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66.vakshasThale cha vipulam nayanothpale cha

mandhasmithe cha mrdhulam madhajalpithe cha

bimbaaDhare cha maDhuram muraleerave cha

baalam vilaasaniDhim aakalaye kadhaa nu.


When am I going to see the wide chest, eyes like blue lotuses , soft smile, charming speech, the lips like bimba fruit and the sweet music of the flute of the boy the treasurehouse of elegance and beauty?


The chest of Krishna ,vakshasThala is broad, vipula, his eyes are like blue lotuses, uthpala, his smile and speech are soft and enchanting, his lips resemble the bimbafruit, bimbaaDhara, and the music from his flute, muraleerava, is maDhuram, sweet. The child Krishna, baala, is the treasurehouse, of all that is elengant and beautiful, vilaasaniDhi..


67. ardhraavalokithadhayaapariNaddhanethram


aadhyam pumaamsam avathamsithabarhin barham

aalokayanthi krthinaH krthapunyapunjaaH


Blessed are they who are seeing the Supreme being manifest as Krishna, with eyes full of mercy and comforting glances,his lowerlip charming with the nectarine smile bursting out, with peacock feather on his head.


Leelasuka says those who see Krishna always have done some punya, krthapuNyapunjaaH, because they are seeing the Supreme being, aadhyam pumaamsam, who has assumed the form of a cowherd boy, with peacock feather adorning his head, avathamsithabarhibarham.. His eyes are filled with mercy, dhayaa pariNadDhanethram and his glances are providing cool comfort, aardhraavalokitham. A nectarine smile,smithasuDhaa, emerges out of his lower lip, aDharoshTam. Leelasuka exclaims that how blessed are they, krthinaH, who are able to see him thus.


Those who have the perception of Brhaman, the Supreme reality through meditation do so after a lot of Thapas and punyakarmas. Those who see Krishna without understanding that he is the supremepurusha but love him as the gopas and gopis did , also have acquired merit through their previous births. How much more blessed are they who see Krshna as the supreme purusha, like Uddhava, Vidura, Bheeshma etc. this is the implied meaning of the sloka.


68.maaraH svayam nu madhuradhyuthimandalam nu

maaDhryameva nu manonayanaamrtham nu

vaaNeemrjaa nu mamajeevithavallabho nu

baalo ayam abhyudhyathe mama lochanaaya

Is this boy who appears in front of me, Cupid himself, or the orb of the moon, spreading pleasant light, or the personification of sweetness, or the nectar for eyes and the mind, or purity of speech itself, or is he my dearest life?


Leelasuka visualizes, abhyudhayathe mama lochanaaya, Krishna in front and wonders about his enchanting presence. Is he the ManmaTha, maara himself ? No because ManmaTha has no limbs, ananga. Is he the orb of the moon maDhuradhyuthimndalam who spreads the pleasant luminance? No because the moon has light which is sweet but Krishna is sweetness itself maaDhuryameva, . But the sweetness is abstract but Krishna is sentient. He is the nectar to our eyes and mind, manonayanaamrtham. Yet the nectar is liquid. He is the purity of speech, vaaneemrjaa? But he is vaachaam agocharam, beyond speech. Is he my dearest life, praaNavallabha? No he is the life of my life.


Srimadbhagavatham has a sloka describibg Krishna who appeared to the gopis after making them sorrowful by sudden disappearance.

Thaasaam aavirabhooth Sourih smayamaanamukhaambujaH

Peethaambardharasrgvee saakshaath manmaThamanmaThaH(srimadbhagavatham(10-32-2)


69.baalo ayam aalola vilochanena vakthreNa chithreekrthaDhingmukhena

vesheNa ghoshochithabhooshaNena mugDhena dhugDhe nayanothsukam naH


This boy with his moving eyes, with is face that adorns the directions, by his attaractive attire and ornaments suited to his assumed costume of a cow-herd, msakes the joy flow from our eyes.


The eyes of Krishna are always moving here and there, aalolavilochana, and his face,vakthra that turns in all directions beautifying them, chithreekrthadhingmukha with his looks , smiles and speech. He has put on a costume of a cow-herd with all the suitable ornaments, vesheNa ghoshochithabhooshaNena, hiding his parathva, supremacy and looks attractive. By all this he causes the tears of joy to flow, dugDhe nayanothsukam, from the eyes of his devotees.


The joy of seeing the eyes, the face and other aspects of the beauty of Krishna, the devotee could not contain his joy and it flows from his eyes as tears.


We find the parallel idea in Desika's Hayagreevasthothra where he says,



.svaamin pratheechaa hrdhayena DhanyaaH


amaanthm aanandhapayoDhim anthaH

payobhiH akshNaam parivaahayanthi


Oh Lord, the blessed ones see you inside them by their mind turned inward and their joy becomes boundless like the sea on the rise of moon , that is You. They let the flood of joy out in the form of tears.







































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