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krishna and aazhvaar 13

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Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,



We are continuing the study of krishNa's birth and how aazhvaar closely followed sree sukha brahmam in bhaagavatham even when he said that thiruvONaththaan – which normally would appear different – for we know krishNa is born on rOhiNi.


We have seen father and mother of child vishNu praying him in that jail cell. Now continuing - Sri bhagavaan replies the parents together - see slokam saying this is my third birth to you – oh blessed couple – vasudhEvar and dhEvakee -



adhrushTvaa anya thamam lOkE

seela oudhaarya guNaih samam |

aham suthO vaam abhavam pr

snigarbha ithi s

ruthah || 10 –3-41



Since I found no one else as highly elevated as you [the couple] in simplicity and other qualities of good character, I appeared in this world as pr

snigarbha, [or one who is celebrated as having taken birth from lady pr



[MGV adds - this is the first birth of lord to the couple vasudhEva and dhEvakee - earlier known as 'suthapa' and 'pr



thayOr vaam punar Eva aham adhithyaam aasa ka

syapaath |

upEndhra ithi vikhyaathO vaamanathvaach cha vaamanah || 10 –3-42




In the next millennium [manvantharam], I again appeared from the two of you, - my mother, 'adhithi', and my father, 'kasyapa'. I was known as "

upEndhra", and being a dwarf [size wise], I was also known as vaamana.


[MGV adds - this is second birth to same couple- vaamana avathaaram]



thrutheeyE~ asmin bhavE~ aham vai thEnaiva vapushaa atha vaam |


jaathO bhuyas thayOr Eva sathyam mE vyahrtham sathi || 10-3- 43




O supremely chaste mother, I, the same personality, have now appeared of you, both, as your son for the 3

rd time. Take my words as the truth.


So all three times same supreme lord naaraayaNan, vishNu has appeared – HIS words "mE vyartham sathyam" reports sree sukhar. And see further slokam – the lords' own words to parents – "hey you will not believe that I have come – to make you believe I appear in a form which you can recognize me easily" --


Ethadh vaam dhar

sitham roopam prag janma smaraNaaya mE |

na anyathhaa madh bhavam jnaanam marthya lingEna jaayathE || 10-3-44




I have shown you this form of Vishnu [the 4 handed form with kousthubham sreevathsam et al] just to remind you of my previous births. Otherwise, if I appeared like an ordinary human child, you would not believe that me, the supreme vishNu, has indeed appeared.




Oh, oh, great grand proving of his own identity. So he himself has to say with an emphasis on that words 'mE vyartham sathyam', 'to make you people, my dear parents, believe I have come in that vishNu form which you can recognize easily, '.


[perhaps in dhvaapara yugam itself 'believing' of such incidences might be slightly difficult - it appears, from this.

Now in kali – kEtkavE vENdaam – thirumbavum 'mE vyartham sathyam' sonnaalum kEtka maaTTOm – unakku indha maadhiri evvaLavu sathyam vENumnu thirumba kEtkum kaalam idhu].


So again recall aazhvaar – when HE has come as per HIS own words –

"aaN oppaan ivan illai kaaN – thiruvONaththaan"

– being confirmed by himself and nobody else.


krishNa is a 'sulabhan' – they say – in all places. If he is not such a sulabhan – andha soulabhyaththai vaari vaari vazhangum vallaL – illaiyaanaal – why should he try to prove himself – that too to his own parents, and openly say that – I come in this form - to make you believe that I only have come – I have to take pains to make you believe.



show by action first – in physical forms, then follow it by words

" is one of the points in modern management - all learnt from our ancient texts only.


Oh, see how hard he tries to prove his own identity -- and that too as soon as born – baalakam says sukhar – at that stage -



– to none else than that very same mother – who has just delivered him [after 12 months of carrying in pregnancy]



– to the parent who has watched his wife deliver the baby


– because both are in same cell, he has to watch his wife deliver the baby


– to both who are in such a confinement in that cell



– in the dark of the night.


Aha, aha – krishNa krishNa. Great great. Let us continue in next post,




Vasudevan m.g.-- Vasudevan MG

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