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saptarishi astrology's invitation for Iranganti Rangacharya's interview

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Dear Members


This is my reply to " invitation for questions to be raised to Iranganti

Rangacharya on Jaimini Astrology " by Saptarishi Astrology - e magazine

This invitation is send to my mail and as the subject is of open in nature, i am

reproducing my reply for information sake for the benefit of all sincere readers



-----------mail from Saptarishi Astrology--------


Dear Friends






Recently Shri Iranganti Rangacharya one of the foremost & oldest authorities of

Classical Jaimini Astrology was requested for an technical lengthy interview on

Jaimini astrology. He has agreed to do this even at this ripe old age of 83. In

order to make this a memorial that would be practically useful for the future we

request students and scholars of Jaimini to post questions that he would be

asked and published in Saptarishis Astrology. Some points below




1. Questions can be basic or very technical. (without quoting shlokas)


2. Questions invited would be most welcome if readers can send in

questions with shloka number/chapter number. This can ensure easy response from



3. Readers should send in their full name and address within the body of

the mail at the end of the mail


4. If they do not want their names to appear (for whatever reasons) in the

interview, they can indicate so.


5. Kindly send the questions to admin with subject

heading e.g. `Questions for Sri Iranganti Rangacharya: From Jean Claude – Paris'


6. You are requested to ensure that your query is properly and respectfully

worded to him.




Today in Andhra Pradesh, a land where Jaimini Astrology has been a great

fascination only 3 astrologers are alive known to us who have worked very hard

for 50 years in Jaimini and are of the age of 65, 83 and 80. Only these 3 have

the maximum commentaries so far known to us and not available outside in our

limited experience. (if anyone knows more such scholars having worked on minimum

5 commentaries pls write to us). Once they are gone the classical various

commentary based knowledge of Jaimini Astrology will once again have to

resurrected which would mean spending another 50 years experience in it. Hence

scholars are requested to pls ask as many questions as possible without

bothering about ones image for the sake of extracting of Jaimini astrology

pearls. This email can be passed on to the organisations you represent so that

someone somewhere might ask a fantastic question and something new or clearer

can come out.




Many thanks for your time.









Saptarishis Astrology


The Free Digital Global Astro Magazine


----------end of Saptarishi Astrology invitation----


----------- My reply starts from here onwards ------



To whomsoever it may concern



I am neither your friend nor foe, so do not address with words like

" Friends " etc


You have misread the whole " FACT "


In a Vikram aur Bethal story, it is Bethal who " tells " the story and " asks "


So IRC is Bethal who told a beautiful, fancy and mental speculative

story called " Jaimini Sutramritam " with no minimum courtesy of

acknowledgment for his source material, persons who lend them to him.

So it becomes " his " (not ours) duty to ask " questions " (to himself)



1) If Jaimini is superior to other schools, What stopped, great

Acharyas like Varahamihira, Kalyanavarma etc of Garga school, to not

mention it in their great works


2) If one aspires to study Jyotish, he should be thorough with all

three branches i.e., Siddhanta, Hora and Samhita which are resolved

completely by Varahamihira during golden age, but we do not find such

completed works of either Jaimini and Parasara. Moreover, it is

clearly stated by Varahamihira in Brihatjataka 1ch 2 sloka that he

tried his best to resolve the lost or ruined " Tantra " , if so, why

Jaimini is not being mentioned by him or listed among 18 rishis who

taught this sastra, Is it not existing during his time, if so, can IRC

mention any small verse from works of Varahamihira. Again, if Kalidas

a contemporary of Varahamihira can mention Arudha concept in his

Uttarakalamrita why not Varahamihira?


3) Why not he or his contemporaries practice the best solved school

i.e., Varahimihira through the mathematical methods preached by

Keshava and Sripati who themselves have again resolved completely all

three branches through their works like " Siddhanta Sekhara " , " Jataka

Karma Paddhati " and " Jyotisha Ratnamala " etc, because it is very

difficult or complicated to implement? (This question is applicable to

you and your readers)


4) If some foreign authority or a serious thinker asks us regarding

study of this science with archaeological evident material we only

have with us that of Varahamihira works complete on three branches but

not for other schools. So it becomes first priority for a student to

take this school seriously, master it and then look for other which

are not completely available


5) if he is to be treated as living authority on Jaimini, he should

first practice for atleast 10yrs in Varahamihira, train students,

which is not evident either in his works or list of students etc


6) As Jyotish is based on Karma Siddhanta, can it be proved on Jaimini lines?


7) When Jaimini says that we have to apply " Katapaya " but not Bhuta

sajna, why it is that the later is called for in Sutra 2-4-27 Tara

Arka amsa .... Because it is commented by Neelankantha whom IRC mostly



8) Can he explain the reasons for basic principles on which Jaimini

School stands? For example, the dasa krama for movable fixed and dual

- 1,6 and 4 as per sutras 2-4-8,9,10


9) If he is authority why he is not reacting to frequent objections

raised by Hetuvada Sangha in Hyderabad about validity of Jyotish



10) With my interaction with one of his (IRC) students who claims that

he can sort out male and female from a bunch of at least 100 birth

charts within 5 minutes, and also he can identify married couples out

of 100 given pair of horoscopes very efficiently - Is this true? Of

course this student denies the chara karaka theory proposed by his

guru himself


These are only some: I have read thoroughly his work " Jaimini

Sutramritam " but not felt slightest grace of Jaimini " through it " - If

someone like you still feel " Shri Iranganti Rangacharya one of the

foremost & oldest authorities of Classical Jaimini Astrology " then let




You have failed to mention:

1) names of 3 persons dedicated to Jaimini

2)your designation etc


To conclude, I have no intention of giving trouble to elder or aged

persons, but if they have much enthusiasm to get their name popular by

mean methods (before they die) to stand besides Jaimini Maharshi,

Varahamihira acharya and other great thinkers it is not healthy for

our " sanatana dharma " and I strongly recommend you and your readers to

first take seriously the most completed schools like Varahamihira and

start working on them on these lines to prove this great science:


1) Collecting at least 2,00,000 births from different locations

pertaining to 4 main directions through hospitals

2) Evaluate them on basis of sex, weight, nature of delivery,

direction of delivery room, complexion of child, geographical location

of birth like plain, plateau, hill, valley, river, forest etc

3) Evaluate infant deaths

4) Evaluate unnatural deaths for at least 1000 births

5) Find the appropriate ayanamsa that explains the above

This is very basic research work for every student


Please do not mix up hallucinogenic ideas like Narayana dasa etc proposed by

pseudo astrologers like Rath, Rao etc with those of charakaraka and darpana

ideas of IRC calibre.


This whole chaos and confusion is due to Chitra Vichitra nature of Ketu whose

gotra is Jaimini - so it is only due to grace of swayam Jamini who has peculiar

habit of selecting his own disciples


Jai Jaimini

Jai Varahamihira


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