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krishna and aazhvaar 8

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Post 8


Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,




I thank our respected swamin sreemaan Anbil Ramaswamy and sreemaan soundararajan for their responses. While I wait for some more responses, here is the table containing 27 nakshathrams and their athi dhevathai - taken from internet. Since I could not edit this table please bear with the author for spelling mistakes – in bharini etc.






Abhijit Nakshathra: Abhijit nakshathra is called the inter calary (IC) nakshatra as it appear as a small (smaller duration as compared to normal duration of nakshatra 13d 20m) nakshatra between Uttarashadha and Sravana. The duration of Uttarashadha is divided into four parts and the first three padas are assigned to Uttarashadha, which makes the duration of Uttarashadha to be 10deg with each pada to be 2d 30m. The remaining one pada of Uttarashadha is assigned to Abhijit, the intercalary nakshatra. Similarly beginning 1/15th part of Sravana is given to Abhijit, making its total length to be 253.33 min, i.e., 4d 13m 20s. The remaining 14/15th part of Sravana is assigned to the four padas of Sravana, making the total duration of Sravana to be 12d 26m 40s

The details are as taken from internet and since I am zero in astrology, I leave the interpretations to experts in astrology.


Also if you are familiar with 'udhaka saanthi' manthrams – at least having heard it more than once – then you can note that this 27 nakshathrams and their athidhevadhais are spelt there – with a small change – there it starts with krithikaa nakhathram and then the circle gets completed with bharaNi.



Now we continue on the slokams of bhaagavatham and aazhvaar verses. We saw point 'M. verse 3-6-10' in post 5.


N.Verse 1-2-3: This verse of aazhvaar is comprehensive while sukha brahmam takes 3 slokams.


praag ayam vasudhEvasya kvacith jaathas thava aathmajah |


vaasudhEva ithi sreemaan abhijnah samprachakshathE || – 10-8-14




For many reasons, this beautiful son of yours sometimes appeared previously as the son of Vasudeva. Therefore, the learned sometimes call this child Vaasudeva.



ya Ethasmin mahaa bhaagah prithim kurvanthi maanavaah |


naarayO~bhibhavanthy Ethan VishNu pakshaan iva asuraah || 10-8-18



thasmaath nandha aathmajo~yam thE naaraayana samO gunaih |


sriya keerthya anubhaavEna gOpayasva samahithah || 10-8-19




For 18. Demons [asuras] cannot harm the demigods, who always have Lord VishNu on their side. Because such persons are very much affectionate toward KrishNa, they cannot be defeated by demons like the associates of Kamsa [or by the internal enemies, the senses].

For 19. Therefore, O Nandha, this child of yours is as good as NaaraayaNa. In His transcendental qualities, opulence, name, fame and influence, He is exactly like NaaraayaNa. You should all raise this child very carefully and cautiously.




viN koL amarargaL vEdhanai theera mun

maN koL vasudhEvar maganaai vandhu

thin koL asuraraith thEya vaLarginRaan,

kaNgaL irundhvaa kaaNeerE kana vaLaiyeer, vandhu kaaNeerE | 1-2- 16


The second line of aazhvaar's verse is translation / reflection of slokam 14. First and third line are slokams 18, 19. Aazhvaar has placed the invitation also so beautifully in the 4

th line. Aah krishNa – it is all your glory.



Vasudevan m.g. -- Vasudevan MG

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