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Fw: Fwd: Sri Vaikuntha Ekadashi at ISKCON Bangalore!!!

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--- On Thu, 1/22/09, parthasarathy k <kps2212 wrote:parthasarathy k <kps2212Fw: Fwd: Sri Vaikuntha Ekadashi at ISKCON Bangalore!!!"Anitha Parthasarathy" <anitha315Cc: viji215Date: Thursday, January 22, 2009, 5:17 PM


----- Forwarded Message ----Jaya Kannan <pkj235aravind nana son <blackbeltaravind; bharat <bharathchel; dr pandiyan <pandian7; edp swami <krish_nathan; etsathya; gokul <ag_krish73; parthasarathy k <kps2212; mukundan gm <ambuja50; nana madurai <mvn43; Sridharan Narayanachari <nsridharann; natarajan <natarajan_g; rajagopa <vr502; MURUGAN S <muruganips; sriphoto <sridharann; trips <jkt_2001Thursday,


January, 2009 11:20:50 AMFwd: Sri Vaikuntha Ekadashi at ISKCON Bangalore!!!



















Srinivasa Govinda! Govinda!!


Suprabhata Seva Darshan


Shri Shrinivasa Govinda ready to receive abhisheka


The transcendental body of the Supreme Lord being massaged with Sandalwood paste


Lord being bathe d with milk


Lord being bathed with the curds


Lord being bathed with sweet water


Lord being bathed with fruit juice


Lord being bathed with fruit juice


Lord being bathed with fruit juice


Lord being bathed with consecrated water


Lord being bathed with sanctified water from the nava-kalashas


Lord being bathed with sanctified water from the nava-kalashas


Nija-pada darshana


Lord receiving puspa-abhisheka


Lord receiving puspa-abhisheka


Shrila Prabhupada entering the Vaikuntha Dvara


All the seva-kartas following our beloved spiritual master Shrila Prabhupada


Shri Shri Lakshmi Narayana Shri Vaikunthadvarapati


Vishesha alankara to Shri Shrinivasa Govinda


Kalyanotsava seva was performed to the utsavar Shri Krishna, Rukmini Satyabhama


Shrila Prabhupada desired that anyone who comes to temple should receive sumptuous prasadam to the stomach full quantity


More than a lakh names of Shri Krishna were chanted


Devotees numbering in lakhs got a confirmation to Vaikuntha



"The Lord's beauty resembles a dark cloud during the rainy season. As the rainfall glistens, His bodily features also glisten. Indeed, He is the sum total of all beauty. The Lord has four arms and an exquisitely beautiful face with eyes like lotus petals, a beautiful highly raised nose, a mind-attracting smile, a beautiful forehead and equally beautiful and fully decorated ears. "(Srimad Bhagavatam)


Srinivasa Govinda.........! Venkataramana Govinda......!!




-- ---------------------- Carpe Diem ---- Venkat Parthasarathy The Hindu Hyderabad ----------------- Call: 98490 81111Visit: http://www.venkrekzworld.blogspot.com/



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THANKS FOR PROVIDING THE ALBUM. IT REALLY A FEAST FOR EYES TO HAVE NICE DARSHAN OF HIM.skcark--- On Sun, 25/1/09, P Vijayalakshmi <viji215 wrote:P Vijayalakshmi <viji215 Fw: Fwd: Sri Vaikuntha Ekadashi at ISKCON Bangalore!!! Date: Sunday, 25 January, 2009, 8:03 PM--- On Thu,

1/22/09, parthasarathy k <kps2212 wrote:parthasarathy k <kps2212Fw: Fwd: Sri Vaikuntha Ekadashi at ISKCON Bangalore!!!"Anitha Parthasarathy" <anitha315Cc: viji215Date: Thursday, January 22, 2009, 5:17 PM


----- Forwarded Message ----Jaya Kannan <pkj235aravind nana son <blackbeltaravind; bharat <bharathchel; dr pandiyan <pandian7; edp swami <krish_nathan; etsathya; gokul <ag_krish73; parthasarathy k <kps2212; mukundan gm <ambuja50; nana madurai <mvn43; Sridharan Narayanachari <nsridharann; natarajan <natarajan_g; rajagopa <vr502; MURUGAN S <muruganips; sriphoto <sridharann; trips <jkt_2001Thursday,


January, 2009 11:20:50 AMFwd: Sri Vaikuntha Ekadashi at ISKCON Bangalore!!!



















Srinivasa Govinda! Govinda!!


Suprabhata Seva Darshan


Shri Shrinivasa Govinda ready to receive abhisheka


The transcendental body of the Supreme Lord being massaged with Sandalwood paste


Lord being bathe d with milk


Lord being bathed with the curds


Lord being bathed with sweet water


Lord being bathed with fruit juice


Lord being bathed with fruit juice


Lord being bathed with fruit juice


Lord being bathed with consecrated water


Lord being bathed with sanctified water from the nava-kalashas


Lord being bathed with sanctified water from the nava-kalashas


Nija-pada darshana


Lord receiving puspa-abhisheka


Lord receiving puspa-abhisheka


Shrila Prabhupada entering the Vaikuntha Dvara


All the seva-kartas following our beloved spiritual master Shrila Prabhupada


Shri Shri Lakshmi Narayana Shri Vaikunthadvarapati


Vishesha alankara to Shri Shrinivasa Govinda


Kalyanotsava seva was performed to the utsavar Shri Krishna, Rukmini Satyabhama


Shrila Prabhupada desired that anyone who comes to temple should receive sumptuous prasadam to the stomach full quantity


More than a lakh names of Shri Krishna were chanted


Devotees numbering in lakhs got a confirmation to Vaikuntha



"The Lord's beauty resembles a dark cloud during the rainy season. As the rainfall glistens, His bodily features also glisten. Indeed, He is the sum total of all beauty. The Lord has four arms and an exquisitely beautiful face with eyes like lotus petals, a beautiful highly raised nose, a mind-attracting smile, a beautiful forehead and equally beautiful and fully decorated ears. "(Srimad Bhagavatam)


Srinivasa Govinda.........! Venkataramana Govinda......!!




-- ---------------------- Carpe Diem ---- Venkat Parthasarathy The Hindu Hyderabad ----------------- Call: 98490 81111Visit: http://www.venkrekzworld.blogspot.com/



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Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.

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