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udanamar kaadhal magaLir thirumagaL manmagaL aayar

madamagaL enRivai moovar, aaLum ulah gum moonRE

udanaviyokka vizungi aalilai sErndhavan en ammaan

kadal malimaayapperumaan kaNNanen okkalaiyaanE


Sreedevi, Bhoodevi Neela devi are

the three beloved consorts of the Lord and the worlds ruled by Him are also

three. He swallowed them at once and was seen lying on a banyan leaf. His Maya

is deeper than the ocean. Such a Lord, Krishna

has occupied my hip.


Azvar experiences the Lord as baby

Krishna seated on his hip, like that of Yasodha. He expresses his wonder

at the Maya of the Lord who has all the three consorts always with Him and who

controls the threeworlds and swalloed them in one gulp and was seen lying as an

infant on a banyan leaf. Such was the leela of the Lord which is even bigger

than the ocean and that was not all, but "He also is sitting on my hips,' says



udan amar kaadhal magaLir- The

three beloved consorts who are always with Him


thirumagaL, Lakshmi, maNamagal- Bhoodevi

and aayar magaL , nappinnai who was the incarnation of Neelaadevi. In

Krishnavathara it was Neela who married Krsishna first even before the other

two. She was born as the daughter of Kumbhaka , a yadhava and Krishna

married her by overcoming the seven wild bulls of her father. Bhoodevi was born

as Sathya bhaama and Sreedevi was born as Rukmini.


aaLum ulagamum moonrE – the three

worlds are bhooloka bhuvarloka and suvarloka. These three are annihilated

during pralaya but of the other four, mahar loka is not destroyed fully and the

other three jana, thapa and sathya lokas are eternal.


avai udan okka vizungi- The Lord

swallows the three worlds simultaneously in one gulp and not one by one,

meaning that the annihilation is simultaneous.


aal ilai sErndhavan- After the annihilation of

the worlds the Lord took a form of an infant and rested on a banyan leaf.


en ammaan kadla mali maayapperumaan kaNNan- "my

Lord Krishna , whose maya is deeper than the ocean," because even the ocean can

be fathomed but not His maya.


en marungil uLaanE- "He is on my

hips," like a child sitting on the hips of his mother.


From this pasuram the Azvar

experiences the Lord on different parts of the body from hips upwards. He

omitted the lower parts since one could not imagine the Lord there, they being

not sanctified.


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