Guest guest Posted June 28, 2007 Report Share Posted June 28, 2007 Dear Bhaagavataah: Here is the invitation for Eechampaadi Jeeyar swami's 970th Vaarshika Tirunakshatra Mahootsavam. For further information please browse throug the following URL. Thanks Ranganathan Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more... you name it, we have it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 29, 2007 Report Share Posted June 29, 2007 This refers to the email circulated by a family at Tirupati about the thirunakshatram of above acharyan on 3rd July It is baseless and misleading to project that the echambadi jeeyar who lived nearly 1000 years back belonged to vadagalai sampradayam. ALL 74 simhasanathipathis appointed by sri ramanujar INCLUDING ECHAMBADI JEEYAR belonged to THENNACHARYA SAMPRADAYAM AS EVIDENCED IN THE INSCRIPTION AT SRIPERUMBUDUR TEMPLE. Vadagali as a sect was not even contemplated at that point of time Possibly some of the desendentants of this lineage adopted vadagalai sampradyam somewhere in 14th or 15th century AD much after the lifetime of swamy desikan Those who celebrate the jeeyar's 970th birthday should worship him the way he lived and nit twist the facts- no one has the right to project the life of another person contrary to facts. THESE FACTS SHOULD BE MADE KNOWN TO EVERY ONE AZWAR EMBERUMANAR JEEYAR THIRUVADIGALE SARANAM Adiyen dasan tirumalai echambadi srinivasa varadhan EV Narasimhan <evnarasimhan wrote: Dear Bhaagavataah: Here is the invitation for Eechampaadi Jeeyar swami's 970th Vaarshika Tirunakshatra Mahootsavam. For further information please browse throug the following URL. Thanks Ranganathan Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more... you name it, we have it. Send free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your Messenger. Download Now! http://messenger./download.php Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2007 Report Share Posted September 25, 2007 Dear Friends, Am forwarding this message on request of Sri Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh for all of you. Thanks, Ranganathan. ----- Forwarded Message ----Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh <vinjamoor_venkateshevnarasimhanCc: ananthavaradhan; ananthavaradhan; sudha blore <sudha.thiru; srivaradhan; Sadagopan.TE; TE Raja <tevaradarajan; t_e_bashyam; manavalan_59; tesbalaji; tekasturi; nt.seshadri; preethea_shah; tevchari; vivekte; tvallabhan; mukundan_es; srinivasan_desikansthiruvadi; svrgopalan12; usha.0804; sesha_29; krajagopa; echamkas; ramanuja ; ; Venkataraman TE <te.venkataraman; T.E.S. Varadhan <yesvee; Seshadri <teseshu; adminSent: Saturday, 22 September, 2007 5:29:26 PMRe: Invitation for Eechampaadi Jeeyar swami's 970th Vaarshika Tirunakshatra Mahootsavam. srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha srImadh varavara munayE namaha Dear Sri EV Narasimhan Swamy, I got a bouncing message from the following in which I am not a member. So I request you to kindly forward this reply to all these groups since you are a member (probably). I request this because, you wanted the world to know about these issues. The fact that these messages bounced back from these addresses made me wonder that I will not be able to fulfil your desire. Hence please forward this to all these groups. srivaishnavasabha Prabhandham darsanam desikasampradaya Jai-Srimannarayana vanamamalai tiruvenkatam (AT) eGroups (DOT) com nama-singapore bakthi-indonesia vaideekam Oppiliappan parakalamatham telesthothram guruvayur Nrsimhabhrthya RamanujaandDesika acharya sadhaka AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh <vinjamoor_venkateshevnarasimhanCc: ananthavaradhan; ananthavaradhan; sudha blore <sudha.thiru; srivaradhan; Sadagopan.TE; TE Raja <tevaradarajan; t_e_bashyam; manavalan_59; tesbalaji; srivaishnavasabha ; tekasturi; nt.seshadri; preethea_shah; tevchari; vivekte; tvallabhan; mukundan_es; srinivasan_desikansthiruvadi; svrgopalan12; usha.0804; sesha_29; krajagopa; echamkas; Prabhandham ; acharya ; ; guruvayur ; Nrsimhabhrthya ; Oppiliappan ; RamanujaandDesika ; ramanuja ; vanamamalai ; bakthi-indonesia ; desikasampradaya ; nama-singapore ; parakalamatham ; ; telesthothram ; tiruvenkatam (AT) eGroups (DOT) com; ; Jai-Srimannarayana ; ; vaideekam ; ; darsanam ; sadhaka ; Venkataraman TE <te.venkataraman; T.E.S. Varadhan <yesvee; Seshadri <teseshu; srivaishnavasriSent: Saturday, 22 September, 2007 5:10:59 PMRe: Invitation for Eechampaadi Jeeyar swami's 970th Vaarshika Tirunakshatra Mahootsavam. srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha srImadh varavara munayE namaha Dear Sri EV Narasimhan Swamy, First of all I am surprised that you even replied for our mail. I wonder why it took 3 months for you to get a reply of this sort from Dr TE Kasturi as nothing new is said in it and none of it is proved. I am herewith attaching my very long mail. As I see that you had copied your reply to all the in the world, I am marking my reply too. Fortunately or Unfortunately(for you) you gave me all these collective addresses and thank you for the same. While I definitely intended to reply as a Word file attachment, many of the (if at all they approve this message) cannot store the attachment and hence for the message to reach the world "as you intended it to be", I am replying in the body of the mail itself. ==================================Beginning of my reply========================================== Well this is just to set right the fallacies, that are being intentionally promoted by the most learned scholars of the Vadagalai Sect by starting their reply as "I thought to ignore the emails sent by certain persons because we felt they belong to “He who knows not and knows not he knows not” group. However certain learned scholars felt that such emails containing false statement and lies should be countered with a fitting reply revealing actual facts and position." History of Sri Vaishnavam and the Kalai bEdhams Was there a Kalai bEdham in existence before Swamy EmperumAnAr’s Thiru-avathAram? The Thenkalais say “NO” and the Vadakalais say “NO” too. And both hold that it was only their sect which was in existence and the other came into being, centuries later. Let us analyse the truth with respect to the historical evidences that we have. It is a well known fact and accepted by both the kalaiyArs, that it was Sri Nathamunigal, who revived the Divya Prabhandhams with the Grace of Sri Nammazhwar. From then onwards the present day Srivaishnavism, as we see, is mostly woven upon the Azhwars’ works, which in turn are the essence of the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and Ithihasas and all other Dharma Saasthraas. I am not going to elaborate on the Acharya lineage, as we are all well aware of this lineage and hence this needs no reproduction here. When one notices the trend, while the Sanskrit works, related to Sri Vaishnavism were always held in high esteem, it was only after the advent of Sri Nathamunigal, that the Azhwars’ works were appreciated amongst the Srivaishnava community. We have all read in our Sampradhaya History that, initially there was a huge resistance for reciting the Divya Prabhandhams in the Temples , as they were not in Sanskrit. Tamizh was not accorded its due glory by the group of people who resisted its infusion into the Srivaishnava society. But unfortunately for them, and fortunately for the world, the group which supported the Tamizh works grew and hence this “resisting” group had no option but to underplay until some conducive time comes. This group’s misfortune was so much that with the Thiru-avathAram of Sri Alavandhar and Sri Ramanuja, Tamizh got more prominence as it was being followed by the common man (and also because it was in no way against the Sanskrit works) and hence was easy for everyone to follow and attain the very coveted salvation. Who is this group which resisted the Tamizh in Temples ? Let us come to this conclusion in the due course. More about this group now. They considered that they were the saviour of the Vedas and Upanishads and all Sanskrit related works and they were strongly of the opinion that Tamizh was a language only for communicating with common man and not worth of being used in Temples for prayers and worships. This was very much against what the Azhwars themselves said. Sri Thirumangai Azhwar says “senthiRaththa tamizhOsai, vada sollAgi..”, when he describes the qualities of the EmperumAn (One example is sufficient here for the sake of brevity as there are more examples which will run into pages if written). Now did the Azhwar say so, questioned this group. The answer was obviously yes. Then this group concluded that they don’t revere the Azhwars at all. The reason was that this group was, for whatever reason it may be, believed that only the Brahmins are the superior human beings and not any others. The fact that the Azhwars cut across the society into all varnas, made this group not to accept them and hence resist their works being infused into the temples, while in reality, Srivaishnavism is quite clear that there is absolutely no hierarchy between the adiyArs of Sriman Narayanan. This group was always having a superiority complex being born as Brahmins and hence would not accept anyone less than a Brahmin, as worship able. Inspite of Azhwars’ works gaining a lot of acceptance within Srivaishnavism, this group some how managed to exist, though subdued. Coming to the Thiruman KAppu or the identity of the Thenkalais and Vadakalais, there was absolutely no difference on this as everyone, irrespective of whether they spoke for or against the Azhwars, were adorning the present day Thenkalai Thiruman kAppu and there was nothing like the present day Vadakalai Thiruman kAppu in existence. The proof for this statement can be seen from the fact that, to this date only a very hand ful of Divya Desams are Vadakalai, while most of the Divya Desams to-day follow Thenkalai tradition only. More on this proof, a little later. Coming back to the discussion on this Anti-Azhwar group, they just co-existed, as like even the atheists co-exist, till date. No explanation needed, as to why EmperumAn allowed them to co-exist as one cannot explain why He allowed the atheists and other non-believers to co-exist! So though this group sported the same Thiruman kAppu like that of others and though they followed Sri Alavandhar and Sri Ramanuja like others, in heart they were different from the mainstream. Well, the fact is that they were not able to gain any upper-hand at all during this period. In fact, the first difference of opinion surfaced during the times of Sri Ramanuja, when Sri KidAmbi AchAn, (as read from the Guru Paramparai and other vyAkhyAnams) differed in the opinion slightly. This then grew up slowly, until when Sri Desikar came into limelight. But the fact remained that the ThirumAn adorned by both the groups were identical to the present day Thenkalai Thiruman. Sri Desikar was, in the beginning, following this group of people who were high on the Brahminical Ego, as is evident from his works like Rahasyathraya-sAram, in which he has said that “thiruchurabhiyE AnAlum, gOtrathvam kazhiyAdhE”, meaning, even if Kamadhenu is an immortal cow, hierarchically it is very low. This was very much reflective of this groups inclination towards the Superiority of Sanskrit and also the Brahminical ego. But the fact remains that when Sri Desikar, moved to Srirangam and met Sri Pillai Lokachariar, he became completely changed and realized his mistake and then as a prAyachittham he did the commentary for AmalanAdhipirAn, sung by an AzhwAr who was considered to be born in the lowest of the lowest varNa . He changed but the others in the group did not. Also, as a mark of respect and love towards Sri Pillai Lokachariar, Sri Desikar composed the “lOkAchArya panchAsat” praising Sri Pillai Lokachariar in 50 slokas. This is still in vogue and recited in Melkote even today. Then came Sri Manavala MamunigaL who was considered as the last AchArya in the AchArya Rathna hAram by the Thenkalais. By his time, the other group, boldened by the Pre-Srirangam-visit works of Sri Desikar, started to create a lot of troubles everywhere, trying to uphold the supremacy. Which is why Sri Manavala Mamunigal referred to this group in his UpadEsa ratnamAlai in the verses, “azhwArgaLayum, aruLicheyalgaLayum, thAzhwAga ninaippavargaL thAm, naragil vIzhvArgaL endru ninaithu nenjE……” and few more pAsurams. That he did not address this group as “VadakalayArs” is a testimony to fact that there was no such “visible” separation during his times and it came into existence only after his time. Also, a person, who has bluntly condemned the behaviour of this type of people, would not have minded including the term “Vadakalai” if it was existent then. There was no need for a “sugar-coated-pill” as anyway he was very blunt in condemning them down. With this big prelude, let me get into the act of now negating the reply given by one Sri TE Kasturi. Let me also declare that I am keeping away from the family dispute regarding the Eachambadi family’s actual sampradhayam as I have clearly explained above and that could be how there are Eachambadiars belonging to both Sampradhayam. This “Know-it-all” swamy says… Quote 1 In fact it is widely believed that Thengalai as a sect started only after advent of Sri Pillai Lokacharyar, who is a contemporary of Sri Vendanta Desika and Sri Manavala Mamunigal era. The ancestors of the learned email writers might have adopted Thengalai Samradayam subsequently. End Quote My Reply: It must now be clear as to which was the original and which got branched out earlier from the above example from Sri Manavala MamunigaL’s UpadEsa ratnamAlai. Quote 2 The learned email writers have no right to interfere and with other Sampradayam with an attempt to change and rub their own Sampradayam on others End Quote My Reply: This is the best Joke of the decade or century or millennia if I can say so. The entire world seeing clearly as to who is interfering with other Sampradayam and who is “always” creating trouble in any divyadesam and who does this “regularly” to “usurp” the power. It is a real joke that this “Know-it-all” swamy from this sampradayam utters these golden words, while in reality they have no Locus-Standi to declare such thing. “Please preach only what you follow”. But definitely I Laughed from the Bottom of my Belly on seeing the above comment from you people. Wow!! What a great way to show out as if you are all the most virtuous and “appAvis”. Recently about 2 years ago, there was a ThridaNdam samarpanai made to Sri EmperumAnAr at Sriperumpudur by a well know Vadagalai Swmay. The swamy who collected money for this kainkaryam had said that the samarpanai is getting delayed due to some “design incompatibility”. Wonderful feed back to the investors on the delay. Let us look into what is the so called “designed incompatibility”. Only that the swamy had made the ThridaNdam with Vadagalai Thiruman on it while the Sriperumbudur Devasthanam follows Thenkalai tradition. Why? Why do you need to do these kind of stealthy acts and then tell world that the Thenkalais are very fanatic etc, while in reality, in Thiruvallur temple, you don’t even allow the Thenkalais to stand in Ghoshti. Nalla VEsham podareengappa. Now you cannot attribute one such incident to the Thenkalais, wherein they had ever interfered with the customs and traditions of a temple which is Vadakalai in character. There are records with me which will prove, how slowly and by usage of all malpractices how you converted the Kanchipuram Varadhar Temple to Vadagalai. In fact you breached the trust first and then started the activity. If I need to state it, it will be one another Mahabharatham. So I stop with this. But the reasons I am stating all these are, how did you ever think that you people are ever righteous that you could make such an allegation on us. If you are honest, you would never have made this comment at all. That only shows your people’s character. Quote 3 In Thirumalai the Usthavamurthy of Sri Srinivasa Perumal and His several Vahanam has depicts the inscription of Vadagalai Thiruman where as the Moolavar Perumal Vigraham has a unique Thiruman. Should we all agree to follow Vadagalai Sampradayam only in the Temple because of evidence of depictive inscription of Vadagalai Thiruman in Usthavamurthy of Sri Varu and his Vahanam? End Quote My Reply: Well, in my humble opinion you could have avoided this reference as this may cause much embarrassment to you. Let me clarify how. You said that the Thiruman Kappu on Moolavar is unique, isn’t it? Do you know how this uniqueness came into existence. I am sure you do, but you cannot express the same out for the fear of being branded a fanatic. When people belonging to your sampradayam (Vadagalai) were hell bent in converting the Tirumala Temple to Vadagalai Tradition from the existing Thenkalai (To this day the Periya Jeeyar Swamy and Chinna Jeeyar Swamy appointed by Sri Ramanuja and Sri Manavala MamunigaL respectively are the authorities on this temple and they have the ultimate rights, though the present day politicians have swindled most of them now), there was a huge case in the court during the times when the British were ruling. The then Judge, said that he would want to ask the Bhattar of the temple as to which “pAtram” was being recited in the temple as he is the one who would never have missed hearing this. Incidentally that man was a Vadagalai and hence all of your people coaxed him to say that it was only “rAmAnuja dayA pAthram” that is being recited, much against the fact that it was only “ Sri sailEsa dayA pAthram” which was in vogue and which has won its case all through the time. This Bhattar swamy, also gave a testimony that it was only “rAmAnuja dayA pAthram” that was being recited. Lo Behold!! Thiruvengadamudayan decided to expose this to the world and made the Judge ask this Bhattar to recite it as he was hearing it for many years and hence a two line sloka should now be memorized by him. And do you know what this Bhattar swamy recited. It goes thus “rAmAnuja dayA pAthram, dhee bhakthyAdhi guNArNavam, yathIndra pravaNam vandE ramya jAmAtharam munim” Wait Wait!! I have not made any mistake here. This was exactly what he recited and his blatant lie was exposed to the entire world. He put down his head in shame and confessed guilty. The glorious “SrisailEsa dayA pAthram” was restored. But the trouble did not stop. As there was a lot of false cases being filed by the vadagalais, the judge who was frustrated a lot at the mean behaviour, called both the parties and asked about the structure of the Thiruman. He noticed the difference in the Thiruman Kappu on the Thenkalais’ dwAdhasa puNdram and asked why there is a difference. Explanation was given as to the fact that, it was actually the form and if worn on the forehead exactly, it will occupy the eyes. Swamy Annangaracharaiar has given an excellent depiction of the evolution of this Thiruman Kappu, which I have added as addendum to this message. That will clarify. So the judge finally told the Thenkalais, that in any case this was one of forms that is being accepted by them (thenkalais), this looks neutral and asked if the vadagalais have any objection to it. For them anything other than the one with the “pAdham” was okay and they accepted it. This is how the so called ‘unique’ thiruman has come to stay on Moolavar. So in reality it is nothing but Thenkalai Thiruman only. And you said the utsavar is adorning a Vadagalai Thiruman??? What a blatant lie!! If you had any honesty in you and you are a sincere Vedic Brahmin, you will never utter this lie as you are definitely aware as to how it came into vogue. That was actually a “Kasturi”, like in the forehead of Namperumal. But, when you guys started dominating the temple slowly by all malpractices, you conveniently did not apply the Kasturi on the entire area and decided to apply it like “Srichoornam”, so that it looks like Vadagalai Thiruman. The most funny thing how ever is that some “ancestral know-it-all swamy”, decided to do the same way for the Ubaya NAchiyArs also, so that no one would contest later that, the perumAL also was adorning only Kasturi like the Ubaya NAchiyArs. Pity, he did not realize that, in NO DIVYADESAM, THE UBAYA NACHIYARS ARE WITH A THIRUMAN KAAPPU. Not even in those divya dEsams where the utsavars are really sporting a Thenkalai or Vadakalai Thiruman Kappu. Yet another para of this “know-it-all” swamy which made me laugh from the “Bottom of my Belly”. Well you can dismiss this entire reply as a lie. But we have clear judgement from the court on the Moolavar Thiruman Kappu case and the “pAthram” case. Interested “Know-it-all” sampradAyasthars can have a look at it. Quote 4 From the remarks about the Thennacharya in the email sent by the learned writers there seems to be a subtle indication of hatred towards Sanskrit and the Acharyas of other Sampradayam and Region As I believe that we are too small to even think of such thing I appeal to the learned email writers to show regard to other Sampradayam, Language and Acharyas End Quote My Reply: Oh my God!!! Did you say that the Thenkalais have scant regard for Sanskrit??? Look at yourself a little back and look at your history where in the supposedly great stalwarts of your sampradhAyam have declared that the prabhandhams of Azhwars are only for the Women and Non-Brahmin. Golden Words!! Still available in the court records pertaining to Sri Varadhar Sannidhi case. Who has the highest disregard for Tamizh and the Azhwar. Now I take you all to the prelude to conclude that it is exactly this Vadagalai Group which was opposing the infusion of Prabhandhams in the Temple even during Sri NathamunigaL’s days and the people who fought in this case, finally let the cat out of the bag in the Kanchipuram court case. But we the Thenkalais rever both and we never say that Sanskrit is inferior and hate it. Lots of proofs can be given to support this. True Ubaya VedAnthAchariArs are their in Thenkalai SampradhAyam to this date. Please note the word “True”, which means, they are truthful to their affiliations and don’t just stick to one for materialistic purposes. But what surprises me is, nowadays you people talk so high of AzhwArs. Remember, according to your original tradition, the moment you accept AzhwArs you cease to be a Vadagalai and become Thenkalai, as according to your own people’s declaration, you don’t rever AzhwArs anymore. This new found love of AzhwArs is associated your long term agenda of gaining control over a lot of temples which, you realized, cannot happen without accepting the AzhwArs and their works. So please do not try to paint a noble picture which is non-existing. However, if this new found love towards the AzhwArs, takes you in the right path away from malpractices, mispropagation etc, I will be definitely happy, as whether you agree are not, AzhwArs and their works are everyone. Quote 5 Are we competent to questions events that have taken place over thousand years? We are not aware what is happening next door yesterday and today and we do not know what is going to happen tomorrow. Such being the state of affairs it is amusing to note the learned email writers have stated as if the have witnessed with crystal clear clarity the various events of last thousand years or more!!!. If the learned writer believes in one religious historical data there are several to disprove the same End Quote My Reply: Can you live true to the above word. And if you live already, will you go ahead and preach your own sampradhAyasthars to stop all the activities they carry out in Kanchipuram and other DivyaDesams to convert the existing practices and characteristics? Let me touch the Eachambadi family issue a little here. We do not say that the Eachambadiars are only Thenkalai. Our objection was only to the effect that you had depicted in that blogspot that the Eachambadiars are only Vadagalai. So rest assured, that we are not interested in creating any trouble in your “family functions”. The original mail was written only with the intention of objecting to your exclusivity of Eachambadiars to the Vadagalai Sampradhayam. Having said the above, will you be daring enough to go out and preach your people to stay calm. There are many wastrels in your side, who will go to any extent to stop a Manavala MamunigaL sAtrumarai in Varadhar Sannidhi. Will you stop them. Your own Vadagalai Eachambadi Stalwart, Maduranthakam Eachambadi Veeraragavachariar swamy went to the extent of terming Sri Nampillai and Sri Vadakku Thiruveedhippillai as avatarams of “Kalipurusha”. Forget the Matam Shishyas or Thathacharis. That was your own brethren. What justification do you have for this fanaticism exposed by him. He may be no more now. But since you claim to be so virtuous why don’t you come out in the open and disown and condemn his words? And you talk about Rights to question the events!!!! How funny!!! Quote 6 Sri Kidambi Achaan (Madapalli Achaan), Sri Kidambi Ramanuja Pillan, Sri Kidambi Rangarajar. It appears that Thengalai as a sect started after Vadakathu Thiruveedhi Pillai by Sri Pillai Lokacharyar followed by Periavachan Pillai, Thiruvaymozhip_ Pillai and Manavala Mamunigal End Quote My Reply: The above para only exposes your knowledge about the Srivaishnavite History and in particular the AchArya Paramparai. You said that Thenkalai as a sect was started by Sri Pillai Lokachariar and followed by PeriyavAchAn Pillai. I wonder when did you get the authority to change the history and reset the “kAlachakra”. For your kind information, Sri PeriyavAchAn Pillai was a contemporary of Sri Vadakku Thiruveedhippillai who was the father of Sri Pillai LOkAchAryar. So from this exposition, can we conclude that your mail is just intended to fill the lines, as otherwise, we may consider your silence as acceptance of your allegations? You just wanted to reply and make yourself look genuine, which was never there. Quote 7 I feel that being a Srivaishnava one should leave of Ahamkaram and Mamakaram and attachment to the earthly Stulasarira which is being recognized as Thengalai / Vadagalai or any other sampradayam. Instead we should concentrate on Sukshmasarira of Jeevatma and surrender ourselves to Lord Narayanan. End Quote My Reply: If you really meant what you said above, then please explain the action of your Predecessor Sri Madhurantakam Swamy’s usage of the term Kalipurusha on Sri Nampillai and his SishyAs. And also, if you really meant what you said above, why are you and your people hell bent in converting all the temples to Vadagalai just to exhibit your authority and control? Here, when I said you and your people, I meant every Vadagalai and not just Vadagalai Eachambadiars. Quote 8 If the learned writers disagree with us they can have their own way. Let them start celebrating their first Ancestral Acharyas’ Thirunakshatram regularly as per their Sampradayam We will be glad that more number of Vaishnavas have started celebrating the Thirunakshatram of our great Acharyas Let there not be hatred and ill feeling towards each other Sampradayam End Quote My Reply: Rest assured we are celebrating our First AchAryA’s thirunakshathiram regularly. FYI, I am closely related to Eachambadi family and hence I know this fact. Quote 9 I conclude stating that 1. Vadagalai Sect existed before, during and after Ramanujar period. 2 .No one has a right to interfere with other Sampradayam Functions. 3. No one has right to rub their Sampradayamin in other Sampradaya Temples, Sannadhis, Upasannadhi Vaishnavan’s Thirumaligai functions and Kootasthar & Vamsasthar functions and Guruparampara End Quote My Reply: I conclude stating that The myth about Vadagalai sect existing before in the present form is now clearly exploded. Say it to yourself and your own sampradhAyathars first.Again, say it to yourself and your own sampradhAyasthars first, though I agree that the only function, which you people did not bother to hinder is SriVaishnava ThirumALigai functions. And also, please get the Guruparampara correct before you write AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh PS: All the older parts are removed as the same was already available to this mailing list by way of Sri EV Narasimhan's message. DELETE button is history. Unlimited mail storage is just a click away. DELETE button is history. Unlimited mail storage is just a click away. Forgot the famous last words? Access your message archive online. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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