Guest guest Posted June 25, 2007 Report Share Posted June 25, 2007 SrI: Dear Sri Ranganatha BhkathAs : In my previous posting , adiyEn identified selected areas to study regarding BrahmOthsavam: "(1) Garuda AdhivAsam , PraaNa Prathishtai , DhvajArOhaNam (2) Bheri Poojaa , BhEri TaaDanam (3) Nithya Homam (4) Swasthi Vachanam (5) VaasudEva PuNyAhavachanam (6) DhvadasArAdhanam (7) Nava Sandhi Bali (8) DhvajA avarOhaNam , Avabrutha SnAnam (9) SapthAvaraNam , PushpaYaagam ". I will comment on few of them now after brief comments on BrahmOthsavam's salient points. Today m adiyEn will focus on Item #1 . Before that , here are some general comments. A. The Name ***************** BrahmOthsavam is the big ( Brahma-Bruhath) uthsavam. Since Brahma is said to officiate as the YajamAnar for this Uthsavam it is also called BrahmA's uthsavam or BrahmOthsavam. Aagamas also call it " MahOthsavam" . B.Duration ************** According to Paadhmam , it is a nine day long Uthsavam starting from ascent of the Garuda flag to avabrutha SnAnam ( Ceremonial bath with Selvar or Lord Sudarsana at the conclusion of this uthsavan ). C. Preliminaries ********************** Five or seven days before the raising of the flag ( Dhvaja AarOhaNam) , angurArpaNam and RakshA Bhandhanam ceremonies have to be completed . We will cover these ceremonies in subsequent sections . On the day before the start of the Uthsavam , SayanAdhi Uthsavam as at times of Consecration of the processional deity is recommended . Further , the ChakrAbhja MaNDalam and four Kuntams ( fire pits) are to be constructed in the Yaaga Saala (as for PavithrOthsavam for use during the BrahmOthsavam . These elaborate ceremonies are no longer carried out even in major temples in India . The Evening before BrahmOthsavam: ********************************************** On the evening before , one prostrates (ShAshtAnga NamaskAram) before Moolavar( nonprocessional deity) and seek His blessings for the right mind set to conduct the Uthsavam to His satisfaction . Next stop is at VishvaksEnar Sannidhi . AarAdhanam is done for Him . After this follows Mruth sangrahaNam in the company of VishvaksEnar . Paalikai ( ankurArpaNam) is established in the North Eastern corner of Yaaga Saala .We will go into greater detail in future postings about Mruth SangrahaNam and ankurArpaNam . Rakshaa Soothra Poojaa at Moolavar Sannidhi takes place next. The drawing of Garudan on a flag is prepared ; He is invoked on the drawing and His eyes are opened with special Mantrams for PeetArchanam , AavAhanam of devathAs . For the Garudan drawn on the flag , suddhi is done through sOshaNa , DhAhana AapyAyanams and thereafter SamhAram of Tatthvams are done thru BhUtha Suddhi Mantrams .Thru Various BheejAksharams and Mantrams , all parts of the ThirumEni of Garudan is touched with Koorcham to invoke sakthi in those limbs . Agni Prathishtai and Purusha Sooktha Homam follow . DharmAdhi Peeta AahUthi is done next in the middle of the Agni in the Kuntam . Garuda AavAhanam is done with "SathyAya Nama:" mantram and Aahuthis are made. With appropriate Mudhrais and NyAsam , various upachArams are offered next to Garudan . 28 or 108 Aahuthis are done for each UpachAram with VynathEya Mantram . Ghee , SarU , Gingelly seeds are used during these AahUthis . Sanklapam for Saanthi Homam and Saanthi Homam are the next steps . Honey , Milk , curd , ghee are used with vyaahruthi mantrams here ; after each aahUthi , Koorcham is used to dip into the pots of Honey , Milk Curd , Ghee to touch different parts of Garudan Image ( Honey is for Thiruvadi, Milk for Stomach , Curd for face and ghee for Siras with appropriate mantrams . Then all Homa vasthus are mixed together and the Koorcham is used for touching all parts of Garudan . Next follows , AhUthis to the accompaniment of VishNu Gayathri using jaggaery , ghee and honey 28 or 108 times . Then these three homa vasthus are blended together and with the Koorcham , the face of Garudan is touched . Praayascchittha AahUthi and Agni UpasthAnam takes place next. ParishEchanam from waters inside the small vessel ( Karaham )with AapOhishta Mantram is done and Koorcham is used for prOkshaNam of the Garuda PaDam to the accompaniment of VishNu Gayathri . Garuda PaDam is turned around to face the Moolavar Sannidhi. Garudan is invoked in the Archakar's heart and from there to the Garuda PaDam with VyAhrudhi mantrams and the following two slOkams: Mahaa Bala Mahaa BaahO VynatEya vayOdhipa sannidhathsva paDE Thubhyam nama: PraNava MoorthayE KarmaNAm siddhimAhUtha: Kurushva VihagEswara AahUtanvyA sthrayOlOkA: DevasyOthsava samsadhi Garuda Gaayathri Aavahanam follows . VisEsha annams are presented to Garudan and the Mahaa Kumbham . Seven more slOkams are recited as prayers to Garudan for Saanidhyam during the Uthsavam : VaahanAya MahaavishNO: TarkshyAyaamitha tEjasE GarudAya namasthubhyam sarva sapthEndhra MruthyayE He is recognized and saluted as Mahaa VishNu's Vaahanam , one with unlimited lustre, as Garudan and the death of all serpent kings . namO namastE Paksheendhra svAdhyAya vapushE nama: VihagEndhra namastEasthu samuthpADitha kalpaka: AahruthAmrutha KumbhAya Jananee dhAsya mOchinE surAsurEndhra jayinE naagEndhra HaraNAya tE Bringing amrutha kalsam from DEva lOkam , victory over devAs and asurAs there and the removal of the bondage of His Mother are saluted here . YadhAdhAramidham sarvam tadhAdhArAya tE nama:Pakshou Yasya Bruhathsaama raTantramapi dhvyam akshiNi chApi Gayathree thrirvrusaama Sira: smrutham sthOma Aathmaa namastasmai VaamadEvyAnga sampadhE In these two slOkams , the aspect of Garudan as Veda Purushan having the various Saamans in the wings and rest of the limbs of His sacred body . Nama: prANaadhi VaayUnAm IsAya GarudAthmanE dhOshaanapanaya-akhaNDAn guNAnaavaha sarvatha: vignAni jaahi sarvANi AathmasAthkuru Maamapi After these prayers , Garuda Mantra Japam is performed and PoorNAhuthi is done . This is the last rite for the day before DhvajArOhaNam . NamO SrI PakshirAjAya , Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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