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Divyadesam Maintenance - additional information on TN Hindu Rel End Dept

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Number of Institutions







The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Administration Department Supervises the administration of Hindu and Jain Religious Institutions and Hindu Charitable Endowments in Tamilnadu as detailed below:



















Temples attached to Mutts






Specific Endowments






Charitable Endowments






Jain Temples




Total Institutions










(As on 31.1.2003)






Classification of Institutions



Religious Institutions have been classified into two categories viz., Non – Listed and Listed Institutions on the basis of their annual income as below:







Number of Institutions





Non-Listed Institutions with an annual income less than Rs.10,000/-






Listed Institutions:


(i) Annual Income of the institution is not less than Rs.10,000/- but less than Rs.2 .00 lakh


(ii) Annual Income of the institution is not less than Rs.2.00 lakhs but less than Rs. 10.00 lakhs.


(iii) Annual Income of the institution is not less than Rs. 10.00 lakhs.
















38,396Administration of Temple Lands








(A) Details of Lands, Sites and Buildings:


All over Tamil Nadu there are 4,78,957.54 acres of lands owned by the religious institutions. They consist of wet, dry and rain fed lands. The details are given below:-


Type of land

Owned by Temples


Owned by Mutts


Total Extent










Wet lands








Dry lands








Rain fed





























The lands are cultivated by 1,03,205 tenants. The temples own 20,046 buildings and 33,627 sites, which are occupied by 22,599 and 58,077 tenants respectively.



Temple Renovation








In Tamilnadu there are temples sanctified by the immortal verses of the Alwars and Nayanmars. Besides the renovation of these temples, the temples of historic and archeological importance, are identified and essential steps are taken to keep them in good condition.


Considering that the public donations are the outcome of interest shown by the worshippers and public, the contribution of the worshippers and donors and the interest shown by them are being taken into account considerably while the renovation works are proposed. In order to encourage the public in renovation of the temple, financial assistance are given from Government Grant, Common Good Fund, Temple development fund.


Out of the total estimate of the work, 75% of the estimate should be borne through public contribution and the rest may be considered for the funds referred above if necessary.


Such renovation works and repairs are undertaken by using funds from the following sources as detailed below:


i) Donations from the Public.

ii) Funds from the respective Religious Institutions.

iii) Diversion of surplus funds from affluent temples.

iv) Government grant.

v) Common Good Fund.

vi) Temple Development Fund.

vii) Temple Renovation and Charitable Fund.

viii) Village Temples Renovation Fund.





No. of Temples


No. works permitted


Estimate in lakhs


Temple fund


Govt Grant


Public Contribution
































(a) Donations from the Public:

The Service Minded Philanthropists, industrialists, trusts and general public are voluntarily donating cash or kind to the temples to carryout the renovation works.

(b) Diversion of surplus funds from affluent temples:



With the approval of the Commissioner, funds are provided to the needy temples from the temples having surplus funds under Section 36 of Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Act, for renovation works.

© Government Grant :



Every year in the Budget allocation for this Department, the Government has been providing funds for temple renovation works. During the year 2001-2002 the grant was enhanced to the tune of rupees one crore. Rupees 25 lakhs has been released and this Amount has been used for renovation of 15 temples.

For the year 2002-2003 a sum of Rs.75 lakhs was released to 24 temples' renovation.

Further, an amount of Rs. 25,000/- per temple is given as Government Grant for renovation works in the temples situated in the habitation of Adi-Dravidas and Scheduled Tribes, which are not under the control of this Department under this scheme. A Financial assistance of Rs. 12.50 lakhs is given to 50 temples every year under this Scheme. During the year 2002-2003 also a sum of Rs. 12.50 lakhs sanctioned and action is in progress to release the amount to temples under this Scheme.


For the year 2003-2004, a list of 250 temples has been sent to Government for approval, and it is under consideration of the Government.



(d ) Common Good Fund :

Under Section 97 of Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Act, Commissioner has been authorized to create a Common Good Fund, out of the contributions voluntarily made by the Religious Institutions or by an individual for the purpose of renovation and preservation of the temples. Accordingly, the amounts so received are deposited into the Common Good Fund, and interest from the said fund is being given to the needy temples for their renovation. Under this scheme during the year 2002-2003 a sum of Rupees 41.80 lakhs was released for 24 temples. In the year 2003-04 a sum of Rs.36,09,000/- was released to 20 temples.

(e) Temple Development Fund

A corpus fund of Rs. 5 crores was created by way of diversion of surplus funds from affluent temples. The interest accrued thereon is utilized with prior permission of Government to the temples which are historically important, ancient in nature and sanctified by the songs of Nayanmars and Alwars, for undertaking their renovation works. This fund is administered by the Commissioner. Under this Scheme for the year 2002-2003 a sum of rupees 11.00 lakhs was released to 3 temples. For the year 2003-2004 a sum of Rs.22.20 lakhs has been released to 5 temples.

From this fund under Orukala pooja scheme Rs.1200/-per Temple is being given to the needy temples.

(f ) Temple Renovation and Charitable Fund

(i) A fund in the name of " Chief Minister's Temple Renovation and Maintenance Fund", was created on 5-8-1991 by our Hon'ble Chief Minister by donating a sum of Rs. 1,08,000/- from her own fund in order to preserve our traditional culture and heritage. Further, donations have been received to this fund from service minded philanthropists and also from the public. The name of this fund has been changed as Temple Renovation and Charitable Fund.


(ii) Financial assistance is given from this fund to the ancient temples which were sanctified and sung by Alwars and Nayanmars, with historical fame and also noted for their importance in art and architecture. During the year 2001-2002 a sum of Rs.43.00 lakhs was released to 4 temples for Thiruppani works and in 2002-2003 Rs. 50.50 lakhs was released to 3 temples.


(iii) Further, financial assistance is provided from this fund to temples at the rate of Rs.1300/- for each temple to set up a deposit for performing "Oru Kala Pooja".


(iv) A corpus fund of Rs. 1 crore has been created for the upkeep and maintenance of Incorporated and unincorporated temples in Kanniyakumari District. A financial assistance of Rs.14 lakhs is provided every year out of the interest accrued thereon.


(v) Further, an amount of Rs.25,000/- per temple is given out of this fund to undertake renovation works in the temples situated in the habitation of Adi-Dravidars and Backward classes which are not under the control of this Department. Under this scheme, financial assistance at the rate of Rs.25,000/- per temple is given to 50 temples, During the year 2002-2003 a sum of Rs.12.50 lakhs was released for the renovation of 50 temples. For the year 2003-04, a list consisting of 250 temples has been sent to Government for sanction.

Financial Assistants to Temples in Adi-Dravidars and Backward classes Residential areas, which are not under the Control of this Department

By this Scheme financial assistants to 100 Temples at the rate of Rs.25,000/-per annum per temple is being given. So far 500 temples have been benefited under this scheme. In the year 2003-2004, a list of 250 temples has been sent to Government for approval.

Village Temple Renovation Scheme

For those temples which are under the control of this department and are being situated in villages a sum of Rs.25,000/-is being given for renovation works from the interest accrued from the corpus fund of Rs.2 Crores deposited by A/m. Dhandayudhapani Swamy Temple, palani. In 2002-2003 Rs.25 lakhs has been disbursed to 100 Tempels. In 2003-2004, a list of 100 temples has been sent to Government for sanction.

Peformance of Kumbabisegam in Temples

i. Kumbabhisegam has to be performed for every temple once in 12 years according to the agamas . Generally temples are classified under three categories for taking up of renovation work viz.,


1. Temples, which have been glorified and sung by the great Saivite and Vaishnavite Saints.


2. Temples which are of historic and tourist importance


3. Temples requiring immediate renovation and also where the Kumbabhisekams have to be, performed within 12 years as per the Agamas. (To perform ``Ashtabandana Kumbabishegam`` for Moolasthana moorthy which are without ashtabandana marundhu)

ii. Kumbabhisegam has been performed in 1333 temples in the year 2002 (1.1.02 to 31.12.02) and 864 temples in 2003 (1.1.03 – 31.10.03).

Renovation works in Temple Tanks

The temples under the control of the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department own several tanks. Of these, 534 tanks need renovation. The temple tanks have to be renovated, to conduct regular float festivals and to serve as a source for ground water recharging. Action has been taken for conservation and renovation of temple tanks in the following ways:-


i) Removing encroachments in and around the temple tanks;


ii) Putting up fencing or parapet walls around the temple tanks;


iii) Desilting and dredging;


iv) Connecting storm water drains with temple tanks;


v) Repairing the steps leading to the tanks.


During the year 2002-2003, 194 temple tanks were renovated and in 2003-2004 382 temples were renovated. Speedy Action is being taken to renovate all other temple tanks.

Preservation and Maintenance of Temple Cars

There are 515 wooden Temple cars owned by the temples. Out of these, 79 temple cars are to be repaired. Steps are being taken to preserve and maintain these cars. In order to protect temple cars steps have been taken to provide fire proof metal sheet sheds, iron axles and wheels, periodical maintenance and insurance coverage for the value of the temple Cars. During the year 2002-2003, 33 temple cars were repaired and put in use, and during 2003-2004 18 temple cars have so far been repaired


(a) Drinking water :-


Action has been taken to provide drinking water in all the temples for the benefit of pilgrims coming to the temples. Steps have been taken to supply the purified water in the needy places. During the year 2002-2003, 839 temples were covered, and during 2003-2004, 31 temples were covered (up to Oct'2003) under this scheme

(b) Toilet facilities:


Action is being taken to provide the modern toilet facilities for the use of the devotees visiting temples and also to provide separate toilets for men and women. Under this scheme during the year 2002-2003, 135 temples were covered, and during 2003-2004, 29 temples were covered (up to Oct'2003).

© Cottages, Rooms, Cloak Rooms etc:


Action is being taken to provide adequate number of Cottages, Rooms, Dormitories, Cloak Rooms, Parking facilities to cater to the needs of pilgrims wherever necessary.

Oru Kala Pooja Scheme



Oru Kala Pooja Scheme was drawn up so as to ensure performance of at least One Pooja Every Day in temples which have no resources to perform such poojas. A sum of Rs.25,000/- is deposited permanently in the name of the Temple. The corpus is created for each temple by donation of Rs.2,500/- from general public, Rs.20,000/- by diversion from the surplus funds of financially sound temples, Rs.1,300/- from the Temple Renovation and Charitable Fund and Rs.1,200/- from the Temple Development Fund. Arrangement is made to perform Oru Kala pooja daily from the interest accruing on the above corpus. Accordingly 9792 temples have been benefited till Nov 2003. This Government decided that Oru Kala Pooja should be performed in all the temples, which are controlled by the Department by identifying such temples, which are not able to perform even Oru Kala Pooja. In the year 2003-2004, 640 temples have been identified for the Oru Kala Pooja scheme. So far 90 temples have been benefited. Public donations are awaited for 550 temples.

Safety of Icon and Other Valuables



i. The Government is aware of the incidents of thefts taking place in temples and has taken all possible measures to prevent them. Various fool proof arrangements such as the installation of burglar alarms, tell-tale clocks, Special thotti locks, fixing Iron gates, appointment of night watchman, appointment of Ex-serviceman and Second Grade Constables through Temple Protection Force, formation of Icon Centres and formation of Village Vigilance committee are being implemented in the temples. Both the local police and the Idol Wing police are in charge of detecting thefts in the temples, The Department is maintaining Icon Centers at the following Places:





Thiruvarur Icon Protection Centre, Thiruvarur (Arulmighu Thiyagarajaswamy Thirukkoil Complex, Thiruvarur)




Arulmighu Akilandeswari Jambukeswarar Thirukoil, Thiruvanaikaval, Thiruchirapalli.




Arulmighu Meenakshisundareswarar Thirukoil, Madurai




Arulmighu Kanthimathi Udanurai Nellaiappar Thirukkoil , Thirunelveli





Arulmighu Sugavaneswarar Thirukkoil, Salem






ii. 3327 Icons are kept in Icon Protection Centres.

iii. Further, action has been taken to construct Icon Centers at Kancheepuram, Thiruvannamalai, Vellore, Kumbakonam and Cuddalore.

Temple Protection Force

With a view to protecting the Icons, Jewels, Hundials and other valuables in temples throughout the State, a separate wing called the "Temple Protection Force" has been constituted with 1000 Police Constables and 3000 Ex-Serviceman. 479 Grade II Constables and 2251 Ex-Servicemen appointed by the Police Department are in place at present. These personnel are attached to the local Police Station. So far, these Security Personnel have been positioned in 2751 temples.



Karunai illams

"Karunai Illams" have been started in the Temples which are functioning under the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department in order to provide food, shelter and education to the destitute boys and girls. There are 42 Karunai Illams functioning through 37 temples. Through them, 893 boys and 461 girls, totally 1354 are benefited. Fifty percent of the expenditure on these Karunai Illams is met from the concerned temple funds. The rest is through the Grant from the Social Welfare Department till the year 2002-2003.




Government Grant Utilised



1998 - 99



1999 - 2000



2000 - 2001



2001 - 2002



2002 - 2003




2003 - 2004








Educational and other Institutions maintained by Temples

With the social aim of imparting training to the students from the childhood in the practices necessary for maintaining discipline, culture and Religious Principles, besides general education, the temples are running schools, colleges and Padasalas

(a) Educational Institutions














Higher Secondary Schools





High Schools





Middle Schools





Elementary Schools





Matriculation School





Nagaswaram & Thavil Training Schools





Vedha Agama Padasalas





Thevara Padasalas





Dhivya Prabandha Padasalas





Deaf & Dump School








(b) Social Service Institutions:

(1) Siddha Hospitals .. 9

(2) Allopathy Hospitals .. 2

(3) Karunai Illams .. 42

(4) Old Age Homes 3


Total 113



Free Marriages in Temples


There is a scheme for conducting free marriages to the poor and needy weaker section of the people in society, through the temples having surplus funds. Under this schemes sanction has been accorded for Rs.4500/- per couple for the purchase of the Thali, dresses, Gift Articles and food. Accordingly free marriages are being conducted in the affordable temples every year.



During the year 2002-2003 this free marriages conducted elsewhere in the temples, were consolidated and conducted for 1008 couples at Tiruverkadu on 14.7.2002 in the presence of the Hon`ble Chief Minister of Tamilnadu. During the year 2003-2004 free marriages were conducted for 1053 couples at Thiruverkadu on 18.6.2003 in the presence of Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for the poor and weaker sections of people in Tamil Nadu. , "M. S. SRINIVASA PRASAD" <msspbipl wrote:>> Dear Sri U.Ve. Rajagopalan Mama,> > I would like to offer donation ( in a very small way) to divya desha kainkaryam and reuest you to send me the details to which the donations to be sent. I am residing at Bangalore.> > Thanks & best regards> M. S. Srinivasa Prasad> > - > Bhasker C V > > Friday, March 16, 2007 11:39 AM> Re: Divyadesam Maintenance> > > RAJAGOPALAN,> > Thanks for driving this. > Startwith, I can give my details.> Do you want to block any website so that we can dedictedly do these and> communicate through the webiste custom URL ?> I am in chennai and i may not be able to promise a full time dedication> but definetly i can dedicate solid and sincere amount of time for this> task. > > thanks> > On Tue, 2007-03-13 at 23:20 -0700, S RAJAGOPALAN wrote:> > Shriman Narayana Devotees,> > > > I think we have spent enough time on discussion through net.> > It is time we decide on Action Plan. I have the following suggestions:> > 1. To start with invite Divyadesam and other similar groups to come> > under one single forum by sending their Name, Address with PIN code,> > Email Id, Contact Phone/Cell Numbers.> > 2. These people will be grouped Area wise for better co ordination and> > action.> > 3. Someone from US/CANADA to organise fund raising compaign by> > inserting requests over net and emailing to all Indians living there,> > coordinate collect funds and transfer to India,> > 4. Someone from Australia and Neziland to do as above.> > 5. Someone from UK to do as above.> > 6. Someone from Gulf and west Asian countries to do as above.> > 7. Someone from Singapore to organise as above in the East Asian> > countries.> > 8. Cluster wise committies in Divyadesam Areas - at> > Kanchipuram,Thirunangur, Srirangam, Kumbakonam, Mayavaram,> > Madurai, Srivaikundam, Sivaganga.- For identifying interested persons> > for Service, fund collection, identifying priority-wiseneeds of> > respective cluster temples. Also for identifying leading Businessmen,> > Industrialists Charitable Endowment Institutions and Rich men for fund> > Raising.> > 9. Central Co ordinating commitee at Chennai to organise and Run the> > show on dedicated and selfless service. > > I have written the above just to begin the activities.> > Further actions to be decided by various committees to> > be formed.> > > > Any other Action Plan/Suggestions may please be communicated to> > all Divyadesam members. > > > > Come, let us ACT FAST> > > > S> > RAJAGOPALAN> > > > > > > > ________> > Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate> > in the Answers Food Drink Q & A.> > > > > > > -- > He who meditates on Me as Supreme Personality of Godheas his mind constantly> engaged in remembering Me, undeviated from the path, O Partha is sure> to reach Me. Bhagwad Gita 8:8>

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