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Respected Jyotish Teachers/ Fellow students and others,

It has been quite some time that a lot of filth has been spread. I would request

" intellectual and neutral " people on the list to suggest a way out of it. It

seems again and again some things are being repeated told, which makes no sense.

Reading so much in details, probably everybody who has been reading

interestingly would have taken some side by now. Now, do we expect a jyotish

Mahabharata to begin. I hope not. For sure, everyone has formed some opinion on

following: -

- What is " Satya " ?- Where is " materialism " ?- Where is Greed?- Whose interests

would be impacted, if " he/she " loses this battle of words?- Is there some

betrayal? (The way things are proceeding, Some arguments force me to rethink if

so-called Dirty Dinanath was actually " Dirty " )- Who has served the community in

what capacity so far?- Who is a " sham " (if at all anyone)?etc.

The above questions seem to show my bias towards one side but I could not rule

out this due to my erratic human behavior. Ofcourse, there may be some more

points I missed out due to my natural bias. But, point is, isn't this enough? As

one of sides seems to speak in defence, more allegations (some of them appear

baseless even in dreams), greed and negativity seems to be coming out, forcing

the other side to furnish more internal details exposing other side " badly " .

This calls for some peace making. I think if the exposed side is assured that

their expose has nothing to do with their materialistic plans, probably they

would happily withdraw from battle, pretending that this is for peace.

 Whatever it be, fine. Everyone wants some peace here. Exposed side should

have got it by now that more amd more they are getting into battle, they are

ruining more of their reputation (whatever is left). So, its good to save

whatever is left then ruin everything for gaining some either by hook and crook.

Let the sacred science of Jyotish not be ruined by materialistic interests. 

I will like to quote following, hoping wiser (or either) of the side would

understand it (or take advantage of it) to get out of the battle:

" Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with

experience bumper sticker "

" Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. "

Regards,A Jyotish student


--- On Thu, 11/3/10, Sanjay Rath <sjrath wrote:


Sanjay Rath <sjrath

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Transferring JHora Ownership

vedic astrology

Thursday, 11 March, 2010, 9:29 AM



























Dear Chandan Singh


I am not interested in taking over the software. I wanted it to be made FREE. I

have fought to make it FREE in the past.


I have no intention of taking over Jagannath Hora. I made a hypothetical

question and see the reaction. The question was based on one person saying that

Narasimha has given me guru dakshina. Oh no he has not. And that is what I HAVE



His guru said that *they will try to take it over*. If his guru referred to me,

then his Guru Manish Pandit is a sham.


I have no hesitation in saying this about Manish Pandit if he referred to meas

trying to take over Jagannath Hora.


What is Satya Chandan? The one who teaches for years to another and then has to

see these lies in his name ...


Shiva shows satya and He will




Jai Bharati


Sanjay Rath




chandan s sabarwal


Thursday, March 11, 2010 11:06 AM


vedic astrology


[vedic astrology] Re: Transferring JHora Ownership




dear narasimha ,




i totally agree with your guruji and you must definately not give away jhora . i

understand that this software is more research based and aims at refining

jyotisa unlike other softwares which have no or buggy calculations and are

loaded with pretyped interpretations on planetary positions.




god knows how much more of satya is rahu yet to show !!!




best regards,


chandan singh.




vedic astrology, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:




> Namaste Sanjay,




> > Let us assume that Narasimha has become completely spiritual


> > and has become very renounced - what do you think he will do


> > if I ask him to transfer --


> > (1) Ownership of JHora to Sri Jagannath Center




> If my spiritual guru asks me to do it, I will do so without batting an eyelid.

However, he has warned of this and explicitly forbade me.




> When I decided a few years back to make JHora open source and leave JHora

programming to others, my spiritual guru asked me to rethink.




> In July 2009, he suddenly told me without any context, " they are going to try

to take over Jagannatha Hora. You must stand firm and not allow that. I know you

want to get out of this, but there is more you need to do for the Jyotish world

and JHora is an important vehicle. If they take over, all your effort so far

will go waste. They will promote dogmatism, create confusion, kill research and

eventually make it commercial like everything else they are doing today. You

must stand firm. They will invoke Krishna's name, but realize that nobody owns

Krishna. I forbid you from giving away JHora to them. Own it, keep it free and

add new researches to it. "




> (Note: I am mentioning this publicly with the permission of my guru.)




> * * *




> Very interestingly, just a few days after he said this, you wrote on the

lists, " I think the time has come when PVR Narasimha and SJC have to part ways " ,

because I had no " faith in Jagannath Mahaprabhu " .




> And, just a few days later, you wanted a team decided by SJC to take over

JHora and create an " SJC version " , as there were too many options in JHora. I

immediately remembered my guru's words and saw this is as the first step of what

he described.




> * * *




> This was my reply to you from August 2009:




> " I will continue to maintain " Jagannatha Hora " software effort for some more





> Also, Jagannatha Hora will continue to support " non-SJC " calculations and

options in the interest of the advancement of Jyotish knowledge. As I said, I

will be happy to add a menu item to apply SJC recommended settings, if you or an

SJC committee standardize the settings and send them to me via a jhora.ini file.




> If you or an SJC committee decide that something more is needed, I can review

the expectations and judge whether and how I can help. "




> * * *




> Though addressed to someone else, I realize that the above question about

transferring the " ownership of JHora " is indirectly meant for me. But, you

already know my answer! I reproduced it above anyway.




> Best regards,


> Narasimha


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,


> " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:


> http://www.VedicAst rologer.org


> Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org


> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom


> Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -




> vedic astrology, " Sanjay Rath " <sjrath@> wrote:


> > om gurave namah


> > Dear Raj


> > When you give something to someone, who is the owner of it? You or the

person to whom you gave it?


> > So according to this simple logic, who is supposed to be the owner of

Jagannath Hora? If it is not Sanjay Rath, then it was never given to him.


> > Secondly, I don't want to make money from this software or such things, so

then what if I wish something and it is not done regarding the software, can we

say that I am even a partial owner of the software? So how is the *Guru



> > In view of the above, some of your statements may seem very untruthful. In

future I can only suggest that you at least get the facts right before making

statements, else you may be seen as one who is telling lies easily.


> >


> > If you think I am worried about changing of names of JHora, you are wrong.


> > Now let me tell you and other list members another thing -


> > This Vedic Astrology list was created long time back in 1998 by Narasimha on

behalf of Sri Jagannath. Other groups were created by another old student ran

away with the SJVC websites and . One thief called Dinanath Das. So,

technically Narasimha was entrusted with the responsibility of having public

forum for Sri Jagannath Center.


> > Now, can you please check and tell me *who is the owner of Vedic Astrology

List*? Is this Narasimha or SJC? And if Narasimha runs away with this list (who

is to stop him?), in what way is he any different from the previous ones who ran

away with things entrusted to them?


> > Let us assume that Narasimha has become completely spiritual and has become

very renounced - what do you think he will do if I ask him to transfer --


> > (1) Ownership of JHora to Sri Jagannath Center


> > (2) Ownership of this list to say ... You Raj, you can handle this list of

Jagannath. You seem to have faith in Krishna.


> > Jaya Bharati


> > Regards ~


> > Sanjay Rath


> > http://srath. cpm


> >


> > Raj


> > Monday, March 08, 2010 3:07 PM


> > vedic astrology


> > [vedic astrology] Re: Too many options in JHora


> >


> > Dear All,


> >


> > For quite sometime a lot is being contributed by people who seemingly


> > have their own axe of little knowledge to grind between a Guru and


> > Shishya.


> >


> > With due respect to all, as an humble learner of astrology the following


> > thoughts have been occuring in my mind.


> >


> > (a) Guru Sanjay Rath had shishyas world over, it is only his great


> > shishya Narsimha Ji, who gave the world 'JHora " .The website of Narsimha


> > Ji acknowledges Sanjay Ji His Guru, Still.


> >


> > (b) Has Narsimha Ji not repaid the rina of Guru with his great work of


> > JHora, to a very great extent.How many other shishyas do so in the


> > present times.How the repayment of rina to a Guru and in what quantum is


> > fixed, by whom, where,how long ?During every death and birth cycle of


> > the Shishya ?


> >


> > © Many learned and experienced Jyotishis have started finding out


> > flaws with a number of features/calculatio ns/updation in the JHora. Lots


> > of views and counter views are being generated about the interpretation


> > of BPHS and it's usage in JHora. Has any other vidwana/sawant/ scholar


> > (Guru Sanjay Rath Ji and his scholarly shisyas also included)shown his


> > brriliance in any such creation matching the present JHora!Why all are


> > hell bent upon creating Tamasha and and adding fresh sub-scripts for a


> > Film, with No End!


> >


> > (d)Narsimha Ji is being accused of earning Bad Karmas et al. He is doing


> > his best to bear the onslaught of accusations from world over, even from


> > any Tom and Dick....Does he has no right to work peacefully on his


> > projects ? Imagine Narsimha Ji ,due to his so called bad karmas, faces


> > the greatest Predicament like Arjuna in Mahabharata


> >


> > and gets a view of the Viraata Krishna ! What may happen ? He can change


> > the name of JHora to DHora or XHora, changes the Main Symbol,rename the


> > ND, will any one have the right to question him ? He has all the Kunjis


> > with him and we are living in So-called " Kaliyuga " , as if nothing of


> > this sort has ever happened in Satyuga and Tretayuga etc. Can anyone


> > create a new JHora ? Who will remember Guru Sanjay Ji's contribution in


> > JHora !


> >


> > We are all living in glass houses and throwing stones at each other's


> > houses. PERIOD. I beg, as one of the humble students of Jyotish. PEACE.


> >


> > Raj Bhardwaj


> >


> > vedic astrology, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr@>


> > wrote:


> > >


> > > Namaste Manoj ji,


> > >


> > > > Sanjay did not seem to have any knowledge of Parampara.


> > >


> > > There is some genuine uncommon knowledge taught by Sanjay ji. For


> > example, Tithi Pravesha works very well. Of course, it may be imperfect


> > (e.g. solar vs soli-lunar issue I mentioned before), but it works quite


> > well. As it is not found in any books or classics and as there weren't


> > too many people who used it before he popularized it, it is reasonable


> > to assume that Sanjay ji did know some secrets. But the quality of his


> > teachings is quite erratic and non-uniform. I disagree with you


> > regarding Parampara and stand by my reading of the situation as


> > described in the mail below.


> > >


> > > Namaste Neelam ji,


> > >


> > > > I remember Sh K N Rao's words today. Last year he said on one


> > occasion that


> > > > Narsimha is in wrong hands, but he will come out of this soon!


> > Astrology


> > > > makes much sense, isn't it?


> > >


> > > It is interesting that Sri K.N. Rao should be interested in my


> > horoscope. Please convey my regards to him.


> > >


> > > However, it is not factually correct to say that I " came out " NOW. I


> > first communicated with Sanjay ji in late 1997 and became his student in


> > spring 1998. I learnt some good knowledge in the next few years. As


> > Sanjay ji maintains an air of " there is more to this, but I will teach


> > it later " , you keep giving him the benefit of doubt. I started noticing


> > inconsistencies in his knowledge and started questioning him, as soon as


> > 2001-2002. I maintained intellectual independence in all public


> > exchanges. From 2004, I gave up on Sanjay ji. I convinced myself that I


> > am dealing with highly corrupted knowledge that also contains some gems


> > and started independent research to sort things. My intention was to


> > clean up the mess while remaining within his organization. During


> > 2005-2006, I nearly gave up astrology as my mind was drawn towards god.


> > After the seed for the " do homam yourself " movement was sown in 2006, I


> > was back to astrology seriously. I vigorously pursued independent


> > astrology research in 2006-2009, without any expectations and with a


> > much calmer frame of mind. Some of the findings are shared, some are in


> > the pipeline and some need to be perfected still.


> > >


> > > However, I still did not come clean with my honest opinions on Sanjay


> > ji to caution other students. My spiritual master asked me to stand for


> > truth without fear and not tolerate dishonesty. He wisely wondered if


> > fear of offending teacher and creating confusion in people's mind by


> > rocking the applecart were the only considerations in my mind or if I


> > was also sub-consciously concerned about losing something by being


> > truthful and going against them. He reminded me that we come with


> > nothing and go with nothing and why should we fear anything or seek


> > anything. He told me to be truthful and honest and do my dharma


> > sincerely. It slowly sunk in. From 2007-2008, I started hinting at


> > Sanjay ji's dishonesty and misrepresentations publicly.


> > >


> > > Thus, my " coming out " started long back and has been unfolding slowly.


> > As far as Jyotish knowledge is concerned, I've been on my own for


> > several years now.


> > >


> > > Best regards,


> > > Narasimha


> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,


> > > " Do It Yourself " ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana:


> > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org


> > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org


> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom


> > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings


> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > >


> > > , neelam gupta neelamgupta07@


> > wrote:


> > > >


> > > > Dear Manoj ji,


> > > >


> > > > I remember Sh K N Rao's words today. Last year he said on one


> > occasion that


> > > > Narsimha is in wrong hands, but he will come out of this soon!


> > Astrology


> > > > makes much sense, isn't it?


> > > >


> > > > A journey of 17 years through the long-winded tunnel! But the


> > intelligent


> > > > enigma has dug really deep and collected much wealth to start


> > afresh! I


> > > > appreciate his knowledge and scientific probes which he shares


> > freely, not


> > > > to mention the great service done through JHora.


> > > >


> > > > Best wishes to Narsimha ji.


> > > >


> > > > Regards


> > > > Neelam


> > > >


> > > > On 4 March 2010 10:33, Manoj Kumar mouji99@ wrote:


> > > >


> > > > > Dear Narasimha ji,


> > > > >


> > > > > As far as my knowledge goes and my acquaintance with Sanjay is


> > concerned


> > > > > (when he was working in Delhi at Krishi Bhawan), Sanjay did not


> > seem to have


> > > > > any knowledge of Parampara. His uncles (both paternal and


> > maternal) did not


> > > > > even consult him astrologically then.


> > > > >


> > > > > regards,


> > > > >


> > > > > Manoj


> > > > >


> > > > > Sanjay ji has some good knowledge from parampara, but, having seen


> > him


> > > > > closely, I am afraid he got addicted to the adulation he received


> > from the


> > > > > community for those secrets. After he ran out of genuine parampara


> > secrets,


> > > > > I am afraid he started *manufacturing* " parampara secrets "


> > irresponsibly. If


> > > > > a good researcher disguised his researches as parampara secrets,


> > it would've


> > > > > been less disastrous. But, unfortunately, Sanjay ji is the worst


> > researcher


> > > > > I have seen. He has a highly intuitive mind that can think of so


> > many things


> > > > > and connect them in all kinds of ways. Unfortunately, he jumps to


> > serious


> > > > > conclusions at the drop of a hat, without any logic or practical


> > testing.


> > > > > Even in practical testing, he uses such highly flexible and vague


> > logic that


> > > > > he can justify any result with any astrological factor.


> > > > >


> > > > > Somebody who would be really really good at coming up with *ideas*


> > for


> > > > > research is unfortunately presenting those raw ideas by sometimes


> > explicitly


> > > > > and sometimes implicitly representing them as the wisdom of a


> > glorious


> > > > > parampara. I've seen this closely for a long time. Sanjay ji


> > revolutionized


> > > > > Jyotish when he came, but he has been corrupting the subject badly


> > for


> > > > > several years now.


> > > > >


> > > > > I meant to say the above in such blunt words for a long time now,


> > but I


> > > > > could not and I kept beating around the bush. Until the day I


> > could not say


> > > > > it without even a little anger or frustration in my heart, I did


> > not want to


> > > > > use such blunt language. Thanks to the grace of my spiritual


> > master, I am


> > > > > today able to say the above without a trace of frustration or


> > anger in my


> > > > > heart and in the same way I may state routine observations.


> > > > >


> > > > > * * *


> > > > >


> > > > > > Even in other options, maybe they need to be separated clearly


> > so as to


> > > > > avoid confusions for novices like me.


> > > > > >


> > > > > > regards


> > > > > > Partha


> > > > >


> > > > > JHora has hundreds of options because we are unsure of so many


> > things. We


> > > > > are groping in the dark. Of course, some people may be glorifying


> > and even


> > > > > *selling* that darkness, but that means nothing to me. As a


> > reasonably


> > > > > intelligent and conscientious pursuer of Truth, I do know the


> > difference


> > > > > between light and darkness. I do know the light we have in the


> > room is


> > > > > slowly growing, but I also know that it is still relatively dark.


> > > > >


> > > > > Astrologers are used to seeing any shapes they want in clouds.


> > What we need


> > > > > is quantifiable, measurable and objective rules and methods and


> > impassioned


> > > > > search for truth by people who do not have a conflict of interest.


> > My


> > > > > personal belief is that we will make great progress over the next


> > decade and


> > > > > there will be more light in the field of Jyotish.


> > > > >


> > > > > The seed was sown by Dr B.V. Raman, who wrote many books on


> > astrology in


> > > > > English and brought the subject to mainstream intelligentsia. Sri


> > K.N. Rao


> > > > > did yeoman service by taking a stand on ayanamsa and bringing the


> > focus to


> > > > > divisional charts etc and the seed became a plant. Pt Sanjay Rath


> > took the


> > > > > focus back to the works of maharshis like Parasara and Jaimini and


> > brought


> > > > > several restricted parameters into the mainstream. However, as the


> > plant


> > > > > grew big, a lot of large weeds came up around the plant.


> > > > >


> > > > > The hundreds of options in JHora are partly reflective of the


> > weeds we


> > > > > have. We need to remove weeds and let the plant grow nicely into a


> > tree.


> > > > > However, it has to be done carefully. It will be a shame if the


> > actual plant


> > > > > is hurt instead of the weeds. JHora and our understanding of the


> > knowledge


> > > > > of rishis will continue to evolve for some more years.






om gurave namah






Jaya Bharati


Regards ~


Sanjay Rath


http://srath. cpm





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