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A General Discussion on Vedic Astrology need all's attentions

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Namaskar Dipu ,

Our whole jyotish observation done by rishis of yesteryears like

Maharishi Parashar, Jaimini, Naradji etcc are based one reference point -That is

EARTH. It is the earth on which Drista { observer,calculator} is living. So from

that reference point -Earth ,our Rishis observed all effects on jatak living on



If in case u build house on Moon or any other planet ,even then

astrolger can cast your chart. But it will take few more or may be hundreds of

years to observe and find that 9th graha which can replace qualities of moon.

But one can also take it as earth ,but which dristi ,tattwa , karakas should be

given to earth for phalit ? It still requires any present Brahmins to find

grahas effect on human being.



But also note that there r many grahas in sky not just nav

garahas.But we only do take consider those which effect humans directly and

within age of there transit in rasi ,as human is assigned only 120 years of age

as maximum. Rest of them r just for phalit of things like-country, mountains,

oceans, yugas etcc. One old man once said me that there r 84 planets which gave

effect in mundane astrolgy.



dheeraj khosla,






vedic astrology , " Dipu " <sashikanta.nayak wrote:


> Why we will consider a Planet in our solar system as a GOD in Vedic Astrology?

Might be we have some planetary influence in our daily life through cosmic

energy coming through planets as they have nearer planet to earth, but

considering a planet as a GOD is this right? Does western astrologer tropical

calculations are considering a planet as a GOD and remedies should only through

Gemstone not doing for any Puja or Chanting of mantras? If a planet is god like

Moon is a GOD in astrology and Rahu and Ketu are two shadow planets as a concept

like north nodes and south nodes so according to this we need remedial measures,

but like moon Saturn has 22 satellites but not considering as Deities in

astrology? Why not all prediction gives 100% result like Bill Gates does not

have a good Horoscope but till him is the numero-uno. There are lots of

Satellite like moon of our nine planets does they have any direct and indirect

influence, so that these are hard to discover for a Vedic astrologer therefore

it's not in the course or they do not have any influence to us? I came to know

that FBI in US having lots of hired good astrologer for prediction and

monitoring of future criminal activities of terrorist like Osoma Bin Ladens next

attacking target etc, also lots of companies hired employee based on their Birth

Chart for better and honest out put to companies. And another things is that why

we do not have any effect of our own planet earth? Why there is no gemstone for

earth (is this exsulted for all so it's a benific planet and need not to

consider?)? If I will purchased a flat at moon and if I will give a birth at

there then is the Birth chart would be same or the calculation will change and

we have to consider earth as a Planet in our birth chart? So the earth would

come under which deities and what mantra one should chant to influence the

earth? I believe there should few expected answers.


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Thanks Dheeraj Ji,


I have a question, here lots of Astro Gurus suggesting remedies for graha and

their effect and to remove the ill effect or to enhance the Graha's Qualities.

I have few questions also few others are thinking like me.

1.For Remedies, we have to wear Gemstone, Yantras, Rudrakhya etc. etc. Which

will remove the ill effect of planet?


Question is: Wearing a gemstone does it remove the ill effect or it will just

gives us cosmic energy through cosmic ray and there is no Graha Lord are not

responsible? If a person would internally strong then he does not required any

gemstone and yantra etc? Or it's really observed by planetary deities; if you

will wear any gemstone then they will bless you and makes you lucky?


Which statement is correct?


2.If above statements are correct then Doing a Puja; Wearing a Gemstone; Wearing

a Rudrakhya; and Wearing a Yantra would be benefic.

For example if a person having Kal Sarp Yog to avail from this which method is

good for him as he is suffering every time.

Few days I had gone through a post and Gururji Suggest that you have a Major

problem and there would no remedies will work for you. So what the meaning of

Astrology or Jotisya if there will be no remedies are applicable?

3.Does it possible someone can Tune-Up his Karma to 100% using Astrology by

doing Remedies?

4.If yes so does Astrology and Jyotish Remides are against God? Or It's a gift

of god to avail from Graha effect? Does it has any link with previous Karma ?

5.Do we have re-birth? Can Astrology helps us to get Mokhya?








vedic astrology , " khosladheeraj " <khosladheeraj




> Namaskar Dipu ,

> Our whole jyotish observation done by rishis of yesteryears

like Maharishi Parashar, Jaimini, Naradji etcc are based one reference point

-That is EARTH. It is the earth on which Drista { observer,calculator} is

living. So from that reference point -Earth ,our Rishis observed all effects on

jatak living on earth.


> If in case u build house on Moon or any other planet ,even then

astrolger can cast your chart. But it will take few more or may be hundreds of

years to observe and find that 9th graha which can replace qualities of moon.

But one can also take it as earth ,but which dristi ,tattwa , karakas should be

given to earth for phalit ? It still requires any present Brahmins to find

grahas effect on human being.



> But also note that there r many grahas in sky not just nav

garahas.But we only do take consider those which effect humans directly and

within age of there transit in rasi ,as human is assigned only 120 years of age

as maximum. Rest of them r just for phalit of things like-country, mountains,

oceans, yugas etcc. One old man once said me that there r 84 planets which gave

effect in mundane astrolgy.


> thanks,

> dheeraj khosla,

> delhi





> vedic astrology , " Dipu " <sashikanta.nayak@> wrote:

> >

> > Why we will consider a Planet in our solar system as a GOD in Vedic

Astrology? Might be we have some planetary influence in our daily life through

cosmic energy coming through planets as they have nearer planet to earth, but

considering a planet as a GOD is this right? Does western astrologer tropical

calculations are considering a planet as a GOD and remedies should only through

Gemstone not doing for any Puja or Chanting of mantras? If a planet is god like

Moon is a GOD in astrology and Rahu and Ketu are two shadow planets as a concept

like north nodes and south nodes so according to this we need remedial measures,

but like moon Saturn has 22 satellites but not considering as Deities in

astrology? Why not all prediction gives 100% result like Bill Gates does not

have a good Horoscope but till him is the numero-uno. There are lots of

Satellite like moon of our nine planets does they have any direct and indirect

influence, so that these are hard to discover for a Vedic astrologer therefore

it's not in the course or they do not have any influence to us? I came to know

that FBI in US having lots of hired good astrologer for prediction and

monitoring of future criminal activities of terrorist like Osoma Bin Ladens next

attacking target etc, also lots of companies hired employee based on their Birth

Chart for better and honest out put to companies. And another things is that why

we do not have any effect of our own planet earth? Why there is no gemstone for

earth (is this exsulted for all so it's a benific planet and need not to

consider?)? If I will purchased a flat at moon and if I will give a birth at

there then is the Birth chart would be same or the calculation will change and

we have to consider earth as a Planet in our birth chart? So the earth would

come under which deities and what mantra one should chant to influence the

earth? I believe there should few expected answers.

> >


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Shashikanta babu,

My views are under your questions -




Monday, January 25, 2010 8:44 PM

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: A General Discussion on Vedic Astrology need

all's attentions




Thanks Dheeraj Ji,


I have a question, here lots of Astro Gurus suggesting remedies for graha and

their effect and to remove the ill effect or to enhance the Graha's Qualities.


Rath: 4 things are listed by your (1) graha and (2) their effect and (3) to

remove the ill effect or (4) to enhance the Graha's Qualities

I have few questions also few others are thinking like me.

1.For Remedies, we have to wear Gemstone, Yantras, Rudrakhya etc. etc. Which

will remove the ill effect of planet?


Rath: Which ill effect you want removed? (1) Graha as in grahaNa (2) effect of

graha like drsti or low bala or low vimsopaka bala or low digbala or low

sambandha or low sthana bala or ... I can list about a few dozen weaknesses, so

you need to be specific for me to be specific


Question is: Wearing a gemstone does it remove the ill effect or it will just

gives us cosmic energy through cosmic ray and there is no Graha Lord are not

responsible? If a person would internally strong then he does not required any

gemstone and yantra etc? Or it's really observed by planetary deities; if you

will wear any gemstone then they will bless you and makes you lucky?


Rath: Anukula vaadi (vaishnava) - enhances the quality of a planet; Pratikula

vaadi (shakta) removes the negative effects of the planets. Again this depends

on who you follow. I follow both !! That sounds shocking but so does the

teaching of Sri Chaitanya where he asks us to worship Shiva Linga which some

other vaishnava do not follow.


Which statement is correct?


Rath: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu school - both are. The eagles view

(Garuda-Achyutananda) is that it can understand both and take the balanced view


2.If above statements are correct then Doing a Puja; Wearing a Gemstone; Wearing

a Rudrakhya; and Wearing a Yantra would be benefic.


Rath: Puja are of various types and can be categorised into six groups - called

sad-ritu mantra. If you understand ritu, you will know what is good for what.



For example if a person having Kal Sarp Yog to avail from this which method is

good for him as he is suffering every time.

Few days I had gone through a post and Gururji Suggest that you have a Major

problem and there would no remedies will work for you. So what the meaning of

Astrology or Jotisya if there will be no remedies are applicable?

3.Does it possible someone can Tune-Up his Karma to 100% using Astrology by

doing Remedies?


Rath: No not astrology, Jyotish yes if treated and followed like a vedanga



4.If yes so does Astrology and Jyotish Remides are against God? Or It's a gift

of god to avail from Graha effect? Does it has any link with previous Karma ?


Rath: Everything is Karma, all the gods you speak of themselves have karma. If

Vishnu did not have karma, why did He have to incarnate as Rama or Krishna? For

fun?? Kaala is above the guna and the guna avatara. Go above them and see from

the eagles vantage. You will find the answers there. Understand the samkhya and

then that is jyotish.


5.Do we have re-birth? Can Astrology helps us to get Mokhya?


Rath: We have rebirth. Astrology does not believe in rebirth and is non-commital

about it. Jyotish believes in rebirth and is very specific about it.





Rath: This time yes, but no more. I have too much on my karma plate.


You are very intelligent. Hope we meet sometime.


vedic astrology , " khosladheeraj " <khosladheeraj




> Namaskar Dipu ,

> Our whole jyotish observation done by rishis of yesteryears like Maharishi

Parashar, Jaimini, Naradji etcc are based one reference point -That is EARTH. It

is the earth on which Drista { observer,calculator} is living. So from that

reference point -Earth ,our Rishis observed all effects on jatak living on



> If in case u build house on Moon or any other planet ,even then astrolger can

cast your chart. But it will take few more or may be hundreds of years to

observe and find that 9th graha which can replace qualities of moon. But one can

also take it as earth ,but which dristi ,tattwa , karakas should be given to

earth for phalit ? It still requires any present Brahmins to find grahas effect

on human being.



> But also note that there r many grahas in sky not just nav garahas.But we only

do take consider those which effect humans directly and within age of there

transit in rasi ,as human is assigned only 120 years of age as maximum. Rest of

them r just for phalit of things like-country, mountains, oceans, yugas etcc.

One old man once said me that there r 84 planets which gave effect in mundane



> thanks,

> dheeraj khosla,

> delhi





> vedic astrology , " Dipu " <sashikanta.nayak@> wrote:

> >

> > Why we will consider a Planet in our solar system as a GOD in Vedic

Astrology? Might be we have some planetary influence in our daily life through

cosmic energy coming through planets as they have nearer planet to earth, but

considering a planet as a GOD is this right? Does western astrologer tropical

calculations are considering a planet as a GOD and remedies should only through

Gemstone not doing for any Puja or Chanting of mantras? If a planet is god like

Moon is a GOD in astrology and Rahu and Ketu are two shadow planets as a concept

like north nodes and south nodes so according to this we need remedial measures,

but like moon Saturn has 22 satellites but not considering as Deities in

astrology? Why not all prediction gives 100% result like Bill Gates does not

have a good Horoscope but till him is the numero-uno. There are lots of

Satellite like moon of our nine planets does they have any direct and indirect

influence, so that these are hard to discover for a Vedic astrologer therefore

it's not in the course or they do not have any influence to us? I came to know

that FBI in US having lots of hired good astrologer for prediction and

monitoring of future criminal activities of terrorist like Osoma Bin Ladens next

attacking target etc, also lots of companies hired employee based on their Birth

Chart for better and honest out put to companies. And another things is that why

we do not have any effect of our own planet earth? Why there is no gemstone for

earth (is this exsulted for all so it's a benific planet and need not to

consider?)? If I will purchased a flat at moon and if I will give a birth at

there then is the Birth chart would be same or the calculation will change and

we have to consider earth as a Planet in our birth chart? So the earth would

come under which deities and what mantra one should chant to influence the

earth? I believe there should few expected answers.

> >








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Thank You Guruji, you have cleared various doubt. These are not my questions

but various of my day to day friends and influenced peoples are not

believing on God, Bhagya, Jotisya, astrology etc. and came up with





vedic astrology

[vedic astrology ] On Behalf Of Sanjay Rath

Monday, January 25, 2010 9:38 PM

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: A General Discussion on Vedic Astrology

need all's attentions






Shashikanta babu,

My views are under your questions -



Monday, January 25, 2010 8:44 PM

vedic astrology

<vedic astrology%40>

[vedic astrology] Re: A General Discussion on Vedic Astrology need

all's attentions


Thanks Dheeraj Ji,


I have a question, here lots of Astro Gurus suggesting remedies for graha

and their effect and to remove the ill effect or to enhance the Graha's



Rath: 4 things are listed by your (1) graha and (2) their effect and (3) to

remove the ill effect or (4) to enhance the Graha's Qualities

I have few questions also few others are thinking like me.

1.For Remedies, we have to wear Gemstone, Yantras, Rudrakhya etc. etc. Which

will remove the ill effect of planet?


Rath: Which ill effect you want removed? (1) Graha as in grahaNa (2) effect

of graha like drsti or low bala or low vimsopaka bala or low digbala or low

sambandha or low sthana bala or ... I can list about a few dozen weaknesses,

so you need to be specific for me to be specific


Question is: Wearing a gemstone does it remove the ill effect or it will

just gives us cosmic energy through cosmic ray and there is no Graha Lord

are not responsible? If a person would internally strong then he does not

required any gemstone and yantra etc? Or it's really observed by planetary

deities; if you will wear any gemstone then they will bless you and makes

you lucky?


Rath: Anukula vaadi (vaishnava) - enhances the quality of a planet;

Pratikula vaadi (shakta) removes the negative effects of the planets. Again

this depends on who you follow. I follow both !! That sounds shocking but so

does the teaching of Sri Chaitanya where he asks us to worship Shiva Linga

which some other vaishnava do not follow.


Which statement is correct?


Rath: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu school - both are. The eagles view

(Garuda-Achyutananda) is that it can understand both and take the balanced



2.If above statements are correct then Doing a Puja; Wearing a Gemstone;

Wearing a Rudrakhya; and Wearing a Yantra would be benefic.


Rath: Puja are of various types and can be categorised into six groups -

called sad-ritu mantra. If you understand ritu, you will know what is good

for what.


For example if a person having Kal Sarp Yog to avail from this which method

is good for him as he is suffering every time.

Few days I had gone through a post and Gururji Suggest that you have a Major

problem and there would no remedies will work for you. So what the meaning

of Astrology or Jotisya if there will be no remedies are applicable?

3.Does it possible someone can Tune-Up his Karma to 100% using Astrology by

doing Remedies?


Rath: No not astrology, Jyotish yes if treated and followed like a vedanga


4.If yes so does Astrology and Jyotish Remides are against God? Or It's a

gift of god to avail from Graha effect? Does it has any link with previous

Karma ?


Rath: Everything is Karma, all the gods you speak of themselves have karma.

If Vishnu did not have karma, why did He have to incarnate as Rama or

Krishna? For fun?? Kaala is above the guna and the guna avatara. Go above

them and see from the eagles vantage. You will find the answers there.

Understand the samkhya and then that is jyotish.


5.Do we have re-birth? Can Astrology helps us to get Mokhya?


Rath: We have rebirth. Astrology does not believe in rebirth and is

non-commital about it. Jyotish believes in rebirth and is very specific

about it.





Rath: This time yes, but no more. I have too much on my karma plate.


You are very intelligent. Hope we meet sometime.


vedic astrology

<vedic astrology%40> , " khosladheeraj "

<khosladheeraj wrote:



> Namaskar Dipu ,

> Our whole jyotish observation done by rishis of yesteryears like Maharishi

Parashar, Jaimini, Naradji etcc are based one reference point -That is

EARTH. It is the earth on which Drista { observer,calculator} is living. So

from that reference point -Earth ,our Rishis observed all effects on jatak

living on earth.


> If in case u build house on Moon or any other planet ,even then astrolger

can cast your chart. But it will take few more or may be hundreds of years

to observe and find that 9th graha which can replace qualities of moon. But

one can also take it as earth ,but which dristi ,tattwa , karakas should be

given to earth for phalit ? It still requires any present Brahmins to find

grahas effect on human being.



> But also note that there r many grahas in sky not just nav garahas.But we

only do take consider those which effect humans directly and within age of

there transit in rasi ,as human is assigned only 120 years of age as

maximum. Rest of them r just for phalit of things like-country, mountains,

oceans, yugas etcc. One old man once said me that there r 84 planets which

gave effect in mundane astrolgy.


> thanks,

> dheeraj khosla,

> delhi





> vedic astrology

<vedic astrology%40> , " Dipu " <sashikanta.nayak@>


> >

> > Why we will consider a Planet in our solar system as a GOD in Vedic

Astrology? Might be we have some planetary influence in our daily life

through cosmic energy coming through planets as they have nearer planet to

earth, but considering a planet as a GOD is this right? Does western

astrologer tropical calculations are considering a planet as a GOD and

remedies should only through Gemstone not doing for any Puja or Chanting of

mantras? If a planet is god like Moon is a GOD in astrology and Rahu and

Ketu are two shadow planets as a concept like north nodes and south nodes so

according to this we need remedial measures, but like moon Saturn has 22

satellites but not considering as Deities in astrology? Why not all

prediction gives 100% result like Bill Gates does not have a good Horoscope

but till him is the numero-uno. There are lots of Satellite like moon of our

nine planets does they have any direct and indirect influence, so that these

are hard to discover for a Vedic astrologer therefore it's not in the course

or they do not have any influence to us? I came to know that FBI in US

having lots of hired good astrologer for prediction and monitoring of future

criminal activities of terrorist like Osoma Bin Ladens next attacking target

etc, also lots of companies hired employee based on their Birth Chart for

better and honest out put to companies. And another things is that why we do

not have any effect of our own planet earth? Why there is no gemstone for

earth (is this exsulted for all so it's a benific planet and need not to

consider?)? If I will purchased a flat at moon and if I will give a birth at

there then is the Birth chart would be same or the calculation will change

and we have to consider earth as a Planet in our birth chart? So the earth

would come under which deities and what mantra one should chant to influence

the earth? I believe there should few expected answers.

> >




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sashikanta <sashikanta.nayak

vedic astrology

Mon, January 25, 2010 10:11:11 PM

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: A General Discussion on Vedic Astrology need

all's attentions



Thank You Guruji, you have cleared various doubt. These are not my questions

but various of my day to day friends and influenced peoples are not

believing on God, Bhagya, Jotisya, astrology etc. and came up with



vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] On Behalf Of Sanjay Rath

Monday, January 25, 2010 9:38 PM

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: A General Discussion on Vedic Astrology

need all's attentions


Shashikanta babu,

My views are under your questions -



Monday, January 25, 2010 8:44 PM

vedic astrology

<vedic- astrology% 40. com>

[vedic astrology] Re: A General Discussion on Vedic Astrology need

all's attentions


Thanks Dheeraj Ji,


I have a question, here lots of Astro Gurus suggesting remedies for graha

and their effect and to remove the ill effect or to enhance the Graha's



Rath: 4 things are listed by your (1) graha and (2) their effect and (3) to

remove the ill effect or (4) to enhance the Graha's Qualities

I have few questions also few others are thinking like me.

1.For Remedies, we have to wear Gemstone, Yantras, Rudrakhya etc. etc. Which

will remove the ill effect of planet?


Rath: Which ill effect you want removed? (1) Graha as in grahaNa (2) effect

of graha like drsti or low bala or low vimsopaka bala or low digbala or low

sambandha or low sthana bala or ... I can list about a few dozen weaknesses,

so you need to be specific for me to be specific


Question is: Wearing a gemstone does it remove the ill effect or it will

just gives us cosmic energy through cosmic ray and there is no Graha Lord

are not responsible? If a person would internally strong then he does not

required any gemstone and yantra etc? Or it's really observed by planetary

deities; if you will wear any gemstone then they will bless you and makes

you lucky?


Rath: Anukula vaadi (vaishnava) - enhances the quality of a planet;

Pratikula vaadi (shakta) removes the negative effects of the planets. Again

this depends on who you follow. I follow both !! That sounds shocking but so

does the teaching of Sri Chaitanya where he asks us to worship Shiva Linga

which some other vaishnava do not follow.


Which statement is correct?


Rath: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu school - both are. The eagles view

(Garuda-Achyutanand a) is that it can understand both and take the balanced



2.If above statements are correct then Doing a Puja; Wearing a Gemstone;

Wearing a Rudrakhya; and Wearing a Yantra would be benefic.


Rath: Puja are of various types and can be categorised into six groups -

called sad-ritu mantra. If you understand ritu, you will know what is good

for what.


For example if a person having Kal Sarp Yog to avail from this which method

is good for him as he is suffering every time.

Few days I had gone through a post and Gururji Suggest that you have a Major

problem and there would no remedies will work for you. So what the meaning

of Astrology or Jotisya if there will be no remedies are applicable?

3.Does it possible someone can Tune-Up his Karma to 100% using Astrology by

doing Remedies?


Rath: No not astrology, Jyotish yes if treated and followed like a vedanga


4.If yes so does Astrology and Jyotish Remides are against God? Or It's a

gift of god to avail from Graha effect? Does it has any link with previous

Karma ?


Rath: Everything is Karma, all the gods you speak of themselves have karma.

If Vishnu did not have karma, why did He have to incarnate as Rama or

Krishna? For fun?? Kaala is above the guna and the guna avatara. Go above

them and see from the eagles vantage. You will find the answers there.

Understand the samkhya and then that is jyotish.


5.Do we have re-birth? Can Astrology helps us to get Mokhya?


Rath: We have rebirth. Astrology does not believe in rebirth and is

non-commital about it. Jyotish believes in rebirth and is very specific

about it.





Rath: This time yes, but no more. I have too much on my karma plate.


You are very intelligent. Hope we meet sometime.


vedic astrology

<vedic- astrology% 40. com> , " khosladheeraj "

<khosladheeraj@ ...> wrote:



> Namaskar Dipu ,

> Our whole jyotish observation done by rishis of yesteryears like Maharishi

Parashar, Jaimini, Naradji etcc are based one reference point -That is

EARTH. It is the earth on which Drista { observer,calculator } is living. So

from that reference point -Earth ,our Rishis observed all effects on jatak

living on earth.


> If in case u build house on Moon or any other planet ,even then astrolger

can cast your chart. But it will take few more or may be hundreds of years

to observe and find that 9th graha which can replace qualities of moon. But

one can also take it as earth ,but which dristi ,tattwa , karakas should be

given to earth for phalit ? It still requires any present Brahmins to find

grahas effect on human being.



> But also note that there r many grahas in sky not just nav garahas.But we

only do take consider those which effect humans directly and within age of

there transit in rasi ,as human is assigned only 120 years of age as

maximum. Rest of them r just for phalit of things like-country, mountains,

oceans, yugas etcc. One old man once said me that there r 84 planets which

gave effect in mundane astrolgy.


> thanks,

> dheeraj khosla,

> delhi





> vedic astrology

<vedic- astrology% 40. com> , " Dipu " <sashikanta. nayak@>


> >

> > Why we will consider a Planet in our solar system as a GOD in Vedic

Astrology? Might be we have some planetary influence in our daily life

through cosmic energy coming through planets as they have nearer planet to

earth, but considering a planet as a GOD is this right? Does western

astrologer tropical calculations are considering a planet as a GOD and

remedies should only through Gemstone not doing for any Puja or Chanting of

mantras? If a planet is god like Moon is a GOD in astrology and Rahu and

Ketu are two shadow planets as a concept like north nodes and south nodes so

according to this we need remedial measures, but like moon Saturn has 22

satellites but not considering as Deities in astrology? Why not all

prediction gives 100% result like Bill Gates does not have a good Horoscope

but till him is the numero-uno. There are lots of Satellite like moon of our

nine planets does they have any direct and indirect influence, so that these

are hard to discover for a Vedic astrologer therefore it's not in the course

or they do not have any influence to us? I came to know that FBI in US

having lots of hired good astrologer for prediction and monitoring of future

criminal activities of terrorist like Osoma Bin Ladens next attacking target

etc, also lots of companies hired employee based on their Birth Chart for

better and honest out put to companies. And another things is that why we do

not have any effect of our own planet earth? Why there is no gemstone for

earth (is this exsulted for all so it's a benific planet and need not to

consider?)? If I will purchased a flat at moon and if I will give a birth at

there then is the Birth chart would be same or the calculation will change

and we have to consider earth as a Planet in our birth chart? So the earth

would come under which deities and what mantra one should chant to influence

the earth? I believe there should few expected answers.

> >




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Joginder Paul Khurana <k.joginderpaul

vedic astrology

Mon, January 25, 2010 10:41:06 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: A General Discussion on Vedic Astrology need

all's attentions



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sashikanta <sashikanta.nayak@ gmail.com>

vedic astrology

Mon, January 25, 2010 10:11:11 PM

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: A General Discussion on Vedic Astrology need

all's attentions


Thank You Guruji, you have cleared various doubt. These are not my questions

but various of my day to day friends and influenced peoples are not

believing on God, Bhagya, Jotisya, astrology etc. and came up with



vedic astrology

[vedic- astrology@ .. com] On Behalf Of Sanjay Rath

Monday, January 25, 2010 9:38 PM

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: A General Discussion on Vedic Astrology

need all's attentions


Shashikanta babu,

My views are under your questions -



Monday, January 25, 2010 8:44 PM

vedic astrology

<vedic- astrology% 40. com>

[vedic astrology] Re: A General Discussion on Vedic Astrology need

all's attentions


Thanks Dheeraj Ji,


I have a question, here lots of Astro Gurus suggesting remedies for graha

and their effect and to remove the ill effect or to enhance the Graha's



Rath: 4 things are listed by your (1) graha and (2) their effect and (3) to

remove the ill effect or (4) to enhance the Graha's Qualities

I have few questions also few others are thinking like me.

1.For Remedies, we have to wear Gemstone, Yantras, Rudrakhya etc. etc. Which

will remove the ill effect of planet?


Rath: Which ill effect you want removed? (1) Graha as in grahaNa (2) effect

of graha like drsti or low bala or low vimsopaka bala or low digbala or low

sambandha or low sthana bala or ... I can list about a few dozen weaknesses,

so you need to be specific for me to be specific


Question is: Wearing a gemstone does it remove the ill effect or it will

just gives us cosmic energy through cosmic ray and there is no Graha Lord

are not responsible? If a person would internally strong then he does not

required any gemstone and yantra etc? Or it's really observed by planetary

deities; if you will wear any gemstone then they will bless you and makes

you lucky?


Rath: Anukula vaadi (vaishnava) - enhances the quality of a planet;

Pratikula vaadi (shakta) removes the negative effects of the planets. Again

this depends on who you follow. I follow both !! That sounds shocking but so

does the teaching of Sri Chaitanya where he asks us to worship Shiva Linga

which some other vaishnava do not follow.


Which statement is correct?


Rath: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu school - both are. The eagles view

(Garuda-Achyutanand a) is that it can understand both and take the balanced



2.If above statements are correct then Doing a Puja; Wearing a Gemstone;

Wearing a Rudrakhya; and Wearing a Yantra would be benefic.


Rath: Puja are of various types and can be categorised into six groups -

called sad-ritu mantra. If you understand ritu, you will know what is good

for what.


For example if a person having Kal Sarp Yog to avail from this which method

is good for him as he is suffering every time.

Few days I had gone through a post and Gururji Suggest that you have a Major

problem and there would no remedies will work for you. So what the meaning

of Astrology or Jotisya if there will be no remedies are applicable?

3.Does it possible someone can Tune-Up his Karma to 100% using Astrology by

doing Remedies?


Rath: No not astrology, Jyotish yes if treated and followed like a vedanga


4.If yes so does Astrology and Jyotish Remides are against God? Or It's a

gift of god to avail from Graha effect? Does it has any link with previous

Karma ?


Rath: Everything is Karma, all the gods you speak of themselves have karma.

If Vishnu did not have karma, why did He have to incarnate as Rama or

Krishna? For fun?? Kaala is above the guna and the guna avatara. Go above

them and see from the eagles vantage. You will find the answers there.

Understand the samkhya and then that is jyotish.


5.Do we have re-birth? Can Astrology helps us to get Mokhya?


Rath: We have rebirth. Astrology does not believe in rebirth and is

non-commital about it. Jyotish believes in rebirth and is very specific

about it.





Rath: This time yes, but no more. I have too much on my karma plate.


You are very intelligent.. Hope we meet sometime.


vedic astrology

<vedic- astrology% 40. com> , " khosladheeraj "

<khosladheeraj@ ...> wrote:



> Namaskar Dipu ,

> Our whole jyotish observation done by rishis of yesteryears like Maharishi

Parashar, Jaimini, Naradji etcc are based one reference point -That is

EARTH. It is the earth on which Drista { observer,calculator } is living. So

from that reference point -Earth ,our Rishis observed all effects on jatak

living on earth.


> If in case u build house on Moon or any other planet ,even then astrolger

can cast your chart. But it will take few more or may be hundreds of years

to observe and find that 9th graha which can replace qualities of moon. But

one can also take it as earth ,but which dristi ,tattwa , karakas should be

given to earth for phalit ? It still requires any present Brahmins to find

grahas effect on human being.



> But also note that there r many grahas in sky not just nav garahas.But we

only do take consider those which effect humans directly and within age of

there transit in rasi ,as human is assigned only 120 years of age as

maximum. Rest of them r just for phalit of things like-country, mountains,

oceans, yugas etcc. One old man once said me that there r 84 planets which

gave effect in mundane astrolgy.


> thanks,

> dheeraj khosla,

> delhi





> vedic astrology

<vedic- astrology% 40. com> , " Dipu " <sashikanta. nayak@>


> >

> > Why we will consider a Planet in our solar system as a GOD in Vedic

Astrology? Might be we have some planetary influence in our daily life

through cosmic energy coming through planets as they have nearer planet to

earth, but considering a planet as a GOD is this right? Does western

astrologer tropical calculations are considering a planet as a GOD and

remedies should only through Gemstone not doing for any Puja or Chanting of

mantras? If a planet is god like Moon is a GOD in astrology and Rahu and

Ketu are two shadow planets as a concept like north nodes and south nodes so

according to this we need remedial measures, but like moon Saturn has 22

satellites but not considering as Deities in astrology? Why not all

prediction gives 100% result like Bill Gates does not have a good Horoscope

but till him is the numero-uno. There are lots of Satellite like moon of our

nine planets does they have any direct and indirect influence, so that these

are hard to discover for a Vedic astrologer therefore it's not in the course

or they do not have any influence to us? I came to know that FBI in US

having lots of hired good astrologer for prediction and monitoring of future

criminal activities of terrorist like Osoma Bin Ladens next attacking target

etc, also lots of companies hired employee based on their Birth Chart for

better and honest out put to companies. And another things is that why we do

not have any effect of our own planet earth? Why there is no gemstone for

earth (is this exsulted for all so it's a benific planet and need not to

consider?)? If I will purchased a flat at moon and if I will give a birth at

there then is the Birth chart would be same or the calculation will change

and we have to consider earth as a Planet in our birth chart? So the earth

would come under which deities and what mantra one should chant to influence

the earth? I believe there should few expected answers.

> >




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