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krisna and aazhvaar 9

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Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,



We continue studying sukhar and aazhvaar together on the week / period of 'krishNa jayanthi'. Is it krishNa jayanthi? No sirs, it is 'sree jayanthi'. That is the name given for 'krishNa jayanthi'.


Coming back to that 'ajana janma rksham' of post 6

1. Meaning of 'ajana' as per Monier Williams Sanskrit English dictionary is – the instigator, Brahma, destitute of men, desert, an insignificant person.

2. Janma is birth

3. Rksha – is a bear, a species of ape, star, a constellation, lunar mansion, a particular star under which a person happens to be born.


So 'ajana janma rksha' means – brahma whose birth star is rOhini. Actually we are not interested in birth of brahma or in fact about 'vasudhEva or aanaka dhundhubi' but we are interested in '

KRISHNA or vaasudhEva' jananam.


On that 'aththaththin paththaanaaL' - uththamoor swamy interprets – do counting in the reverse order from 'hastham' – which is 'rOhiNi' – annaaLil thOnRiya achchuthan – krishNan – this is what anbil swamy pointed out.



But my point is - where is the slokam saying, it is that 'aavaNi or bhaadhra or simha or sraavaNa maasam' 'ashtami thithi' etc. from sreemadh bhaagavatham?



Perhaps Sree sukhar has left that for sage paraasara to deal and give that reference – his great grand father.



For in slokam 5-1-77 – the 5

th amsam first sargam and slokam 77 of Sree Vishnu PuraaNam SVP, sree paraasara – the author of Vishnu puraaNam - states –



when bhoomi dhEvi appeals to lord, the supreme lord naaraayaNan says to yOgamaayaa -

[which we can see in sargam 2 of 10th canto - here - in bhagavatham- naarayaNa giving instructions to yogamaayaa]



praavrushTa kaalE cha nabhasi krishNa ashtamyaam aham ni


i |

uthpathsyaami navamyaam thu prasoothim thvam avaapyasi || 5-1-77




here it is very clear


praavrushta – rainy season or varsha rithu


nabhasi – sraavaNa maasam or bhaadhra maasam – [nabha, nabhas – both are stated as July- August, and /or August- September in Monier Williams dictionary]


krishNa – the paksha - the dark fortnight – [other one is sukla – the white]


ashtami – the 8

th thithi

aham uthpathsyaami – I will spring forth or take birth



It may be that the star is rOhini on that day which is not stated here. So the detail is available in SVP.



Let us continue in next post.






-- Vasudevan MG

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Adiyen's humble contribution to Vasudevan swami's wonderful postings

on Krishna's birth.


Those familiar with astrological texts know that the rules of

astrology are given hidden in verses.

The Nadi texts too do not mention the birth of a person in straight

verses. This is found to be the style of writing by those ancient

seers. The same style is seen in Sukha's description of Krishna janma.


To take up the doubts expressed by swamin,


(1)Atthatthatthin patthaam naal - is both rohini and thiruvonam.

all these 3, namely rohini, hastham and thiruvonam belong to the same

category and are ruled by the same planet, namely Chandran. They are

janma, anu-janma and thri-janma nakshthras (resepctively) of Krishna.

All the 3 bear a significance in a person's life.


It is also a way of saying that Krishna belongs to chandra varga ! -

something similar to how Sri rama is known as Rama chandra in a

different way - as a taraadhipan (chandran)in Maruthi's first

description about Srirama to Sita piratti in sundhara khandam (tasya

puthra priyO jyeshta 'taaradhipa' nibhaanana:)


Thus both Rama and krishna are manOkaraks, (chandran is mano-karakan)

who rules our hearts.

While Rama was born as Taaradhipan, krishna was born in chandran's



(2) The thiruvonatthan - As swami had stated all 27 stars are ruled by

devathas. Thiruvonam is ruled by none other than Vishnu. In astrology,

whenever we mention thiruvonam, we immediately link it to Vishnu since

the star and those born in that are close to Vishnu amsam, and vishnu

rules them.


(3) ajana janma rksham - jana is one who is born (sprung). ajana is

not sprung, meaning the one who is always existent and is not born.

This person is descripton for Brahma as ati devata for rohini

nakshathra! Brahama is described like this. It is only apt that

Krishna, the always existant Reality chose this day as his birth day.

It is here the riddle is solved.


> Krishna was born on a chandra nakshthra (we guess any of the 3

rohini, hastham or thiruvonam)

> krishna was born on ajana janma rksha nakshthra - this clarifies

which of the 3 - since Brahma is indicated here, the star ruled by

him, namely rohini is deduced as the star of krishna's birth.


By not mentioning the month, sri sukhar perhaps wanted to stress on

the chandra connection - mano kaarak nature of krishna in pulling the

jivas minds to Him. Aavani is the constellation owned by Sun, this

perhaps made him omit it and instead harp on mano kaarak conenction.


The other details (in vishnu purana) are explained in usual order

followed in astrology.


Rithu first - varsha rithu (this is applicble to souramana years /

solar years) This means either aavani or purattasi maasam only.


Then the month - said by the word nabahsi. Nabhas is the ruler of

aavani maasam. So next clarification is obtained here, Krishna was

born in Aavani month.


Then thithi (generally there is no practice to mention vaaram or day

in any texts - the reason may be that they dont follow any specific

pattern dependant on sun or moon's movement.)

Thithi is ashtami.


This description seems to be like a statement without adding any

qualitative description.


Vachaka dosham kshanthavya:








-- In , " MG Vasudevan " <vasudevanmg wrote:


> Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,




> We continue studying sukhar and aazhvaar together on the week /

period of

> 'krishNa jayanthi'. Is it krishNa jayanthi? No sirs, it is 'sree


> That is the name given for 'krishNa jayanthi'.




> Coming back to that 'ajana janma rksham' of post 6


> 1. Meaning of 'ajana' as per Monier Williams Sanskrit English

dictionary is

> – the instigator, Brahma, destitute of men, desert, an insignificant




> 2. Janma is birth


> 3. Rksha – is a bear, a species of ape, star, a constellation, lunar

> mansion, a particular star under which a person happens to be born.




> So 'ajana janma rksha' means – brahma whose birth star is rOhini.


> we are not interested in birth of brahma or in fact about 'vasudhEva or

> aanaka dhundhubi' but we are interested in 'KRISHNA or vaasudhEva'





> On that 'aththaththin paththaanaaL' - uththamoor swamy interprets – do

> counting in the reverse order from 'hastham' – which is 'rOhiNi' –


> thOnRiya achchuthan – krishNan – this is what anbil swamy pointed out.




> But my point is - where is the slokam saying, it is that 'aavaNi or


> or simha or sraavaNa maasam' 'ashtami thithi' etc. from sreemadh

> bhaagavatham?




> Perhaps Sree sukhar has left that for sage paraasara to deal and

give that

> reference – his great grand father.




> For in slokam 5-1-77 – the 5th amsam first sargam and slokam 77 of Sree

> Vishnu PuraaNam SVP, sree paraasara – the author of Vishnu puraaNam

- states

> –




> when bhoomi dhEvi appeals to lord, the supreme lord naaraayaNan says to

> yOgamaayaa - [which we can see in sargam 2 of 10th canto - here - in

> bhagavatham- naarayaNa giving instructions to yogamaayaa]




> praavrushTa kaalE cha nabhasi krishNa ashtamyaam aham ni*s*i |


> uthpathsyaami navamyaam thu prasoothim thvam avaapyasi || 5-1-77




> here it is very clear


> praavrushta – rainy season or varsha rithu


> nabhasi – sraavaNa maasam or bhaadhra maasam – [nabha, nabhas – both are

> stated as July- August, and /or August- September in Monier Williams

> dictionary]


> krishNa – the paksha - the dark fortnight – [other one is sukla –

the white]


> ashtami – the 8th thithi


> aham uthpathsyaami – I will spring forth or take birth




> It may be that the star is rOhini on that day which is not stated

here. So

> the detail is available in SVP.




> Let us continue in next post.




> Dhasan


> Vasudevan.m.g.





> --

> Vasudevan MG


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