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NaadhOpAsana : 72 MeLakarthA Raaga Krithis of Kaimakrya SrI Padma VeerarAghavan on Oppiliappan Part IV

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SrI: Dear Sangeetha RasikAs and NaadhOpAsakAs :





On this SarvadhAri Aadi Hastham day , when the Param JyOthi of Hasthi Giri Varadhan lights adiyEn's path , adiyEn would like to start on the First Mela Raaga krithi composed in Raagam KanakAngi of Indhu chakram by Kaimkarya SrI Srimathi Padma Veeraraghavan.


KanakAngi Krithi ( MeLa Raagam 1)


Pallavi :


unnai nambhinEn Iyyaa adiyavar meyyaa

yennai maRanthEnE Chakkarak-kayyaa




KanakAngi nAthanE gathi neeyE YennappA

dhinamunait-tutitthEn thUyA yenn nEyA




pAdinEn palakAlum padhamalart-tEnai

nAdinEn ninnadiyai nalam pala adaintEnE

tEdi ninn aruL vENDit-tiruviNNagarat-tEnE

koodinEn unn aruLAl GuNa nidhiyE kOnE


Yeduppu is in Suddha rishabham .


Pallavi Vaakyams:


Overall meaning of the Pallavi Vaakyams:


Oh my Sarva Swami ! adiyEn has placed my unassailable faith in You as my anAtha rakshakan and Aabhadh BhAndhavan . With this mAhA viswAsam sustaining me , adiyEn has performed SaraNAgathy at Your sacred Thiruvadi and placed the burden of my protection at Your lotus feet . Oh Lord who is always true to Your devotees ! Oh Kinkara SatyA ! Oh Lord holding the resplendent Sudarsana chakram in your

upper right hand for Bhaktha RakshaNam ! Meditating on Your six kalyANa guNams and dhivya MangaLa vigraham , adiyEn has forgotten totally about the ills of this samsAric world and sought You as my nithya mangaLam and Sarva AadhAram . Tava DaasOham ! KshEmam Kuru !


The three groups of words of the Pallavi are:


1)Unnai nambinEn Iyyaa

2) adiyavar meyyaa

3) yennai maRanthEnE chakkarak-kayyaa


Let us seek the echos of the words of the Pallavi now :


!) Unnai nambhinEn Iyyaa !


Oh AkASa NagareeSA ! ThvAm SaraNam gatha: , With total trust in Your words " Aham thvaa sarva pApEbhyO mOkshayishyAmi maa Sucha: ,MaamEkam SaraNam vraja" , adiyEn ,the aSaraNya SaraNyan ( one who has no other protector) has performed SaraNAgathy and placed the burden of protection at Your tender feet.


adiyEn is comforted by the words of my ParamAchAryan , Your GanThavatAran , Swamy Desikan to have unshakable faith in You . He instructed us :


maRRoRu PaRRinRi vanathadintArkellAm

kuRRamaRiyAtha kOvalaNAr-muRRum

vinai vidutthu viNNavarOdu onRa viraihinRAr

ninaivudaitthAi nee manamE nillu


(Meaning): Oh my mind ! Please stay in a state free from worries .Our Lord , who incarnated as GopAlan overlooks all the blemishes of those , who sought His feet as refuge and rushes to unite us with His nitya Sooris at His Parama Padham . Oh My Mind ! keep remembering this and stay in a state free from any worries ( klESams).


Unnai nambhinEn IyyA : Here Iyya stands for the recognition of Sarva vidha Swamithvam of Oppiliappan , who is matchless ( OppilA appan ).


Unnai: Unnai really stands for unnayE

( You alone ) . ThvAmEva SaraNam gatha:( adiyEn has surrendered only to You and You alone ) . The famous statement of Swamy Desikan comes to our mind : If you have vowed to protect us, where is the need for anyone to come to our rescue? If You have decided not to protect us , what is the use of anyothers coming to our rakshaNam ? Andal's determined declaration ,"UnakkE NaamAtccheyvOm"

has also to be reflected upon .


nambhinEn : This word reminds us of the Aarabhi kruthi of Saint Thyagaraja , where he says : " NinnE nEra namminAnu --neerajAksha nanu BrOvamu "

(Meaning): " I had sought the protection of all and sundry , and realising the futility of it , I have reposed my entire faith in You ; pray, protect me. ...

I have firmly believed that You are the God that could undo the effects of my past karmA and with compassion , protect me always. I have sought Your refuge , knowing fully that it is not possible for anybody else to give protection to sinners."


The other words of Pallavi are : adiyavar meyyaa , yennai maRanthEn ,

chakkarak-kayyaa !


Swamy Desikan salutes the Lord as " adiyavarkku meyyan " , Kinkara satyan

and natha satyan . He is Paaratantryan

to His AaSritAL .He is Satya vratan and never lets His devotees down .


Chakkarak-kayyaa : Oh Lord with Sudar Aazhi in Your hand to protect Your devotees ! You are my sole refuge .


Yennai maRanthEn: Oh ShADguNya PoorNa ! " JeevAdhArA ! Raajeeva lOchanA ! Raaja Raaja SirOmaNi !"

You are the be all and end all for me .

You are the prop of my life and the flower of my AarAdhanam .Experiencing You as the lustre in my eyes and the fragrance in my nose , I recite Your sahasra nAmAs and forget myself .Oh bewitching Lord . You are tannoppAr illappan . Your manas ( mental disposition) , charms( sogasu), methods

( dinusu) are unique. I have forgotten myself thinking of Your roopa mahimA ,

Paratvam and Naama mahAtmyam . My joy is boundless.


To be continued:anupallavi & charaNam

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan











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