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Bhagavad Ramanuja's 990th Thirunakshathram (RaamAnujArya dhivya AgnyA vardhathAm abhivardhathAm)

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SrImathE Ramanujaya nama:

SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all,


Yo nityam achhuta padambuja yukma rukma vyamohataha

tad itaraani trinaaya mene

asmad guroha bhagavathosya dayaika sindhoho

ramanujasya charanou sharanam prapadye


I surrender to that divine Sri Ramanuja, our guru, an

ocean of mercy, who in his intense attachment to the

two feet of Lord Achyuta, considered all else as

worthless as grass.


This sloka shows how Ramanuja was totally and

completely devoted to the Lord. Anyone who reads even

one incident of his life history or one para of his

works, will immediately understand the acharya's deep

abiding love of God and his awareness of His kalyANa

guNas and divine form/ all pervasive presence.

Ramanuja’s catholicity and large heart is so amazingly

true. Ramanuja never misses an opportunity to extol

the auspicious attributes of the Lord (anantha kalyANa

guNaarNavam) even after reciting attribute after

attribute, our acharya declares that these are only

the beginning of the infinite glories of the Lord!


Today is Swami EmperumAnAr’s Thirunakshathram – 990th

Thirunakshathram. Another ten years- it would be a

grand 1000th Thirunakshathram. The most significant

contribution to the development of the VisishtAviata

Srivaishnava philosophyu has been made by Bhagavad



There are nine works of our dearest AchAryA. (nava



1. Sri Bhashyam- The commentary on Brahma sUthrA that


Vishishtadvaitic Siddhaantham.

2. Vedantha saarA-

3. Vedantha DeepA-

4. Vedantha sangraham- These three provide shorter

and intermediate versions of the commentary on Brahma



The above three provide the most authoritative texts

for us to comprehend the glory of Bhagavadh Ramanuja



5. GitA bhashyam- Self explanatory. Wonderful and

divine Commentary on Bhagavad GitA

6. SaranAgathy Gadhyam - Prose type composition on

his ultimate surrender to Lord through Periya Piraatti

Sri MahA Lakshmi’s recommendation and assurance and

the Lord’s reply.

7. Sri Ranga Gadhyam- Prose type composition on his

disqualification and Sri Ranganathan’s most auspicious


8. Sri Vaikunta Gadhyam- The jIvan’s travel to Sri

vaikuntam and the beautiful narration of the Parama

Padham and its Nathan.

9. Nityam- The Nitya karma anushtaanangaL, a sri

vaishnavan shall perform daily.


Let us begin this day contemplating on the lotus feet

of Sri Bhashyakarar.

EmperumAnAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana








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