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--- On Thu, 3/25/10, G Balasubramanian <gbsub wrote:



G Balasubramanian <gbsub


viprasamhitha (AT) googl (DOT) com

Thursday, March 25, 2010, 10:40 AM








Dear all,

 I have heard that there is no salvation for people who think they are

different from God.  And those who think that God is one who has a particular

form and  name like say, Krishna, Vishnu  only are considered  ignorant. The

Supreme can not be limited to any particular name and form.  It is the Supreme

who thought " Ekoham Bahusyama " . " I am one, let me become many. " Creation started

thereafter. It is the same Supreme being that becomes all beings. Those who can

understand the Upanishads and Bhagawad Gita  correctly, will realize the

meaning of various scriptural declarations like---

1.Sarvam Khalu idam Brahma( Chandogya Upanishad3-14- 1) " The entire Universe is

Brahman "

2.Ekam   Sat Vipraah Bahuda vadanti (The one is spoken differently by realized


3.Jiva is none other than   Brahman(Jivo Brahmaiva na aparah).

4.Brahman is non-different from Jiva

5.Release is possible only through knowledge of non-difference between jiva and


6.The illumined soul,having become free from name and form, reaches the

Self-effulgent Purusha,that is higher than the higher.(Tathaa vidwan

namarupaat  vimuktah paraat param purusham upaiti divyam.   Mundaka Upanishad


7.Yato va imani bhutani jayante  Yena jatani jivanti  Yatprayanti

abhisamvisanti    Tadvijijinaasavasva Tadbrahma( That from which all these

beings take birth, that by which they live after being born, that towards which

they move and into which they merge,that is Brahman.  Taittireeya Upanishad

3-1-1).i P

8. Sadeva somya idamagra aaseet.Ekameva  adviteeyam  Tattejo 

srujata(Chandogya Upanishad 6-2-1 and 3) (In the beginning, my dear, this was

Being alone, one only without a second. it created fire.)

9.Atma va idameka evaagra aaseet . Sa imaanlokaanasrajata (Aitareya Upanishad

1-1-1 & 2). " In the beginning this was but the Absolute Self alone. He created

these worlds "

10. Aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate. iti matvaa bhajante maam

budhaa bhaavasamanavitaah (Gita 10.8) " I am the origin of all; from me things

evolve.  The wise know  this and worship Me( not Vasudeav Krishna) with all

their heart " .

11.Mamaivaamso Jeevaloke Jeevabhtassanatanah Manasshashtaaneendr iyaani

Prakritisthaani  Karshati( Gita 15.7) (A ray of Myself, the eternal Jiva in the

world of   jivas, attracts the senses...... ..... " .


Any number of  extracts from Upanishads  and   Bhagawad Gita  in this 

regard can be quoted. Only those who can understand them in the correct way will

be able to see the Truth.










Prasad Chitta <prasad.chitta@ gmail.com>

narendra sastry <narendra.sastry@ gmail.com>

Cc: dr.praveen kumar <drpraveenks@ gmail.com>; G Balasubramanian <gbsub (AT) (DOT)

com>; RAVI CHANDRASEKHARA <vadhula (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; Shivaswamy T.C <tc.shivaswamy@

gmail.com>; Sarma KV <sarmakv (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; DrBharadwaj <drdbharadwaj@

gmail.com>; Kannan Srinivas <vedicmanagement@ gmail.com>

Thu, March 25, 2010 12:50:14 AM

Re: advaita haters


Dear Dr. Praveen Kumar and All,


" Advaita " is neutral for its LOVERS and HATERS as it is beyond all the duality

of love and hate.


The ultimate truth named as " BRAHMA " in Upanishads is not an object for someones

approval or someone else's rejection.


The Vedanta Sutras start with

" athato BRAHMA jignasa "


Bhagavan Baadarayana if he wanted to tell it is the enquiry into vishnu, siva,

sakti etc., he should have told

athato vishnu jignaasa etc., so, let us keep the vedanta as vedanta and not

equate the word BRAHMA with something else.

Also, vedanta uses the word " ATMA " in synonyms to the word BRAHMA. In most

cases, the word ATMA is used to mean BRAHMA.


There are several instances shruti teaches that ATMA is BRAHMA. There is no

instance shruti directly teaches ATMA is NOT BRAHMA.


All the confusion comes from the ISWARA (SAGUNA BRAHMA) who appears as the triad


a. ISWARA (sattva guna or controlling and harmonizing feature)

b. jeeva (rajo guna of active/enjoyer nature)

c. jagat (tamo guna of inert and inactive or unconscious nature)


jeeva and jagat are ever controlled and sustained by the Iswara.


So, when there is no differentiation of the whole of jeeva+jagat+ iswara it is

called BRAHMA. When the GUNAS (qualities, attributes, or judgements) are

superimposed on the BRAHMA it is called ISWARA (representing the pure sattva) or

called saguna Brahma (= iswara+jeeva+ jagat).


As the " rajoguna " of jeeva is not fully subsided, the jeeva continue to see the

differentiation. .. so, dvaita is a correct philosophy as long as the true

NATURE of BRAHMAN is not understood and BRAHMAN is only equated to ISWARA

keeping the JAGAT and JEEVA seperate and dependent on the ISWARA. This iswara is

given a supreme name as Vishnu, Krishna, Siva, Sakti, Devi etc., ADVAITA is not

against this personification. ADVAITA is all inclusive and accepts whatever

personification a devotee prefers, they are free to choose the ISWARA naama and

roopa that best suits themselves.


But when JEEVA is completely purified and the TRUE NATURE OF BRAHMAN is realized

the WHOLE is experienced as a WHOLE and no differentiation is such an ABSOLUTE

WHOLE is possible. Such a Jnani concludes " vasudeva sarvam iti " all this is

verily vasudeva (vasati sarvam iti vasu, sah deva vasudeva) and surrenders

unconditionally and completely to the supreme lord who dwells within and who is

beyond all the dualities and differentiation.


बहूनां जनà¥à¤®à¤¨à¤¾à¤®à¤¨à¥à¤¤à¥‡

जà¥à¤žà¤¾à¤¨à¤µà¤¾à¤¨à¥à¤®à¤¾à¤‚ पà¥à¤°à¤ªà¤¦à¥à¤¯à¤¤à¥‡à¥¤

वासà¥à¤¦à¥‡à¤µà¤ƒ सरà¥à¤µà¤®à¤¿à¤¤à¤¿ स महातà¥à¤®à¤¾



om tat sat.


Note: This is my humble opinion that was arrived after studying the scriptures

for few years. My understanding need not be approved by scholars of various

schools. It is purely my understanding and serves its purpose!



On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 8:36 AM, narendra sastry <narendra.sastry@ gmail.com>



what is all about Praveen? as i have no time nor interest to read these long

lasting theory on a person...

yes you are right, Dvaita finds its existence ONLY by opposing advaitha, if not

, it has nothing much to get attraction


i have a story here to share with which some of you might have known


once a king wanted to have brahmagnaana, so he approached guru, while his visit,

guru was having his head shaved by a barber, king started conversing with guru

and requested him to teach him brahmagnaana as he has studied vedantha for 10

years, which has made him to realize about brahman, which as can NOT be same as

his athma, so he was unsure about it

listening to these words guru just shook his head, after completion of his

shave, he stood up and started prostrating to barber saying YOU ARE BRAHMAN,,

YOU ARE GOD, with this unusual behavior barber stunned and said, NO NO I AM NOT


so guru laughed and said king, look your 10 years of study to know you are NOT

god , is also known this barber who have not studied any thing

king realized his mistake told guru that he will be learning under him to

realize his true SELF


so lets not bother on dvaithis, let them talk and argue

please be advised, for any philosophy, these three things are primary

shruthi, yukthi and anubhava.... .rest remaining is just a game on jugglery of

words which is of NO use









On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 1:05 AM, dr.praveen kumar <drpraveenks@ gmail.com>



Dvaita philosophy unfortunately thrives by trying to critic advaita all the




Here is an example circulated by one of the member



Not for group posting please





http://www.sumadhwa seva.com/ wp-content/ uploads/2009/ 03/sathyadhyana-











Praveen Kaudlay






Thanks & Regards

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Prasad Chitta

http://www.google. com/profiles/ prasad.chitta

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