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Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time 20/2

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Dear Narshima rao ji,


thanks for a v lucid presentation of the Dhanuir Lagna of the Swami ji. the

points ucovered are sure the ones other had used to analyse his chart and not

alter the available time then at 6.33 am.


now the critism thatpioneers like BVRAMAN ji, KN rao ji etc did not anything

but only one chosen one is something else


that NO ONE ELSE has studied the siblings part or the parents financial aspect

etc, the death of siblings I hope we can see some light to awaken them onDhaur

whichwe know is the right one.


I will leave it to ur analysis as it is far deeper in content. above all ur

mature style worth emulating by all members.

despite provocation u r calm, composred.



please don't get my name confused with similar names.

I am from chennai and AV SUndaram IIT-M and late srinivas reddy HOD-Mech, IIT-M,

late k ashwattapa IEEE co-founder of ICAS, have been the early guiding forces

for me since early 80's





G B Prashant Kumar





Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr


Cc: ; vedic astrology

Tue, February 16, 2010 10:06:44 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Swami Vivkananda's Birth Time





Yes, I made several incorrect predictions and also several correct predictions,

publicly and privately. I do not deny it. If you scroll down, you'll see that I

wrote in the original mail to Lalit/Utkal:


" I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on Jyotish

for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to an IIT.

I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose and poetry

almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years that I am

slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.


Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see in your

writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails. "


* * *


How can you expect from someone who is " slowly finding his bearings " to be

perfect always? However, if we ask everyone who made wrong predictions to shut

up, nobody will really be able to speak!


I have made mistakes and will make in future. But, at the end of it all, if I

help people understand some things better and if I can throw light on some

simple and replicable methods suitable for our times, my purpose will have been



* * *


I never said 6th house shows mantra. I do take the 5th house for mantra. I said

the 8th house shows sadhana and 6th house, being the 11th from it, shows siddhi

or obtaining the fruits of sadhana. I gave some examples before.


* * *


Astrologically speaking, yes, malefics do aspect my Jupiter. But so do Mercury

and Venus. I will prolong this unnecessary, uncalled for and intrustive

discussion only because there are some technical points here that are worth



Using Parasara's rules for quantification of aspects based on longitudes, aspect

of Mars (26Ar42) on my Jupiter (9Li46) is a 43.5% aspect. Aspect of Rahu

(18Le08) on my Jupiter is a 72.1% aspect. Aspect of Saturn (15Ar06) on my

Jupiter is a 82.2% aspect (BTW, Saturn is also the 5th lord).


On the other hand, aspect of Mercury (3Ar08) on my Jupiter is a 94.4% aspect and

aspect of Venus (7Ar55) on my Jupiter is a 98.4% aspect. Clearly, aspects of 9th

lord Venus and 10th lord Mercury dominate over the other aspects.


Unfortunately, people do not evaluate aspects correctly and jump to wrong

conclusions based on approximate sign-only reckoning, though Parasara gave clear

formulas for quantification.


* * *


Well, I did argue with my guru Pt Sanjay Rath on technical matters several

times. Also, I did point out that he seems to be mixing up parampara knowledge

with a lot of his own ideas that are not well-researched, without a proper

acknowledgement. I also pointed out one explicit example where he lied in print

regarding one particular idea being from parampara. Whether these things count

as " abuses " or not is arguable, but one thing is certain - I never swayed from

truth. One's dharma towards guru may sometimes clash with one's dharma towards

truth, towards others and towards the subject itself. After all, it was Lord

Krishna who asked Arjuna to attack and kill his gurus.


In any case, my abuses, sins and transgressions are a matter between me, my

Mother and my spiritual guru and should not concern others. My spiritual guru is

fully aware of and guiding me in my Jyotish activities. I have surrendered to

him and to my Mother who guides me through him. Others need not worry about me.


Best regards,


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, Astro Talk <astro.talk@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Narashimha,

> Â

> You also had done analysis of OBAMA birth details and proved any how that

BIRTH details which you are having are correct as you had shown.

> Â

> And on the same line you also validated McCain's birth details and YOU HAD


> Â

> But that prediction went 180 when US PREZ ELECTION got over.

> Â

> After some time you were caught using another details for D-60.

> Â

> Your Guru, Sanjay Rath has also shown your faults in astrology like you say

6'th house stands for Mantra because your one luminary Moon is associated by

Rahu in 6'th, which no classics supports.


> So instead of writting so long long garbage it is better to accept SWAMI

NIKHILANAND' S SECOND published work in which he has corrected Swamijis birth

details and published it to be 6:47.

> Â

> Narashimha i would like to suggest you to work on your Ju as it is being

aspected by all malefics in second ie Ma + Sa and Ra.You also abused your GUrus

because of same reason.

> Â

> Regards,

> Pawan Maurya


> --- On Tue, 16/2/10, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:


> Namaste friends,


> > Stimulated by all these postings about the birthtime of Swami Vivekanadajee,

> > I am beginning to read (again) his words and writings, rather than wasting

> > any more time on the birthtime etc. :-)


> You have a point. It is far more useful to study the essence of the teachings

of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ( " Gospel of Ramakrishna "

compiled by M is more sublime than any book by Swami Vivekananda in my view).


> However, birthtimes and birthcharts of famous people will always be of

interest to astrologers.


> * * *


> Lalit/Utkal seems to have a lot of time and sending too many mails saying that

he has astrological reasons for 6:49 am, while we do not have such reasons for

6:33 am.


> The time of 6:33 am given in the biography fits the description that he was

born before sunrise. The time of 6:49 am given in some later day books sounds

like a rectified time by some astrologer, because lagna would barely change to

Capricorn at 6:49 am. Some astrologer probably thought that Swamiji should have

9th and 10th lords in lagna giving Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga and Jupiter in 10th.

However, his dhaarmik, fierce and magnetic personality is absolutely unexplained

with Sun in the 12th house, whereas Sun in Sg lagna explains that personality so

brilliantly. I have no reason to suspect the original recorded time and give

credence to some astrologer's rectification possibly based on thumbrules and

not-so-deep knowledge.


> For those who want astrological pointers, here are a few brief points on Sg

lagna chart. There are many other points based on precise principles related to

divisional longitudes, dasas and transits, but I will keep them for another day.


> (1) Sun close to lagna in the first house in an adhimitra rasi shows a

powerful, charming and an almost regal person (which Swamiji was).

> (2) Lagna in Sg shows a dharmik person of bold and fiery temperament.

> (3) The 12th lord Ketu is in the 5th house (using the house reckoning I

pointed out earlier based on Parasara's teachings). That shows someone adept at

meditation. The 8th lord Moon with Saturn also shows a good sadhaka with


> (4) Chara Aatma Kaaraka Sun is in 1st house (as opposed to 12th house with Cp

lagna). Chara putra karaka Mercury (using the mixed 7/8 chara karaka method I

shared earlier, based on Parasara's teachings) is also in the first house. AK

and PK together or separately in 1st/5th houses is a great raja yoga and shows

many followers. He was indeed the most famous from his group and had great


> (5) Navamsa shows the marital life. The 7th lord of rasi chart has a close

conjunction with the 6th lord. He is in the 6th house in navamsa. That is not

conducive to good marital life.

> (6) Dasamsa shows career. Lagna is Leo showing a regal personality. Saturn and

Ketu are in the first house (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes), showing an ascetic.

The 9th lord Mars is in the 10th house showing a fiery leader dedicated to

dharma. In dasamsa, the 10th lord Venus is closely conjoined with the 5th lord

Jupiter (within less than one degree using D-10 divisional longitudes!) . This

very powerful raja yoga shows a famous teacher. Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupy

the 3rd house from lagna (I am using the house method I defined based on

Parasara's teachings and am using divisional longitudes) and it shows an

excellent communicator, writer, poet and teacher.

> (7) Saptamsa shows children. In saptamsa, Sun and Saturn afflict lagna.

Guru-Chandala yoga in 5th house can be bad for getting children. Afflicted 1st

and 5th houses do not show progeny. Moreover, the 5th lord of rasi chart (Mars)

is in 4th house in rasi chart and in 12th house in D-7. Again, it does not

support having progeny.

> (8) Vimsamsa has the 8th lord Sun in an adhimitra rasi with nodes and it is

conducive to intense sadhana and excellent experiences.

> (9) In rasi chart, Mars is in 4th house (using the house method I shared based

on Parasara's teachings) in own sign (Aries). This gives Ruchaka yoga. He was

indeed a leader of men.

> (10) Dwadasamsa shows parents. The 9th house in D-12 is Ge. From there, the

10th lord Jupiter can show an attorney. Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house can

show one who is practical and progressive in religion and dharma. Gemini lagna

with Mars in it shows a disciplined rationalist. The 4th house is Cp and shows

mother. Lagna lord with Ketu shows a spiritual person. The 9th lord Mercury

being aspected by Sun and Jupiter shows one who follows religion. Saturn-Rahu-

Ketu on the 8th house axis shows one who does a lot of austerities and sadhana.


> * * *


> BTW, talking about Swami Vivekananda' s words and birthtimes, it may be

interesting to note that he once dismissed astrology saying it is for the weak



> Of course, every coin has two sides. Even a highly learned and eloquent person

cannot represent all aspects of truth in one exposition. One may decide to throw

light on one side of a coin and the other side of the coin may remain in the

dark. A passionate and strong personality like Swami Vivekananda may sometimes

focus strongly on one aspect at a time and seem to contradict himself later.

Though I have no doubt that the internal understanding Swami Vivekananda had was

probably perfect, spoken or written words cannot capture it accurately always.

At the end, it is all divine play. Lord Rama firmly taught eka patni vrata,

while Lord Krishna neither stressed it nor followed it. Lord Rama killed demons,

while the later incarnation of Buddha taught non-violence. When gods and rishis

come to earth, their main messages, their lila and their teachings may change

from one incarnation to another depending on desa-kaala-paatra. Right and wrong

may change from

> place to place and time to time. Each deity or saint or yogi has a specific

job to do when he/she comes to earth. Swami Vivekananda lived at a different

time compared to now. Who knows, he might not share the same thoughts on

astrology if he were back here today.


> Though I know I am digressing, I wanted to make this point when someone posted

a quote from Swami Vivekananda on astrology several months back and did not get

time then to do so.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> > Namaste Lalit and others,

> >

> > Of course, I am aware of Swami Chetanananda' s book ( " God Lived With Them:

Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna " ). I was

gratefully using some valuable data in that book for an interesting Jyotish

research. I am aware that he gave 6:49 am as the birthtime of Swami Vivekananda.

> >

> > However, a more authentic source for Swami Vivekananda' s birthtime is his

biography ( " Biography of Swami Vivekananda " by Swami Nikhilananda) . That is a

more authentic and exhaustive work. That book clearly gives 6:33 am and says " a

few minutes before sunrise " . Please note that IST was not is use at that time

and clearly the time is local mean time.

> >

> > Also, looking at Swamiji's picture, I am amazed that someone actually thinks

he is Makara lagna instead of Dhanus. This is plain common sense to me.

> >

> > Ever since you first speculated that Swamiji had Makara lagna and not

Dhanurlagna, you sent so many mails on that matter. Often an obsessed and

egoistic mind cannot find truth.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > appealing to you.

> >

> > Message 3651 on may be of interest to those who

wonder whether a claimed " vision " of a deity can be a hallucination and what

really distinguishes the two and what is the goal of spiritual sadhana. A few

mails referred within that mail cover topics related to visions.

> >

> > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3651

> >

> > I know a yogi who has experienced god. There is so much difference between

the way Lalit carries himself and that yogi does. Message 3481 of

gives a small account of a few of my experiences with that yogi,

which proved some things to me. Anyone can make claims, but this yogi actually

satisfied the skeptic in me.

> >

> > http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom/message/ 3481

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I've been learning Jyotish for 31 years. I've been working very hard on

Jyotish for the last 17 years. I am a reasonably intelligent person who went to

an IIT. I have good knowledge of Sanskrit and I can understand Sanskrit prose

and poetry almost like a mother tongue. Yet, it is only in the last 3-4 years

that I am slowly finding my bearings in this knowledge of rishis.

> >

> > Given your experience and given the depth and breadth of knowledge I see in

your writings, I am quite amazed by the attitude you exhibit in your mails. My

friend, vidyaa dadaati vinayam!

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> >

> > --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > > It's a day that

> > > Jyotish world should always remember, people should know

> > > that God not only helped me but approved my effort for

> > > finding out right lagna and birth time of Swami Vivekananda,

> > > Swami Vivekananda was born with Makar Lagna only.

> > >

> > > This was third time,I visited

> > > Intenational Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, I

> > > was going to Hall no 12 in search of Sripati's

> > > Manuscript of his work on Nakschatras but happen to visit

> > > another hall, there I met a Sanyasi of Sri RamKrishna Math,

> > > they were also having a stall, I purchased a biography of

> > > Swami Rangnathananda on the condition that theyh will

> > > provide me birth time of Swami Ranganathanada, The sanyasi

> > > got agreed as well as curious why I m putting such a

> > > condition, I told him about confusion of Jyotish world and

> > > my effort, he jumped up with a sudden excitement saying -

> > > It's known, It's known and published by Sri

> > > RamKishna Manth in the biography of direct desciples of

> > > Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansha.

> > >

> > > Animately, he brought out the book, I

> > > saw it printed - Swami Vivekanada was born on 6.49 am,

> > > Calcutta, Now you people can take any time of your choice -

> > > Local or IST, you w'd get Makar Lagna lagna only, I

> > > w'd humbly request to all of you to be honest and

> > > couragious to spread availability of this correct birth time

> > > to your followers.

> > >

> > > The great divine mother has finally

> > > taken me to find truth for the rest of jyotish world, a hath

> > > dharmi narrow minded world.

> > > When God is with a person, he can

> > > face the whole world and conquer it, and it's shown to

> > > you people. Hope PV Narsimha and SJC, BVB, ICAS all w'd

> > > correct themselves however they are free at their

> > > end.

> > >

> > > It's said that - " Jin

> > > Khoja Tin Paiya, Gahre Pani Paith, Mai Bairan Pyasi Rah

> > > Gayee, Rahi Kinare Baith " .

> > >

> > > None of you have done mantra sadhana, none of you had

> > > got God's vision, I got it, listen to me what I am

> > > appealing to you.

> > >

> > > regards,

> > > Lalit Mishra.









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Respected Shri PVR ji,




These days the trend is not to create, but make a name by destroying

creation of others. This is the best way to make name for oneself, to

argue with the well known people and appear as knowledgable. I cannot

create a M'CDonalds so must earn crores of Rupees from them by filing a

claim on them that there has appeared an insect in one of the burgers I

ordered from there. Such games are played by the devious people of today

and has become the Order of the day. I cannot in this Life open a

CocaCola factory so must file a suit against them for 1 Billion Rupees

that one cockroach was doscovered in one of their packed bottles. I grow

big this way . This is what these people do .


I had advised you a long back knowing your spiritual nature, that you

must not engage in discussions with non entities. Because this will not

be good for your integrity. I know you are a humble person and see God

everywhere, but there is no sense in seeing God in " Ravanas " or

" Kansas " . We also have to be practical. One need not throw his pearls of

wisdoms before monekys who do not understand the meaning of pearls.


The people with whom you are arguing on the Lagna of Swamiji do not know

abc of astrology and are just here to vindicate your stand and thus

appear as famous and more knowledgable. These people have claimed to

cured Dalai Lama, Russia, Tibetans and have Darshan of the mother every

week, and also Sai Baba, and can cure big diseases in moments. They are

the saviours of the world. What need is for them to discuss upon

astrology, I am unable to understand, and so am I unable to understand

why you have to prove them about the Lagna of the greats. I am also

unable to understand why could they after so many claims could not

remove terrorism from their own country.


Please keep yourself in a pure state by communion with the holy ones, is

my sincere request to your goodself. Please associate with Brahmins who

are - through Karmas and not just not through Birth name.


best wishes, and kind regards,




N.B. This is my only mail here since for more than a year.

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