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krishnakarnamrtham-part2-slokas5 to10

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5. kandharpaprathimalla kaanthi vibhavam

kaadhambinee baanDhavam

brndhaaraNya vilaasinee vyasaninam

vesheNa bhooshaamayam

mandhasmera mukhaambujam maDhurima

vyaamrshta bimbaaDharam

vandhe kandhalithaardhrayouvana

kaiSorakam SaarngiNaha


I salute the budding youth of Krishna, kandhalithaaardhra youvanakaiSorakam, who vanquishes the god of love with his lustre, kandharpaprathimalla kaanthi vibhavam, who closely resembles the row of dark clouds, kaadhambinee bhaanDhavam, the enchanter of the gopis, brmdhaaraNyavilaasineevyasaninam who is decorated with ornaments, vesheNabhooshaamayam, and whose lotus-like face with sweet smile, mandhasmeramukhaambujam, spreading over his lips, maDhurimaa vyaamrshta bimbaaDharam .


6.aamuktha maanusham amuktha nijaanubhaavam

aarooDayouvanam agooDa vidhagDhaleelam

aamrshtayouvanam anashtakiSorabhaavam

aadhyam mahaH kimapi maadhyathi maanase me


A wonderful primordial form of light, aadhyam kimapi mahaH, Krishna is playing delightfully in my mind, maadhyathi maanase me.. He is beyond human attributes, aamukthamaanusham without swerving from His glory, amuktha nijaanubhaavam, assumed youthful form by Himself, aarooDayouvanam, but His real nature is not hidden from His devotees but discerned from His leelas, agooDa vidhagDhaleelam. He is at the brink of youth,aamrshtayouvanam, still not relinquished his childhood, anashtakiSorabhaavam..


Krishna appears as human but he is beyond the human limits because even in his incarnation as the son of Vasudeva, he has not given up his glory as he did in Ramavathara. He has assumed the form of youth but his leelas like playing with the gopis, do not deceive the devotees who know his real identity and hence enjoy them. He is not yet out of childhood just touching the youthful state. He is the Supreme reality, the self illumined light that is the root of everything and "this light is playing in my mind gleefully," says Leelasuka.


7.the the bhaavaaH sakalajagathee lobhaneeyaprabhaavaah

naanaathrshNaa suhrdhi hrdhi me kaamamaavirbhavanthu

veeNaavenukvaNitha lasitha smeravakthraaravindhaath

naaham jaane maDhuram aparam nandhapuNyaamburaaSeH


Let the exploits of Krishna, the sea of fortune of Nandha, nandhapuNyaamburaaseh desired by all the three worlds, manifest in my heart, which is befriended by mean desires. I do not know anything else sweeter than the smiling face of Krishna blossomed out by the sound of the music from his flute , resembling that of veeNa.



The heart of man is riddled with mean desires. Leelasuka says that his heart has been befriended by these desires, naanaathrhNaasuhrdhi, so long. But when the lotus-like face of Krishna, , smiling and blossoming, lasithasmera vakthraravindhaath, with the pleasure of the music from his flute which sounds like veena, veeNaaveNukvaNitha, appears in the heart the thoughts of other desires go away and the heart is filled with the exploits of Krishna, the the bhaavaah, which are enchanting to all the three worlds, thrijagatheelobhaneeyaprabhaavaah, because , says Leelasuka, he does not know, naaham jaane, anything more delicious, maDhuram aparam, than his face.


8.sukrthibhiH aadhrthe sarasaveNu ninaadhasuDhaa

rasalaharee vihaara niravagraha karNapute

vrajavarasundhareemukha saroruha sanmaDhupe

mahasi kadhaa nu majjathi madheeyam idham hrdhayam


When will my heart get immersed, kadhaa nu majjathi madheeyam idham hrdhayam, in that light, mahasi, that is Krishna, who is worshipped by those who have done good deeds in previous life, Krishna,whose ears revel without hindrance the waves of the nectarine music from the sweet flute that he plays, aadhrthe sarasaveNu ninaadhasuDhaa rasalaharee vihaara niravagraha karNapute,

who is like a bee to the lotus of the faces of the most beautiful damsels of Gokula, vrajavarasundhareemukha saroruha sanmaDhupe.


To worship Krishna one needs to have done sukrtha , meritorious deeds in the previous birth. Leelasuka describes Krishna s the bee that hovers around the lotuses which are the faces of gopis. He further says that Krishna revels in the music from his flute which is like nectar to his ears, and flows like a flood unrestricted.


9. thrshNaathure chethasi jrmbhamaaNam

mushNan muhuH moha mahaanDhakaaram

pushNaathu naH puNyadhayaikasinDhoH

krshNasya kaaruNya kataakshakeliH


May the kind glances of Krishna, who is the ocean of mercy and puNya, remove the darkness of delusion in our mind afflicted by desire, and protect us.


The dense darkness of delusion, mohamahaanDhakaaram, grows in the mind, chethasi jrmbhamaaNam, which is afflicted by desire, thrshNaathure. The kind glances of Krishna, krishNasya kaarunyakataakshkeliH, alone can remove, mushnan, the delusion caused by desire because he is the ocean of mercy and puNya, puNyadhayaikasindhoH.



10. nikhilaagamamouli laalitham

padhakamalam paramasya thejasaH

vrajabhuvi bahumanamahetharaam

sarasakareesha viSesharooshitham


We adore, bahumanmahe, the lotus feet, padhakamalam, of the Supreme light, paramasya thejasaH, that is Krishna, which is honoured at the head of all the Vedas, nikhilaagamamouli laalitham, and which is now smeared extensively, viSesharooshitham, with wet cow-dung, sarasakareesha, in the cowshed, vrajabhuvi.


The feet of Krishna, the Supreme Being of whom the Vedas extol, are found on the top of the Vedas, namely the Upanishats. That is, He is the Brahman of the upanishats. The same feet are found in the cowshed of Gokula, smeared with cow-dung. Leelasuka says that he adores the feet covered with cow-dung because it shows the soulabhya and vaathsalya of the Lord, who disguising His parathva, supremacy, appeared as a common cowherd to protect his devotees and became easily accessible to all.





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