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Fw: ankurarpanam& BrahmOthsavam at Sri Ranganatha Temple : Part III

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Dear SrI Ranganatha BhakthAs :


Today adiyEn will cover AnkurArpaNam rites at Yaaga Saalaa

during the beginning of BrahmOthsavam or any other Vaidhika

SamskArams .


The Tamil write up on traditional practises at Srirangam

is attached as a PDF file . For the benefit of those who can not

read Tamil or have difficulty in following the ParibhAshaa or

unable to get the PDF File because of 's cutting

off attachments , here is the summary of highlights on

AnkurArpaNam as authentic as it gets instead of confusions

caused by different dEsAchArams or personal preferences

due to shortage of time etc. I am deeply indebted to Sriman

Murali Bhattar for this document , who is the Bruhaspathy

for BrahmOthsavams at Srirangam and hails from a Family

peforming Kaimkaryams to KasthUri Rangan for many

generations .


Sriman MuraLi Bhattar's web site containing content

about the multifaceted glories of Srirangam and

the Uthsavams there for the Dhivya Dampathis

of Srirangam is a source of sheer delight

for the BhakthAs of KasthUri Rangan :




The Highlights of AnkurArpaNam



1. AnkurArpaNam is known as Thiru MuLai iduthal Vizhaa

( Planting of seeds to germinate to invoke prosperity

and auspiciousness to all devotees of the Lord ).


2. It is performed on odd ( not even) days before

the uthsavam commencement day ( 9 or 7 or 5

or 3 days before in the evening).


3. After Vapanam , morning abolutions and AarAdhanam for

the House PerumAL , the Aagama expert escorted to

the Temple by EkAngis ( SaatthAtha MudaliyAr) , arrives at

Yaagasaala and sits on the KoormAsanam there . Koormasanam

is not a Yogic body posiiton but a stone or wodden platform

with carved head of Tortoise( Koormam) to sit on while doing

Mantra Japam or performing a sacred rite .


Here is a picture of Swamy Desikan performing Mantra Japam

on KoormAsanam at the Sathyagalam Temple at Karnataka

(Courtesy : Sri Sridhar Lakshminarasimhan) :




4. Pavithram given by Temple PurOhithar is worn by the Aagama

expert involved with the various BrahmOthsavam rites and thereafter

he arrives at VishvaksEnar (Senai MudaliyAr) Sannidhi for recieving his

anugraham and permission to engage in BrahmOthsavam rites .

VishvaksEnar in our tradition is the third in our AchArya Paramparai

after PerumAL and ThAyaar in addition to being the commander in

chief of the Lord's army .


At Vishvaksenar Sannidhi , GantA sevanam ( service with the sacred

Bell ), anganyAsa KaranyAsams , BhUtha Suddhi , Maanasa AarAdhanam ,

laghu AarAdhanam ( Laya , BhOga , adhikAra Poojai) and invocation of

Moola Mantram , Hanumath Mantram and VibheeshaNa AazhwAr Mantrams.

Coconut fruit NaiEdhyam concludes this stage of Aaraadhanam and

anujn~ai ( permission) at VishvaksEnar Sannidhi .


5. Next step is arrival at Gaayathri Mantapam , circamambulation

( PradhakshaNam) of the Mantapam , permission at the stations

of DhwAra PaalakAs ( Jaya , Vijaya) , entrance into Moolavar Sannidhi ,

GhaNtaa Sevai , coconut fruit offer ( nivEdhanam) to the Lord and

AarAdhanam , offer of Milk Rice ( KsheerAnnam) and MangaLa Haaratthi .


6. Now the Aagamic expert adorns a silk cap (Simbu KullAi)

given to him by his Ahnika AachAryan , rings the bell ,

performs dhig Bandhanam to ward off inauspicious forces ,

performs PrANAyAmam and recites the Sankalpam :


" ( PraNavam) SrI Govindha Govindha --- asya SrI Bhagavatha: SrI , BhUmi

samEtha SrI Ranganatha Svaroopi , SrI VaasudEvasya MahOthsavAgathvEna

KriyamANa ankurArpaNa KarmaNi , bheeja suddhyarTam , PuNyAhavachanam

KarishyE ".


This sanklapam is done outside the sannidhi , where the Bheejams

( Containers filled with earth are to be held; now , the Bheejams are

empty ) ; the Paalikais ( seeds that will germinate). Bheeja PrOkshaNam

( sprinkling) , PaalikA Pooja follows .


7. The Bheeja vessel is carried inside the Moolavar Sannidhi , arghya , Pushpa ,

Dheepam is shown to Moolavar , Uthsavar and all Moorthis inside

including Sayana BhEram . Then the Vessel (Bheejam) is lifted in

both hands and shown to all Moorthys with loud declaration :

" ankurArTam idahm Bheejam" ( for germination of the seeds

is this Vessel) . After that , Just dheepa UpachAram

is done for the Bheejam . Then , recite following slOkam

to seek BhagavAn's permission to perform the ankurArpaNam rites:


Deva ! Deva Jagnnaatha YaathrOthsava nimitthitha:

BheejArTam ankurOpam karishyAmi praseedha Om


Now exit is made from Moolavar Sannidhi , perform PradhakshiNam of

VishvaksEnar Sannidhi , wait for travelling with VishvaksEnar to

ThAyaar Sannidhi , perform PradhakshiNam there , cleanse the feet with

water given by PaNDAri and enter ThAyaar Sannidhi . GhantA sevaa,

Coconut fruit nivEdhanam , ThiruvArAdhanam with Pongal naivEdhyam

(AarAdhanam is upto AlankArAsanam) ; theertham , saThAri

is recieved and PrasAdham is given to HanumAr and VibhIshaNar. Recieves

Maalai , ManjaL Kaapu and depart from Sannidhi to sit in front of the Bilva

tree opposite ThAyaar Sannidhi on the KoormAsanam .


8. Gantaa Sevai , Dhig Bandhanam , PraaNAyaamam and sankalpam for

BhU Suddhi , spade/ Kanithra suddhi) used to collect three portions of earth ;

puNyAhavachanam for consecration of the ground and spade is done next .

PrOkshaNam of BhUmi , Spade and self follows . At the site of collection of

earth for AnkurArpaNam , a drawing of the Lord with VarAhar ( BhU VarAha

Moorthy is made) with the Lord's head in North East direction and the feet in

South West direction .Four dharbhA Koorcham with 3 dharbhams are placed

around the BhU VarAha image , at the center 7 dharbha Koorcham is placed.

Spade is now decorated with Vasthram and Mango Leaves and a 7 dharbha

Koorcham is placed further on it. Bhumi AarAdhanam with VarAha prayer

( Om namO BhagavathE Varaaha Roopaaya---dEhi mE svAhaa) , peetArchanam

upto alankArAsanam is performed . dhUpa , dheepa upachArams follow .

The spade is also offered similar worship . Next BhUmi is touched with

Dharbha Mushti and BhU Sooktam is recited . Varaaha mantram is now

recited and three portions of earth are collected on a plate .Moola Mantram

is used to unite all the three portions. Spade is cleansed with water from

Kalasam and rice is added three times with the utternace " asmath

kulam abhivardhathAm ". After ghOshti , the Aagamic expert returns to

Yaaga Saala with the plate containing Nava dhAnyams with VishvaksEnar

and removes the silk hat that he has been wearing until then .


9. At the Yaaga Saalaa , Suddhi PuNyAhavachanam ( ManTapam , KuNTam)

is done alone along with PrOkshaNam of Dhravyams used in Yaagam .

Soma Kumbham with 9 dharbha Koorcham is positioned in the North

East and to the north of it Karakam ( with 3 dharbha Koorcham) .

Starting from East , 8 kalasams with water are placed in the 8 directions

with Mango and Pupil leves and Coconuts. adiyEn will write aboout

the Lords of the 8 directions in the BhEri Taadanam and Nava Sandhi

GeethOpachAram later . adiyEn will also write later about the proper

ways to ring the Ghantaa (Bell) during the AarAdhanams.


10. Before the Kumbhams , 12 Paalikai containers are placed , the earth

collected from AnkurArPanam is added , consecrated with PadhmAdhi

Peeta dEvArchana with recital of " ( PraNavam) ParAya nama: , (PraNavam)

abhjanAbhAya Nama: , (PraNavam) PadmanAbhAya Nama: and ( PraNavam)

dhruvAya nama: " three times and conclude with MantrAsanam . Paalikais

are worshipped with IsAna AavAhanam and nivEdhanam. The AavAhanams

starts from IndhrA to the other Gods/guards of directions(Dhig Paalakaas).


11. The dhAnya seeds soaked in water before are now added to the earth

in the 12 Paalikais with PeetArchanams and AavahanAdhis ( PraNavam

Sarva BheeJObhyO nama:, PraNavam Sarva Oshadhi PathayE nama:etc).

Oshadhi Sooktham is recited next. The dhAnyams (seeds) are placed in

sets of four with JithantE Mantram or Moola Mantram in the earth filled

Paalikais . Water is added to them .Meditation is on Sriman NaarAyaNan

with the luminescent features inside Chandra ManDalam and the nectarine

waves emanting from Him that destroys all inauspiciousness .


12. Final steps are PeetArchanam for the KumbhAs and the devathA

invocation for the kumbhams are done elaborately. In the western

Kumbham , Agni Prathishtai is done followed by saptha Samith homam,

108 AahUthis for growth of Paalikais ( praNavam summ sOmAya svAhaa)

and left over (SampadhAjyam) is added to Soma Kumbham and Paalikais .

NyUnAthirEkha Saanthi homam with 108 Aahuthis , PoorNaahUthi is now

performed . NivEdhanam for Soma Kumbha Paalikaas is done before

returning to Garbha Gruham ; Mantra Japam and forgivenness for

deficencies in the Karmmas are performed (AparAdha KshAmaNam)

there as the final step .


Thus ends the elaborate Mruth sangrahaNa and ankurArpaNam ceremonies

as the first part of the BrahmOthsavam . The day before uthsavam ,

BhEri TaaDanam , DhvajaarOhanam follow . adiyEn will write about them

and Nava Sandhi geetha Vaadhya Nruthyam in subsequent postings .


NamO SrI RanganAthAya ,





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