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Kulasekara AzhwAr PerumAL Thirumozhi- 4.10- Let me become anything on the Golden hills of ThiruvEnkatam (EmperumAn ponmalaimEl yEdhEnum aavEnE)

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all,


Let us continue to enjoy azhwAr’s verses in the fourth

ten on ThiruvEnkatam. A brilliant set of verses.


Tenth verse…


umpa rulakaaN torukudaikkeezh uruppasithan

ampoR kalaiyalkul peRRaalu maathariyEn

sempavaLa vaayaan thiruvENG katamennum

emperumaan ponmalaimE lEthEnu maavEnE


Even if given the company of the gold-bejeweled

Urvasi, I shall not desire her. I shall seek instead

to be simply ANYTHING on the sacred hills of

ThiruvEnkatam (to be near my Lord always) where the

most beautiful red coral mouthed [sem pavaLa vaayaan]

Lord of ThiruvEnkatam resides.


emperumaan ponmalaimEl EdhEnum aavEnE --May I be born

as *anything* on the golden hill of my Lord of

ThiruVenkatam! What a brilliant line! AzhwAr wishes to

be just merely ANYTHING in the mountain of



AzhwAr had sought to be from Stork bird to

fish,champaka flower tree, thorn, the river, the path

the step in the temple.. etc.. In the mountain of



Now AzhwAr wonders as to why he has been troubling

mind asking for various beings and non-beings. He

wants the Lord to grant him anything that He wishes.

Let me be born anything that you choose to let me be!


yEdhEnum aavEnE?


This was commented by Sri Paraasara Bhattar:


Anything - yEdhEnum- means:


Grant me ANYTHING that none should know as to what or

who I will be. So that I can perform my kaimkaryam

without any one’s notice


[An indeed a wonderful verse] AzhwAr is an epitome of

Bhagawath and Bhaagawatha sEshathvam! A

personification of NammAzhwAr’s verse ozhivil

kallamellaam udanaay manni (TVM 3.3) which we will

enjoy later in this series.


Let us reflect on this divine sthothra which kind of

echoes AzhwAr’s sentiment:


Srisa SriyA gatikayA thvadhupAyabhAvE

prApyE thvayi svayamupEyatayA spuranthyA

nithyAsrithAya niravdhyaguNAya thubhyam

kinkarO vrushagirIsa na jaathu mahyam


Oh Lord of ThiruvEnkatam hills! Oh Consort of MahA

Lakshmi! You are indeed the integrated essence of all

auspicious qualities. Your consort makes us worthy of

the object of your mercy. When we obtain Your

blessings through Her intercession, She also presents

Herself with You as the inseparable, divine couple; at

that time, both of You become the object of our

adorations. We will serve both of you with pure

hearts. We shall never be detached from you even for a

moment in thought or deed. We will never consider

ourselves as svatantra purushAs. We are indeed blessed

to receive the benefits of SaraNAgathi performed

according to the way taught by our AchAryAs to secure

Your blessings.


MangalAsAsanam is a tradition by which a grateful

devotee hails the Lord and wishes Him all MangaLams or

auspiciousness. PeriyAzhwAr's ThiruppallaANDu (wishing

long life to the Lord) belongs to this category.


AzhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana








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