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Rahu Swarbhanu - 4

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We attribute different colours to Time. It is our Chaaya. It will also give us a

clue on why Rahu and Ketu gives results based on association and disposition. If

you study real charts you will understand how these principles work.

It is human nature to forget the paths that we have treaded. It is human to

forget the experiences that we have learned , it is human to forget the

individuals from whom we have learned. It is human to say i am looking forward

to Guru and is free of Rahu-Nonsense. But we should not forget that in each

avastha of our `'material existence'' Time is present. The `'astrological

dasha'' of Rahu is the bridge between the journey of bodily realm guarded by

Bhoomi putra Mars - Aries to Vrischika (associated with Vighneshwara and

Subramanya) and the higher realms ruled by Jupiter and Saturn. Understanding

Makara the vehicle of Ganga Devi (Ganges) and Akasha Ganga and understanding why

Adi Sankara had to choose Sanyasa etc are again part of the understanding.


There have been many studies done by scholars and with Gods will some of us may

be allowed to enter further into the treasure house. Have done consolidation and

we may share more in a structured form if that is his Will. From the seven

natural sounds we further add variations and make the 12 keys in a musical

keyboard. This between a `'Sa and Sa'' or `'C and C'' or an Octave. In our

style of Music we also have 22 microtones or shruthis. These ornamental sound

variations can only be felt at subtler levels. Understanding Rashis and how

planets relate to them through subtler means (Vargas or Amsha) are all hidden

here. This is so because the musical instruments contain the tattwas of our

sound philosophy. The relationship amongst their mutual harmony will explain

many fundamentals that we are discussing including enemity of grahas etc. As we

know it is all in Sound the Nada in his Dance in his Music in the Parana. Why

does the Serpent Dance ?

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