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B.C.VENKATAKRISHNAN.--- On Sun, 9/7/08, Dr.V.Sadagopan <yennappan wrote:

Dr.V.Sadagopan <yennappanFw: MODERATE -- saranga_kidambi posted to "venkata krishnan" <bcvk71Sunday, September 7, 2008, 11:49 PMFYI.


- " Notification" <-accept-Pz3LagMbDqz1xTH9svCpOIM >

<-owner >

Friday, September 05, 2008 2:12 PM

MODERATE -- saranga_kidambi posted to


> Hello,


> A message has been sent to the group from


> saranga_kidambi


> The message summary:

> --------------------

> FROM: saranga_kidambi

> DATE: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 18:11:56 +0000

> SUBJECT: Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge in Hinduism


> praNAmams to all. I have come across these that will shed

> light on some of the topics that are interest to many of us,

> Indians. Please listen and enjoy the greatness of our

> motherland.


> Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge in Hinduism - 1:


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY4Q2xx7BTc & feature=related


> Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge in Hinduism - 2

> --------------------


> A complete copy of this message has been attached for your convenience.


> This message requires your approval for one of the following reasons:

> * Your group is set to moderate all messages from this user, OR

> * Your group is set to moderate messages from all users


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> -reject-DswyoTvAmeJv668r_7NoDOA


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> take action within that time, the pending message will be automatically

> rejected. does this to maintain a high quality of

> service for our users.


> Thank you for choosing .


> Regards,


> Customer Care



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Adiyen Namaskaram

You tube is not functioning

what will do

N. Selvarangan--- On Mon, 8/9/08, venkata krishnan <bcvk71 wrote:

venkata krishnan <bcvk71 Fw: MODERATE -- saranga_kidambi posted to "'Lila'" <ssmfus, astronomy102, "BCVENKATAKRISHNANNewsListgroup" <bcvenkatakrishnannewslist >, "" , "Cirhep" <cirhep, "Daniel" <thegreeenforest, "Daniel Salas" <admin, "Dhan Rousse" <integr8ted, "Divya Venkat" <hari_om_shanti2001, "Divya Bhargav" <divya.bhargav, , "Dr..V.Sadagopan" <yennappan, "Eswaran R.K." <eswaran_ar, "Henry Adjei" <member, "indiaarchaeology" <IndiaArchaeology >,

, "Julie" <jcam68, kazhill1418, "Lakshminarayanan" <ssiwams, lolita_mist, "megalegoland" <megalegoland, "mena meenu" <mena_2137, "Mrs.Amina.A Bello" <aminabelloa001, "Muazzam Khan" <kakakhail_textile, myssteus, "Narasimhan EV" <evnarasimhan, "Navin Singh" <singhnavin, oddisilab1, "Padmakumar" <truepadma, panapakkam_agraharam, "Pavitra Ramanujam" <pavitrar, "Phillip" <darwin442002, "Pichumani Ramachandran" <pichumanir, "plasticschandra" <plasticschandra, "Ponnappan" <oppiliappan >, "Rajiv Varma" <rajiv.varma, "Ram Prasad" <exnora_ramprasadar7, "Ramesh Iyengar"

<nallanramesh, "Rangarajan.S." <s.rangarajan, "Ravi Prakash Arya" <vedicscience, "Reena SAI" <sunnyami_2000, "ronnie" <ronnie68ang, "shaneeswaragroup" <shaneeswara >, "siva parama" <siva_parama2000, solar_therapy, "srinivasa ramanujam" <gitaclass, "Stephan Knapp" <srinandan, "sujatha mohan" <sujatha.mohan, "Susheel Govind" <susheelgovind766, "Temple cleanersgroup" <temple_cleaners >, "Thirunarayanan K.Raghavan" <kkthiru, "Thiruppavaiandazvarsukthisgroup" <thiruppavaiandazvarsukthis >, "USBrahmins Group" <usbrahmins, "V Ramarao Neer Exnora" <lcwa1990, , "VFA members group"

<vfa-members >Monday, 8 September, 2008, 11:35 AM







B.C.VENKATAKRISHNAN .--- On Sun, 9/7/08, Dr.V.Sadagopan <yennappan (AT) computer (DOT) net> wrote:

Dr.V.Sadagopan <yennappan (AT) computer (DOT) net>Fw: MODERATE -- saranga_kidambi@ hotmail.com posted to "venkata krishnan" <bcvk71 >Sunday, September 7, 2008, 11:49 PMFYI.


- " Notification" <- accept-Pz3LagMbD qz1xTH9svCpOIM>

<- owner@ s.com>

Friday, September 05, 2008 2:12 PM

MODERATE -- saranga_kidambi@ hotmail.com posted to


> Hello,


> A message has been sent to the group from


> saranga_kidambi@ hotmail.com


> The message summary:

> ------------ --------

> FROM: saranga_kidambi@ hotmail.com

> DATE: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 18:11:56 +0000

> SUBJECT: Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge in Hinduism


> praNAmams to all. I have come across these that will shed

> light on some of the topics that are interest to many of us,

> Indians. Please listen and enjoy the greatness of our

> motherland.


> Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge in Hinduism - 1:


> http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=rY4Q2xx7BTc & feature=related


> Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge in Hinduism - 2

> ------------ --------


> A complete copy of this message has been attached for your convenience..


> This message requires your approval for one of the following reasons:

> * Your group is set to moderate all messages from this user, OR

> * Your group is set to moderate messages from all users


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> need to attach the original message, just reply and send.


> To reject this message using email, forward this message to


> - reject-DswyoTvAm eJv668r_7NoDOA


> NOTE: The pending message will expire after 14 days. If you do not

> take action within that time, the pending message will be automatically

> rejected. does this to maintain a high quality of

> service for our users.


> Thank you for choosing .


> Regards,


> Customer Care



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Dear Mr.Selvarangan,

Have you got a gmail a/c and if not create a gmail a/c and and after that if you click the link the website will open.

Yours faithfully,


website: www.vedascience.com--- On Tue, 9/9/08, Selvarangan Namperumal <nselvarangan wrote:

Selvarangan Namperumal <nselvaranganRe: Fw: MODERATE -- saranga_kidambi posted to Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 11:36 AM








Adiyen Namaskaram

You tube is not functioning

what will do

N. Selvarangan--- On Mon, 8/9/08, venkata krishnan <bcvk71 > wrote:

venkata krishnan <bcvk71 > Fw: MODERATE -- saranga_kidambi@ hotmail.com posted to "'Lila'" <ssmfus >, astronomy102@ , "BCVENKATAKRISHNANN ewsListgroup" <bcvenkatakrishnanne wslist@grou ps.com>, "" <>, "Cirhep" <cirhep (AT) sify (DOT) com>, "Daniel" <thegreeenforest@ hotmail.com>, "Daniel Salas" <admin (AT) indoeurohome (DOT) com>, "Dhan Rousse" <integr8ted (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, "Divya Venkat" <hari_om_shanti2001@ >, "Divya Bhargav" <divya.bhargav@ indiatimes. com>, , "Dr..V.Sadagopan" <yennappan (AT) computer (DOT) net>, "Eswaran R.K." <eswaran_ar >, "Henry Adjei" <member (AT) mail (DOT) whereareyounow. net>, "indiaarchaeology" <IndiaArchaeology>, ,

"Julie" <jcam68 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>, kazhill1418@ hotmail.com, "Lakshminarayanan" <ssiwams (AT) (DOT) co.in>, lolita_mist@ , "megalegoland" <megalegoland@ .fr>, "mena meenu" <mena_2137 >, "Mrs.Amina.A Bello" <aminabelloa001@ .co. uk>, "Muazzam Khan" <kakakhail_textile@ >, myssteus , "Narasimhan EV" <evnarasimhan@ .co. in>, "Navin Singh" <singhnavin >, oddisilab1 (AT) dataone (DOT) in, "Padmakumar" <truepadma >, panapakkam_agrahara m (AT) (DOT) co.in, "Pavitra Ramanujam" <pavitrar (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, "Phillip" <darwin442002@ >, "Pichumani Ramachandran" <pichumanir >, "plasticschandra" <plasticschandra@ gmail.com>, "Ponnappan" <oppiliappan>, "Rajiv Varma" <rajiv.varma@ terrazee. com>, "Ram Prasad" <exnora_ramprasadar7 @.co. in>, "Ramesh Iyengar" <nallanramesh@

rediffmail. com>, "Rangarajan. S." <s.rangarajan@ futurapolyesters .com>, "Ravi Prakash Arya" <vedicscience@ hotmail.com>, "Reena SAI" <sunnyami_2000@ >, "ronnie" <ronnie68ang@ . sg>, "shaneeswaragroup" <shaneeswara>, "siva parama" <siva_parama2000@ >, solar_therapy@ . co.in, "srinivasa ramanujam" <gitaclass >, "Stephan Knapp" <srinandan (AT) aol (DOT) com>, "sujatha mohan" <sujatha.mohan@ gmail.com>, "Susheel Govind" <susheelgovind766@ hotmail.com>, "Temple cleanersgroup" <temple_cleaners>, "Thirunarayanan K.Raghavan" <kkthiru (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, "Thiruppavaiandazva rsukthisgroup" <thiruppavaiandazvar sukthis@gro ups.com>, "USBrahmins Group" <usbrahmins@gro ups..com>, "V Ramarao Neer Exnora" <lcwa1990 (AT) (DOT) co.in>, , "VFA members group" <vfa-members@

. com>Monday, 8 September, 2008, 11:35 AM







B.C.VENKATAKRISHNAN .--- On Sun, 9/7/08, Dr.V.Sadagopan <yennappan (AT) computer (DOT) net> wrote:

Dr.V.Sadagopan <yennappan (AT) computer (DOT) net>Fw: MODERATE -- saranga_kidambi@ hotmail.com posted to "venkata krishnan" <bcvk71 >Sunday, September 7, 2008, 11:49 PMFYI.


- " Notification" <- accept-Pz3LagMbD qz1xTH9svCpOIM>

<- owner@ s.com>

Friday, September 05, 2008 2:12 PM

MODERATE -- saranga_kidambi@ hotmail.com posted to


> Hello,


> A message has been sent to the group from


> saranga_kidambi@ hotmail.com


> The message summary:

> ------------ --------

> FROM: saranga_kidambi@ hotmail.com

> DATE: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 18:11:56 +0000

> SUBJECT: Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge in Hinduism


> praNAmams to all. I have come across these that will shed

> light on some of the topics that are interest to many of us,

> Indians. Please listen and enjoy the greatness of our

> motherland.


> Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge in Hinduism - 1:


> http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=rY4Q2xx7BTc & feature=related


> Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge in Hinduism - 2

> ------------ --------


> A complete copy of this message has been attached for your convenience. .


> This message requires your approval for one of the following reasons:

> * Your group is set to moderate all messages from this user, OR

> * Your group is set to moderate messages from all users


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> http://groups. / group/malolan_ net/pending? view=1 & msg=2444


> To approve this message using email, reply to this message. You do not

> need to attach the original message, just reply and send.


> To reject this message using email, forward this message to


> - reject-DswyoTvAm eJv668r_7NoDOA


> NOTE: The pending message will expire after 14 days. If you do not

> take action within that time, the pending message will be automatically

> rejected. does this to maintain a high quality of

> service for our users.


> Thank you for choosing .


> Regards,


> Customer Care



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