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inRO Thiruvaadi pooram- Isn't today the Great day of ThiruvAdipooram- the birthday of AndAL, who had descended from Srivaikuntham for our sake?

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SrimathE Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya nama:


Today (Aug- Friday the 15th) is Thiru Adipooram.

ANdAL's Thirunakshathram. Let us meditate on the most

compassionate and most merciful Divine Godha PiraaTTi

and surrender to Her Lotus feet.


Swami Desikan starts off the GodhAsthuthi, which is

reported to have been sung by Swami, when he was

greatly captured by GodhA's Divine Beauty in the

streets of Sri Villiputthur during a procession

(Uthsavam) on the day of which Swami was obsevring

Mouna vratham (perhaps, PradhOsham time).


GoDhA looked gracefully at Swami and allured him as if

she says " Hm.... Sing .. Come out..

VedantaAchAryarE! " Swami blessed us with 29 excellent

verses of GOdhAsthuthi. (one less than 30 pAsurams of

ThiruppAvai) - mounadhruhO mukharayanthi...


vaidEsika: sruthi girAmapi bhooyaseenAm

varnEshu mAthi mahimA na hi mAdrusAm thE /

iththam vidanthamapi mAm sahsaiva gOdhE!

MounadruhO mukharayanthi guNA: tvadheeyAh //

(GOdha Sthuthi SlOka 2)


Oh! GOdhA PirAtti!

I resolved to remain silent because I realized that

the limitless vEdas themselves had become speechless

unable to complete the task of praising your abundant

glory. I realized too that a common folk like me with

mere limited 'Lowkika' knowledge it would be beyond

my capacity to attempt where 'Vaidika vAk' had failed.

But, your auspicious qualities would not bear with my

silence. They know the art of making a mute person

loquacious! It is they that have impelled me to

compose psalms of praise about you.


Let me reproduce Sri Satakopan Swami’s translation for

the first slOkam:


SaraNAgathi at the Holy feet of GodhA PirAtti:


SrivishNuchittha kulanandana kalpavaleem

Srirangaraaja harichandana yoga drusyaam I

SakshAth KshamAm karuNayA KamalAmivAnyAm

GodhAm ananya saraNa: SaraNam prapathyE II


Oh GodhE! I perform Prapatthi at Your sacred feet as

one , who has no other recourse! I have no one else to

save me. You are the Kalpaka creeper adorning the Lord

standing as the auspicious HarichandanA tree in the

flower garden of the Kulam of VishNuchitthA, your

father. The darsanam of You united with Your Lord

tightly as the divine kalpakA creeper and the

celestial HarichandanA tree is a blessed sight to see

..In Your infinite patience with the aparAdhis, You

appear verily like Bhumi dEvi and in your limitless

compassion, You resemble Maha Lakshmi Herself. I offer

my Prapatthi at your sacred, lotus

feet as the one, who has no other means!


Sri Manavala Maamuni says in Upadesa Ratthina maalai:



vanrO ingANDAL avatharitthAL--kunRatha

vaazhvAna Vaikunthavaan bhOham tannai ihazhnthu

AzhwAr ThirumahaLArAi


Beautiful and simple:


Maamuni says: Today is Thiruvaadipporam. Andal

appeared only for us; She sacrificed Her eternal

Vaikuntha Bliss and enjoyment and living and appeared

here as the human daughter of AzhwAr. (What a

compassion of Bhumi Piraatti!)


Sri Satakopan Swami adds: Is not today , the great day

of Thiru AadippUram, the birthday of ANDAL ,who

disregarding the celestial life in Sri Vaikuntam ,

which is forever enjoyable with undiminished splendor

incarnated as the daughter of Sri VishNucchitthA in

this mundane world for the sake of people like us " .


In the next two paasuram of UpadEsa Rathna Maalai,

Swamy MaNavALa Maamuni wondered aloud :


Does any other day have the greatness of Thiru

AadippUram, which is the birthday of ANDAL as the

daughter of PeriyAzhwAr? Oh Mind, reflect on it and

tell . There is no other person comparable to Her and

hence there is no other day comparable to Her

birthday "


Swamy MaNavALa Maamunigal is overwhelmed with the

thought about the greatness of ANDAL and the deep

messages in Her Prabhandhams and asks his mind to

praise ANDAL daily with devotion and delight

(Anjukkudikkoru SanthathiyAi):


ANDAL is the common and unique progeny of anju kudi(

the five families, the God-fearing group) . Her nature

was such, that She out performed all the other AzhwArs

in Her love of Sriman NaarAyaNan, and in that love,

She has ripened prematurely. Oh My Mind! May You

eulogize Her everyday with devotion and delight " .


We will conclude our salutations for our most merciful

ThAyAr on this AadippUram day with the prayer of Swamy

Desikan for the boon of acquiring Her 173 Paasurams

housed in Her two Prabhandhams born out of Her

unquenchable love for Her Lord :


" vEyar Puhazh VilliputtUr AadippUram

mEnmElum miha ViLanga Vittucchitthan

thooya ThirumahaLAi vanthu AranganArkku

ThuzhAi maalai mudi soodikkoduttha MaathE

nEyamudan ThiruppAvai paattARainthum

nee uRaittha Thai oru ThingatppAmAlai-

yaaya puhazh nooRudanAR patthu moonRum

anpudanE adiyEnukku aruL sey neeyE "

---Prabhandha Saaram: 10


Srimanyai VishNu chitthaaryamanOnandhanahEthavE!

nandhanandha sudharyai gOdhaayai Nithya MangaLam!!

-Sri Manavaala Maamunigal


AndaL ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana

nArayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan





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