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SrI KrishNa KarNAmrutham : 2.4

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SlOkam 2.4: PrAyascchittham for offenses to Saraswathi Devi



In this slOkam , LeelA Sukhar repents over aparAdhams

committed to the Goddess of Learning , Saraswathi Devi ,

and states the sins for such trespasses are going to be

removed by his acts of eulogizing Lord KrishNa's guNa

GaNams ( assembly of auspicious attributes) .


SlOkam 2.4


Maatha: Paramanuchitham yath-khalAnAm purasthaa-

dhasthASankam jaThara-piTharee poorthayE narthithAsi

tath-kshanthavyam sahaja-saralE VathsalE VaaNi kuryAm

prAyascchithtam guNa-gaNanayaa gOpavEshasya VishNO:


Prose Ordwe/anvaya kramam


Maatha: sahaja saralE ! VathsalE ! VaaNi ! astha Aasankam

JaThara-piTharee poorthayE ! khalAnAm purasthAth narthithAsi

yath , atha: param anuchitham na : Tath ( Thvam) Kshanthavyam .

gOpa-Veshasya VishNO: guNa-gaNanayaa prAyaschittham kuryAm .


Meaning and commentary :


Oh Mother Saraswathy ( Maatha: VaaNi ) ! Oh Mother who has

intrinsic and svabhAvika vaathsalyam towards Your children !

( sahaja saralE ! vathsalE !) . There is nothing lower than my

tongue (atha: param anuchitham na) , which danced shamelessly

in front of the rich and haughty and praised them for the sake of

filling my stomach cavity ( astha Asankam jaThara-piThari

poorthayE , khalAnAm purasthAth narthithAsi yath , atha:

param na) . These are grave misdeeds to eke a livelihood .

Oh most Merciful Mother ! You should forgive these trespasses

of mine ( tath Kshanthavyam) . adiyEn performs prAyascchittham

( redemption) for these sins committed by eulogising the auspicious

and limitless guNAs of VishNu , who has taken the form of

the Child in the clan of cowherds ( gOpa vEshasya VishNO:

guNa gaNanayA prAyascchittham kuryAm ) .


Poet Leela Sukhar states here that the nirvEdham arising

from the times wasted by praising the haughty rich to fill

his stomach has led to his seeking the forgivance of

Goddess Saraswathi . The poet acknowledges that

he is now engaged in an act of penenance through

his acts of keerthanam of the anantha klayANa guNams

of the Lord , who has incarnated in Gokulam as a child

in the clan of cowherds .


SrI KrishNAya Thubhyam Nama:

Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan



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