young siblings and friends will be

disturbed. Some anxiety & speculation will be there in relationships.

Foreign trips till May 10 will bring mixed results but will improve after

June 10. This is a favourable time to move/shift to new residence/office.

Married natives having children will see good progress in their fortunes.

Lady luck will always favour. Results will be slow but positive and certain.

Wedding bells for the eligible single natives. Extra marital affairs will

dent your wallet. You will have a good and positive will power. Be cautious

in air journeys till May 10. Loss of baggage/passport/wallets can happen.

Pre-planned trips can bring last moment cancellations.




Gemini Health in general will be stable but you will sound very aggressive,

depressed and agitated. Excessive aggression & depression can result in

nervous breakdown, increased blood pressure, thus giving way to brain

hammeorrage and stroke.


* Finances will fluctuate, unexpected expenses will increase. Incomes

will also increase unexpectedly. Loans and funds will be available. You will

probably remain in debts.


* Career/Business you can expect promotion but increase in income will

not be in proportion to promotion. Business will not be stable till May 10.

Natives in foreign trade will see notable positive changes from June 10.

This is an appropriate time to change job/employer. But not the right time

to start any new business ventures.

* Romance fights, frictions, misunderstanding, and compromise, will

make romance dull & exciting. Spouses will see temporary separation due to

professional commitments. Any extra marital affairs will result in divorce.

* Miscellaneous you will be keen to work hard and will prefer to do

big size business. This is not the right time to start in big way. You need

to be content with what you have and get. You will also change your place of

residence, country. Pregnant women need to be careful till May 10. Young

ones will see love affairs failing and falling apart from love relationship.

Your enemies will also be very active and so will you also be equally active

in overcoming any enmity. Natives in research & development activity will do

well. Fortunes will favour the brave. Lady luck will favour, but only to the

deserving. Expenses on maintaining self esteem & pride will increase.

Suicide tendency will prevail during middle Jan/Feb 10. You need to be

patient & extra cautious.




* Cancer Health will be unstable & aggression and agitated attitude

will prevail till May 10. Thereafter health will be normal. But a

possibility of obesity and diabetes is there. Injury to the feet can give

temporary disablement. Left eye can also give problem. Surgery is possible.


* Finances will be unstable. Money will be hard to come and whatever

comes will get spent out within no time. Loans & funds will give a hard

time; will get with strings attached and at an expensive price. But sudden

financial gains are also foretold.

* Career/Business will be disturbed till May 10. It will improve

thereafter. You can be targeted for some false blames; u can also lose your

name & fame. Natives in foreign trade will do well, but growth will be slow

but steady and certain. You need to be patient in expecting gains from


* Romance will be good and steady but the charm and glow of romantic

life will be missing.

* Miscellaneous natives aspiring for foreign job postings will get

confirmed replies. Efforts will be good, hard work will be involved. But it

can affect relationships with young siblings, friends & relatives. This is a

favourable year to buy new house, vehicle. Wedding bells for the eligible

singles. Pregnant mother's need to be careful with their pregnancy. Else

miscarriage/abortion is a possibility. Fortunes will not be favourable. This

care one need to exercise. Any expectation will result in negation leading

to depressed state. Work will improve from June 10, promotion can be

expected, but luck will not favour in executing the duties. But one can

expect relief/moksha from problems of the past. Spiritual inclination will

increase. Frequent visits to places of worship, remembering the Almighty is





* Leo Health general health will be good, but aspect of rahu in

transit on surya can give heart/eyes/bones/stomach related problems. Any

injury to the legs can result into surgery to the hip joints.

* Finances will be steady. Loans and funds will be available. Married

natives will experience sudden financial gains due to the good luck of


* Career/Business will be steady throughout the year. Minor problems

can be experienced but one will be able to overcome the same. Business will

not be steady. Ketu can pose some delays and obstacles. Foreign trade will

not be smooth. Clients can change their mind or last minute cancellation can

give disappointment.

* Romance will not be smooth till May 10, but from June this will

reduce to some extent. However it will not be a smooth ride. In between

there could be some extra marital relationships, but it will be temporary.

* Miscellaneous this year is a positive year for natives who are

trying on overseas employment. Even overseas travel for pleasure, holiday,

business, and short assignments will be favourable and will yield good

results. Fortunes will not be favourable till May 10, but will improve from

June 10. One should avoid any water shore till May 10 else accidents are a

possibility. Eligible singles will find their love mates, wedding bell for

the eligible. Your spouse can get problems like obesity, diabetes etc.

Possibility of thefts happening in your house/office. You will also come

across some secrets of other people. Misuse can cause disaster to your name

& fame.


Virgo Health will not be steady. Consistent stomach/liver related problems

will disturb the general health balance. Any injury to the back can lead to

surgery of the back/thighs.


* Finances will be steady. Loans and funds will be available.

* Career/Business will not be steady. Problem will be delayed/denied.

Conflicts in office with colleagues will increase. Change of job or even

loss of job can happen. Business will be dull till May 10. Travel for

foreign trade is possible, but results can be seen after May 10. Natives

aspiring for foreign job will see some light. Foreign trade will improve

after May 10.

* Romance will be good. You may fall in love if you are looking for a

life partner. There can be separation from spouse for professional reasons.

* Miscellaneous efforts will be little subdued till May 10. Conflicts

with elder siblings are unavoidable. You will be able to buy a new

house/vehicle and loans will be available. Shift in residence is also

possible. Your intelligence level will be good, but being dual sign

confusion will always prevail. Enemies will be active and alert. Accidents

near a water shore can happen. Fortunes will be good but fluctuating.

Expenses in general as usual will be high.




Libra Health will be good, hale and hearty. But you will also be aggressive

and well in command. Your dominance can create bitterness for you in peoples



* Finances will be dull till May 10 but will improve after June. Loans

and funds will be available.

* Career/Business will be steady. But your promotion before May 10

will not give you the satisfaction. Promotion after June 10 will be

favourable with increase in pay. Business will be steady. Foreign trade

natives will sign new contacts/contracts, earnings will increase, foreign

travel will also increase, and natives aspiring for foreign job will get new


* Romance it is safe to remain safe as fights and misunderstanding in

marital life is on the verge on increase. Unmarried folks will also break

the relationship. Extra marital relationship will not be a success story.

You could also develop living relationship after June 10.

* Miscellaneous your ruthless tone with associates can bring distance

in your relationship. You need to be careful till May 10. You will develop

new contacts with influential people who will be helpful in shaping your

future. You will probably shift your residence on personal grounds. Change

of country is also indicated. Fortunes will be fluctuating. Any injury to

the back will lead to surgery of the spine. You also be involved into

litigations, court cases. Visit to police stations, prisons can be a

frustrating experience. Hospitalization is also possible. A desire to gamble

can give huge losses. Expenses on the family will increase thus decreasing

your savings.






Scorpio Health will be good but aggression will prevail. Some nervousness

may keep you low.


Finances will be good & steady. Loans & funds will be available. Your

father can fall in debts.


* Career/Business will be stable. Government job natives will get

promotion; natives seeking for government job will get positive news.

Natives in foreign trade will do well. Progress will be slow but certain. A

frequent foreign journey is possible. Natives aspiring for foreign jobs will

also get job offers. You will be stunned with sudden promotions with

increased wage.

* Romance will be good. Excess romance can distract you from your

routine. Singles will see their love soul. Wedding bells for the eligible.

* Miscellaneous sudden rise in name & fame, desire to speculate will

increase. You will earn your money with sheer hard work. There is no

substitute to hard work. A favourable time to buy new house, vehicle. Loans

& funds will be available. Natives in political field will see success in

the political career taking a positive shape & leap. Your enemies will be

active. Controlling them will be a difficult task. Natives in research &

development field will see success in there ventures. Fortunes will be good

& also favourable. Expenses on the self maintenance will increase. Natives

having problems with piles can see surgery happening this year. Any

avoidance can result in rectum cancer.




Sagittarius Health will be indifferent. You will be aggressive and also

agitated. Your spouse's health will not be stable. Freak accident can give



* Finances will be stable. Loans and funds will be available.

* Career/Business will be steady. Transfer, change of job, will give

good results. Your work will be appreciated and also equally rewarded.

Natives in government service will get promotion, increase in wage and also

transfer to destination of their choice. Natives in foreign trade will do

well; progress will be steady but slow. Foreign travel will also increase.

* Romance conflicts in marital life are a long term affair. You need

to keep your cool, else separation and divorce is on the cards. You will be

thinking in terms of having extra marital relationships. Natives seeking

divorce will get divorced. Extra marital affairs & living relationships will

not be successful.

* Miscellaneous finances will be steady & certain. Natives in property

trade or leasing will do well. Increase in earnings is indicated. You will

develop new contacts with influential people which will help you in shaping

your career. A favourable time to buy/sell house, car. Shift of residence is

also favourable. You and your children should avoid any water shore. Freak

accidents can be fatal. Sense enjoyment desire will be high. Fortunes will

be favourable. Visit to hospitals, spiritual organizations, places of

worship, pilgrimage will be favoured.


Capricorn Health will be good & steady. You will also be aggressive and all

charged up.


* Finances by your good fortune will be there. But mounting expenses

will not let money stay in hand for long. Loans and funds are available.

Spending on the family will increase.


* Career/Business will improve and so will fortunes shine on you.

Promotion is on the cards. Sudden career gains can be experienced. Foreign

trade will be positive. Gains will be seen after June 10. Foreign travel

will increase. Natives aspiring for foreign jobs will see light after June

10. Offers before May 10 will not be lucrative. This is also a favourable

time to start any new ventures. Partnerships after June 10 will do well.

* Romance will be in the air till May 10. Natives aspiring for second

marriage will find their sole mate.

* Miscellaneous natives in politics will do well. Property deals can

give good results provided you execute with skill. You will take a loan to

buy a new house, vehicle. Enemies' will be very active and will waste your

valuable time and resources. Research activities will yield good results.

Fortunes are good and also very favourable. Expenses to keep your spiritual

consciousness will increase. You may be dragged into some kind of

litigation. Avoid meddling with any conflicts. Visits to courts, hospital,

prisons, lawyers office are foretold.




Aquarius Health will improve. But some health jerks can be experienced.

Improper diet can harm your liver. Stomach problems such as indigestion,

gastric, acidity, constipation will bother. Pregnant mother's need to be

careful else abortion/miscarriage is on the cards.


* Finances will improve. Good financial gains will lead to increased

savings. Investments will yield good profits.

* Career/Business will improve after May 10. Promotions till then will

be denied. Conflicts in office will remain throughout the year. Doctors will

do well. Natives in research & development will see success in their

projects. Natives in foreign trade will do well. Foreign travel will

increase. Natives seeking foreign job assignments will get conditional

offers, but not lucrative.

* Romance will be graceful. Support from spouse will keep you

youthful. Natives looking for second marriage will get new partner. Wedding

bells for the eligible. Failed love affairs will have suicidal tendencies.

* Miscellaneous your relationships with your friends, siblings,

relatives will be disturbed. You can also be cheated on any financial

support given to friends & relatives. You will have a strong desire to buy a

new house, vehicle. Loans & funds will be available. If proper care on diet

is not taken, surgery to stomach is a possibility. Any injury to children

can result in surgery. Your enemies will be active, overcoming them will be

tough. Fortunes will be good and favourable. Expenses on health will



Pisces Health will not be steady due to aspect of Saturn. Problems related

to general health, chest and back will persist for the next two and half

years. Diabetes and obesity will bother. Chest related problems will also

increase. If neglected can give surgery to heart/lungs.


* Finances will improve and you will see sudden financial gains. This

will be the winning mantra for you. But mounting expenses will have an

impact on your savings.


* Career/Business fear and instability will still be there in your

mind. You will be thinking in terms of changing your job and residence. Some

natives will also compromise with current job situations. Business will be

average but natives in foreign trade will do well. They will continue to see

steady growth, progress and prosperity. Foreign travel will also be very

lucrative and financially beneficial.

* Romance will be in the air. Fights, quarrels, separation due to

professional commitments will deprive your romantic charm & life. Extra

marital affairs will increase. Second marriage for the separated natives is


* Miscellaneous your efforts will be good and positive. You will be in

positive frame of mind throughout the year. You will also buy a new house,

vehicle. Loans and funds will be available. Improper diet will result in

stomach disorders. Your enemies & foes will be active. You will be able to

overcome them. Natives in research & development will see success in their

experiments. Fortunes will improve. Married natives with children will taste

the excess favour of fortunes. Service and serving others will be your

changed motto. But your selfish nature will not give you the required name &

fame. Expenses on spirituality will increase.








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