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Dear SrI Santhanagopalan :


Thanks very much for your feedback .

Sriman Anbil Swamy has written about the 74 SimhAsanaadhipathis .

Sri Sridhar of Bangalore has included stala PurANams including

Sri SrinivAsa KalyANam . I am sure that some members of

the divya dEsam group will be able to provide stala purANams .

You have to approach the stala PurANams with some care .

They are meant for special celebration of the dhivya dEsam

and its Presiding EmperumAn and will be largely based on

PurANams and some times it will be confusing . For instance more than

one Dhivya dEsam will link themselves to JatAyu , VaamanaavatAram ,

ThrivikramAvatAram , NrusimhAvatAram et al .


NamO NaarAyaNAya,




Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:05 AM

Re: Saranagathi Release Announcement - ahobilavalli series - 104th eBook -SrI ParaaSara BhaTTar's ashTaslOki



I have been a silent beneficiary of all the postings on the list and enjoying all the pdf material for which i am grateful to you and all concerned in contributing such a noble work.


I have a humble request.

I have a collection of all the 108 Divya desams, but I would like to have the sthala puranams of all the 108 deivya kshetrams in pdf format.


Adiyen also requests you or anyone on this list who can help me in understanding the details and names of all the 74 simhasana Adhipatis ( acharyas) nominated by Bhagavad Ramanujacharya.


Eagerly awaiting .


Santhana Gopala Dasan




Dr. Sadagopan

Ponnappan ; Sgt ; Swami ; DS ; RamanujaandDesika

Cc: av ; srinivasan sowmianarayanan

Thursday, May 08, 2008 7:47 AM

Saranagathi Release Announcement - ahobilavalli series - 104th eBook -SrI ParaaSara BhaTTar's ashTaslOki









Dear SrI VaishNavAs :


The ahobilavalli team is pleased to announce the release of the 104th eBook in ahobilavalli series –“SrI ParASara bhaTTar’s ashTaslOki” on this Akshaya trutheeyai day of SarvadhAri samvatsaram . Along with the insightful and lucid commentaries of Oppiliappan Koil Dr. V.N.Vedantha Desikan and DevanArviLAgam Dr.S.Padmanabhan, adiyen has provided additonal notes to this powerful set of slokams that flowed from SrI ParaaSara bhaTTar, one of the most eloquent and revered AchAryans of VishishtAdvaitham. Filled with enchanting pictures of Malayappa Swamy, NamperumAL, SrI PrahlAda Varadan and Karigiriappan, this eBook is our humble offering to the aasthika community to explain in simple terms the lofty tattvams behing the rahasya mantrams.


A separate audio link for the rendition of this slokam by SrI Sunder Kidambi of www.prapatti.com has also been provided in the web-page to enhance the reading experience. The audio is available in both wma and mp3 formats. Clicking on the required link will start the audio.


Namo SrI RanganAthAya ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadadgopan




The links are as follows:


eBook # 104 – Ahobilavalli Series – – “SrI ParASara BhaTTar’s ashTaslOki”









The same can be downloaded from the miror-site:











NOTE: Those having difficulty in accessing the books can press CTRL+F5 to clear their cache and reload the page.


For other eBooks and titles please browse:


www.ahobilavalli.org/ebooks.htm (or) www.ibiblio.org/sadagopan/ahobilavalli/ebooks.htm



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