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Think! - Why Avani Avittam

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srimathe ramanujaya namaha

"Avani Avittam" or the "Upakarma festival" immediately brings to our minds the usual scene of chasing behind of VadyArs (Prohits or pundits well versed in vEdAs and its procedures) for getting their sacred threads changed before a stipulated time which is fixed nowadays definetly by the doer's Official work schedules and not Vedas/Upanishad prescribed time periods. Also the above brings to our minds the aroma of special eatables like "appam" and "Iddly" which are done for a specific purpose which is also now obviously tweaked.

Reason for this Iddly and Appam

On the UpAkarma day, strictly speaking, the rule is to eat only after bhagavad-ArAdhana and the homam. If done properly this lasts well into the afternoon. Because of the length of the procedure, young brahmacharis and those others who are absolutely unable to bear their hunger are permitted to eat before the homam itself. The typical meal consists of idli and appam, but usually excludes rice. Complete fasting is observed after this through the night, in preparation for the next day's gAyatrI japam. In some traditions one meal is eaten during the day and phalAhAram is observed at night.

Let us try to contemplate on the actual reasons for doing this upakarma. As mentioned above, it is nowadays erroneously thought that upAkarma or AvaNi aviTTam is primarily the changing the yajnopavItam or the sacred thread (poonool). This is nearly a mile away from the actual reason. Changing the poonool happens very often, whenever a significant vedic karma is performed.

kAmOkArishIt japam

We begin the above ritual with a kAmOkArishIt japam. kAmo'kArshIt japam is done as an atonement, a prAyaScittam for not having done the traditional utsarjana

sankalpa earlier in the year. The sankalpa for the japam says this explicitly ('adhyAya-utsarjana-akaraNa'). Just as upAkarma is the formal recommencement of Vedic studies, the utsarjana is a sankalpa done to formally halt study of the Vedas and commence study of grammar, prosody, pronounciation, astronomy, etymology, etc., as well as other shastras, all of which are helpful in understanding the Vedas. The year was therefore divided into two, one half for studying the Vedas, the other half for studying the VedAngas or Vedic accessories. The utsarjana has unfortunately fallen into disuse for quite a while, so what remains is the meagre prAyaScittam for not having done it. Therefore, the important yajnopavItam changing is for the upAkarma.

kAmOkArishIt japam is actually an act of apology to the lord that all the wrong deeds in the year that has passed by were done as a result of avarice (kAma) and anger (krOda).

kAndarishi tharpana

The next important step in upakarma is doing the kAndarishi Tarpana (the offerings of black seasame seeds and raw rice with water) to our ancestors, the great Rishis then the creator Brahma and the various devatas who are delegated for executing various activities by our lord Sriman Narayana. Please note (We did not come from apes or monkeys. We came from Rishis).

Adiyen is sure that this is going to be one another article in the forum which is going to be passed on like passing clouds and we are going to attend our daily chores as usual forgetting our glorious culture from the great sages, rishis and the acharyas and run behind the culture from the West. If this is going to stop you from your thought process for a moment as an act of comtemplation, then adiyen will feel this has done enough justice.

Adiyen ramanuja dasan,

VaradarajanS. VaradarajanTata Consultancy ServicesMailto: s.varadarajanWebsite: http://www.tcs.com__________Experience certainty. IT ServicesBusiness SolutionsOutsourcing__________



Oppiliappan 08/26/2007 12:23 GMT


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OppiliappanOppiliappan Messages In This Digest (3 Messages) 1. VazhuthinAdan SatakOpan - 31 divya ramanan 2. Yadhavabhyudhaya-chapter17sarojram18 3. Fw: Sri Manorajan Atharvana panditDr. Sadagopan View All Topics | Create New Topic Messages 1. VazhuthinAdan SatakOpan - 31 Posted by: "divya ramanan" divyaramanan divyaramanan Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:46 am (PST) Vaikuntanatha Vijayasana BhoomipalaDevesa pankajavilichana choranatyanNikshepvittha Makaraya KarnapasouNatham Namami Vakulabharanena saartham-Sri Manavala Mamunigal Parankusanayaki’s friend and mother community continue to scold her….."This state of yours is not appropriate for our community. You are a girl. You need to behave like a girl with all good qualities. But, you don’t seem to…."For which Parankusanayaki continues with her reply…..chenganivaayin thiRaththa thaayumchenchudar neeLmudith thaazndha thaayum,changodu chakkaram kaNtu kandhumthaamaraik kaNkaLuk kaRRuth theerndhum…… (TVM 7.3.3)Oh friend community! I am completely defeated by his beautiful red lips and his golden and glittering hair. Not just this, his hair shows that he is the ruler of everyone. This clearly shows our lower state when compared to him. Moreover, I am delighted by seeing the sanghu and chakkaram in his hands. His lotus eyes also attract me. With all these attractions, I am completely lost in his thoughts.thingaLum naaLum vizaava Raadhathendhirup pEraiyil veeRRi rundha,nangaL piraanukken Nnencham thOzi!naaNum niraiyu mizandha dhuvE!Perumal with all the attributes resides in Thenthirupperai. This place always wears festive look, irrespective of whatever day or month it is. He is not just the Lord for everyone. He is the one who rules and protects us. ArchaiyAgira ivviruppu pApam pannina samsArigalukku – He is residing in Thenthirupperai and showing his thirumeni to all us who are in this sinful samsara.Nnencham thOzi! naaNum niraiyu mizandha dhuvE!My heart was always under my control. Now, it is freely thinking about Perumal in Thenthirupperai. Because of this, I have lost all my quality of a normal girl.Parankusanayaki continues her journey to Thenthirupperai with answers her mother and friend community. Let us join her in her journey as the series continues….ezundhanNal vEthath tholinNinROngu thenthiruppEraiyil veeRRirundha…….adiyen,ramananReady for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on TV. Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 2. Yadhavabhyudhaya-chapter17 Posted by: "sarojram18" sarojram18 sarojram18 Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:39 am (PST) Chapter 17- Krishna brings parijatha tree to DvarakaKrishna travelled on Garuda with Sathyabhama to Indtraloka to returnthe earrings of Adhithi and the umbrella of Varuna, which Narakaconfiscated from them.After being honoured by Indra and others Krishna,wishing to return to the earth, saw the nanadanavana, the celestialgarden of Indra and showed the beauty of it to Sathyabhama. Desika saysthat the garden was so exquisite that Indra on seeing it used to feel asthough he had only one eye instead of his 1000 eyes.Krishna compared the beauty of the flowers and creepers to that of Bhamaand said that the creepers dance to the tune of the music of the birdsand the bees.There were four kinds of trees in the nandanavana, namely, mandhAra,santhAna, kalpavriksha and harichandhana. The fifth was the parijata which came out of the milky ocean. The sprouts of the tree were likerubies, the leaves were like emeralds, the flowers of the tree were likejewels worn on the body and the bark was shining like gold. The tree canprovide beads for japa, flowers for worship and bark for austeregarment.With the karpaka creeper around it and with red sprouts it reminded oneof Lord Narayana, with Lakshmi, who was also born from the milky ocean,and wearing the kousthubha gem. The tree which was a sibling of crescentmoon and kousthubha seemed to be smiling with the dew drops like theteeth, shining on the red lip-like sprouts.Here Desika implies that Krishna has already willed to take the tree toDvaraka, may be, to show the power of His maya which made Indra forgetthe great help rendered by Krishna and fight with him over the tree.Krishna said as he had to rush to Dvaraka as all are expecting himthere, his eyes were taking in the beauty of the tree as though it wasthe breakfast before journey, meaning that the full beauty will beenjoyed later as he intended to take it with him. He put words in themouth of Sathyabhama to achieve this end by saying that she looked asthough she wanted to take the tree and plant it in her garden. He toldher that along with this tree Dvaraka would shine even more than thecapital of Indra because there were already the sankha and padma nidhisas in the capital of Kubera and also the assembly hall was calledsudharma after that of devaloka.In the next sloka Desika says that the suggestion of Krishna wasaccepted by Sathyabhama with joy.Ittham AdhikavinA sameerithAsA anvabhAvi kila sathyabhAmayASamarasyamiva thEna jagmusheesoukumAryasubhagA sarasvasthee(Yad.17-44)The speech of the Lord, who is Adhikavi (because he was the one whoinstructed Brahma, whose consort is Sarasvathi who graced Valmiki, knownas Adhikavi) and which was sweet and soft and conveyed his intention,was welcomed bySathyabhama with glee.This sloka is explained by Utthamur swamin with a delightful meaning asfollows:Desika himself, he says is fit to be called Adhikavi as he stands infront of everyone else being the kavithArkika simha. The wordsathyabhAma is split as sathya+bhA+mA meaning true wisdom and glory (mameaning Lakshmi) and the words of Desika, sarasvathi is enjoyed bythose who have wisdom and glory.Utthamur swamin also gives another explanation that refers toRamayanakavya. The sarasvathi referred could be taken as Ramayanakathathat was composed by Valmiki, who is the Adhikavi and his words wereenjoyed by Seetha whose glory and wisdom were true(bhA cha mA cha sathyAyasyAh thayA) when the kavya was sung by Lava and KuSa. This meaning ,though it may look far-fetched, is beautiful.Garuda, instructed by Krishna, uprooted the parijatha tree and hid itinside his wings which were like a big forest. Desika refers to Garudaas khyAthakeerthih amrthApaharathah, meaning that he was alreadyrenowned for arrying off amrtha. Garuda carried away amrtha to free hismother from slavery of Kathru, his stepmother and mother of theserpents, who laid the condition that he should do so. But it was takenback by Indra who followed him as soon as Vinatha, mother of Garuda wasfreed, before the serpents tasted it.Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 3. Fw: Sri Manorajan Atharvana pandit Posted by: "Dr. Sadagopan" yennappan sadagopan10510 Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:56 pm (PST) SrI:A dear friend of mine sent from Bangalore the recording of Purusha Sooktham as per AtharvaNa Veda exponents ( VithpaNNALs) .For those who have not heard AtharvaNa Vedam recited ( especailly from South India , where KrishNa Yajur Vedam is dominant ) , this will bea treat . Please listen to it .The Sundara Simham e-Book # 73 has the recordings Purusha Sooktham (audio files) in KrishNa Yajur Vedam ,Sukla Yajur Vedam , Saama Vedam , Rg Vedam and AtharvaNa Vedam . It also has santhai style ( for teachingpurposes) of Purusha Sooktham ( the Hymn of Creation) .On August 28 , You have the UpAkarmaa ( VedArambham) .Please listen to these Vedic recitations of Purusha Sooktham in the 5 Veda SamhithAs and feel fulfilled . Those who are qualified to recite VedAs can atleast Master their own branch of Vedam by learning Purusha Sooktham and recite it every day . It will take 3 to 5 minutes to recite . You can access these audio files and commentary on the grand (cosmic) vision of Purusha Sooktham ( e-book 73 in Sundara Simham series) :http://www.sundarasimham.org Below is a note from a student of Vedams from India about the disaster that struck an AtharvaNa Vedic Punditfrom Bihar as a result of the recent , devastating floods .Please help Sri ManOranjan AtharvaNa Pandit witha sambhAvanA to reconstruct his life from this horriblefloods . As you know , there are not too many Atharva Vedam experts in India anymore .Please send a note to Sriman Diwakar Kannan at Bangalore , if you can help .Thanks . NamO Veda PurushAya ,V.Sadagopan SrI:Dear allSeveral months back we recorded Atharvana vEdam rendered by Sri Manorajan in an attempt to release a cd which didn't fructify. This evening I got a call from him who hails from Orrisa and heard that rain has played havoc and his home is submerged in water causing severe loss. He is looking for some financial help and he has sent his friends's account details. If you are interested kindly help him. Jyoti Prakas NayakSBI Anandapur Branch, OrissaA/c no : 11378111518adiyEnDiwakarBack to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) Recent Activity



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Sri: Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha It is also called as adyena Prarambha. That one has to start reading veda aaranbha. Adiyen Sampath Kumar s.varadarajan wrote: srimathe ramanujaya namaha "Avani Avittam" or the "Upakarma festival" immediately brings to our minds the scene of chasing behind of VadyArs (Prohits or pundits well versed in vEdAs and its procedures) for getting the sacred threads changed before a stipulated time which is fixed nowadays definetly by the doer's respective Official work schedules and not by Vedas/Upanishad prescribed time periods. Also the above brings to our minds the aroma of special eatables like "appam" and "Iddly" which are done for a specific purpose which is also now obviously tweaked. Reason for this Iddly and Appam On the UpAkarma day, strictly speaking, the rule is to eat only after bhagavad-ArAdhana and the homam. If done properly this lasts well into the afternoon. Because of the length of the procedure, young brahmacharis and those

others who are absolutely unable to bear their hunger are permitted to eat before the homam itself. The typical meal consists of idli and appam, but usually excludes rice. Complete fasting is observed after this through the night, in preparation for the next day's gAyatrI japam. In some traditions one meal is eaten during the day and phalAhAram is observed at night. Let us try to contemplate on the actual reasons for doing this upakarma. As mentioned above, it is nowadays erroneously thought that upAkarma or AvaNi aviTTam is primarily the changing the yajnopavItam or the sacred thread (poonool). This is nearly a mile away from the actual reason. Changing the poonool happens very often, whenever a significant vedic karma is performed. kAmOkArishIt japam We begin the above ritual with a kAmOkArishIt japam. kAmo'kArshIt japam is done as an atonement, a prAyaScittam for

not having done the traditional utsarjana sankalpa earlier in the year. The sankalpa for the japam says this explicitly ('adhyAya-utsarjana-akaraNa'). Just as upAkarma is the formal recommencement of Vedic studies, the utsarjana is a sankalpa done to formally halt study of the Vedas and commence study of grammar, prosody, pronounciation, astronomy, etymology, etc., as well as other shastras, all of which are helpful in understanding the Vedas. The year was therefore divided into two, one half for studying the Vedas, the other half for studying the VedAngas or Vedic accessories. The utsarjana has unfortunately fallen into disuse for quite a while, so what remains is the meagre prAyaScittam for not having done it. Therefore, the important yajnopavItam changing is for the upAkarma. kAmOkArishIt japam is actually an act of apology to the lord that all the wrong deeds in the year that has passed by were done as a result of avarice (kAma) and anger (krOda). kAndarishi tharpana The next important step in upakarma is doing the kAndarishi Tarpana (the offerings of black seasame seeds and raw rice with water) to our ancestors, the great Rishis then the creator Brahma and the various devatas who are delegated for executing various activities by our lord Sriman Narayana. Please note (We did not come from apes or monkeys. We came from Rishis). Adiyen is sure that this is going to be one another article in the forum which is going to be passed on like passing clouds and we are going to attend our daily chores as usual forgetting our glorious culture from the great sages, rishis and the acharyas and run behind the culture from the West. If this is going to stop

you from your thought process for a moment as an act of comtemplation, then adiyen will feel this has done enough justice. Adiyen ramanuja dasan, VaradarajanS. VaradarajanTata Consultancy ServicesMailto: s.varadarajan (AT) tcs (DOT) comWebsite: http://www.tcs.com__________Experience certainty. IT ServicesBusiness SolutionsOutsourcing__________=====-----=====-----===== Notice: The information contained in this e-mail message and/or attachments to it may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination, use, review, distribution, printing or copying of the information contained in this e-mail message and/or attachments to it are strictly prohibited. If you have received this

communication in error, please notify us by reply e-mail or telephone and immediately and permanently delete the message and any attachments. Thank you

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama: Dear Sriman Varadarajan Swamin, Namaskaram! Adien used to feel, and also tell often, that we need to be reminded once in a while of the real purpose of our birth however much we internally feel that we have that Smaranai. Dhevareer's article does a lot in this direction. Thank you and Lord Lakshminarayanan's blessings be with you and your family. Adien Ramanujaya Dasan Vinjamoor S. Vijaya Raghavan.s.varadarajan wrote: srimathe ramanujaya namaha "Avani Avittam" or the "Upakarma festival" immediately brings to our minds the scene of chasing behind of VadyArs (Prohits or pundits well versed in vEdAs and its procedures) for getting the sacred threads changed before a stipulated time which is fixed nowadays definetly by the doer's respective Official work schedules and not by Vedas/Upanishad prescribed time periods. Also the above brings to our minds the aroma of special eatables like "appam" and "Iddly" which are done for a specific purpose which is also now obviously tweaked. Reason for this Iddly and Appam On the UpAkarma day, strictly speaking, the rule is to eat

only after bhagavad-ArAdhana and the homam. If done properly this lasts well into the afternoon. Because of the length of the procedure, young brahmacharis and those others who are absolutely unable to bear their hunger are permitted to eat before the homam itself. The typical meal consists of idli and appam, but usually excludes rice. Complete fasting is observed after this through the night, in preparation for the next day's gAyatrI japam. In some traditions one meal is eaten during the day and phalAhAram is observed at night. Let us try to contemplate on the actual reasons for doing this upakarma. As mentioned above, it is nowadays erroneously thought that upAkarma or AvaNi aviTTam is primarily the changing the yajnopavItam or the sacred thread (poonool). This is nearly a mile away from the actual reason. Changing the poonool happens very often, whenever a significant vedic karma is performed.

kAmOkArishIt japam We begin the above ritual with a kAmOkArishIt japam. kAmo'kArshIt japam is done as an atonement, a prAyaScittam for not having done the traditional utsarjana sankalpa earlier in the year. The sankalpa for the japam says this explicitly ('adhyAya-utsarjana-akaraNa'). Just as upAkarma is the formal recommencement of Vedic studies, the utsarjana is a sankalpa done to formally halt study of the Vedas and commence study of grammar, prosody, pronounciation, astronomy, etymology, etc., as well as other shastras, all of which are helpful in understanding the Vedas. The year was therefore divided into two, one half for studying the Vedas, the other half for studying the VedAngas or Vedic accessories. The utsarjana has unfortunately fallen into disuse for quite a while, so what remains is the meagre prAyaScittam for not having done it. Therefore, the important yajnopavItam changing is

for the upAkarma. kAmOkArishIt japam is actually an act of apology to the lord that all the wrong deeds in the year that has passed by were done as a result of avarice (kAma) and anger (krOda). kAndarishi tharpana The next important step in upakarma is doing the kAndarishi Tarpana (the offerings of black seasame seeds and raw rice with water) to our ancestors, the great Rishis then the creator Brahma and the various devatas who are delegated for executing various activities by our lord Sriman Narayana. Please note (We did not come from apes or monkeys. We came from Rishis). Adiyen is sure that this is going to be one another article in the forum which is going to be passed on like passing clouds and we are going to attend our

daily chores as usual forgetting our glorious culture from the great sages, rishis and the acharyas and run behind the culture from the West. If this is going to stop you from your thought process for a moment as an act of comtemplation, then adiyen will feel this has done enough justice. Adiyen ramanuja dasan, VaradarajanS. VaradarajanTata Consultancy ServicesMailto: s.varadarajan (AT) tcs (DOT) comWebsite: http://www.tcs.com__________Experience certainty. IT ServicesBusiness SolutionsOutsourcing__________=====-----=====-----===== Notice: The information contained in this e-mail message and/or attachments to it may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination, use, review,

distribution, printing or copying of the information contained in this e-mail message and/or attachments to it are strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us by reply e-mail or telephone and immediately and permanently delete the message and any attachments. Thank you

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