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Famous Five - few more

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Respected Sri Sadagopan swami,


What an enjoyable experience reading through the Famous five!

Thank you very much.


May I ask you to add me also in the 'family endeavour' (as told by you

in part -1) in compiling a few more 5s?




Just utter this number and most people will say 'green' and 'mercury'.

Yes, Number 5 in numerology stands for the planet mercury and those

born in 5 will find their luck in green colour.

This is for common man's consumption.


But ask a person in this group what green colour stands for.

Any doubt what the answer could be?


He will answer,

Green reminds him of

" pacchai maamalai pOl mEni "


Yes, green will remind him of Him, The Paramathman.

Pachchai (green) is His colour.

See the greenery around you, and you see Him in that colour.


The Number 5 has Vishnu as its Lord.


Mercury, the planet signifying number 5 has Vishnu as its Devatha, Ati

devatha and Prathyathi devatha. (Devatha is the Lord controlling the

planet and its accessory items.

Ati devatha is the Lord who will enhance the positives for the person

under mercury's favourable influence.

Pratyathi devatha is the Lord who will remove the sufferings of those

under adverse influence of mercury.)


This number is equidistance counted both ways of the primary 9 numbers.

It signifies a middle path which is very ideal in any situation.


Number 5 signifies Lord Vishnu who promised to give us Buddhi (dadaami

buddhi yogam – Gita -10-10) and has aptly chosen Mercury as the

carrier of that buddhi.


If anyone is suffering from adverse effects of budhan in his/her

horoscope, classical texts like Brahma Rishi vaakhyam declare that the

person must have offended the devotees of Vishnu!

So he lacks the buddhi (intellect) to know whom he should worship and

whom he should not offend. The very knowledge about the greatness of

Vishnu comes through this number 5!




This number science is not the invention of modern world.


This has existed in vedic times as " ka-ta-pa- yathi samgjai "


The vyanjanas have been accorded numbers from 1 to 9 and texts were

written in numbers.

Most astrological sutras of Jaimini are in this form only.

Inscriptions of yore also bear numbers only.


In this system,

The letters ka,kha, ga, gha gna … etc are allotted numbers.

Based on this only, it is now known that the Mahabharatha was said to

have been named as Jaya.

Ya has number 1

JA has number 8.

Written as 81.

But the way it is being read is from right to left.

So it is 18, denoting 18 chapters.


The interesting information contained in this is that number 5 denotes

the 'mellinam' series ( nja, gna, plus 'sha' as in shankara but 'ma'

has not been given any no number), having nasal sound.


The Main difference in Rik and Yajur veda recital is in stressing this mellinam.


This difference comes with reference to anuswaras, the way the word ends. If

the word ends with `mellinam' (in Tamil) or with words having nasal

sound (to be pronounced through the nose), the rules for pronunciation

differs in the two Vedas.


For instance, it is `padam' `maaatharam' in Rik Veda,

whereas the `nga' sound of the nose is added in Yajur Veda to

pronounce padam as

`padaggm' and maatharam as `maathargg'.


It is pashUna: with na sound in Rik and `pashU(n)gg' in Yajur vedam.


Of the mellinam ( I write like this to be understood

by Tamil knowing members), the ma-karam (m) is generally pronounced

more by using the lips than through the nasal passage and the na-karam

(n) by the tongue. One can check this by pronouncing all these



Rik Veda follows the pronunciation as it is. Yajur

Veda adds the nasal sound also in addition to the tongue or lip

Pronunciation (since it is mellinam that must have nasal sound). This



It is `padam' `maaatharam' in Rik Veda,

whereas the `nga'

sound of the nose is added in Yajur Veda to

pronounce padam as `padaggm' and maatharam as `maathargg'.


It is pashUna: with na sound in Rik and `pashU(n)gg'

in Yajur vedam.


This 'nga' and 'ngg' are 5 numbered ones.

Perhaps to add power to the recital by all pervading Vishnu, the 5

number letters are adopted by yajur vedins in the recital.

I leave this to the scrutiny of vediks.





The stages for the descent of the soul to be born in the earth are 5

This knowledge of this is called as " Panchagni vidya " –the knowledge of 5


This happens as 5 oblations namely,

(1) shraddha

(2) soma

(3) rain

(4) food

(5) seed.


And the 5 fires (i.e., objects imagined to be fires for the sake of upasana) are

(1) the heavens

(2) parjanya (rain)

(3) earth

(4) man

(5) woman

(The description of this can be found in Brahma sutra bhashya 3-1-1)


By this it is meant that the soul upon re-entry to be born in this

world descends through

(1) ether

(2) then through rains

(3) then enters earth and gets fixed in vegetables / seeds / friuits

(4) then enters man through his food

(5) the enters the womb of woman.

These 5 are meant as pancha agni.





The first chapter of Taiittriya Upanishad tells about panchasvathi

karnEshu which are regarded as Maha samhitas.


The Adi karanas are 5


(1) Adhi lokam

(2) Adhi Jyothisham

(3) Adhi vidhyam

(4) Adhi prajam

(5) Adhyaathmam.



The chandoghya Upanishad speaks of 5-fold saman.

They are

(1) the syllable

(2) Prasrava

(3) Udgitha

(4) Pratihara

(5) Nidhana


This 5-fold saman must be meditated upon as



(3) seasons


(5) senses


The same Upanishad also describes Madhu vidhya for uapsana which is

again about 5 nectars of 5 hues. " These hues indeed are the nectar of

the nectars, for the Vedas are the nectar and these are their nectar. "


(1) the first nectar which Vasus enjoy (red form)

(2) the second nectar Rudras enjoy (white form)

(3) the third nectar Adhityas enjoy (black form)

(4) the fourth form Maruts enjoy (deep black )]

(5) the fifth form Sadhayas enjoy ( the quivering form within the sun)


The 5 Himsas mentioned in part -4 are indeed referred to as 5 sUnas,

(papa) that a gruhastha incurs in the course of maintaining his house.


Since these are inevitably happening, maharishis have prescribed the

Pancha maha yajnas (mentioned in part -1) to ward off the ill-effects

of these 5 himsas / sUnas


The relevant sanskrit verse saying this and details of the same can

be found in the article titled " Virundhombal " (feeding the guest) by

Sri U.vE. Krishnaswamy Iyengar in the print edition of Sri

Nrusimhapriya dated April, 1981.





In the world of astrology, each planet has not just 5 names but more

than 5 names (refer part-4).


But whenever we say 5 in the planetary system, it always refers to the planets,

popularly known as " kujaadhi Ivar " in Tamil.


They are also known as " tara gruhas " the planets which resemble stars.

The mandala / luminous gruhas are 2. They are the sun and the moon.

The chaya / shadow planets are 2. They are Rahu and kEtu.

The Tara gruhas are 5.

They are

(1) Mars (kujan)

(2) Mercury (budhan)

(3) Jupiter (Guru)

(4) Venus( Shukran)

(5) Saturn (sani)


The Panchaangam has 5 angas / parts.

(1) thithi

(2) vaaram (day)

(3) nakshathram (star)

(4) yogam

(5) karanam


Panchakam is to be ascertained in fixing muhurtha or auspicious time.

It is a calculation on the basis of 5 issues. To know whether a

particular day is auspicious, the number of days that elapsed from

(1) prathama to the thithi of that day must be counted.

(2) Sunday to the varam (day) of that day must be counted.

(3) Aswini to the star of that day must be counted.

(4) Mesha to the lagna when the muhurtham is fixed must be counted.

(5) The lagna dhruva (which is a fixed number for different raasis) of

the muhurtha lagna must be counted.

By adding all these and by a simple application, it will be

ascertained whether a muhurtha is auspicious or not


The planets are said to undergo 5 rates of speed as they move towards

or away from the sun.

(1) Sheegram

(2) Adi sheegram

(3) Mandham

(4) Vakram

(5) kutilam


The planets are said to undergo 5 avasthas (stress) as they move in a rasi.

The rasi consisting of 30 degrees is divided into 5 parts of 6 degrees

each and the planetary movement in each of this part is used in

determining strength of the planet in giving its effect.




(3) yaouvanam

(4) Vruddham

(5) maranam


Pancha pakshi is the nimittha sashtra of astrology, to ascertain

whether a job done on a particular day at a particular time will bear

desired results.

The 5 birds of this sashtra are


(1) vulture

(2) owl

(3) crow

(4) cock

(5) peacock


They do their work in 5 ways.


(1) rule

(2) eat

(3) walk

(4) sleep

(5) die


They do the work in 5 parts of day and 5 parts of night called jaamam

The day and night are divided into 5 jaamam each.




GENERAL (from Choodamani nigandu, an encyclopedia in Tamil)


The 5 forms of land are


(1) kurunji (mountainous)

(2) Mullai (forest tracts)

(3) Marudham ( fields)

(4) Neidhal (shores)

(5) Paalai (desert)


The 5 senses that make specific animals die


(1) fish - by taste

(2) bugs (vandu) – by smell

(3) insects like thumbhi – by touch

(4) AsuNamaa – by sound

(5) Insects like vittil – by light


The king has a group of confidential 5 (Aimperum kuzhu)


(1) minister

(2) purOhit

(3) messenger

(4) spy

(5) Brahmin


There are 5 Kuravars who play indispensable role wherever they are involved.

(1) the king

(2) the teacher

(3) the mother

(4) the father

(5) the elder brother.


The genders (paal) are 5 in tamil


(1) AAN (man)

(2) peN (woman)

(3) palar (many persons)

(4) ondran (single)

(5) palavin (many for non-human)


There are 5 beds (pancha sayanam)

Made of

(1) peacock feathers

(2) cotton of (lavan tree)

(3) red cotton

(4) white cotton

(5) feathers of swan


There are 5 types of hair buns for women.

(1) mudi -tied high on the head.

(2) Kondai – hairs gathered together and made into a bun

(3) Kuzhal – hairs rolled to make a bun

(4) Panichchai – the bun made low, touching the back of neck

(5) suruL – hairs plaited and made into bun.


The horses gallop in 5 gathi (ways)

(1) malla gathi

(2) mayura gathi- like peacock

(3) vanara gathi –like monkeys

(4) valliya gathi –like tigers

(5) chara gathi – walk


The foods are of 5 types based on the way they are eaten.

(1) biting

(2) licking

(3) drinking

(4) swallowing

(5) tasting


There are 5 types of questions.


(1) Ariyaan vinaaval - raising the question when one does not know.


(2) Arivoppu-k-kaandal – Raising questions to comapare


(3) Iyyam theerdal – asking questions to clear doubts.


(4) Avan arivu thaan kOdal - asking questions to check how much the other

knows (like in exam system)


(5)Mei avarkku-k-kaattal - asking questions to reveal the truth to the

student, as done by teachers in upanishads.


There are 5 types of musical instruments.

(1) Percussion

(2) string

(3) wind

(4) made of bronze

(5) khandam (don't know the meaningïŠ)


There are 5 types of mothers


(1) paaraattum thaai –the biological mother

(2) oottum thaai – the one who feeds

(3) mulai-th-thaai – the one who breast- feeds

(4) kai-th-thaai – step mother

(5) sevili-th-thaai – nursing mother or elder sister.


There are 5 jobs (thozhil)


(1) thinking

(2) writing

(3) plucking leaves

(4) making garlands

(5) palying veena (yaazh)



There are 5 ways in which stress is released by the body.

(1) yawning

(2) stretching the hands

(3) goose-pimple

(4) sighing

(5) cracking knuckles


There are 5 ways in which pangs of separation is exhibited.

(1) subra yogam – talking and thinking about the person from whom separated.

(2) Vipra yogam – sighing often

(3) SOham – avoiding food

(4) mOham – crying and weeping

(5) maraNam – swooning and getting weak.


There are 5 dravyams obtained from 5 sources called,


(1) kadal padu dravyam – products of the oceans

(2) kaadu padu dravyam –products of the forest

(3) naadu padu dravyam – products of land

(4) nagar padu dravyam –products of a city

(5) malai padu dravyam – products of mountains.


Since it is difficult to find English equivalents of most of them

mentioned in these, let me give a few


From oceans


(1) pearl

(2) coral

(3) salt

(4) shanku

(5) orkkOlai (?)


From land

(1) rice

(2) tender cocnut

(3) payaru

(4) banana

(5) sugar cane.


There are others too, such as pancha gavyam, panchaamrutham, pancha

kachcham, pancha paathram etc. which we know already.


With regards,

Jayasree saranathan

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Dear Sister,


Wonderful! Well done. So much of laurels in the

AkshayaPathram of your knowledge. Incredible rather.

Keep it up and flow further and further like

PanchAmrutham. We have enjoyed your previous postings



For our curiosity and luck, our revered Sadagopan

Swamin continues to raining on the famous and fabulous

FIVE. It is not yet stopped. We are waiting for

Swamin's 'PANCHARANGAM' (Fifth Scene -Part V) in the

next. Wait and See.




K.Damodaran Nair



--- Jayasree Saranathan

<jayasree.saranathan wrote:

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