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[Chandra-AdityaAstroRemedies] Astro Predictions For April 2010

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--- On Mon, 4/5/10, Haresh(Harry)Nathani <haresh1405 wrote:



Haresh(Harry)Nathani <haresh1405

[Chandra-AdityaAstroRemedies] Astro Predictions For April 2010


Cc: sohamsa , vedic astrology

Monday, April 5, 2010, 1:27 PM













Ø Surya/Sun transits & gets exalted to Mesh/Aries rashi/sign on 14.04.2010

Ø Mangal/Mars is debilated in Karka/Cancer rashi/sign. It will be debilated

till 26.05.2010. 

Ø Budh/Mercury has transited to Mesh/Aries rashi/sign on 29.03.2010. on

18.04.2010 it will get vakri/retrograde and on 11.05.2010 will get margi/in

direct motion.

Ø Guru/Jupiter is in Kumbh/Aquarius rashi/sign. On 02.05.2010 it will enter

Meen/Pisces rashi/sign, get Vakri/Retrograte on 23.07.2010 and will enter Kumbh

Rashi/Sign on 01.11.2010. It will get Margi/in direct motion on 18.11.2010 and

then transit to Meen/Pisces rashi on 6.12.2010.

Ø Shukra/Venus has transited to Mesh/Aries rashi on 26.03.2010 & later on

20.4.2010 will transit to its own rashi Vrishab/Taurus.

Ø Sani/Saturn is in Kanya/Virgo rashi/sign

Ø Rahu is in Dhanur rashi & Ketu in Mithun rashi


 Health will be generally good but problems related to skin, kidney, hair,

nails cannot be avoided.

Finances will be excellent.  Loans and funds will be available


Career hard work is not ruled out. Aggression at work with increased energy

possibility of conflicts at work. But you will be the winner.

Business loans and funds will be available but at a higher price. Overseas trips

will be fruitful and productive but gains will not be to your expectation. Being

tactful and diplomatic approach will give good results.

Romance will be stable but extra relationships will result in compromise to

mutual levels. Extra relationships after the 15th will be a long term ones.

Miscellaneous short journeys, trips at last moments keeps you occupied. Property

matters will give good results. Your intelligence level will improve after the

15th. A sense to dominate and be a leader will prevail. Natives in media will

see a good success after the 15th. Fortunes will be favourable. Relationship

with father will see some stress. Expenses on children will increase.

Health will be good. Pregnant women need to careful and avoid exertion.  You

also need to be careful with your skin and kidney.


Finances will be good, but expenses on family members will drill the wallets.

Loans & funds will be available.

Career will be stable. Natives in research field will do well. News from foreign

sources after the 15th will cheer you up. 

Business will be good & stable. Overseas business is promising & gains will be

good to your expectations. Foreign trips will give positive results.

Romance will not be good. Your failed efforts to bring a stable understanding

with your spouse will tempt you to build extra affairs. Be careful with people

of opposite sex who tempt you into any kind of involvement  

Miscellaneous your positive attitude in all your efforts will boost your

confidence. Matters related to property will give mixed results. Increased

expenses can be put you in a financial drill. Children’s needs can cause a

concern to you. Natives who are looking forward to adopt children can do so as

this is a favourable time. Your will power will be very strong and good, you

should avoid lending any money or support to your friends & younger siblings

else could be cheated.  



 Health in general will be stable but at times teething problems related to

kidney, skin, throat & blood sugar can bother. Aggression will increase. You

need to be careful in your speech. Stress to brain can give to



Finances will fluctuate, travel related expenses will increase, loans & funds

are available. But debts can prove to be a burden in the long run.

Career is good and stable. Expect sudden promotion. Natives in Government

service, teaching will do well. 

Business Businessmen will see their past hard work results in improved gains.

Foreign trade business will be smooth. Favourable time to develop and sign new


Romance fights, frictions, misunderstanding, and compromise, will make romance

dull & exciting.  You are seriously thinking of having some other partner.

Miscellaneous you will very seriously working on making the best use of

opportunities available in hand. All efforts will give good results and

increased financial gains. Natives doing business with government agencies will

flourish. You will give a serious thought of buying a second hand vehicle & even

renovating your house. Children will make you feel proud. Possibility of thefts

happening with you whilst travelling or in your office/house. Fortunes are good

and will shine. A desire to associate with the opposite sex and enjoy

companionship will be very high.


 Health will be stable. But you need to be careful when on the wheels or also

when on foot. Chances of accidents are a possibility.


Finances will come by good fortune, and will give sudden gains after the 14th.

Career will see some stability, name & fame for the hard efforts put will come

after the 14th. Natives in government service, teachers, orators, and media

related orators will see sudden gains.  

Business will be good. Overseas travel is on the cards. Foreign trade will have

a booster effect. It will be like a well preserved asset.

Romance compromise in romance will cease, frictions and quarrels will result in

frequent fights. Divorce is not on the cards. Extra marital relations are on the

cards. It will increase after the 20th.

Miscellaneous your confidence level will improve and increase after the 14th.

Good news related to your work will perk you up. Hard efforts will see good

results. This is the right time to look for a new house/car. Loan & funds are

available. Natives in media will be in the lime light. Children will be nervous

related to their studies and exams. Fortunes may wither, but will improve as the

month ends. You will seriously think to do some course to avail the promotion

opportunities at your work


 Health general health will improve after the 14th. But accidents/injuries can

happen before that.


Finances will come by good fortune. It is your hard work & efforts which will

give financial rewards. Married natives will experience sudden financial gains

due to the good luck of spouse.

Career natives in media, estate, construction, management consultants, and share

market trader will see improvement in their earnings. Work load pressure will

increase. Proper coordination & planning can enhance your growth chart. Natives

in Government service will get promoted and also transferred. 

Business will be good and now pick up. Fortunes will smile on natives in foreign

trade. Natives in media related business will get sudden gains after the 20th. 

Romance friction and fights with spouse are not ruled out. Arrogant nature of

spouse will increase friction, but compromise is also not ruled out.

Miscellaneous you need to be careful of your belongings else theft, loss of any

expensive belonging like mobile, cash wallet, jewellery can take place. Foreign

trip is on the cards. Natives aspiring for foreign jobs will get affirmative

confirmations. Your attitude and thinking will change after the 14th. Your past

good efforts will be rewarded and also awarded. Matters to property may be

depressing but will improve in the coming months. Expenses in maintaining the

fortunes and also preserving your assets will increase. 


 Health in general will not be good. Problems connected to stomach, appendix,

bones, skin may keep bothering you. Loss of name & fame will make you feel



Finances will be steady. Loans and funds will be available.

Career will not be stable.  Your hard work will not be recognized and also

appreciated.   Natives in media in audio, like audio jockeys, consultants,

orators and teachers will have a stressful month. 

Business fluctuations will still go on. Foreign trade will also improve. 

Foreign visits will increase after the 14th. New assignments can be lucrative.

Romance will be good. You may fall in love if you are looking for a life

partner. Separation from spouse for professional reasons is a possibility. You

may get involved into some physical relationship with the opposite sex with

people of the lower category or natives working as subordinates.

Miscellaneous this will be a physically stressful month. Conflicts with father,

seniors at work, government officials will give fear, anxiety & depression. This

will falter your speech thus spoiling relationship with people around. Your loan

application for buying house, property, and car can be declined. Natives in

acting media will compromise will low caliber and paying roles. Your enemies are

always active and chasing you. A wrong decision will give loss in business.

Fortunes will not favour. Expenses on ill health will increase.



 Health will be good, hale and hearty.  You will also be aggressive and well

in command. You also need to guard your urinary system.


Finances will be excellent. Loans and funds will be available.

Career will be stable. Appreciation & rewards will not be to your expectations

Business will be excellent after the 14th. Foreign travels, trips, new foreign

contacts, contracts will perk you up. This is an excellent opportunity to cash


Romance will be steady, but the desire to enjoy with the opposite sex will

prevail. You settle in for a pre arranged extra relationship. Married natives

will see their spouse spending more than they do normally.

Miscellaneous your ruthless tone with associates can bring distance in your

relationship.  Foreign trips will give fruitful results. Fortunes will smile on

you. You will be very active and on the move. Dispute on property matters will

land into litigation. Repairs on house are also possible. Students appearing for

their exams will do well. Pregnant women need to be careful. Visit to courts,

hospitals, prisons, lawyers will increase.



 Health will be good but aggression will prevail. Some nervousness may keep you

low. You need to be careful with your kidneys and hernia related problems. Sex

organs can also cause problems.

Finances will depend on your efforts. You will take a loan to honour your failed

past commitments. Some relief in finances will be experienced.


Career will be stable. Government job natives will get promotion; transfer will

be delayed or denied. Natives seeking government jobs will get in by paying a


Business will be steady, especially foreign trade and a desire to sense enjoy

will increase. Foreign travel will give good results. Research in foreign trade

will give you new clients.

Romance will be good. Marital life will be steady.

Miscellaneous natives seeking foreign job openings will see some lite. Gains can

be got by leasing out properties. Intelligence level will improve. Natives in

political field will see good public support. Your father can fall in unexpected

debts. Fortunes will be good and supportive. Expenses in maintaining relations

with the opposite sex will rise.


Health will be indifferent. Problems connected to stomach, kidney will increase.


Finances can improve depending on your hard work. Loans and funds will be


Career will be steady. Transfer, change of job, will give good results. Your

work will be appreciated and also equally rewarded. But you will also be

deprived of you being ignored.

Business will be good & steady. Future hope will keep you active. Foreign trades

will be improve and also increase.

Romance conflicts in marital life are a long term affair. You need to keep your

cool, else separation and divorce is on the cards. You will be thinking in terms

of having extra marital relationships.

Miscellaneous your contacts with influential people will improve and you can

work on cashing the same for progress in your career. You will give a serious

though on buying a new house or vehicle. Loans & funds will be available.

Children will make you proud of their achievement. Natives in love will give a

serious thought in converting into a marital alliance. Pregnant women need to be

careful. Foreign trip for pleasure, vacation is on the card. Government

employee’s native can expect promotion and increased perks after the 15th.

Expenses related to health will increase.

Health will be good. But kidney/skin/hair/nails problems can give some anxiety.

Consistent back aches will also bother.


Finances by your good fortune will be there. But mounting expenses will not let

money stay in hand for long. Loans and funds are available. Expenses on family

will increase.

Career will improve and so will fortunes shine on you. Promotion is on the

cards. Sudden career gains can be experienced. It is your efforts which will get

rewarded. Natives in media field can expect sudden gains.

Business will improve after the 11th. Foreign trade business will be good and

steady but gains will be low. Foreign business travel will yield good results.

Foreign travel after the 15th will yield excellent results. 

Romance will be in the air. Natives aspiring for second marriage will find their

sole mate.

Miscellaneous natives in politics will do well. Money will come by good fortune

but will not stay in hand. Your efforts will see a mark change; you will have a

spiritual inclination. Money will be given in charity to spiritual

organization.  Children preparing for exams will do well. A possible theft in

your office, house can give disturbance your confidence. Natives in research

activity will do well. Fortunes will be slow but favourable. Natives looking

forward for inheritance from ancestors will be favoured. Your pending loan

application for a new house will get cleared.


 Health is excellent.  After the 15th stomach related issues will have a

prolonged effect. Your lever can get weak.


Finances are steady and stable. Loans and funds are available. 

Career setbacks can be overcome in the coming months. Foreign travel will give

results after the 20th.

Business will be steady for next one year. Foreign trade will also improve.

Romance will be graceful. Support from spouse will keep you youthful. Natives

looking for second marriage will get new partner.   Native looking to get

marital alliance can expect after the 15th.

Miscellaneous your relationship with friends and relative will improve. You will

stand to get benefitted from them.  A desire to buy new property or vehicle

will give good results after the 20th. Loans and funds are available. You will a

most favoured native as far as keeping the secrecy of secrets for the faith

showed on you by your seniors. Your efforts will be well appreciated and also

rewarded. Natives in film media, architecture will see quick gains after the

20th Fortunes are excellent and favourable. You need to be careful with legal

matters or any litigation can land you in prison. You need to be careful of any


Health will not be steady due to aspect of Saturn. Problems related to general

health, chest and back will persist for the next two and half years. But from

the next month health will be stable.

Finances will improve and your financial gains will see steady rise. This will

be the winning mantra for you. Fortunes will always give financial favours.

Sudden financial gains can happen after the 20th.

Career fear and instability will still be there in your mind. You will be

thinking in terms of changing your job and residence. Some natives will also

compromise with current job situations.

Business will be average but natives in foreign trade will do well. They will

continue to see steady growth, progress and prosperity. Foreign travel will also

be very lucrative and financially beneficial.

Romance will be in the air. Fights, quarrels, separation due to professional

commitments will deprive your romantic life.

Miscellaneous natives in media will do well. You may also build a relationship

with the opposite sex. Inheritance of ancestral property is very strong. You

will now be subjected to conflicts in your work place. You will be motivated to

play politics with your colleagues and seniors and also with your people whom

you associate with. An inclination for visit of places of worship will increase,

so will also increase the desire to give charity. Natives need to wait till

first week of May for improved results in their career.




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