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President of Poland

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Dear Friends,

Today bad news is seen informing death of 87 people in which president of

Poland Mr LECH KACZYNSKI has also died.

Although at time of writing this mail, I do not have confirmation of death but

Plane has met with accident at airport in Russia that was carrying President of


May souls of all expired rest in peace.

Mr Lech KaCZYNSKI was a twin born .His brother Mr Jaroslaw KACZYNSKI has

symmetrical carrier in many respects and elder Brother was Prime minister from

July 2006 to Nov 2007.He stepped down , when he was defeated in election.

Late president of Poland Sri LECH KACZYNSKI was born at 2 : 45 ON DATE 18 June

1949 .The place of birth was Warsaw with 21E00 and 52N25 TZ had been 1 Hr East.

Death comes in category of Samghatak maran.He died with perhaps 86 persons on


Third from Arudh lagna has Ketu under aspect of SUN and VENUS by Rasi

Dristi.Gemini is air sign Venus is vehicle Sun is Markesh For sign having AL.

Vimshottari dasa of Venus bhukti of Jup and Interperiod of Merc is running on

date of accident.

Those interested can read more about him .The information is from internet for

study purposes. Chart of both brothers are interesting for patterns .They were

born 45 minutes apart.

Once again my humble submission to divine to grant rest to the souls of all




Born June 19, 1949, in Warsaw, Poland; son of Rajmund (an engineer) and Jadwiga

(a professor of literature) Kaczynski; married Maria Mackiewicz (an economic

researcher), 1978; children: Marta. Education: Earned degree in law and

administration from Warsaw University; Gdansk University, Ph.D., 1976. [Another

source says PHD in 1990]

DOB JUNE 18, 1949 TOB : 2:45 AM POB : Warsow Poland 21 E 00

52N15 TZ 1:00:00 East OF GMT.


Professor at Gdansk and Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski universities; advisor to the

Solidarity strike committee, Lenin Shipyards, 1980; advisor to Lech Walesa,

1988; vice-chair, Solidarity trade union; elected to Polish Senate, 1989;

elected to parliament, 1991; served as Security Minister under President Lech

Walesa, 1990–93; President of the Supreme Chamber of Control, February 1992–May

1995; Minister of Justice and Attorney General, June 2000–July 2001; co-founded

political party Law and Justice, 2001; elected mayor of Warsaw, 2002; elected

president of Poland, October, 2005.


In October of 2005, Lech Kaczynski became Poland's third elected president since

the end of its Communist era. A political activist in the 1970s and '80s,

Kaczynski once served as a key advisor to Lech Walesa, the labor activist who

played a major role in the ouster of Poland's Communist regime. Several months

after taking office, Kaczynski took the unprecedented step of appointing his

twin brother, Jaroslaw, as prime minister. Their rise has caused some political

analysts to worry that Poland, a recent entrant to the European Union, has made

a genuine shift to the right thanks to the support the brothers have received

from older, conservative, and often rural voters in this staunchly Roman

Catholic country.

Kaczynski and his brother—his elder by 45 minutes—were born in 1949, four years

after the end of World War II in Poland. The war was a traumatic event for the

nation, caught as it was between two longstanding enemies of its independence,

Russia and Germany. Their engineer-father had served in the resistance army, and

their mother was a war nurse who later went on to a professorship in literature

at the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the early 1960s, the blonde twins achieved

renown as the stars of the film adaptation of a popular children's story, The

Two Who Stole the Moon .

Neither twin pursued film careers afterward, and Kaczynski earned a degree in

law and administration from Warsaw University. He went on to a doctorate at

Gdansk University, and finished in 1976.

He held teaching posts both there and at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in

Warsaw. By the late 1970s, however, there was growing dissatisfaction in Poland

under Communist Party rule, in place since the Soviet occupation of Poland that

immediately followed World War II. Kaczynski joined the burgeoning underground

anti-Communist movement, including the Workers' Defense Committee, which had

been established to aid families of those jailed in a series of 1976 labor


Dissent grew steadily in several cities until workers walked off the job at the

Lenin Shipyards in Gdansk, a Baltic Sea port, in August of 1980. A month later,

the Solidarity trade union federation came into being in Gdansk. It was ardently

anti-communist, and led by an electrician named Lech Walesa; Kaczynski served as

an advisor to the strike committee. The Polish government declared martial law

at the end of 1981 in an effort to quash the Solidarity movement, and Kaczynski

was jailed in a crackdown on activists. Finally in 1989 a faltering Polish

government permitted multi-party elections, and a Solidarity-led coalition won

office. Kaczynski won a seat in the Polish national senate that same year, and

two years later was elected to parliament. By then he had also risen to the post

of vice-chair of the Solidarity trade union.

After Walesa was elected president in December of 1990, Kaczynski served as one

of his top advisors as well as the minister for security. In 1993, however, the

two men had a falling-out over a political dispute in the prime minister's

government, and Kaczynski was fired as minister. He retained another post, that

of president of the Supreme Chamber of Control, a government oversight body,

until 1995. He later aligned with another former anti-communist activist, Jerzy

Buzek, and after Buzek was elected prime minister, he appointed Kaczynski

minister of justice and attorney general in 2000.

Out of office again by mid-2001, Kaczynski teamed with his brother to form Prawo

i Sprawiedliwosc , or the Law and Justice Party. Its main focus was on the

rooting out of corruption in Poland's government, which had reached epic levels

by then. A year later, Kaczynski won election as mayor of Warsaw, Poland's

largest city and capital. He held office from November of 2002 until February of

2006, and gained a measure of infamy for banning an annual gay pride march in

2004 and 2005, claiming that it was offensive to the city's public morals.

In March of 2005, Kaczynski announced his candidacy for the presidency of

Poland. The following September, the Law and Justice Party—headed by

Jaroslaw—did well in parliamentary elections, and in the presidential election a

month later, Kaczynski bested a candidate of the center-right party, Donald

Tusk, by nine percentage points. In Polish politics, the chairperson of the

party that received the majority in the last parliamentary elections is expected

to be appointed prime minister, but Jaroslaw had said publicly that he would not

serve as prime minister in order to avoid any charges of nepotism; the comment

reportedly angered Kaczynski, and the two brothers did not speak for several


Taking office in December of 2005, Kaczynski promised Poles he would abolish

corruption in the government and restore the Polish republic's reputation on the

world stage. He halted an ongoing privatization plan, which sold off formerly

state-controlled industries, and voiced suspicions about the European Union

(EU), which Poland joined in 2004. Certain economic guidelines that EU member

nations must follow had brought hardship to Poland's farmers, many of whom had

supported Kaczynski's candidacy.

Kaczynski rekindled the fires of some longstanding animosity that Poles felt

toward Germany over the Nazi era in June of 2006, when he reacted to a satirical

article in a Berlin newspaper that referred to him as a potato. He and Jaroslaw

both responded with particularly vehement language, and Poland's foreign

minister asserted that an official apology was in order. The German government

was forced to point out that it had no control over a free press. Kaczynski then

cancelled a planned summit with German chancellor Angela Merkel and Jacques

Chirac, the president of France.

In July, Kaczynski officially replaced his prime minister, Kazimierz

Marcinkiewicz, with his brother, Jaroslaw. Political analysts believed that

Jaroslaw had already enjoyed a great degree of influence on his brother's

government, and the switch was viewed as a bid to rescue Lech's failing

presidency. " Poland awaits radical changes, but not revolutionary changes, " New

York Times writer Richard Bernstein quoted him as saying. " My brother uses the

term moral revolution. Moral revolution has nothing to do with political

revolution. I have in mind values like honesty. This is the revolution we are

going to call for. "




Read more: Lech Kaczynski Biography - children, story, mother, son, born, time,

year, Career, Sidelights, Sources - Newsmakers Cumulation



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