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With courtesy to http://srivaishnavam.wordpress.comdasan,T.Raguveeradayal

Mahabharatha Epitomised


May Lord Shri Krishna ,the Glorious,

As in the case of Pandavas,the Virtuous,

Help us all come out Victorious ,

Against Diabolic forces,so boisterous ,

Be good and do good like Dharmaputhra,

Habituate utmost fearlessness of Bhima,

Adjust to any environment like Arjuna,

Regularly keep the body trim like Nakula

Adopt the devotional way of Sahaadevaa,

Treat sufferings as blessings like Kunthi

Absolutely surrender to God like Dhraupadhi

Compiled by Sri Vaishnava scholar D.Rangaachaari swaamy,East Chithra st., Srirangam.

Ramayana precepts for Life


Revere parents and elders affectionately

Adore saints & savants respectfully

Mourn not for any loss,bear patiently

Always follow the path of Dharmaa sincerely

Yield not to temptations,resist firmly

Avoid talking arrogantly or impolitely

Never treat the weak or meeek unkindly.

As Anjaneyaa perform Raama japa permanently.

compiled by revered Sri Vaishnava scholar ,D.Rangaachaari swaamy , srirangam.

All about Shri Anjaneyaa

Joyfully performed extraordinary feats

Attends Ramayana discourses even now

Invincible city of Lanka was set ablaze by him

Saviour of Seetha & Rama

Hero of the Epic Sundarakaandam

Reverentially worshipped by one and all in Homes,Temples and even Gymnasiums

Immortal,ideal Raama Bhakthaa

Anjanananda ,Pavanathmajaa,Raamadhoothaa

None can excel him in his eloquent speech

Justly got the master's (Lord Raamaa's) grace of Embrace

Anyone can approach him with the Raama naamaa

Noble and Memorable character of the Epic Raamaayana

Ever chanting Nithyasoori of the Raama naamaa

Your name gives courage and valour to the weak

Always utters the Thrayodashaakshari Shri Ram Jai Raam Jai Jai Raam

compiled by D.Rangaachaari swaamy, learned scholar,sreerangam.



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