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Divine Article - KARMA AND INCARNATION PRINCIPLE IN HINDU RELIGION at www.thedivineshoppe.com

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The Hindu

Religion is a big treasure of Golden principles settled by the Great saints who

sacrificed their life in research for the benefit of the mankind. The twin

beliefs of deeds (karma) and reincarnation (re-birth) are among one of the

Hinduism's many jewels of great knowledge. The principles are not mere

assumptions but are the laws of the cosmos.


Our great

saints (rishis) researches that the God's force of gravity shapes cosmic order,

karma shapes the order of our life journey. Our sequence of various lives are

the basic reason behind creating and resolving positive and negative deeds and

their combination, because in every life we create some positive or negative

deeds or Karmas. During the succession of a soul's lives-through the mysteries

of our higher chakras and God's and Guru's Grace-no karmic situation will arise

that exceeds an individual's ability to resolve it in love and




meaning of Karma is " deed or act, " but in broad, it describes the

principle of cause and effect or action and reaction.


These days

people talks too much about “Past Life” and are very keen about

their past lives and are spending time, money and efforts to explore their past

life, which is in actual is unnecessary. Indeed it is a natural protection not

to know about your past life which relives us from past trauma or becoming

obsessed more with our past lives that our present life that the inner recesses

of the muladhara memory chakra are not easily accessed. For, as we exist now is

a sum total of all our past lives. In our present moment, our body and mind

state is the cumulative result of the entire spectrum of our past lives. So,

this is not significant that the intellectual know these two key principles of

Karma and Incarnation, but significant this is how we live currently to

positively shapes our karma and opens up spiritually. Knowing the law, that we

are responsible for the fruits of karmas from past lives and creating karma

that will project into future, will definitely advance us spiritually as we can

try to neutralize our act or Karma.


In simple,

the law of Karma is the law of action and reaction which affect, manage and

governs our consciousness. Most of the people know the principle of physics

postulated by Sir Isaac Newton that for every action there is an equal opposite

reaction. In spiritual science i.e. science beyond science, the law of karma

stats that for every physical, mental and even emotional act, whether significant

or insignificant, big or small, is manifested out in psychic mind substance and

finally returns to the individual with equal reaction or impact in various

forms / events.



our higher Chakras or energy centers can store and record in their memory and

such cosmic memory at our higher chakras level records the impressions of our

souls during its series of lives on earth, and in the astral/mental worlds

in-between earth existences. Our ancient Yogi, while psychically studying the

time line of cause/effect, divided the karmas or deeds in three



The first is sanchita karma

or collected deed, the sum total of our past created karma which are yet to be

experience or resolved by us.


The second is prarabdha

Karma, this is that portion of sanchita karma, the effect of which is being

experienced in the present life.


The Third one is Kriyamana

Karma, this is type of Karma or deeds which we are creating presently by our

mental, physical or emotional acts.



our yogis / saints also postulated the key to this karmic law, that the

negative sanchita karma or negative collective deeds can be transformed into

positive or easier state though our loving nature, development of heart chakra,

performing pious & religious dharma, mediation and spiritual practice. So,

live simply, religiously, positively with love and you will create positive

deeds or karma for future and ease the negativity of your past negative deeds.

Karma operates not only individually, but also in ever-enlarging circles

of group karma where we participate in the sum karma of multiple souls. This

includes family, community, nation, race and religion, even planetary group

karma. So if we, individually or collectively, unconditionally love and give,

we will be loved and given to. The individuals or groups who act soulfully or

maliciously toward us are the vehicle of our own karmic creation. The people

who manifest your karma are also living through past karma and simultaneously

creating future karma. For example, if their karmic pattern did not include

miserliness, they would not be involved in your karma of selfishness. Another

person may express some generosity toward you, fulfilling the gifting karma of

your past experience. Imagine how intricately interconnected all the cycles of

karma are for our planet's life forms.



people believe in the principle of karma, but don't apply its laws to their

daily life or even to life's peak experiences. There is a tendency to cry

during times of personal crisis, " Oh God, why you did this to me? " or

" I always did good deeds in my life so didn’t deserve this? "

The believer of Karmic law must know that while the God creator and sustaining

the cosmic law of karma, He does not manage or distribute the individual karma.

Look at Wrestler or a T. B. Patient, God does not produce T. B. ailment in

one’s body and fitness / strength of the wrestler in another's, but by

exercising our soul's powers of creation, we himself create our own

experiences. This principle of Karma, then, is our best spiritual teacher.

Spiritually we learn and grow as our actions return to us to be resolved and

dissolved. In this highest sense, there is no good and bad karma; there is

self-created experience that presents opportunities for spiritual advancement

of us. If we can't learn the karma lessons, then only we refuses to accept

and/or hurt by it, pouring us with physical, mental or emotional. The original

substance of our deeds or karmic event is already passed and no longer exists,

but this is our current reaction that creates a new condition of Karma or

experience. So, we need to neutralize our own reaction to stop this cycle of

Karma creation or alternatively practice to surrender our Karmas to God

spiritually by not expecting the fruit of it.




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