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MoondrAm thiruvandhAdhi-Paasuram 1 (Part-2)

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai

Srimathe ramanujaya NamahaSrimad Vara Vara MunayE NamahaSri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha



Paasuram-1 (contd)

" thirukkaNdEn ponmEni kaNdEn thigazhum arukkan aNiniRamum kaNdEn-serukkilarum ponnAzhi kaNdEn purisankam kaikandEn ennAzhi vaNNanpAl endru "

After having the darshan of the divine consort, pEyAzhvar moves to have the divine darshan of her majestic throne (simhAsanam), the golden colored divine body.


(ponmEni kaNdEn) When a person is in utmost thirst, he cannot wait till someone gets some water for him. He will incessantly call, " Water! Water! "

Fallen into the same mode, piratti immersed in the divine beauty of the supreme Lord says, " I will never leave you even for a second – eraiyum agalagillEn "

Further due to the divine presence of the divine goddess and the glow of the divine discus and conch, expounded later, He glitters like a sun emitting colorful rays on top of a wavy ocean.

(thigazhum arukkan aNiniRamum kaNdEn) The union of perumal and piratti (the divya dampathis) was like a sun on top of a mountain filled with greenery. There is an extraordinary mix of the wonderful colors and I visualized the amazing sight.


PEyAzhvar here talks about the overall beauty-SamudhAyashObai. Suddenly azhvar with a motherly feeling feels that no harm should come to this divine beauty and immediately is reminded of those who are there to protect the divine beauty from any danger.


(SerukiLarum pon Azhi kaNdEn) Due to his extreme love azhvar gets fear in an inappropriate place (astAnE baya sankai).

I looked at the sudarsanAzhvan who is ready to wage war irrespective of those who are favorable or unfavorable for the sake of the lord's security.

Azhvar first enjoyed the divine beauty of the divine goddess then the golden discus.

With the same feelings periazhvar also did mangalasasanams to the divine couples (divine sErthi), the divine discus and divine conch,

" vadivAi nin vala mArbinil vAzhkindRa mangaiyum pallandu vadivAr sOdhi valaththuRaiyum sudarAzhiyum pallandu padaippOr pukku muzhangum appAnjajanniyamum pallAndE "


- (Thirupallandu-2)(purisankam kaNdEn) The divine discus will burn when some one comes near perumal to harm him.

But the divine conch makes a big sound that touches the ears of the enemies far away and kills them due to fear.


Puri sankam – pAnchajanyam – that which hunts on all 4 directions

Other adjectives like " koonaR sankam " (perumal thiru 1-8) and " koonEru sankam " (per.thiru 4-1) - that which has a curve due to sEshatvam (servitude) and immense bhagavat anubhavam. " prAnjalim brahmamAseenam " (Ramayana aran.4-42) – the brother, bending with folded arms. PAnchajanyam is also bent similar to that brother.

(sanku am kai kandEn) Even if he was not with this conch still his beauty will be like making us feel if some evil sight will fall on him creating harm. But now I saw the divine conch also in his divine hand.


(Azhi vaNNan pAl sankam kaikandEn) The sankam is in the hands of a ocean (usually conches are found underneath the ocean)

(ennAzhi vaNNan pAl) The calm and pleasant nature of an ocean removes all our worries. The supreme lord is like an ocean who gave his darshan and removed all my tiredness of fighting this samsAram.

Thus pEzhavar filled with paramabhakthi enjoyed the divine espy of an ocean (the lord) overflowing with number of glittering gems (the divine mother, the divine discus and conch) in this very first paasuram.


Points from DivyArthdeepikai of kanchi swamy


Azhvar starts with 'thiru' for an auspicious beginning.

Pon mEni – Though emperuman is supposed to be dark in color the effect of reflection from the divine goddess's divine body that is golden colored ( " Hiranya varnAm harineen " )spreads all over his body and makes a person seeing him to feel that the lord's divine body is golden colored.


In other words, pon mEni can be interpreted as precious divine body. Gold is considered to be a very valuable possession - to show the priceless nature of the bhagavan's divine physique, azhvar's coins the adjective pon mEni.


Sanskrit word 'arka:' has become arukkan.

It is wise to get to memory the verses from nachiyar thirumozhi " vuruvu karidhAi mugam seidhAi vudha parupadhaththinmEl viriyunkadhirE pOlvAnai virundhAvanaththE kandOmE "

Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam

Adiyen ramanuja dAsanVaradarajan

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