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Pomona Sri Ranganatha Temple Fund Raising Kaimkaryam : Special articles on JitanthE StOtram : Part IV

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Dear SrI Ranganatha BhakthAs :


As indicated in the previous posting ,

detailed and profound commentaries

on the First 14 slOkams of the First

JitanthE has been translated into English

by Dr. M.N.Ramanujam of Bangalore :




The readers are requested to study the above

text as background as adiyEn prays to vyAkyAna

Chakravarthy to bless adiyEn to engage in this

Kaimkaryam to raise funds for Sri Ranganatha ,

the PuNDareekAkshan .


adiyEn will now commence with the coverage of

the Meanings and Commentaries on the remaining

slOkams of all the six JitantEs within the limit of

adiyEn's mandha mathi .


SlOkam 15


SarvEshu dEsa-kaalEshu sarvAvasTAsu chAchyutha

kimkarOsmi HrushikEsa bhUyO-bhUyOasmi kimkara:


(Meaning) : Oh Lord with the Achyutha nAmam to remind

us of Your resolve to come to the rescue of everyone ,

who has sought Your sacred feet as their sole refuge !


Oh Prabhu with the HrushIkEsa nAmam to remind us

that You are the Isan (Lord) of our Hrisheekams ( sense

organs) and the Controller of our Hrusheekams to direct

them towards immersion in the enjoyment of Your limitless

auspicious attributes and dhivya soundharyam !


adiyEn's firm resolve is to perform kaimkaryams for

You again and again at all times , places and states .


Please bless adiyEn with such soubhAgyams to have

nithya kaimkarya prApthi and engagement in Your

Kaimkaraym again and again at all times , places

and states !


Comment ary on slOkam passages :


Achyutha Naamam:


Sounaka Rishi chooses the Achytha Naamam

to remind us that He is the One who never lets

His PrapannAs down .


In SrI VishNu Sahasra Naamam , the name of Achyuthan

is invoked thrice by VyAsa BhagavAn ( 101st , 320th and

557th NaamAs) .


Bhagavan says that " He is never away from those

who have sought refuge in Him " . In Srimad RaamAyaNam ,

He asserts that " I have never abandoned (My BhakthAs );

because of this act of Mine , I am known as Achyutha ".

He declares that this Karma of His has led to His name

as Achyuthan ( " YasmAth na chyutha-poorvOham

Achyutha: tEna KarmaNaa" ) . His name has also been

linked to the fact that He never loses His Overlordship

(SarvEswarathvam) at any time ( "YasmAnna chyavathE

sTAnAth , tasmAth sankeerthyathE Achyutha:" ). Brahma ,

Indhra do slip down from their positions ( sTanam) ,

when their acquired PuNyams are exhausted but

BhagavAn SrImann NaarAyaNan never slips down

and hence He is saluted as "Achyuthan" .


Swamy Desikan composed 100 slOkams in PrAkrutham

known as Achyutha Sathakam to reveal to us

the Achyutha Tatthvam .The naamAs that Swamy

Desikan chose to salute Achyuthan of Thiruvaheendhrapuram

are self-revelatory : Daasa Sathyan ( True to His BhakthAs

who surrender to Him ) ; Kimkara Sathyan ( adiyavarkku

Meyyan/ True to those , who engage in Kaimkaryams

for Him ). He does not abandon them ever and inquires

always about their yOga KshEmam);He is the SaraNAgatha

Sathyan ( True to those , who sought Him as their sole refuge).


Since this slOkam seeks uninterrupted Kaimkaryam to BhagavAn

at all times , places and states , the focus on BhagavAn as

Kimkara sathya Achyuthan is very appropriate .

HrusheekEsa Naamam :


For performing uninterrupted Kaimkaryam to

BhagavAn , one's sense organs have to be

kept fully under control so that they do not stray to

VishayAntharams . Our Lord is the Niyanthaa(controller)

of the HrusheekAs ( sense organs) as their Lord ( "Tath

KaraNAnAmapi niyAmakathvAth HrusheekEsa ithi " ).

By controlling the sensory organs of the Jeevans ,

our Lord directs them to stay focussed on Him

and presents Himself to them and confers on

them the strength of mind not to stray away

from Him ( Yajur Vedam KaaDakam : " Ya AathmadhA

PhaladhA ") .


The BruhadhAraNyaka Upanishad (5.7.22) salutes the Lord

in this context as the Isan of Hrusheekams (Sensory Organs) :


" HrushekANeendhindhriyANyAhu: tEshAm IsO

YaTA BhavAn HrusheekEsa ithi khyAtha: ".


SarvEshu dEsa kaalEshu sarvAvasthAsu kimkarOsmi(1):


This is the noble statement of one who has done

the Aathma samarpaNa Yaagam (SaraNAgathy at

the sacred feet of the Lord in the spirit of two mantrams

of Yajur BrAhmaNam : " yOhamasmi sa sann yajE "

and "YasyAsmi na tamantharEmi " . The first mantram

states that the jeevan performs the Aathma SamarpaNa

Yaagam in its true form as the bonded servant of the Lord

and as His property . The second mantram asserts that

adiyEn is the unconditional Daasan of the Lord and

will therefore not stray away from Him ( the True

Master). Ananyagathithvam and ananya-sEshathvam

aspects of Prapannan engaged in Kaimkaryam

to the Sarva Seshi is referred to here . This unalterable

relationship between the JeevAathmA and ParamAthmA

is defined also by a slOkam from VishNu Tatthvam :


" Aathma dhAsyam HarE: SwAmyam

SvabhAvam cha sadhA smara "


It is the inherent nature of the AathmA to be the servant

( Kimkaran) of its Swami . For those , who engage in true

Kaimkaryam , the Lord takes them by His hand to

His supreme abode ( aham smarAmi madh bhaktham

nayaami paramAm gathim --VarAha PerumAL in His

charama slOkam ). To these noble Kimkaraas

resulting in the accumulation of Kaimkarya Sree ,

He is the Kimkara Sathya Achyutha Swami .


SarvEshu dEsEshu KaalEshu sarvAvasthAsu KimkarOsmi(2)



AzhwArs and AchAryas seek this Kaimkarya PrApthi

to Sriman Narayana in this and the other world in all

states and at all times .They pray that the desa-Kaala-

avasthaa do not interfere with their Kaimkaryams

to Him and beg Him as NirupAdhika dEvan

to chase away all obstacles to such Kaimkaryams .


Some examples of prayer for such Kaimkaryam are:


" unakkE NaamAtccheyvOm , MaRRai namm KaamangaL

MaaRRu " ---ThiruppAvai : Paasuram 29


"Thvaddh DaasyamEva hi vidhushAm mattam tath " ---

KurEsar in Sri Vaikunta Sthavam ( SlOkam 65) . Here ,

KurEsar says: " The Knowledgable people know that

Vaikunta BhOgam is nothing but performing Kaimkaryam

to You as Your Kinkaran . This is their darsanam ".


SrI VaishNava Sarvaswam has been identified as

the Nama: sabdhArTam of Dhvaya Mantram elaborated in

ThiruvAimozhi (TVM 2.5):

" Yaanum PiRappil pall PiRavip-PerumAnai

MaRapponRinRi yenRum mahizhvEnE "


(Meaning): It is immaterial to me whether I take the lowest

of births or be blessed with the highest PurushArTams

(Moksham ) . " I will for my part , ever meditate , with intense

joy , the Lord with His infinite auspicious qualities and admirable

exploits , without any intermission , at all times ( places and states) ;

the Lord who takes many births out of free will , though He is birthless .

What is most important is that I will subordinate my everything ,

including my happiness , to His satisfaction . I will remember that

I am not an independent force but only a dependent( Paratantran) ,

subservient to my dear Lord " .


NamO SrI Ranganathaya ,

Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan


P.S: Dear SrI Ranganatha BhakthAs : We have started to find

living quaters for our Temple staff ( 5 Priests and one Cook)

and unite them with their families as soon as Possible .

We need all of Your help to realize this goal . Please go to

our temple web site and send your contributions online :


Thank You all .







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