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Dear All :


I am enclosing a request from

Sri Govindarajan Swami .

Please help if you have any

information on the availability of

this book .


Thanks ,




The Prapannamrtam39 (a Vr aisnava hagiology in Sanskrit written by Anantarya, a contemporary of Venkatapati Raya (1585-1614). This gives an elaborate account of the sack of the temple and wanderings of the Ranganathan idol.


Is Prapannamrtam is available anywhere? Is this possible to get? Whether swamin knows about this? Adiyen would like to read this book. DAsan, -- V.C. GOVINDARAJAN,COORDINATOR, DEPT. OF SANSKRIT,INDIAN SCHOOL, ALGHUBRA,P.O.BOX 1887, PC 111, SULTANATE OF OMAN,PH: 00968-99076048 / 24498549

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Swamin Namaskarams,Prapannmrutham is a book with 2 volumes published by Puthur Advocate Swami Krishnaswami Iyengar. The same is available through Srivaishnavasri, 214, East Uttara Street, Srirangam, Tiruchy - 620 006. Phone number: 91-431-2434398 (website www.srivaishnavasri.com) The cost is Rs. 90 and Rs. 80.However, this books details only of Acharyans only - second volume totally dedicated to Emperumanar.The details regarding Mughal invasions etc can be read from Koil Olugu published by Srivaishnavasri themselves in 3 volumes. Or a story form of this can be read from "Thiruvarangan ulaa" by Srivenugopalan (4 volumes).Adiyen DasanSridharan"Dr. Sadagopan" <yennappan wrote: SrI: Dear All : I am enclosing a request from Sri Govindarajan Swami . Please help if you have any information on the availability of this book . Thanks , V.S The Prapannamrtam39 (a Vr aisnava hagiology in Sanskrit written by Anantarya, a contemporary of Venkatapati Raya (1585-1614). This gives an elaborate account of the sack of the temple and wanderings of the Ranganathan idol. Is Prapannamrtam is available anywhere? Is this possible to get? Whether swamin knows about this? Adiyen would like to read this book. DAsan, -- V.C. GOVINDARAJAN,COORDINATOR, DEPT. OF SANSKRIT,INDIAN SCHOOL, ALGHUBRA,P.O.BOX 1887, PC 111, SULTANATE OF OMAN,PH: 00968-99076048 / 24498549

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