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SrI UpakAra Sangraham Part 9

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srI: SrI upakAra sangraham – 9 --- adikAram – 1 poorva upakAra paramparai (The Foremost Series of Favours) (continued) --- By the grace of the Lord, SrIman nArAyaNa, the fortuanate jIvA obtained the right knowledge through the updhEsam of his sAtvic

AchAryA, who also is a gift of the Lord. As a result of the wisdom – discriminative knowledge – which he obtained, the jIvA’s all doubts and confusion disappeared. Then, he discovered the real Ultimate Paramapurusha, Who is no one but SrIman nArAyaNa, Who has no equal or a superior to Him. That wisdom led the jIvA to declare that he will not turn to any other dEva than SrIman nArAyaNa, Who has taken His abode in KaNNapuram, Who, out of His limitless compassion, has made Himself easily accessible to all devotees living in this materialistic world. After all the doubts and confusion having gone and acquiring the discriminative knowledge, what the

jIvA does is described by SwAmi Desikan now:- Text :- athadiyAka “annAL nee thantha Akkaiyin vazhi uzhalvEn” ithyAthikLil chonna theevra-mAna samsAra-nirvEdhamum .. .. .. Summary of the text:- Immediately following it (the dawn of wisdom), the jIvA develops an intensive revulsion against the worldly life (“samsAra nirvEdham”). Here, SwAmi Desikan quotes from a pAsuram of nammAzhwAr’s SrIsookthi, Thiruvoimozhi (3.2.1). He has given only a line from the pAsuram, in which AzhwAr says, “I am wandering as dragged by the body given by You long ago”. It would be better to study the verse in its entirety. The pAsuram is as follows:- munnIr jnAlam padaittha em mukilvaNNanE! annAL nee thantha Akkaiyin vazhi

uzhalvEn vennAL nOi veezha vinaikaLai vErarap pAinthu ennAL yAn unnai ini vanthu kooduvanE? (Thiruvoimozhi, 3-2-1) AzhwAr expresses his agony in an emotional state. He

feels deep distress for not making use of the physical body for salvation and attaining the Lord’s abode, for which purpose only the body had been provided to him. Azhwar wonders, when that day will come for him to see the Lord? munnIr jnAlam padaittha em mukilvaNNanE! – AzhwAr addresses the Lord, “Our Lord of the nature of dark clouds! The dark clouds pour rains to every where for every one without discrimination. Similarly, You shower mercy on every being without any discrimination. So will You do for me also! It is You, who

created this world with three types of water for the benefit of all. But, how I have conducted myself? annAL nee thantha Akkaiyin vazhi uzhalvEn -- At that time when You did the creation with all compassion, You gave

me this physical body, with the view that I could use it for reaching You. But, I went on the path of the physical body seeking enjoyments from the materialistic world. uzhalvEn -- I wandered through the birth-death circle repeatedly. vennAL nOi veezha vinaikaLai vErarap pAinthu -- As I have just now attained wisdom, I am very anxious to reach you, leaving this materialistic life, which is full of diseases, bad karmas. I am eager to destroy this existence totally along with its roots. ennAL yAn unnai ini vanthu kooduvanE ? -- I have destroyed the favourable instruments provided by You. When I am going to join You? When that day will come? O Lord! SwAmi Desikan focuses on the new attitude that comes to the jIvA

who has got the wisdom, in these words: ithyAthikLil chonna theevra-mAna samsAra-nirvEdhamum, -- The jIva develops disgust against the samsAra life as described in this and similar SrIsookthis of AzhwArs. SwAmi Desikan has given only one quotation from one of the SrI sookthis of Azhwars, in particular, that of NammAzhwAr’s

SrIsookthi, as an example to show how a jIva who attains wisdom under the guidance of a sAtvic AchAryA develops serious disgust towards the materialistic life which had been very enjoyable before he got the wisdom. (to continue) dAsan Anbil SrInivAsan ------

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