Guest guest Posted June 29, 2007 Report Share Posted June 29, 2007 Note: forwarded message attached. Send free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your Messenger. 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Youflagged this blog as having objectionable content. SendAs SMS SearchBlog FlagBlog BlogFlagged NextBlog» Create Blog | Sign In skip to main| skip tosidebar SriAhobila Mutt, Chembur Wednesday,June 20, 2007 Presiding Dities and our Acharya Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha [Centre]SriLakshmi Narayana SriLakshmi Hayagriva Sri Prahlada Varadan Our Acharya:SriLakshmi Nrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana YatheendraMaha Desikan Postedby Sri Ahobila Mutt, Chembur at9:28 PM 0 comments Welcome to Sri Ahobila Mutt, Chembur Youare welcome to the newly started web site of Sri Ahobila Mutt, Chembur. In thissite we propose to provide Sevarthis with lots of information about our historyand activities. We will slowly build this Site to make this more interactive anduseful to all Bhaktas. In this direction, you are also invited to send in yoursuggestions as to how we can make this site Useful to You. Tostart with, you can now make enquiries through e-mail with the Temple on anymatter you think the Temple can be of help to you. You can also book for Sevasand Prasadams through e-mail. The e-mail address of the Temple is: ahobilamutt.chembur . All the Bhaktas are requestedto provide their e-mail addresses to the Temple Office so that they can beintimated of the forthcoming Temple festivals from time to time through e-mail.Thissite would carry a Section titled "Temple Activities for the Month" and thiswould get up-dated every day. To know the day to day Temple activities, Bhaktascan log on to this site and see what activities are there for the day in theTemple. Suchof those Bhaktas who are already on the Registers of ONE DAY UBHAYAM of theTemple are requested to communicate their e-mail address to us so that theTemple can mail details of their ONE DAY UBHAYAM dates through e-mail Postedby Sri Ahobila Mutt, Chembur at9:28 PM 0 comments Temple Activities during July 2007 10.7.07Todayis Ekadasi. Ekadasi is also called "Hari Vasaram" meaning it is the day of Hari,Sriman Narayana. And that is the importance of Ekadasi. Inobservance of Hari Vasaram, there would be Veda Recitation [Achidra Parayanam]at the Temple today at 5.30 p.m. 11.7.07Todayis Dwadasi. Religious Scriptures prescribe Bhagavan Nama Smaranam followed byHoly Feast for this Day. In observance of this prescription, there would be VedaRecitation [Kataka Parayanam] at the Temple at 7.30 in the morning and at theconclusion of Temple Pujas, there would be Holy Feast for all Bhaktas assembledat the Temple, say at 9.30 a.m. This Holy Feast is called "Dwadasi Paranai".Generally about 200 Bhaktas participate in this Paranai. All the Bhaktas areinvited to come to the Temple and have this Holy Feast.Forthose who take part in this Holy Feast, it is called Paranai. But for those whoorganise the Paranai and meet the expenses thereof, it is Anna Daanam. Bhaktasare aware, among all Danams, Anna Daanam is the greatest and earns enormousPunya to the one who play host to this Paranai. Bhatasare requested to come forward to play Host to organising this Feast by meetingthe expenses of one Paranai, which costs around Rs. 8000 to the Temple. May beone can Host this Paranai in honor of one's Parents or Acharya, by meeting thetotal expenses as above. In the alternative, one can also contribute any smalleramount towards arranging this Anna Danam and earn PUNYA and Blessings of LordSri Lakshmi Nrisimha. 12.7.07Todayis Maha Pradosham. Maha Pradosham is the time of appearance of Lord Sri LakshmiNrisimha from the Pillar to kill the Demon Hiranya Kasipu. The exact time ofMaha Pradosham is the time of sun set. In observance of this Maha Pradosham, theday's evening Aarti would be at sun set time. All Bhaktas are invited to visitthe Temple at this time and have the Darshan of Lord Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha andGoddess Mahalakshmi. 17.7.07Todayis the start of Month Aadi. It is the start of Festive Season as well. On thisday, the Sun God starts traveling towards south and hence the next six monthsare called Dakshinayanam. Thus today is the Dakshinayana Punya Kaalam. Tois celebrated as Aadi Pandigai in all our homes. We make Kheer out of the milkextracted from the coconut. All Bhaktas are requested to celebrate this day byvisiting Temple and praying before the Deities for the welfare of your Family.20.7.77Todayis the birth star of Sri Mahalakshmi, i.e. Uttiram. Today there would be SriSookta Homam in the Temple to invoke the blessings of Sri Mahalakshmi. TheHomam would start at 9 a.m. and would last for about two hours. At the end ofthe Homam, there would be Poorna Ahuti followed by Goshti, Satru Marai andDistribution of Prasadams.Allthe Asthikas are requested to participate in this Homam and receive the divineblessings of Sri Mahalakshmi.Todayis also the First Friday of Aadi month. Aadi Fridays are Holy Fridays forLadies. Today Sri Mahalakshmi will be adorned on Jhoola and all Families arerequested to visit the Temple and have the Darshan of Sri Mahalakshmi on Jhoola.There would be singing of devotional songs before the Goddess by ladies followedby Goshti and distribution of Prasadam. All Bhaktas are requested to visit theTemple, have the Darshan of Sri Mahalaskhmi and return home with Holy Prasadamsin their hands. 23.7.07Todayis the Tirunakshatram / Birthday of Lord Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha, the PresidingDeity of our Temple.Inthe ancient days, our Ancestors used to do penance [Tapasya] to invoke God.Pleased with their Tapasya, God used to grant them the boons they asked for. Butthese days, we are all so busy that we have no time to do any spiritualactivity. All that we have been able to do these days is to occasionally visitthe temple and pray for our welfare. Here is where, Sri Ahobila Mutt, Chemburhelps you by conducting Havans invoking the Blessings of Lord Sri LakshmiNrisimha. Theprocess of the Havan begins with a Prayer / Pooja to Lord Sri Lakshmi Nrisimhawho is considered the remover of all obstacles. It is followed by a Sankalpa inthe name of Devotees who have contributed to the performance of the Havanseeking the Blessings of God for the welfare of the families of those in whosename the Sankalpa is done. Then the Havan / Homam starts offering differentsacrificial items with chanting of Mantras. The program ends with Poorna Ahutifollowed by Goshti, Satru Marai and Distribution of Prasadams. Allthe Asthikas are requested to participate in this Homam and receive the divineblessings of Lord Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha. 26.7.07Todayis Ekadasi. Ekadasi is also called "Hari Vasaram" meaning it is the day of Hari,Sriman Narayana. And that is the importance of Ekadasi.Inobservance of Hari Vasaram, there would be Veda Recitation [Achidra Parayanam]at the Temple today at 5.30 p.m. 27.7.07Todayis Dwadasi. About Dwadasi Paranai, elaborate details are given against dateDwadasi on 11.7.07. All Bhaktas requested to participate in the Dwadasi Paranaiat the Temple and also make their contributions for doing this Anna Danam. Todayis also Maha Prasdosham. Maha Pradosham is the time of appearance of Lord SriLakshmi Nrisimha from the Pillar to kill the Demon Hiranya Kasipu. The exacttime of Maha Pradosham is the time of sun set. In observance of this MahaPradosham, the day's evening Aarti would be at sun set time. All Bhaktas areinvited to visit the Temple at this time and have the Darshan of Lord SriLakshmi Nrisimha. Todayis also Second Friday of Aadi Month. Aadi Fridays are Holy Fridays for Ladies.Today Sri Mahalakshmi will be adorned on Jhoola and all Families are requestedto visit the Temple and have the Darshan of Sri Mahalakshmi on Jhoola. Therewould be singing of devotional songs before the Goddess by ladies followed byGoshti and distribution of Prasadam. All Bhaktas are requested to visit theTemple, have the Darshan of Sri Mahalaskhmi and return home with Holy Prasadamsin their hands. 29.7.07Todayour Acharya's 16th Chaturmasya Vratam commences at Srirangam, Tiruchi, TamilNadu. This Vratam would last till 26.9.2007.SanatanaDharma has prescribed four Asramas, viz. Bramhacharya, Grahastha, Vanaprasthaand Sanyasa. And every Asrama has its special Dharma or Duty. As for the SanyasaAsrama, it has been enjoined that a Yati will always be a Parivrajaka, i.e. beon the move. The idea is that he should be moving from place to place, cominginto contact with his disciples, ministering to their spiritual needs, andguiding them to regulate their lives according to the Sastras. But the Yatis areenjoined to stay at one place during the Chaturmasya period. Asper Religious scriptures, Chaturmasya is the period of Srushti. It is duringthis period Lord Lakshminarayana lies in Ksheerabdhi on the Adisesha and startshis Srushti. When he makes his srushti, rains start falling and many creaturesstart their new birth and thus the roads are filled with them. And during thisperiod of Chaturmasya, when new born creatures would be filling the rainystreets, it is necessary that Yathis stop their movement and be at one place, sothat their movements in Groups do not endanger the new creatures on the rainyroads. TheParivrajakas, during this Chaturmasya period introspect the activities they didduring the whole year and plan for the future. This Chaturmasya is called the"Vyasa Puja" in North India. On this occasion, the Disciples and Devotees offertheir respects to their Guru and pay their Guru Dakshina in reverence. Sishyasand Devotees of Sri Ahobila Mutt at Mumbai are requested to take part in theChaturmasya Sankalpa Mahotsavam being held at Sri Dasavathara Sannidhi,Srirangam on 29.7.07 and receive the Blessings of Lord Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha andSrimad Azhagiyasingar. Alternatively, they may send to Sri Matam their GuruDakshina and contribute to Sri Acharya's stay expenses during this ChaturmasyaVratam. Sri Ahobila Mutt, Chembur, would be happy to receive the contributionsfrom the Disciples at Mumbai and transmit the same to Sri Acharya at Srirangamfor this year's Chaturmasyam. Postedby Sri Ahobila Mutt, Chembur at3:34 AM 0 comments Tuesday,June 19, 2007 Location Reserved further Posts Postedby Sri Ahobila Mutt, Chembur at4:44 PM 0 comments Postedby Sri Ahobila Mutt, Chembur at10:05 AM 0 comments Subscribeto: Posts (Atom) BlogArchive â–¼2007 (5) â–¼June (5) Presiding Dities and our AcharyaWelcome to Sri Ahobila Mutt, ChemburTemple Activities during July 2007Location Reserved further Posts AboutMe SriAhobila Mutt, Chembur View mycomplete profile ÿØÿà ÿØÿà Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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