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Education, Profession and Livelihood

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Guruji: Could you give me guidelines on how to judge in a horoscope of a

person’s education, profession and livelihood……….Saraswathi Garg,

Hamilton, USA.


Answer: There is no short cut in assessing this in Astrology rules. At the same

time, I will give some of these below for your exposure to find them in a Birth



Normally 3rd and 5th House from Janma Lagna in a birth chart will point to show

the native’s intelligence, while 4th House indicates his/her involvement to be

studious as habit and hard work to achieve claims in education. To start with,

the 4th house from Lagna is largely being considered favorable for education, if

influenced by Mars, Mercury, Venus, Rahu or Ketu. Jupiter with connections by

occupation or casting Drusti to 5th House from Lagna could also indicates growth

in education. The 9th House extends the taste and further study to high

achievements of that individual. Saturn and Rahu favor those considerations.


Sun in conjunction with Mercury or in the constellation of Mercury causes Nipuna

Yoga. Mercury even in rapt conjunction or eclipsed by another Planet will give

good education. Saturn having connections with 3rd house throws obstacles away

to success in exams.


One must find strong connections by occupation, Drusti and  in the same stars

in which they are,  for Venus and Mercury to get involved in a talented manner

to learn and earn in  Astrology.


Jupiter in Lagna, Saturn in 8th house, Mercury with the Lord of 2nd house in an

angle positioned in a chart points out that the native will be excellent in

mathematics; Similarly, Sun and Mercury in 2nd house in aspect of Saturn makes

one in ‘Statistics’; Sun in Virgo (Kanya Rasi) points one to be Engineer,

Drawing etc.; Mercury, ruling the Navamsa Lagna sign, occupied in a house with

lord of 10 in main Birth chart will  make him good  in correspondence, media

exposure and mathematics. If Ketu and Jupiter are in 2, or 3rd, or 5th house in

Navamsa chart from the house occupied by Athmakaraka also indicates prowess in

Mathematics. Mercury being Lord of 8th , while Jupiter is in Lagna and Saturn in

8th house makes him involve in a career centered in mathematics, with Mercury

and Moon, like Auditor.


Jupiter gives knowledge in law. Mars, is for analysis, to assertion and be in

argumentative faculty. Mercury offers eloquence. This combination could make one

as lawyer, judge, Member of Parliament or similar ruling houses. Mars and

Mercury produce Engineering students. Scorpio –Vruchika - indicates medicine,

chemicals and /or mortuary. Meena Rasi shows Hospital, Sanatorium, Asylum,

massage and beauty centers etc. Simha again indicates Medicine. Sun and Mercury

connected to 5th house with Saturn in any form will make one a philosopher. The

list is long.


Moon, Mercury and Jupiter could indicate History, Archeology, Museum and

professor in these subjects. Venus and Mercury show physics. Venus and Sun gives

interest in Chemistry. Saturn with Mars occupying 4th house from Lagna and in

Capricorn would point to study of Geology.


‘Phala Deepika’ says ‘ His profession will  be according as the Lord of

the Navamsa occupied by the Planet owning the 10th House in Birth Chart from the

Lagna or the Moon or the Sun – whichever happens to be strongest’.

When the Lord of the 10th house occupies the Sun’s Navamsa, the native will

make his livelihood by reciting Manthras, by gambling, by telling lies, by

selling wool made clothes, by working on metals, or working for low listed jobs

under a renowned person.


When the Lord of 10th House occupies the Navamsa belonging to the Moon, the

native will make his living through water products – pearls, corals, fish,

etc., voyage to holy places, sailing in the seas/rivers, be in service to women,

or trade in garments.


When Mars is the Lord of 10th House in their birth chart occupying the Navamsa

of Mercury, he will earn through composing poetry, study and discourse famous

scriptures, being a scribe or a clerk, doing magic and tricksters, a priest or a

known fraud  in a society.


When the Lord of 10th House of a Janma Kundali occupies the Navamsa of Jupiter,

the native will live by mercy of the preceptors of Holy Scriptures – Brahmins

/Priests/ those in holy deeds in temples and centers of worship, preaching or

giving religious instructions or lend money.


If the Lord of 10th House occupies the Navamsa of Venus, the native will make

living through women, animals, dancing, singing, playing instruments, selling

silver ware, scents, milk, ornaments and silk fineries, with poetic talents. 

Many artists fall in this category.


If the Lord of 10th House occupies in Saturn’s Navamsa, the person is destined

all life to do hard work, some physical exerting labor, attendants, rogues,

unscrupulous ill legal earnings, trading adulterated grains, working in base

occupations including shoe menders, butchers, jail wards, and executioners.


The above listed ‘results’ are indicative only.  Again, I emphasis, that he

could not construed as ‘absolute’ and many other reasons has to be

identified for deciding the path of education career and livelihood. The

‘pattern’ and the ‘positions’ would vary with the time and evolution as

these refers to the 7th and 8th century ‘environment’.  It is being advised

that those interested must contact, with their correct Birth Charts, their

trustworthy Astrologers to know more about these.






Astrologer, specialising in Marriage match, Family problems,

Education, Health, Progeny, Finance, and Litigation, etc.,

(Old 13) 25, Dr. Gopalakrishna Road.

'Duttakutir'; 1st Floor Flat  No:8,

T'Nagar, Chennai 600 017, India.

 Phone: 044 2815 5633; Cell :: 0 9840047842






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